UIDAI Circular Guidelines On Use of Aadhaar Section 7 of The Aadhaar Act 2016 by The State Governments 25nov 19

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HI{O rlron

Government of lndia
qr{fiq frRrE qrqn qrfuorq
Unique ldentification Authority of lndia (UlDAl)
3nqR 5@rdq, ii.Tdr vtfrq ts, or$ nftr d fld
6fl+{ qqa
.il-d qrtr-c, Ti ft-d-l10001
Aadhaar H.Q., Bangla Sahib Road, Behind Kali Mandir,
Gole Market, New Delhi-l10001

No. 1 -1l2019-UlDAl (DBT) Dated : 25rh November, 201 9


Subject: Guidelines on use of Aadhaar under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act

2016 (as amended by the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Act,
2019) by the State Governments for the schemes funded out of
Consolidated Fund of State.
The use of Aadhaar as identity document for delivery of services or benefits or
subsidies simplifies the Government delivery processes, brings in transparency and
efficiency, and enables beneficiaries to get their entitlements directly in a convenient
and seamless manner by obviating the need to produce multiple documents to prove
one's identity.
2. The provisions of the Aadhaar Act, 2016 had come into effect from 12th
September 2016 through a Gazette notification. Subsequently, to give effect to the
provisions of the Act, various Regulations under the Aadhaar Act have been notified
by UIDAI in the official Gazette. Further, the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment)
Act, 2019 has been notified on 24th July 2019 after its passing by the Parliament,
which inter-alia, includes an amendment of section 7 of the Aadhaar Act, as under:

"ln section 7 of the principal Act, after the words "the Consolidated Fund of
lndia", the words "or the Consolidated Fund of Sfate" shall be inserted."

3. Section 7 of the Aadhaar Act 2016 stipulates that as a condition for receipt of
a subsidy, benefit or service for which the expenditure is incurred from the
Consolidated Fund of lndia or the Consolidated Fund of States, the Central
Government or the State Government may require the individual to undergo Aadhaar
authentication or furnish proof of possesston of Aadhaar number. Hon'ble Supreme
Court of lndia in its judgment dated 26th September 2018 in the Writ Petition (Civil)
No. 494: Justlce K. S. Puttaswamy v. Union of lndia, has further clarified the
interpretation of section 7 and held as under (Ref. para 322 and para 447 (2)(m)'
page 555 of the judgement)
"(a) 'benefits' and 'seNices' as mentioned in Section 7 should be those which have
the colour of some kind of subsidies etc., namely, welfarc schemes of the
Govemment whercby Government is doling out such benefits which are targeled at a
pafticular depived class.

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Tel. | 011-2347A652
Website : www.uidai.oov.in Ix
qrtrR, tt veqn
(b) The expenditure thercof has to be drawn from the Consotidated Fund of lndia.
(c) On that basis, CBSE, NEET, JET, |JGC etc. cannot make the rcquirement of
Aadhaar mandatory as they are outside the puuiew of Section 7 and are not backed
by any law". (emphasis supplied)

The Supreme Court has, thus interpreted 'benefits' in section 7 as welfare

measures targeted at a particular deprived class of persons. This class of persons as
interpreted by the Supreme Court can be construed as a specific group of people
having in common their socio-economic status as well as the broad causes of having
that particular status. lt has also been clarified by the aforementioned judgment that
since earnings by an individual are a matter of right they cannot be covered by
section 7 of the Aadhaar Act.Therefore, payment of remuneration, and other
expenses to employees or contractual manpower cannot be considered as 'benefits'
under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act.

Further, Section 3A(3) inserted vide lhe Aadhaar and Other Laws
(Amendment) Act, 2019 stipulates that notwithstanding anything contained in section
7, a child shall not be denied any benefit, subsidy or service for failure to establish
his identity by undergoing authentication or furnishing proof of possession of
Aadhaar number or in case of a child to whom no Aadhaar number has been
assigned, producing an application for enrolment.
4. Until now, using section 7 of the Aadhaar Act 2016, only Central Ministries/
Departments have been mandating use of Aadhaar of the beneficiaries under their
respective schemes (both under Central administration and Central sponsorship)
through publishing section 7 notifications in the Gazette of lndia, after due vetting of
the same by the Ministry of Law & Justice. UIDAI has been facilitating the process of
vetting of all these notifications since November 2016.
5. As per provisions in the Aadhaar and Other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019, the
State Governments can henceforth, mandate use of Aadhaar authentication for the
beneficiaries under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act 2016 in those schemes which are
funded out of
Consolidated Fund of the State. ln order to do so, the State
Governments will need to issue notifications under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act,
2016 in respect of the specific schemes, similar to the ones as published by the
Central Ministries/Departments.
6. Accordingly, it is suggested that the State Governments may lake the
following steps to issue section 7 notifications under their specific schemes which
are funded out of Consolidated Fund of the State:

a) The State Governments may first identify the schemes for use of Aadhaar
where 'benefits' are given to the 'individuals', and ensure that the schemes
fulfil the criteria of being eligible under section 7 of the Aadhaar Act, as per

Page 2 of 3
the judgement of the Hon'bre supreme court dated 26th september 201g
(Ref. para 3 above).

b) Thereafter, a draft notification

for the specific scheme may be prepared by the
Department implementing the scheme, and vetted by the Legar Department
the state Government before pubrishing it, as per the extant procedure.
c) The state Governments may use a standard template of section 7 notification
(Annex-l). ln case, children are beneficiaries under any scheme, an
additional paragraph is required to be inserted as per section 3A (3) of the
Aadhaar and other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2019. A sampre of chirdren
specific scheme notification is enclosed at Annex_Z.

d) After publication of the section 7 notification in the state Gazette, the state
Governments may approach Authentication Division of U rDAr He seeking
necessary permission (if not already received) for online authentication of the
beneficiaries under the respective schemes. ln this regard, guidelines
available on UIDAI's website may be referred to
Auoust 201 g.odfl .

7. This circular has been placed on UIDAI's website (hros://www. uidai.oov.in/abour

uidai/leoal-f rameworucircula rs. html).

Chief cer, UIDAI
1. Annex-1: sample Temptab or Aadhaar section 7 Notification for the state schemes
where beneficiaies are other than children
2. Annex-2: sample Temptate of Aadhaar section 7 Notification for the state sche/res
wherc beneficiaies are children
3. office Memorandum of DBT Mission cabinet secretariat dated 19ih December 2017:
'use of Aadhaar in Benefit schemes of Govemment
(httos'//dbtbharat.oov.in/data/or/Aadhaar Er"eotion Handliro - Exception Handring'
OM 1 9.1 2201 7.odf)
4. ulDAl circular dated 24'h october 2017: 'Exception handling in pubtic Distibution
Services and other welfarc Schemes,

Chief Secretaries, All State Governments
Copy for information to:
1. Secretary (Coordination), DBT Mission, Cabinet Secretariat
2. Joint secretary (in charge of UrDAr), M/o Erectronics and rnformation
3. Dy. Director General, All Regional Offices, UIDAI
4 Authentication/Legal Divisions, UIDAI He

Page 3 of3
Annex-1: s-ample Template of Aadhaar section 7 Notafication for the
Schemes where beneficiaries are Crther than children

[fO BE PUBLISHED lN THE finsert name of relevant gazette]l

of [rnserf name of appropriate state government]
linsert name of relevant Department-of the state-governmenil


linsert name of relevant city), the _-_________-,2019

S.O............(E),_ Whereas, the use of Aadhaar as an identity document for

delivery of services or benefits or subsidies simplifies the Government
processes, brings in transparency and efficiency, and enabres
beneficiaries to get
their entitlements direcily in a convenient and seamress manner by
obviating the
need to produce multiple documents to prove one,s identity;

And whereas, the [rnsert name of rerevant department] (hereinafter

referred to as the Depariment), is administerrng the
[rnserf name of rerevant
schemel (hereinafter referred to as the scheme) to
[rnsert description of the
scr,emel , which is being implemented through the
[r,ser, name of implementing
agency at the state reverl (hereinafter referred to as the tmprementing Agency(ies));
And whereas, under the Scheme, linsei description of the benefit!
(hereinafter referred to as the benefit) is given to the
[rrsert description of the
beneficiariesl (hereinafter referred to as the beneficiaries), by the lmplementing
Agency as per the extant Scheme guidelines;

And whereas, the aforesaid Scheme invorves recurring expenditure incurred

from the Consolidated Fund of linsert name of the relevanf
Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted
of Financial and other Subsidies, Benefits and services) Act, 2016 (18
of 2016)
(hereinafter referred to as the said Act), the government
of [insert name of the
relevant statel hereby notifies the following, namely:-
1. (1) An individual eligible for receiving the benefits under the scheme
hereby be required to furnish proof of possession of the Aadhaar
number or
undergo Aadhaar authentication.

(2) Any individual desirous of availing benefits under the Scheme, who
not possess the Aadhaar number or, has not yet enroiled for
Aadhaar, shal be
required to make apprication for Aadhaar enrorment before
registering for the
Scheme provided that he is entifled to obtain Aadhaar as per
section 3 of the
said Act, and such individuals shall visit any Aadhaar enrolment centre (rist
available at the Unique rdentification Authority of rndia (urDAr) website
www uidai gov in) to get enrolled for Aadhaar.

(3) As per regulation 12 of the Aadhaar (Enrorment and Update) Regurations,

20 16, the Department through its rmprementing Agency, is required
to offer
Aadhaar enrolment facilities for the beneficiaries who are not yet enrolled for
Aadhaar and in case there is no Aadhaar enrolment centre located in the
respective Block or Taluka or Tehsil, the Department through its lmplementing
Agency shall provide Aadhaar enrolment facilitres at convenient locations rn
coordination with the existing Registrars of UIDAI or by becoming a UIDAI
Registrar themselves:

Provided that till the time Aadhaar is assigned to the individual, benefits
under the scheme shail be given to such individual, subject to the production
the following documents, namely :_
(a) if he has enrolled, his Aadhaar Enrolment ldentification slip; and
(b) any one of the following documents, namely ._
(i) Bank or Post office passbook with photo; or
(ii) Permanent Account Number (pAN) Card; or
(jii) Passport; or
(iv) Ratron Card; or
(v) Voter ldentity Card; or
(vi) MGNREGA card, or
(vii) Kisan Photo passbook, or
(viii) Driving ricense issued by the Licensing Authority under the Motor
Vehictes Act, 1988 (S9 of 19BB); or
(ix) certificate of identity having photo of such person issued by a
Gazetted Officer or a Tehsildar on an official letter head; or
(x) any other document as specified by the Department
Provided further that the above documents may be checked by an officer
specifically designated by the Department for that purpose.

2 lnorder to provide benefits to the beneficiaries under the scheme

conveniently, the Department through its lmplementing Agency shall make
all the
required arrangements to ensure that wide publicity through the media shall be given
to the beneficiaries to make them aware of the said requrrement.
3 ln all cases, where Aadhaar authentication fairs due to poor
biometrics of the
beneficiaries or due to any other reason, the folowing
remediar mechanisms shail be
adopted, namely:-

(a) in case of poor fingerprint quality, iris scan or face

authentication facility
shail be adopted for authentication, thereby the Department through
lmplementing Agency shafl make provisions for iris scanners
or face
authentication arong with finger-print authentication for derivery
of benefits in
seamless manner;
(b) in case the biometric authentication through fingerprints
or iris scan or face
authentication is not successfur, wherever feasibre and admissibre
authentication by Aadhaar one Time password or Time_based
Password with rimited time varidity, as the case may be,
shail be offered;
(c) in arl other cases where biometric or Aadhaar one Time password
or Time_
based one-Time password authentication is not possibre,
benefits under
the Scheme may be given on the basis of physicar Aadhaar
retter whose
authenticity can be verified through the euick Response (eR)
code printed
on the Aadhaar letter and the necessary arrangement of
eR code reader
shail be provided at the convenient rocations by the Department
through its
lmplementing Agency.
4. ln addition to the above, in order to ensure that no bona
fide beneficiary under
the scheme is deprived of his due benefits, the Department
through its
lmplementing Agency shall follow the exception handring
mechanism as ouflined in
the office Memorandum of DBT Mission, cabinet secretariat,
Government of lndia
dated 19th December 2017.
5. This notification shail come into effect from the date of its publication
in the
Official Gazette.

linsert designation of appropriate officiar of the rerevant state government

is adequately empoweredior this purposel
Annex-2: Sample Template of Aadhaar Section 7 Notification for the State
Schemes where beneficiaries are children

fIO BE PUBLISHED lN THE linsert name of relevant gazettell

Government oi linsert name of appropriate state governmenq
linsert name of relevant Department of the state governmentl


linsert name of relevant cityl, lhe ------------, 2019

S,O............(E)._ Whereas, the use of Aadhaar as an identity document for

delivery of services or benefits or subsidies simplifies the Government delivery
processes, brings in transparency and efficiency, and enables beneficiaries to get
their entitlements directly in a convenient and seamless manner by obviating the
need to produce multiple documents to prove one's identity;

And whereas, the [rnsert name of relevant department] (hereinafter

referred fo as fre Department), is administering the [rnsert name of relevant
schemel (hereinafter refened to as the Scheme) to [rnserf description of the
scl,ernel , which is being implemented through the [rnser( name of implementing
agency at the state level (hereinafter referred to as the lmplementing Agency);
And whereas, under the Scheme, linsert description of the benefiff
(hereinafter referred to as the benefit) is given to the [rnserf description of the
beneficiariesl (hereinafter referred to as the beneficiaries), by the lmplementing
Agency as per the extant Scheme guidelines;
And whereas, the aforesaid Scheme involves recurring expenditure incurred
from the Consolidated Fund of linsert name of the relevanf statel;
Now, therefore, in pursuance of section 7 of the Aadhaar (Targeted Delivery
of Financial and Other Subsidies, Benefits and Services) Act, 2016 (18 of 2016)
(hereinafter refened to as fhe said Act), the government of [rnser( name of the
relevant statel hereby notifies the following, namely:-
1 (1) A child desirous of availing the benefit under the Scheme shall hereby be
required to furnish proof of possession of the Aadhaar number or undergo
Aadhaar authentication.
(2) Any child desirous of availing the benefit under the Scheme, who does not
possess the Aadhaar number or, has not yet enrolled for Aadhaar, shall be
required to make application for Aadhaar enrolment subject to the consent of his
parents or guardians, before registering for the Scheme provided that he is
entitled to obtain Aadhaar as per section 3 of the said Act and such children
shall visit any Aadhaar enrolment centre (list available at the Unique
ldentification Authority of lndia (UlDAl) website www.uidai.qov.in) to get enrolled
for Aadhaar.
(3) As per reguration 12 0f the Aadhaar (Enrorment and update) Regurations,
2016, the Department through its rmprementing Agency, is requireJ
to offer
Aadhaar enrorment facrrities for the beneficiaries who are not yet
enroled for
Aadhaar and in case there is no Aadhaar enrorment centre
rocated in the
respective Brock or Taruka or Tehsil, the Department
through its rmprementing
Agency shall provide Aadhaar enrorment facirities at convenient rocations
coordination with the existing Registrars of UrDAr or
by becomrng a UrDAr
Regrstrar themselves.

Provided that tiil the time Aadhaar is assigned to the chird,

the benefit
under the scheme shail be given to such chirdren subject
to production of the
following documents, namely. -
(a) (i) if the chird has been enroiled after attaining the age of frve years
(with biometrics coilection), his Aadhaar Enrorment
rdentification srip,
or of bio-metric update identtfication slip, and
(b) any one of the following documents, narnely:-
(r) Brrth certificate; or Record of birth issued by the appropriate
(ii) Schoor identity card, dury signed by the principar of the schoor,
containing parents, names; and
(c) any one of the foilowing documenls as proof of rerationship of
beneficiary with the parent or regar guardran as per the extant
guidelrnes, namely:_
(i) Birth certificate; or Record of birth issued by the appropriate authority;
(ii) Ration Card, or
(iii) Ex-Servicemen Contributory Health Scheme (ECHS)
Card; or
Employees, State lnsurance Corporation (ESIC) Card; or
Government Health Scheme (CGHS) Card; or
(iv) Pension Card; or
(v) Army Canteen Card; or
(vi) any Government Family Entitlement Card; or
(vii) any other document as specified by the Department:
Provided further that the above documents shal be checked
by an officer
specifrcally designated by the Department for that purpose
2. ln order to provide
benefits to the beneficiaries under the Scheme
convenienfly, the Department through its rmprementi.g Agency
shafl make aI the
required arrangements to ensure that wide pubricity
through media shail be given to
the beneficiaries to make them aware of the said requirement
3. ln all cases, where Aadhaar authentication fails due to poor biometrics of the
beneficiaries or due to any other reason, the following remedial mechanisms
shall be
adopted, namely:-
(a) in case of poor fingerprint quality, iris scan or face authentication facility shall
be adopted for authentication, thereby the Department through its lmplementing
Agency shall make provisions for iris scanners or face authentication along with
finger-print authentication for derivery of benefits in seamress manner;
(b) in case the biometric authentication through fingerprints or iris scan or face
authentication is not successful, wherever feasible and admissible
authentication by Aadhaar one Time password or Time-based one-Time
Password with limited time validity, as the case may be, shall be offered;
(c) in all other cases where biometric or Aadhaar one Time password (orp) or
Time-based one-Time password authentication is not possible, benefits
under the scheme may be given on the basis of physical Aadhaar letter whose
authentrcity can be verified through the euick Response (eR) code printed on
the Aadhaar lefler and the necessary arrangement of eR code reader shall be
provided at the convenient locations by the Department through its
lmplementing Agency.
4. Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, no child shall be denied
benefit under the Scheme in case of failure to establish his identity by undergoing
authentication, or furnishing proof of possession of Aadhaar number, or in the case
of a child to whom no Aadhaar number has been assigned, producing an application
for enrolment. The benefit shall be given to him by verifying his identity on the basis
of other documents as mentioned in clauses (b) and (c) of the proviso of sub-
paragraph (3) of paragraph 1, and where benefit is given on the basis
of such other
documents, a separate register shall be maintained to record the same, which shall
be reviewed and audited periodically by the Department through its lmplementing
5. This notification shall come into effect from the date of its publication in the
Official Gazette.

(Name:..... ......
linsert designation of appropriate official of the relevant state govenment who
is adequately empowered for this purposel
No. D-2601 1 / 04/ z0t7 -Dts"r'
Government of Incra
Cabinet Secreiariat
Dated: 19e December 2017
Office Memorandum

Subjech Use of .A'adhaar in Benefit schemes of Government - Exception Handring -


Aadhaar based DBT is a significa:rt governance reform

in enslue gieater trarspare,cy a,rl
accountal''i.litv i. public service derivery ihrough
e-ffective use of technorogy. Audl*-..s
identitv proof obr.iates the need for prre31.1o, *lJtiple -.,
documents for proving one,s rdentity,
thereb,r' sirnph!'i.g procedures and erinrinating
fal.:e/ ghost t.,"r.,ii.i*r"l througrr de-

2' GoveIr:Ient is sensiiive to the fact that the Aadhaar cnrorment piocess
has not
been completed and i:-rfrastructure constraints may
pose difficultv ir-r online autlrentication. To
ensure that bona tide beneficiaries are not depriveJ
of their due bencfits, sufficie:rt provisior.Ls
have been made in the Aadhaar Act, 2016. LrrDAl has
also issucd regulatiors io han,fle
exceptiors, ers":ring that no beneficiarv is denied benefits
for rr'ant oJ aadhaar, vi,je circu lar
dated.2'ls october, z0r7 (copy encr.osed. jor ready refu.rence).
In accordance *,ith the guidelines
issued by UIDAI from tlnie to iime, the follorring
may be considereri:

A. For extending benefits to beneficiaries rtho do not possess

Aadhaar, the following
mecharrism may be adopted:

i. The beneficiary sha-1l be provided sursidy, benefit or sen-ice based

on alterna:e
idcntiiication document as notijied rr the reler.'a,t noiiJicatic.rns
issued under the
proYisions o{ Section 7 of the Aaihaar Act, 20lti.
ii Eifors should be macie to ensure that all such beneficiaries are facilitated
{or eruol:nent
under Aadhaar. The concerned Dcparrnent through its
Imprementing Agencies may otfer
Aadhaar enrolment facilities for such l:cneficiaries at convenient
locatiors through centres
in the respecii'e BlockT Taluka/ Tchsil (includ:ag through post Offices, e;o,
Centres etc).
iii. As per regdatior-L 12 of Aadhaar (Er,roL:eent arrd Update) Regulations,
2016. the State
Government/ Implgir.nlin, Agencies should also mal<e special
arangements for bed
riddery differentlv-abled, or senior citizens, rrho are unable to visit
the registration
cenke(s), to get them eniolled {or Aadhaar.
:v Till such time Aadhaar is assig,ed to a beneficia_ry, a separate register, prcfe:ably
electonic, shall be manta-iled for recr.lriling such transactiors, r.r,hener,er
the benefician is
provided benefits/ services on Lhe basis erf a-rternatile identiJication
do.l,^"rltr. ihi,
register may be periodically revie.rnrerl a:rd audited.

B' ln all such cases where Aadhaar authentication fairs, the folowing mechanism may be
i. Departments and Ball< Branches may make orovisions for IRIS scanners along with
iingerprint scanners, n herever feasible.
ii. In cases of fai-lure due to lack oi conncctiviil,, oft]ine authentication svstem such as
code based coupons, \fobi1e based OTp or TOTp may be explored.
i-ii. ln all cases rvhere orLlinc authcntication is not feasible, the benefit/ serr,'ice may be
provided on the basis of possession of.Aadhaar, aJter duly recordilg the traruactiol i1
register, to be revier.ed and audited periodica_ll,v.

3. Lr view of alrove, DBTimplementing vlinistries/ Departnents and state Governments a::e

requested to implement proper excepri-ion handling mechanism in corLtonrritl rith the Aaclhaar
Aci 2016 and subsequent regulations a-nd guidelines issued from time to time. A robust
mechanism for ensu:riag their compliarce a:rd its neriodic monitori:rg may also be put in place.

EnclSqgg. aiabq"€

(Arun Sharma)
Director (DBT)
Tel - (011) 23343860 ExE 318

1. Miniskiesrl Depattrnents of Government of India

Secretaries to all
2. Chief Secretaries of a-11 States/ Administratr_-,rs of all UTs

Copy to:

1. Coordinators, DBT CeIIs in all Mrnistries / Depaltnents

2. Coordinators, DBT Ce1ls in all States / UTs.


1. AS (TB), PMO
2 SCJ to CS / Sr. PPS to Addl. Secerarv (Ccordinaiion) / lS (AG) / lS (DBT)
qr{d lr{iF, t
!flo 38fi {{Ur cig,
Dr.AFy Bhushan Pandey, IAS
Chisf Exeative Oficar

@ frFt
Govemment of India
qr.fiq ERIE qrqr{ x&-o-rsr
Unique ldentmcation Authority of lndia (UtDAt)
nfud, etfi u. *q-i qffi qri.
air,*i '.ai0-d 6-{z qdq r$ ffdfr-lloool
3rd Floor, Tower tr, Jeevan Bharati Building,
Comaught Circus, New Delhi- I I 000 I
No. 2301 l/Ged20 I 4/Legal-UIDAI 24th October, 2017


Subject: fr_c,9p11111,handling in Public Distrjbltqg1,Sl1r1pq! {ld_Slb9r_U9_lth1gjgbglnqs

Section 7 of the Aadhaar ('Iartscted Delivery, ot'Financial and Othqr Subsidies, Benelits and
Services) Act. 201 6 proyides that:

"The Central Covernment or. as the case ma), be. the State Government nra1,, Ibr the
purpose of esmblishing identity of an individual as a condition lor receipr of a subsid1., benefir or
service for which the expenditure is incurred from. or the receipt thcrcliom forms part of, the
Consolidated Fund of India, require that such individual undergo authentication. or t'urnish proof of
possession of Aadhaar number or in the case ofan individual to tvhom no Aadhaar number has
bcen assigned. such individual makes an application fbr enrolment:

Provided that if an Aarihaar nunrber is not assignqd to an individual. the indiridual shall bs
ol'trcd altcrnatc and viablc ntcans,.rt idcntillcation fbr tlclivrrr ol thc subsidr. bcncllt or scrricc."

l. \'arious !l in istriesr l)cpannlcn ts ha\c issucd notillcatitxt under Section 7 of Aadhaar Act to
rt;quire .\adhaar i ,,\adhaar authentication for delivery ofvtrious bqnefits. subsidies or service lbr
lvhich the e\penditure is incurred tiom. or the receipt theref'rom tbrms pan ol'the Consolidated
Fund ol'lndia.

J. lt has come to notice lhat sonre beneticiaries arc being dcnicd thc benefit, subsidv or service
tbr virious reasons such as no1 having Aadhaar: f'ailure of aurhentication; and other extraneous
circumstances like electricity outage. internet connectivitr issucs etc despite above provisions of
Aadhaar Act and other adequate mechanisms to handle such exceptions alreadv provided in the
Regulations and notit.ications issued under Section 7.

,1. I'hcrelirre. the fbllouing cxception Irandling rnechanisnr and back-up identity aLrthcntication
rncchani:urs nrar be lbllo*ed fbr inrplcnrcntation to en5urc sc.rnrlcss dclirery ol'subsidy. bencfit or
serr ice 1o hcncliciaq :

r. lill the timc Aadha:rr is assigned to a beneticiary. heishe shall be provided subsidy.
bcnclit or service bascd on irllcrnate identillcation docu$enl as notitred by the
\'l inistr)'Dcpa(nrent in the rele,,ant notitjcation issued under the prorision of Section 7
ot thc Aadhaar Acl.20l6. Thr- notifications illstr gire pouers Io hoth Cenlral Vinisrry
and State Covernnrents (as thc case nra) bc) ttr add rnLrre alternatc documents depending
on local conditions.

Te|..23752675 Fat .23752679
(,6 Ec EFr .i rtr ttl orME, t0 qrqn
- 2-
ln case of lailure of Biometric authentication due to net*orlvconnectiyity issue 0r due
to poor biometric of resideat etc, he/she shall be provided subsidy, benefit or service
based on possession of Aadhaar by himi'her as provided in Section 7 of thc Aadhaar Act,
2016 and the notification.

In case of a lamill' based scheme, such as PDS. an option shall be provided that any
member of the family can authenticate and receive the beneflt. as notilled b) the
Ministry/Department in rhe rclevant notification issued under the provision of Section 7
of the Aadhaar Act. 2016. This flexibilit! should lx used fbr ensuring delivery ol'
benellt in case hiometric authentication tbr a member rsenior) fails.

lhc Stat!' Go\ernment-<i'lnlplementing agencl should also rnake sF,ecial arangenrcnls

tbr bcd ridden senior rssidents to get th€m rerified/ authenticated inclLrding bui not
linriled to sending a village level workcr [o their honte lbr this purpose.

All such exception handling shall be recorded in rhe srsteln and steps be taken to avoid
an1 misuse of the exception. I'he fronl end serrice provider shallalso rnaintain rccord of
exception such as copy of Aadhaar letter. signature,/thumbprint olthe beneticiary and
other supporting documents as notified by the M inistn rDepanment.

l'he Ministry/Department shall devise and implement mechanism for audit and
inspection of such cxceptions.

5. lhc Ministrie si De panment are .equested to issre appropriate directions ro the Stale
(icrvcrnr:rcn(s lmplenrcnting agcncics lor thc ahorc s\ccption handling rnechanism and alstr
rnulitor thr: sanrr ol periodical Lrasrs.

(Dr. Ajal Bhushan Pandel t

Chief Executive OtUcer

All Ministricsr'Depanmenr
,\ll State Golernments

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