Lycaa FSD Ops FRM 10

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STATE OF LIBYA ‫دولة ليبيا‬

‫وزارة المواصالت‬
FLIGHT SAFETY DEPARTMENT ‫مصلحة الطيران المدني‬
‫ادارة سالمة الطيران‬
Flight Operations Section
Commercial Air Transport (A) - Application For P-RNAV Operational Approval / Renewal
Submit at least 60 days before the intended date of operations

Before filling the application form, the applicant should familiarize himself with the applicable requirements
contained in the applicable publications as listed in the Guidance Material Annex to this form.
Please complete the application form electronically.


Contact Information :
Name, position and contact information (phone No, e-mail address) of the person from the operator with technical
knowledge regarding the application (aircraft airworthiness approval side).

1. Applicant Details – required for all Approval requests

Note: For AOC holders – company name, AOC number and e-mail address will suffice.

1(a) Name of Business or Trading Name(s) :

1(b) AOC Number (if applicable) :

1(c) Name of Individual (if applicable) :

1(d) e-mail address :

1(e) Phone number :

2. Aircraft Details – required for all Approval requests

Aircraft Type : Each aircraft type would require a separate application form to be submitted. In case some
aircraft of the same type have different navigation equipment on which approval for P-RNAV operations would be
based, separate applications forms would be required.
Registration Marks : List all the individual aircraft by their nationality and registration marks for which the
approval for P- RNAV operations is sought.

Aeroplane type(s), series and registration mark(s)

Aeroplane Type Aeroplane Series Registration

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1. Applicability
P-RNAV is a European RNAV specification with a required track keeping accuracy of +1 NM
for 95% of the flight time, together with advanced functionality and a high integrity navigation
database. P-RNAV capability can be achieved using inputs from DME/DME or GNSS and/or
INS. Typically P-RNAV can be used to fly P-RNAV designed SIDs and STARs in Aerodrome
Terminal Control Airspace.

2. Operator’s P-RNAV Submissions Matrix

Section Four of this application form is the Operator’s P-RNAV Submissions Matrix. All
applicants should complete Column 3 of this matrix in full. If more than one type of
aircraft/fleet is included in a single application a completed matrix should be included for each
Failure to complete the P-RNAV Submissions Matrix may result in a delay in processing your

3. Documents to be included with the application

Copies of all documents referred to in the Operators P-RNAV Submissions Matrix should be
included when returning the completed application form to the CAD. Original documents
should not be sent, photocopies are sufficient. Do not send complete manuals, only the
relevant sections/pages will be required.

Supporting documentation submitted:

Compliance statement Extracts from AFM LOA of database supplier

Reporting procedure Extracts from MEL Extracts from AMP

(if applicable)

Compliance Statement :
Document prepared by the applicant showing how the requirements for P-RNAV operations have been satisfied.
During the pre-application phase, a plan would be established between the applicant and the Airworthiness
Inspectorate of all points to be addressed by the Compliance Statement.

Extracts from AFM :

Copies of Aircraft Flight Manual or Pilot Operating Handbook, as applicable, whereby a statement regarding the
compliance status with the accuracy specifications and the operational requirements for P-RNAV is contained.
Also copy of pages with the associate system(s) limitations.

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LOA of database supplier :

Copies of EASA or FAA type 2 Letter of Acceptance (LOA) of the supplier of the navigation database.

Reporting procedure :
Copy of applicant’s procedure which requires to investigate and report all incidents associated with the operation
of the aircraft which may affect or could affect the safety of the P-RNAV operations.

Extracts from MEL :

Copies of pages from the Minimum Equipment List listing the required equipment for conducting P-RNAV
operations and pages indicating that loss of particular equipment downgrades/prohibits the P-RNAV operations.

Extracts from maintenance program :

Copies of pages from the approved maintenance program evidencing that the equipment required for P-RNAV
operations is included as per manufacturer (TC holder) recommendation, if applicable.

4. Submissions and Enquires

Address for submissions: Contact details for enquiries :

LYCAA- FLIGHT SAFETY DEP. Phone : +218 21 361 3323
Operations Section Fax : +218
Main HQ
Dahra Distract,Triploi

Note: Applications for non-AOC P-RNAV operations must be accompanied by the appropriate
fee. Please contact the Operations Section for details of the fee required.


Name : Signature : .....................................

(Nominated Person Flight Ops)

Date : Position :

Name : Signature : .....................................

(Continuing Airworthiness Manager)

Date : Position :

Signature, Name, Position :

For commercially operated aircraft, it is expected that the application is submitted by the nominated person flight
ops and the CAMO post-holder. In case of a privately operated aircraft, the application would be submitted by the
Please note that a minimum of 30 working days will normally be required to check and confirm the information
given above – if data is missing or omitted the process may take considerably longer.

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Operator’s Operations Manual

Expanded areas to be addressed by application Reference Documentation and Sub-requirements
Reference or Document Reference

1.0 – Reference Documents used in compiling submission

Your submission should be based on current up to date regulatory
material. TGL 10
You should publish a compliance statement showing how the ICAO Doc 9613
criteria of TGL 10 have been satisfied. ICAO Doc 8168 PANS-OPS

2.0 – Airworthiness Navigation System Capability compliance statement

Give reference to Navigation System capability, e.g. GNSS stand-
alone equipment should be approved in accordance with ETSOC
129a. ETSO-C129a/ETSO-C145 (In CS-ETSO on the EASA
Is FMGS/FMS compliant with TGL 10 for PRNAV operations?
TGL 10
Is FMGS/FMS compliant with performance requirements of ED-
75/DO-236 for RNP RNAV operations? (e.g. All Airbus TGL 10
320/321/330/340 are compliant.)

2.1 – Aircraft Flight Manual (AFM)

A statement or copy of the AFM showing the aircraft certification
standard for RNAV operations.

2.2 – Navigation Lateral Accuracy

P-RNAV +1 NM for 95% of the flight time.

2.3 – Quality Control Navigation database integrity checks

Database obtained from a supplier holding a Type 1 and
Equipment Supplier Type 2 Letter Of Acceptance (LOA). This
demonstrates compliance with EUROCAE/RTCA document ED-
76/DO-200A. (See and

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Operator’s Operations Manual

Expanded areas to be addressed by application Reference Documentation and Sub-requirements
Reference or Document Reference

2.4 – SID/STAR chart supplier

Show how you audit your supplier of SIDs and STARs in order to
establish the effectiveness of your supplier’s quality system.

2.5 – Loading of Navigation Database

Process to ensure that there is no possible corruption in the
content of the database on the RNAV/GNSS system.

2.6 – Navigation System FMS/Autopilot interface capability

Full details of the Navigation System including type and number,  Fly by waypoint (WP).
e.g. specific capability. (TGL 10)  Fly over WP.
 Direct to function.
 Define vertical path (FPA to a WP).
 At or above Altitude constraint.
 At or below Altitude constraint.
 At Altitude constraint.
 Vertical Path control (provide guidance from WP to a
vertically constrained WP).
Entire procedures loadable from aircraft database.
 Database that can be updated in accordance with the
AIRAC cycle.
 Display active WP.
 Display validity period of database.
 Continuous display of computed RNAV (GNSS) desired
 RNAV/GNSS system failure/integrity downgrade alerting
 Display of active sensors.
 Database protection against flight crew modification.
 Distance/bearing to WP.
 Automatic leg sequencing.
Means to retrieve and display data, e.g. Master Control and
Display Unit (MCDU).

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Operator’s Operations Manual

Expanded areas to be addressed by application Reference Documentation and Sub-requirements
Reference or Document Reference

2.7 – Incident reporting

Outline your process for error reporting/withdrawal of operational
use of procedures.
Note : In particular, significant errors (i.e. those that would affect the flight
path of the aircraft) must be reported to the database supplier
immediately, and the affected procedures withdrawn from company
operations by company instruction without delay. Any database or chart
anomaly identified during RNAV operations must be reported to the CAD
through the Mandatory Occurrence Reports. Any Error reports from the
Nav Database Supplier shall be promulgated to crew as soon as possible.

3.0 – Minimum Equipment List (MEL)

MEL handling: Items required for P-RNAV operations.
Required equipment list.

4.0 – Standard Operating Procedures

Manufacturer/operator developed.
Statement that autopilot/flight director should be used
Manufacturer’s procedures recommended as starting point and whenever possible.
must include at least the following.
SOPs for which pages should be displayed on the
FMC for P-RNAV (PF and PNF).

Database Validity Check.

Monitoring of system navigation accuracy.

SID/STAR Validity Check including confirmation of

procedure track and distance.

Navigation System Downgrade Procedure.

Contingency procedures if unable P-RNAV.

Statement that crew should not manually insert WPs

into the procedure.

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Operator’s Operations Manual

Expanded areas to be addressed by application Reference Documentation and Sub-requirements
Reference or Document Reference

5.0 – Operations Manuals

 RNAV concepts.
 Navigation accuracy assessment at dispatch, for
destination and alternates.
Part A
 RTF phraseology.
 MEL handling.
 SOPs.
Crew Authorisation required/validation.

Part B Technical information and MEL.

Revised checklists

Part D Training programme (Modular) in accordance with

P-RNAV operations.

5.1 Pre – Flight Planning

 MEL.
 NOTAMs/Navigation infrastructure.
 Crew qualified.
 Database valid.
 ATS flight plan – correct item 10 and item 18

5.2 – Training package

Compliant with Flight Crew Training and Testing
requirements for P-RNAV Operations.


P-RNAV concept training and training in the following topics : Some or all of:
 Airspace where P-RNAV is required.  Operations Manual content;
 Performance requirements for P-RNAV.  Handouts (paper or electronic);

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 Navigational equipment required to be operational for flight in  CBT; and

designated P-RNAV airspace and the limitations associated  Classroom; and
with PRNAV equipment including MEL issues.

 Flight planning requirements. Standard Simulator Training Events

 Charting, database and avionics issues including RNAV path (OPC and LPC) including :
terminator concepts, especially : a) at least one P-RNAV procedure flown as PF by
a) Use of the ‘CF’ path terminator. each crew member; and
b) Use of the ‘TF’ path terminator. b) failures such as map shift, sensor failure etc.
 Use of RNAV equipment including :
a) Retrieving a procedure from the database
b) Using the autopilot, flight director and auto throttle at different
stages of the procedure.
c) Flight mode annunciations.
 Flying the procedure including:
a) Use of lateral navigation mode and associated lateral control
b) Use of vertical navigation mode and associated vertical
control techniques.
 Contingency procedures.

Basic Area Navigation concept training and training in the Some or all of :
following topics :  Operations Manual content;
 Airspace where B-RNAV is required.  Handouts (paper or electronic);
 CBT; and
 Changes to charting and documents to reflect B-RNAV.  Classroom; and:
 Navigational equipment required to be operational for flight in Line Training.
designated B-RNAV airspace, and the limitations associated
with RNAV equipment.
 Use of lateral navigation mode and associated lateral control
 Flight planning requirements.
 Contingency procedures.

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Operator’s Operations Manual

Expanded areas to be addressed by application Reference Documentation and Sub-requirements
Reference or Document Reference

All RNAV Operations

Basic Area Navigation Concepts : Some or all of :
 Theory of RNAV including differences between B-RNAV,  Operations Manual content;
P-RNAV and RNP-RNAV.  Handouts (paper or electronic);
 RNAV/RNP Definitions.  Computer-Based Training (CBT); and
 The meaning of RNP/ANP.  Classroom
 Limitations of RNAV.
 Limitations of Baro-VNAV.
 GPS concepts and limitations (if applicable).
 Charting, database and avionics issues including :
1. WP naming and depiction concepts.
2. Fly-by and fly-over WPs.
3. Use of RNAV equipment including, where appropriate :
a) Verification and sensor management.
b) Tactically modifying the flight plan.
c) Addressing discontinuities.
d) Entering associated data such as :
i) Wind.
ii) Altitude/speed constraints.
iii) Vertical profile/vertical speed.
 RTF phraseology for RNAV/RNP.
 The implications for RNAV/RNP operations of systems
malfunctions which are not RNAV related
(e.g. hydraulic failure or engine failure)

NOTE : Training in Basic Area Navigation concepts is required for all

types of RNAV/RNP operations. However, credit may be given/taken for
previous Basic Area Navigation concept training when adding a
qualification for further type(s) of Area Navigation operations.

Any further comments to support your application :

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Guidance Material Annex

Guidance material for the global performances specifications, approval process, aircraft requirement (e.g. generic system performances, accuracy, integrity,
continuity, signal-in-space, RNP navigation specifications required for the on-board performance monitoring and alerting system), requirements for specific sensor
technologies, functional requirements, operating procedures, flight crew knowledge and training and navigation databases integrity requirements, can be found in :
(1) ICAO Doc 9613 Performance-Based Navigation (PBN) Manual, (2) ICAO DOC 9997 Performance Based Navigation (PBN) Operational Approval, (3) ICAO Doc
8168 Procedures for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS-OPS) JAA TGL 10 and (4) in the table below.

En-route Arrival Approach Departure /EASA AMC

Continental Initial Intermediate Final Missed
/ Remote

RNAV10 10 AMC 20-12

RNP 4 4 To be developed

RNAV 5 5 5 AMC 20-4A

RNAV 2 2 2 2 To be developed

RNAV1 (P-RNAV) 1 1 1 1 1 To be developed

BASIC-RNP 1 1 1 1 1 1 To be developed


1 1 0.3 1 AMC 20-27A

RNP APCH (LPV) 0.3 1 AMC 20-28

RNP AR APCH 1 - 0.1 1 - 0.1 0.3 - 0.1 1 - 0.1 AMC 20-26

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