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Financial Aid Handbook

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Aid Handbook
111 W. State St., Trenton, NJ 08608

Dear Financial Aid Applicant:

Thank you for your interest in Thomas Edison State University.

To be eligible for financial aid, you must be a current applicant or enrolled student in a degree granting program at
Thomas Edison State University. To apply for financial aid, complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid
(FAFSA). You may access the FAFSA at www.fafsa.ed.gov. You must indicate Thomas Edison State University’s Federal
School Code of 011648 on the FAFSA. If you received a Renewal Notice FAFSA, you may use that form in lieu of the
initial FAFSA. Again, please remember it is very important to list the University’s Federal School Code on your

After submitting the FAFSA, you will receive a FAFSA submission summary from the U.S. Department of Education. As
soon as you receive this SAR, review it for accuracy. Federal financial aid is awarded only for enrollment in Thomas
Edison State University Guided Study or online courses. Financial aid will not be awarded for TECEP® examinations,
Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) or e-Pack®. You should be enrolled in a minimum of 6 credits per term to help
maximize your award.

Read the remainder of the enclosed material to be aware of all deadlines and requirements for financial aid eligibility
and review the financial aid process checklist on the next page of this handbook.

Requests for financial aid will not be considered until any requested forms have been received by the University’s
Office of Financial Aid. Once these forms are received, your file will be reviewed. If additional documents are required,
you will be notified by email or U.S. mail. Once the review process is complete, you will be sent an award notification
email that directs you to log in to myEdison® to review your eligibility for grants and loans. Please note you must also
be a current applicant or enrolled student at Thomas Edison State University in order for the University to process your
financial aid application.

If you have any questions or require further assistance, please feel free to contact the University at (609) 777-5680
or via email at [email protected].

I wish you the best in your studies at Thomas Edison State University.


James Owens
Director of Financial Aid



Complete the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). You may access it online at www.fafsa.ed.gov or
use the 2024-2025 Renewal Application. Make sure you list the Thomas Edison State University School Code (011648) on
your application.

You should receive a FAFSA submission summary in the mail or online from the U.S. Department of Education. This indicates
that your FAFSA has been processed.

Respond to any requests made by the University for additional documents. Your FAFSA submission summary will list any
other paperwork the University may need (such as signed copies of federal income tax transcript, copy of Social Security
card, etc.).

Once your application is processed, the University will send you an award notification. You will be directed to Online
Student Services to accept the awards you prefer. Once your choice’s are confirmed, your account will be coded, and you
may begin the registration process after 24 hours. See next paragraph regarding direct loans if using them to pay for

If you are applying for a federal student loan, the University participates in the Federal Direct Loan Program. You will need to
submit a Master Promissory Note (MPN) to the U.S. Department of Education. Please note that you must be at least a halftime
student per term to be eligible for student loans. Half-time is considered 6 credits of online or Guided Study courses per term
for undergraduate and 3 credits for graduate. Failure to register for the required minimum number of credits may result in a
reversal of aid and a balance due.

First-time Direct Loan borrowers with Thomas Edison State University must complete online counseling at
www.studentloans.gov. You may access the Entrance Counseling at www.studentloans.gov. You will be able to register if
accepting loans 24 to 48 hours after you have completed your MPN and Entrance Counseling.

If you have a credit balance after your financial aid has been disbursed, you will receive a voucher check (sometimes
referred to as a “refund”) with the credit balance approximately 45 days after the start of the semester. The credit balance
will be refunded within 14 days of the disbursement date, in accordance with the Department of Education regulations.

The University has implemented direct deposit for students' financial aid (FA) refunds. The new option will eliminate the
chance that your financial aid refund checks will get lost, delayed, or misplaced. There are no fees to use the direct deposit
feature. You can set this up by logging into myEdison and going to Student Self-Service. Once in Student Self-Service,
select the Banking Information link and add an account. You can enter your banking information from there. If you are
due an FA refund, the cutoff is 11 a.m. on Mondays to have your check auto deposited to your bank account that week.
Even if you are not due a refund that week, it's advisable to enter your banking information as soon as possible to allow
time for verification of your bank routing and account numbers.

If you have any questions, please contact the Office of Financial Aid at (609) 777-5680, via email at [email protected] or
visit the University Web site at www.tesu.edu/finaid
• Please note that if you have also received aid at another school during the 2024-2025 award year, you must stay
within your annual award limits. Failure to do so may result in a hold placed on your account. Please contact the
Financial Aid Office if you have any questions.

Scholarship Programs Available for Undergraduate and Graduate Students: Scholarship programs have been established
at Thomas Edison State University to assist students with the financial costs of obtaining their education. These programs
are available to the enrolled student population. Students can learn more about individual scholarship programs, eligibility
criteria, access an online scholarship application and learn application deadlines and award dates by visiting the University
website at www.tesu.edu/scholarships.



If you enroll for online or Guided Study courses, you will be placed in an attendance pattern where the terms awarded will be
three months apart (i.e., July/October/January/April). Also, you need to be enrolled for at least 6 credits per term in the terms
awarded to be eligible for most federal aid. Please note that to be eligible for federal aid you must be enrolled in online and/or
Guided Study courses (not PLAs, e-Packs, TECEPs, etc).

The deadline for applying for a particular term is two weeks prior to the start of the term. For example, if you wish to start in
September, you should have a completed financial aid file by August 15. Completed files are comprised of a federally processed
FAFSA, and receipt of all required documents. All required forms must be submitted to the Office of Financial Aid. Any hold on
your record (such as a Bursar hold) may delay your award.

Only one educational institution per term may award financial aid. Thomas Edison State University may process financial aid
for its students attending other federally approved institutions, but you must notify the financial aid office of your intention and
complete an Ad Hoc Consortium Agreement. Please note that you must stay within your annual aid limits if awarded at another
school and Thomas Edison State University.

Once you are awarded and accept your aid through myEdison, you certify the following:
a) I will be responsible for any institutional charges not covered by financial aid or due to a withdrawal from a term.
b) I am not receiving financial aid for the same period at another educational institution.
c) I am not in a federal, state, local or military correctional institution.
d) I have read the 2024-2025 Financial Aid Handbook and understand my rights and responsibilities.
e) I will stay within my annual aid limits if receiving aid at another school in the 2024-2025 award year.
f) I will engage in academically related activities in my courses (such as discussion posts, assignments, tests) throughout
the term, and that failure to do so could jeopardize my financial aid.


Important Notes:
• Federal financial aid will be awarded only for enrollment in Thomas Edison State University Guided Study or Online courses,but
not for TECEP® examinations, Prior Learning Assessment (PLA) e-Pack® courses or NC-PACE courses.
• Students are not eligible for federal financial aid if they are incarcerated in a federal, state or military correctional institution.To
review other federal eligibility requirements, students may visit studentaid.gov to access the federal student guide.
• Once you register for courses in your established attendance pattern, you must register for all subsequent semesters in
thatpattern. If you are unable to do so, you must notify the financial aid officer by email or in writing. You should not be in
• Students are responsible for any charges not covered by their aid, which includes the graduation audit fee.

Priority Deadlines for Applying for Financial Aid The financial aid package that is calculated for students
attending Thomas Edison State University is sufficient to cover
Please note the deadlines for aid is two weeks prior to the start the aforementioned costs as well as other miscellaneous
date of the first term of your award year. The Office of expenses directly related to the cost of education at this
Financial Aid will continue to process all financial aid institution, and includes a $8,505 allowance for living expenses
applications received after the priority dates and, if possible,
(based on a traditional 9-month award year or three terms at
process your financial award prior to the start of your intended
the University).
semester start date. Completed files received after this date
will be reviewed for the following semester set. Please note
that you must reapply for financial aid every year.
Course Materials and Textbooks
Students at Thomas Edison State University registering for
Veterans’ Benefits Guided Study or online courses will be given access to their
course through myEdison. The courses contain the course
Students may receive veterans’ benefits as well as federal
manuals, syllabi, assignments and any forms needed. You may
financial aid. Students interested should visit our
purchase your textbooks, study guides, telecourse guides and
“Students Using GI Bill and VA Benefits” page at
any DVDs used in the course by contacting the University's
textbook supplier, at (800) 325-3252. You will be responsible
for paying for these materials but will be reimbursed for the
National Guard Waiver cost by the Office of Student Financial Accounts 45 days after
The New Jersey National Guard Tuition Plan (NJNGTP) is the start of the semester if there is enough financial aid
available to active members of the New Jersey National remaining in your account. The Office of Student Financial
Guard and to dependents of deceased members of the Accounts will send you an accounting of the disposition of
New Jersey National Guard under certain circumstances. your financial aid.
Those interested should visit our page at
www.tesu.edu/military/national-guard/nj-national-guard-tuition- Financial Aid Programs and the Academic Year
Thomas Edison State University participates in the Federal Pell
Grant, subsidized and unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans,
Financial Aid Awards Tuition Aid Grant for New Jersey residents and private loan
The following are typical costs for students who have taken programs. All applicants for financial aid must complete the
Thomas Edison State University courses. Costs will vary and financial aid application process and qualify economically.
depend upon the number of credits taken. Students must meet the following eligibility criteria:
• Be admitted to or enrolled in a degree program at Thomas
Edison State University;
• Be a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen;
• Not be in default on a federal loan or owe a refund on a
Course Tuition $10,056 $13,080 federal grant at any institution;
(based on 24 credits) • Be making satisfactory academic progress toward a degree;
Books and Supplies $1,700 $1,700 and
______ _______
TOTAL $11,756 $14,780 • Provide all requested documentation.
The school’s Academic Year is considered 36 weeks. Half-time
status is considered 6 credits per term for Undergraduate



A description of how each of the aforementioned programs there is a lifetime limit on Pell. The Department of Education
applies at Thomas Edison State University is discussed in the will notify you if you are near this limit. Please be aware that
following paragraphs. Please note the MS in Data Science and if you already have a bachelor’s degree or are a graduate
Analytics is not eligible for Federal Student Aid. student, you are not eligible for Pell. Due to the length of our
terms, students with low Pell eligibility may not be eligible for
• FEDERAL PELL GRANTS a disbursement. Pell eligible students in only 3 credits of on-
line and/or Guided Study coursework will receive a reduced
Pell Grants are awards for undergraduate students only. Pell Pell grant.
Grants are based on financial need and are used to help you
pay for a portion of your educational expenses. If you are • STUDENT LOANS
eligible and enrolled in the University, you should take at least
6 credits of Guided Study and online courses per semester to The University participates in both the subsidized Federal Direct
be considered for a Pell Grant. If you complete the financial Loan and the unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan as well as private
aid process by the specified deadlines, the grant may be loan programs and the State NJ CLASS loan program. The
credited to your account when you register for courses. government pays the interest on the subsidized loan while you
are in school. Under the unsubsidized loan, you are responsible
To determine how much Pell someone will get, there will be a for the interest while you are in school. Conditions of private
percentage called Enrollment Intensity. Enrollment Intensity loans vary with the lender.
takes the number of student’s enrolled credits and divides it
by the number of credits required to be considered full time. To be eligible for the subsidized Direct Loan, you must qualify
Then, we take the scheduled amount for the year and multiply economically. The unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan is available
by the Enrollment Intensity for the term, then divide by number regardless of one’s income. You are required to be enrolled for
of award periods. Students taking 12 or more credits per term a minimum of half-time status in order to be eligible for both
are considered full time, 9 to 11 credits are considered three subsidized and unsubsidized loans. Half-time status indicates
quarter time, 6 to 8 half-time and 1 to 5 less than half-time. that the student is enrolled in 6 credits of Guided Study and/or
If a student’s annual Pell entitlement is $6,000, was awarded online courses per semester if undergraduate, and three (3)
four terms (for example, July, October, January, and April), and credits per semester if graduate. Graduate students are only
took 6 credits each term they would be entitled to $1,500 each eligible for unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans. Students may
term. Whether you went for two terms as a full-time student accept, reject or lower the loan amounts for which they are
or four terms as a half-time student you would be entitled to awarded.
the full $6,000.
To apply for the Direct Loans, you must first
However, the Department of Education is now allowing complete the financial aid application process. Your
students eligibility for 150% of those who plan to enroll eligibility for the Federal Direct Loans will automatically
beyond their scheduled Pell grant for an award year. In the be determined and disclosed to you in the award notice.
example above, if the student was full-time in July and again You must provide the U.S. Department of Education with a
in October, then they would have exhausted their annual full- signed Master Promissory Note (MPN). You may submit
time enrollment. If they registered at least half-time in a your Direct Loan Master Promissory Note at
remaining term they would then be eligible for the remaining https://studentloans.gov/myDirectLoan/index.action. Also,
150% of their Pell award (this is sometimes referred to as first-time borrowers with the University must complete
“Year-Round Pell”). entrance counseling, which may be accessed at
Please note though that your Pell awards will initially be
configured as though you will be utilizing your full time Pell Please note that private loans can only be awarded up to cost
eligibility. If your annual entitlement is $6,000 and you were of attendance and must take into account all other financial
awarded July/October/January/April, you would see $3,000 in aid received during that award year. Borrowers under the NJ
the July/October and January terms totaling $9,000. If you only CLASS loan program must be matriculated students.
registered for 6 credits in July, you would only be entitled to a
normal half-time award and only $1,500 would be disbursed • BORROWER BASED ACADEMIC YEARS (BBAY)
and $2,250 if going 9 credits. You will still be reviewed for
possible Year-Round Pell in subsequent semesters after the Pertaining to students in all TESU graduate programs: Federal
term’s aid transmits. student loans have annual limits based on an academic year.
An academic year for purposes of loan awarding is generally
If your Pell award results in a credit balance, then you will based on the standard academic year (SAY) which is our July
receive that balance the first week of the term. Please be aware through June terms. Typically, a student borrows their annual



limit within that traditional academic year. Alternatively, BBAY Please note that the TAG award reported on your State Student
allows the academic year to begin at any point that the Eligibility Notice (SEN) may not be the actual amount you will
student enrolls and ends when the student completes the receive at Thomas Edison State University. The maximum TAG
calendar year. For example, a student starting November 2024 award equals the in-state full-time flate rate. Awards will vary
and awarded $20,500 would not be able to borrow a new based on the TAG eligibility and whether the student is paying
$20,500 until November 2025. All TESU graduate student loan first or second year annual enrollment tuition. This amount will
borrowers will be awarded financial aid based on a BBAY. be indicated within your myEdison acoount.

• FINANCIAL AID AND THE 8-WEEK UNDERGRADUATE To be eligible for TAG for the fall, students should be registered
NURSING SESSIONS for 12 credits of Guided Study, online, PLA and e-Pack® courses
(CLEP credits do not count toward TAG eligibility) for the July,
The Financial Aid award year for the 8-week Undergraduate August, September, October, November or December term. For
Nursing courses will be 48 weeks with three 16-week Financial Spring TAG, students must be registered for 12 credits in the
Aid semesters: July, November and March. Each 16 week January, February, March or April term. For Summer TAG,
Financial Aid term will be comprised of two consecutive 8 week students must be registered in a minimum of 6 credits in our
Undergraduate Nursing sessions. May or June terms and must have already received TAG in a
previous 24-25 term. Students may receive one TAG award in
Students would need to enroll in a minimum of 6 credits in the Fall, Spring and Summer. Please note that all financial aid
each FA term though this could be comprised of 3 credits in paperwork must be received before the start of the term in
the first academic term and 3 credits in the second. Pell and order to qualify for TAG.
loans will be awarded based on the combined number of
credits in each FA term. If a student is in only 3 credits in the The State is not responsible for funding the award in the event of
first session, the Pell will be a less than half time award and if fraudulent, inaccurate, or misleading information.
continues enrollment in the second session, the remaining Pell
eligibility for the term will be applied to the student’s account. • GO-TESU
For Federal Direct loans, the student must be enrolled in 6
credits in the Financial Aid term, preferably in 3 credits in each GO-TESU is a tuition assistance program designed for
session which comprises the term. undergraduate students earning either their first associates or
first bachelor’s degree, whom are New Jersey state residents
If a Nursing student starts in the second module of an FA term, and have an SAI between 0-6500. To be eligible for a GO-TESU
the student would have to be at least 6 credits in that module grant award, undergraduate students must meet the following
to be eligible for loans and full-term Pell. Otherwise, a private criteria:
loan would be the only option.
• Be a New Jersey resident for at least 12 consecutive
• Be enrolled less than full time in any TESU term.
If you are a New Jersey resident, qualify economically and take
at least 12 credits per eligible semester, you may qualify for a TAG • Be seeking their first associates degree or first bachelor’s
award. The TAG will be credited to tuition costs for Thomas Edison degree.
State University courses, proficiency examinations, Prior • Have a SAI (Student Aid Index) between 0-6500.
Learning Assessment (PLA) courses, TECEP® examinations and • Students may receive a maximum of a 9 credit award per
courses at other traditional New Jersey colleges. Awards may not HESAA semester. July and August terms are considered
exceed tuition costs. Students relying on tests and other Summer, September, October, November, and December
methods of credit earning should contact the Office of terms are considered Fall and January, February, March,
Financial Aid. Courses taken at consortium colleges for April, May, and June terms are considered Spring.
traditional fall semesters must coincide with Thomas Edison
State University’s July through December terms. Likewise, All eligible students will automatically be considered for GO-TESU
Spring semesters must match up with our January through upon retrieval of their Free Application for Federal Student Aid
April terms. Summer TAG is comprised of our May and June (FAFSA). Students must file their Free Application for Student Aid
terms. Please note our deadlines for course registrations. (FAFSA) applications by: Oct. 15, 2023, for fall and Mar. 15, 2024,
for spring.
If some of the 12 credits are taken at another school under a
consortium agreement, TAG awards are processed to you at the Students are required to meet satisfactory academic progress and
end of the semester, after you have furnished proof that you course engagement standards in order for the award to be applied.
have successfully completed 12 credits.
The State is not responsible for funding the award in the event
of fraudulent, inaccurate, or misleading information.



1/4 time 1/2 time 3/4 time • VERIFICATION

Semester Semester Semester
Award Award Award The U.S. Department of Education may select you for a process
SAI (3 credits) (6 credits) (9 credits) called “verification.” This means you will need to prove that your
FAFSA is correct by supplying the University with additional
0 – 1500 $976 $1,954 $2,564 documentation.
1501 – 2500 $766 $1,532 $2,298
2501 – 3500 $649 $1,298 $1,947 As part of the “verification” process, you may have to provide
3501 – 4500 $537 $1,074 $1,611 signed copies of your 2022 federal income tax transcript,
4501 – 5500 $445 $890 $1,335 documentation of family size, number of family members
5501 – 6500 $299 $599 $899 enrolled in post- secondary education at least half time, etc.
The University will be unable to process your application until
• GARDEN STATE GUARANTEE this information is received. Other documents may be required.
Aid will not be granted until the “verification” process is
The Garden State Guarantee (GSG) is a financial aid program completed.
that will provide up to four semesters of free or reduced tuition
to eligible students. All full time New Jersey resident students If you received federal financial aid because you reported
or New Jersey Dreamers with the following criteria will have incorrect information, you will have to repay any portion of aid
no tuition costs. you should not have received. Also, any person who intentionally
makes false statements or misrepresentations on a federal aid
• Full time enrollment in the following terms:
application is violating the law and is subject to fine,
• 12-week terms – September, October, November, imprisonment or both.
December, January, February, March, April or May (June,
July and August excluded) Course Extensions
• 16-week terms (July excluded)
Students completing course extensions need to keep in mind
• Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) between $0 and $65,000. that they are not eligible for new aid or loan deferments.
• Must be in third or fourth year at start of term (definition Course extensions are much like incomplete grades at other
of 3rd year is at least 60 credits towards their first schools in that they provide the student with additional time
Bachelor’s degree; and 4th year is at least 90 credits to complete course requirements. Financial aid may pay for
towards their degree). course extensions. The request must be in writing and there
must be financial aid available to cover the charges.
• Must not have already received four Garden State
Guarantee Scholarships.
Loan Deferments and Enrollment Certification
• GSG is designed as a “last-dollar” tuition and fees program,
which means the amount of the GSG is calculated after all If you are enrolled half time per semester in a degree program
other federal and grant aid is taken into consideration. taking Thomas Edison State University Guided Study and online
courses, you may be eligible to have payments deferred on
• The maximum GSG award for full time study in an eligible previous loans. Only Thomas Edison State University online
term is $3,319. and/or Guided Study courses may apply to deferments (not
All eligible students will automatically be considered for the TECEP®, e-Pack® or PLA). All courses must be approved by an
GSG upon retrieval of their Free Application for Federal Student academic advisor and applied to the degree program being
Aid (FAFSA) or, if a student qualifies as a NJ Dreamer, the NJ pursued to qualify for a deferment. Enrollment in Online and
Alternative Financial Aid Application. Students must complete Guided Study courses are reported to the National Student
the 2024-2025 Free Application for Federal Student Aid Clearing House 15-20 days after the start of the term.
(FAFSA) or the New Jersey alternate financial aid application
by June 1, 2024 (or by September 15, 2024 if not currently Certificate Programs
receiving state aid) for Fall, and February 15, 2025 for Spring.
Thomas Edison State University offers undergraduate and
Students are required to meet satisfactory academic progress graduate level certificates as well as noncredit professional
and course engagement standards in order for the award to be certificates. Students who are matriculated and pursuing an
applied. undergraduate or graduate certificate as well as a degree may
have some financial aid eligibility if the courses in the
The State is not responsible for funding the award in the event of certificate program can also be applied to their degree
fraudulent, inaccurate, or misleading information. program. Students enrolled in only these certificate programs
and not in a degree program would not be eligible for Federal



financial aid, but may have Veterans' Education benefits Class Standing for Financial Aid Programs
eligibility. Many of the University’s professional certificates are
eligible for Veteran Educational benefits, but they are not Below is a table listing class standing according to the number
eligible for Federal financial aid funds such as the Direct Loan. of credits completed.

Financial Aid for Attendance at Other Schools Credits Earned Grade Level
0-23 1
Students currently enrolled at Thomas Edison State University 24-53 2
may receive financial aid for courses at other regionally 54-83 3
accredited institutions when there are no Thomas Edison State 84-120 4
University credit earning options available to complete a
degree requirement. Students wishing to take advantage of Financial Aid and Credits Needed for Program
this policy must first gain approval from the Thomas Edison Completion
State University academic advisement staff. The course(s) must
be financial aid eligible at the other institution in order to Financial aid can be awarded only up to the number of credits
apply to the consortium agreement. Students must first request needed for completion of a student’s academic program. For
an Ad Hoc Consortium Agreement form from the Thomas example, if a student is in an undergraduate program of study
Edison State University Office of Financial Aid or may that needs 120 credits to complete the degree, and the student
download it from www.tesu.edu. Part I of the form must be has completed 117 credits that go towards that degree, then
completed by a Thomas Edison State University advisor. Part II the student in this example would only have financial aid
of the form must be completed by the institution you will be eligibility for 3 credits and would not be eligible for a loan (6
attending. You will be responsible to pay that institution’s credits needed per term). If the student had completed 114
tuition costs according to its policies and procedures. Once the credits towards the degree, then that would leave 6 credits
agreement is finalized, your financial aid will be processed. You remaining and could get a student loan for one term (provided
cannot receive aid for the same term at both schools. Please they were guided study or online classes). Or if the student is
be aware that if you are also awarded aid at another school registered for 6 credits, but only 3 credits go towards the degree,
during the 2024-2025 award year, you must stay within your the student would not be eligible for loans that term, and
annual aid limits. If you are awarded at Thomas Edison State possibly only a partial Pell.
University after another school disburses your aid, and receive
in excess of your entitlement, you will have to repay the excess Academic Policies for State and Federal Financial
disbursements. Aid Recipients
Credit Earning Option at Different Institutions Thomas Edison State University state and federal financial aid
undergraduate recipients must maintain a cumulative average
Other credit earning institutions from which students can earn of at least 2.0 (C) to meet the minimum standards for
and transfer credit into Thomas Edison State University, such satisfactory academic performance. In addition, the student
as Statistics.com or Study.com, are not accredited. Therefore, must complete two thirds of all courses attempted. Transfer
they are not eligible for Financial Aid nor can Thomas Edison credits count toward the student's current program and grade
State University award aid for credits earned there. Students level only, not academic progress. Graduate students must
who opt for this credit earning option are responsible to these maintain a 3.0 GPA.
institutions for any charges incurred there.
Satisfactory academic progress will be monitored at the end
Engagement in Coursework of each academic year. If a student’s cumulative average falls
below 2.0 (C) or does not meet the two thirds criteria, the
One of the requirements for eligibility of federal financial aid
student is not maintaining satisfactory academic performance
funds and New Jersey National Guard Tuition Program
(withdrawals are not considered complete). Students will be
(NJNGTP) is that the student be engaged in academically
notified in writing if they fail to comply with this policy.
related activity (such as Discussion Board, assignments, tests).
Students who do not have at least two completed terms upon
Failure to do so could jeopardize your aid or eligibility for the
review of eligibility will not be reviewed for academic progress
term. A last date of engagement will be used to calculate
until they have finalized two semesters of course work. This
Return of Title IV funds. (See Return of Title IV section)
may delay awards in the current award year. Please note,
Please be aware that the Residency Waiver Fee is a charge that
extensions are not considered completed until grades are
is not covered by Financial Aid.
posted. Grades of NC will be considered an F for GPA
calculations. There is also a maximum time frame during which
the University may award federal aid. Sixty credits are required



to earn an associate degree. The maximum attempted credit • GUIDED STUDY AND ONLINE COURSES REFUND SCHEDULE
hours that may be attained in this degree program are 90
credit hours. For the baccalaureate degree (120 credits), the (Less than 9 credits and not under Full-Time Flat-Rate)
maximum attempted credit hours that may be accumulated in Withdrawal requests must be postmarked, emailed or fax dated
this degree program is 180. All credit hours attempted, whether according to the following schedule for the corresponding
or not they are completed or passed, are counted toward the tuition refund.
maximum time frame in the aforementioned program. If a 12 Week Term Refund Policy
student exceeds the maximum number of credits in a degree
program, he or she will not be eligible for state or federal u Withdrawals before the first day of the term
student financial aid. This limit includes credits that have been = 100 percent tuition refund
transferred toward a degree. u Withdrawals between the first and the seventh day of the
term = 75 percent tuition refund
Financial aid will pay for a repeated course only once if it is
to improve a grade of D or better. Grades of repeated courses u Withdrawals between the eighth and 14th day of the
are considered in the overall cumulative average. They do not term = 50 percent tuition refund
replace the lower grade. Incomplete grades will default to Fs
u Withdrawals between the 15th and 21st day of the term
if sufficient work is not provided. If a student changes majors,
= 25 percent tuition refund
all courses taken at the University are still used for academic
progress calculations. Please not that the Financial Aid Policy u Withdrawals after the 21st day of the term = No refund
regarding grades differs from the Academic Policy and may be
more conservative.
8 Week Term Refund Policy
Applies to all W. Cary Edwards School of Nursing and Health
Students who do not meet the satisfactory academic progress Professions undergraduate programs, and graduate 8 week
requirements will be denied additional financial aid. If, because courses.
of a mitigating circumstance (such as loss of income, death in
u Withdrawals before the first day of the term
the family, etc.) a student falls below the required standards,
= 100 percent tuition refund
he or she may appeal by explaining the circumstances to the
Financial Aid Appeals Committee within 30 days of notification u Withdrawals between the first and 14th day of the term
concerning his or her academic performance. All appeals = 50 percent tuition refund
should sent to [email protected]. Students will be notified via
email of the decision. u Withdrawals after the 14th day of the term = No refund

If an appeal is granted, the student must complete all class Late registration fees are nonrefundable. All requests for
work in the appealed semester with a term GPA of 2.0 or better refunds must be submitted in writing to:
to be considered for further aid. An appeal term is sometimes
also referred to as being in a probationary status. Office of the Registrar
Thomas Edison State University
To be removed from appeal status, the student must have a 111 W. State St.
cumulative GPA of at least 2.0 and a two thirds completion rate. Trenton, NJ 08608
Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid after the Fax: (609) 777-0477
results of the appealed semester are posted. For Graduate
students, the required term and overall GPA is 3.0. Return of Title IV Funds
Institutional Refund Policy In order for students to retain 100 percent of their federal Title
IV funds, they must be enrolled through 60 percent of the
• REFUND POLICY FOR FULL-TIME FLAT-RATE TUITION semester. Students who totally withdraw, drop out or stop
engaging before this period may only receive a prorated portion
Students who drop below 9 credits (online, Guided Study, e-
of their financial aid for that semester. The financial aid
Pack) before day 1 of the term are recalculated at the
percentage is determined by dividing the number of completed
part-time per-credit rate.
days by the total days in the semester. The number of
Students in the Full-Time Flat-Rate Tuition option: completed days is calculated by subtracting the start of the
Withdrawals are not refunded after the term begins unless the semester from the day that the school determines the date the
student is withdrawing from all courses registered in that term. student stopped engaging. The earned percentage is multiplied



by the amount that the student was eligible to receive to • How the University determines your financial need. This
determine the amount of aid that the student has earned. If a process includes how costs for tuition and fees, books
student withdraws prior to the term’s scheduled disbursement, and supplies, and personal and miscellaneous expenses
they are not eligible for any of that term’s aid. are considered in your cost of education;
• How much of your financial need, as determined by the
If financial aid is disbursed prior to the student’s withdrawing
institution, has been met;
from school, the excess financial aid disbursement is returned;
the student is billed for any funds owed to the University and • How and when you will be paid;
is notified on how the calculation was performed. If financial
aid is not disbursed when the student withdraws from school, • To explain each type and amount of assistance in your
the student is notified of the amount of financial aid that has financial aid package;
been earned. The earned financial aid is subsequently • What the interest rate is on any student loan, the total
disbursed, if formally accepted and any excess money that is amount you must repay, the length of time to repay and
owed to the student is disbursed within 14 days. Funds are what cancellation or deferment provisions apply;
returned in the following order: unsubsidized loans first,
subsidized loans second, and the Pell grant last. • To reconsider your aid package if you believe a mistake
has been made, or if your enrollment or financial
The aforementioned refund and repayment policy does not circumstances have changed;
apply to you if you withdraw from some classes but continue • How the school determines whether you are making
to be enrolled in other classes for the same semester. This only satisfactory progress and what happens if you are not;
applies when you: and
• Fail to register for the period of enrollment for which you • What services and information are available for people
were charged; or with disabilities.
• Withdraw, drop out, take an approved leave of absence, It is your responsibility to do the following:
are expelled or otherwise fail to complete the period of
enrollment for which you are charged. • Review and consider all information about a school’s
program before you enroll;
Withdrawal Process • Pay special attention to your application for student
financial aid; complete it accurately and submit it on
Your withdrawal request should be completed online through
time to the right place. Errors may delay or prevent you
myEdison or a withdrawal form emailed to
from receiving aid;
[email protected] is acceptable.
• Meet all deadlines for applying or reapplying for aid;
Your email must contain your course name, number and
mentor’s name as well as your name and student • Provide all additional documentation, verification,
identification number. The email date will constitute your corrections and/or new information requests made by
official withdrawal date. Failure to withdraw as stated above either the Office of Financial Aid or the agency to which
will result in the forfeiture of any refund and may result in a the application was submitted;
failing grade. • Read, understand and keep copies of all signed forms;
comply with the provisions of any promissory note and
Student Rights and Responsibilities all other signed agreements;
You have the right to ask the University the following: • Notify the University of any change in your name, address
or attendance status (half-time, three- quarter or full-
• The names of its accrediting or licensing organizations;
time). If you have a loan, you must also notify your lender
• About its programs; of these changes; and
• What is the cost of attending, and what is its policy on • Understand the University’s refund policy.
refunds to students who drop out;
• What financial assistance is available, including Drug Abuse Prevention
information on all federal, state, local, private and
institutional financial aid programs; Upon request, Student Special Services will refer you to
agencies in your area that offer drug abuse counseling. Contact
• What are the procedures and deadlines for submitting the University’s Special Services Coordinator at
applications for each available financial aid program; (609) 984-1141, ext. 3445 for assistance.
• What criteria are used to select financial aid recipients;
111 W. State St.
Trenton, NJ 08608
(609) 777-5680

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