1 s2.0 S0267726119312278 Main
1 s2.0 S0267726119312278 Main
1 s2.0 S0267726119312278 Main
Keywords: Monopile offshore wind turbines (MOWT) are inserted into sea water and sea bed soil. As the piles are usually
Monopile offshore wind turbine embedded into the soil as deep as about 40 m, dynamic pile-water and pile-soil interactions, as well as seismic
Pile-water interaction excitation non-uniformity, often occur under earthquake. In this paper, the response spectrum method (RSM) is
Pile-soil interaction
developed to calculate the maximum response of MOWT considering the pile-water and pile-soil interactions
Non-uniform seismic excitation
Response spectrum method
subjected to the non-uniform seismic excitation. The tower and pile are modeled by Timoshenko beam elements,
with both nacelle and rotor including hub and blades integrated as a lumped mass at the top of the tower. The
pile-water and pile-soil interactions are considered by added mass and soil spring at their interfaces, respectively.
The non-uniform seismic excitation is obtained by the site transfer function from the horizontal earthquake
motions or design response spectrum at the water-soil interface. The seismic analysis model is solved by using a
multiple-support RSM under design response spectrum. Seismic responses of a case of 5-MW MOWT on two types
of soil sites are analyzed. The results indicate that the pile-water and pile-soil interactions and seismic excitation
non-uniformity should be considered in analyzing such seismic problems of MOWT, while the RSM can be an
effective tool.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. Wang).
Received 9 October 2019; Received in revised form 12 March 2020; Accepted 3 May 2020
Available online 16 June 2020
0267-7261/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 2. Dynamic shear modulus ratio and dynamic hysteretic damping ratio varying with shear strain, respectively denoted by solid and dotted lines.
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
2 38 9 2 38 9
Mr 0 0 < u€r = Crr Crw Crs < u_ r =
40 Mw 0 5 u€w þ 4 Cwr Cww Cws 5 u_ w
: ; : ;
0 0 Ms u€s Csr Csw Css u_ s
2 38 9
Krr Krw Krs < ur =
þ 4 Kwr Kww Kws 5 uw
: ;
Ksr Ksw Kss us
8 9
<0 =
¼ fw (3)
: ;
16ρw hw a X
ð 1Þj 1
K1 ðλaÞ
mw ðzÞ ¼ cosðλzÞ (4)
π j¼1 ð2j 1Þ2 K0 ðλaÞ þ K2 ðλaÞ
Fig. 4. First four order natural frequencies and modal shapes of MOWT above where the hydrodynamic added mass matrix M∞ w is obtained from
water surface. Equation (4) by using finite element discretization and assembly.
bending deformations by the finite element method. A lumped mass is 2.1.3. Pile-soil interaction
structured at the top of tower to represent the quality of nacelle and Lumped parameter model [29] is widely applied in the pile-soil
rotor (including hub and blades). interaction analysis due to its simplicity and efficiency. The model
The cross section of the tapered tower changes along the length. For uses springs to describe the deformation properties of soil. Different
convenience in calculation, the tower cross section is treated to be types of soil springs mainly include linear and nonlinear springs. In this
uniform in geometry in each beam element, while the elements varies paper, a simple linear soil spring is used according to the Chinese Code
from top to bottom. For the i-th beam element, the equivalent inertia for Design of Ground Base and Foundation of Highway Bridges and
moment and area of the cross section are obtained, respectively, as Culverts (JTG D63-2007) [30]. One end of the soil spring is connected to
Z the pile element node, and the other end is subjected to the horizontal
1 zi earthquake motion. The stiffness of the i-th soil spring can be written as
Ii ¼ IðzÞdz (1)
li ziþ1
ki ¼ hi mjzj (6)
Z zi
Ai ¼ AðzÞdz (2) where hi is the computational height of pile elements connecting the soil
spring; jzj is the absolute value of z coordinate of soil spring location; m
where li is the element length; I(z) and A(z) are the inertia moment and is a given coefficient that is chosen according to the seismic code [30].
area of the cross section, respectively, which vary along z coordinate; The force fs denoting soil action to structure in Equation (3) can
and zi and ziþ1 are the two element node coordinates. therefore be written as
The dynamic finite element equation of the structure consisting of �
f s ¼ K∞ s us ug (7)
the tower (including the nacelle and rotor as a lumped mass) and pile
under earthquake can be expressed as where the soil spring matrix K∞ s is a diagonal matrix with ki from
Equation (6) as its elements; and ug is the horizontal displacement vector
of non-uniform multiple-support earthquake excitation, which will be
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 6. Peak values of time histories of structural responses varying along z coordinate. Effect of damping force on structural response is studied.
! Q
N N-th soil layers; denotes the continued multiplication; I is the unit
EN ¼ Tn I (16) vector; i is the imaginary unit; and ρn , Gn , ζn , cn and hn are the density,
shear modulus, hysteretic damping ratio, complex wave velocity and
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 7. Peak value of time history of inertia force of hydrodynamic added mass varying along z coordinate. Two sites and three earthquake records are used.
function at a location of soil is back-calculated by the 1D site transfer 3.2. Mode superposition
function [35] as shown in Equation (15). Thirdly, the design accelera
tion response spectrum at the location is obtained based on the Substituting Equations (11) and (20) into Equation (10), obtains the
approximate relationship between the power spectral density function structural absolute displacement and internal force as
and the response spectrum.
u ¼ us þ ud ¼ Rl ugl þ Xj γlj qlj (23)
3. Response spectrum method (RSM) l¼1 l¼1 j¼1
Equation (13) can be solved by the multi-support RSM. The details on where ugl is the l-th element in ug .
this method can be found in the references [36–39]. It is summarized in In Equation (23), the peak value of the earthquake motion ugl can be
brief as follows. denoted as Sl , and the peak values of qlj can be obtained from seismic
response spectra of Equation (22) and denoted as Slj . The peak value of
3.1. Mode decomposition structural absolute displacement can be obtained by the complete
quadratic combination (CQC) [36–39]. It can be written as
The generalized eigenvalue problem of the mass and stiffness vffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
matrices of Equation (13) can be written as u L X X
u ρuk ul Rk *Rl Sk Sl þ 2 ρuk qlj Rk *Xj Sk γlj Slj
K ω2 M X ¼ 0 (19) u k¼1 l¼1
jujmax ¼ u
k¼1 l¼1 j¼1
u X L X L X J X J
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 8. Peak values of time histories of structural responses varying along z coordinate. Effect of pile-water interaction on structural response is studied.
for the i-th and j-th modes, respectively; Hi is the conjugate function of obtained from Equation (27)–(2) by using the site transfer function of
Hi ; and Gu€k u€l is the real-valued power spectral density of acceleration Equation (15). In Equation (27)–(2), G0 is a scale factor; ωg and ζg are the
process of earthquake motion. The cross-power spectral density can be predominant frequency and damping ratio of site, respectively; and ωf
obtained from the power spectral densities as and ζf are the seismic energy parameters which reflect the changes of
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi seismic energy of low frequency [38].
Gu€k u€l ¼ Gu€k u€k Gu€l u€l (27–1)
4. Numerical examples
with the power spectral density for the earthquake motion at water-soil
interface as
Seismic responses of a modern NREL 5-MW MOWT on two types of
ω4g þ 4ζ2g ω2g ω2 ω4 soil sites are calculated using the MOWT-water-soil model and multiple-
Gu€k u€k ¼ G0 � �2 � �2 (27–2) support RSM in this section. The geometry and material parameters of
ω2 ω2g þ 4ζ2g ω2g ω2 ω2 ω2f þ 4ζ2f ω2f ω2 MOWT are obtained from Ref. [40] and listed in Table 1.
Two typical sites with homogeneous soil, namely Site 1 and Site 2,
for k ¼ 1 and the power spectral densities in soil for k ¼ 2, 3, …L are selected to study the influence of different site conditions on
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 9. The peak value of time history of resisting force of soil spring varying along z coordinate. Two sites and three earthquake records are used.
structural response and calculation accuracy of RSM. A soil density of 4.2.1. Effect of seismic damping force
2020 kg/m3 and a shear wave velocity of 251 m/s are set for Site 1, and a Seismic responses of the 5-MW MOWT are computed to indicate the
soil density of 1870 kg/m3 and a shear wave velocity of 150 m/s for Site effect of the damping force. The pile-water and pile-soil interactions and
2. The bedrock depth for the two sites are 80 m, and its density and shear the non-uniform seismic excitation are considered in this study.
wave velocity are 2300 kg/m3 and 800 m/s, respectively. The two sites Fig. 6 shows the peak values of time histories of absolute horizontal
belong to Class II (the equivalent shear wave velocity is less than 500 m/ displacement, absolute horizontal acceleration and section bending
s and greater than 250 m/s, and the cover thickness of site is greater than moment of whole structure varying along z coordinate. In this figure, the
5 m) and IV (the equivalent shear wave velocity is less than 150 m/s, and structure is considered in above two site conditions subjected to above
the cover thickness of site is greater than 80 m) respectively according to three earthquake records. The results considering the damping force are
the Chinese seismic code in soil classification [22]. The soil nonlinearity compared with those without the damping force. The error of the result
is considered by the equivalent linearization model. The curves of dy without damping force relative to that with damping force is also given
namic shear modulus ratio and dynamic hysteretic damping ratio at the location where the maximum response occurs. It can be seen from
varying with shear strain are shown in Fig. 2. The coefficient of foun Fig. 6 that the displacement, acceleration and bending moment results
dation soil, m, for Site 1 and Site 2 are 120 MPa/m and 30 MPa/m obtained from considering and ignoring the damping force are very close
respectively according the seismic code [30]. for all of the cases of site conditions and earthquake records, and their
The modal damping ratio of MOWT system is set as 9% for all modes maximum response errors are less than 5.3%, 6.3% and 8.3%, respec
according to Ref. [41]. Except that the mesh size at the bottom of tower tively. Therefore, for the sake of simplicity, the damping forces on the
is 2.6 m, the other parts of the tower and the pile are meshed with sizes right-side of Equation (12) caused by seismic excitations are neglected in
of 5 m, which satisfies the accuracy requirement. All analyses are ach the present study.
ieved by a self-compiled Matlab program.
4.2.2. Effect of pile-water interaction
4.1. Verification of the MOWT model Studying the effect of water on site or structure under earthquake is
very meaningful [41]. Seismic responses of the 5-MW MOWT are
The computational model of MOWT is verified using existing test computed to indicate the effect of the pile-water interaction. The
data. The model above water surface is established and fixed at water pile-soil interaction and non-uniform seismic excitation are considered
surface, as shown in Fig. 3. The natural frequencies and modal shapes in this study, and the damping force is neglected. The time history of
are presented in Fig. 4. The results indicate that the first two natural inertia force due to the hydrodynamic added mass is given in Equation
frequencies are close with the test data (0.312 Hz and 2.936 Hz) pro (5). Its peak value varying along z coordinate is shown in Fig. 7.
vided in Ref. [40]. Fig. 8 shows the same results as Fig. 6. The results considering the
pile-water interaction are compared with those without the pile-water
4.2. Seismic analysis of MOWT using time history method interaction. Ignoring pile-water interaction could be calculated by
setting the hydrodynamic added mass in Equation (8) as zero. The error
Seismic responses of the 5-MW MOWT on two types of sites are of the result ignoring pile-water interaction relative to that considering
calculated using the time history analysis in this section. The well- pile-water interaction is also given at the location where the maximum
known implicit Newmark’s time integration algorithm [19] is used to response occurs. It can be seen from Fig. 8 that the acceleration and
solve the dynamic finite element equation of structure. Its two param bending moment results obtained from considering and ignoring the
eters are 0.5 and 0.25. pile-water interaction are rather close, while the displacement results
Three different earthquake records are given at the water-soil are very different especially at the top of tower. The maximum response
interface of site. They are the Kobe record, the Friuli record and an error of displacement can be more than 31%, indicating the pile-water
artificial record. They are selected based on the different main frequency interaction should be considered in the seismic analysis of MOWT
range of their Fourier spectra. The peak ground acceleration is adjusted when the structural displacement response at the top of tower is
to 0.10 g and 0.12 g for Site 1 and Site 2, respectively. The horizontal concerned.
acceleration time histories with peak ground acceleration of 0.10 g and
the corresponding Fourier spectra are shown in Fig. 5.
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 10. Peak values of time histories of structural responses varying along z coordinate. Effect of pile-soil interaction on structural response is studied.
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 11. Peak values of time histories of structural responses varying along z coordinate. Effect of non-uniform seismic excitation on structural response is studied.
4.2.3. Effect of pile-soil interaction the non-uniform earthquake motions on the pile in soil. The error of the
Seismic responses of the 5-MW MOWT are computed to indicate the result using the constant soil spring parameter and ignoring the pile-soil
effect of the pile-soil interaction. The pile-water interaction and non- interaction relative to that using soil spring parameter of Equation (6) is
uniform seismic excitation are considered in this study, and the damp also given at the location where maximum response occurs. It can be
ing force is neglected. The time history of resisting force of linear soil seen from Fig. 10 that the displacement results obtained from using the
spring is given in Equation (7). Its peak value varying along z coordinate two different soil spring parameters and ignoring the pile-soil interac
is shown in Fig. 9. tion are close, while the acceleration and bending moment results are
Fig. 10 shows the same results as Fig. 6. The soil spring parameter at very different. The maximum response errors of the acceleration and
the bottom of pile in Equation (6) is denoted as Ks. As a case for com bending moment obtained from using the two types of soil springs can be
parison, a constant soil spring parameter along z coordinate is chosen as more than 73% and 33%, respectively. Above results indicate the pile-
1/2 Ks The results considering the pile-soil interaction by the soil spring soil interaction should be reasonable considered in the seismic anal
parameter of Equation (6) are compared with those using the soil spring ysis of MOWT when the structural acceleration and bending moment
parameter of constant 1/2Ks and with those ignoring the pile-soil responses are concerned.
interaction, respectively. Ignoring pile-soil interaction would enforce
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
this study.
At the water-soil interface, two different design response spectra as
shown in Fig. 12 are used for Site 1 and Site 2, respectively, according to
the Chinese seismic code [22]. The corresponding equation of the design
spectrum curve is also shown in Fig. 12a with the attenuation index of
descending segment and the adjustment factor of damping, respectively,
0:05 ζ 0:05 ζ
γ ¼ 1:0 þ and η ¼ 1:0 þ (28)
0:3 þ 6ζ 0:08 þ 1:6ζ
where Tg denotes the characteristic period; amax denotes the peak ground
acceleration; and ζ is the modal damping ratio. A group of artificial
earthquake motions can be generated to be compatible with the accel
eration design response spectrum.
Fig. 12. Seismic acceleration response spectra of 9% modal damping ratio at
It is assumed that the structure is located in the region with a seismic
the water-soil interface for (a) Site 1 and (b) Site 2.
intensity of Degree 7. The corresponding peak ground acceleration is
0.10 g and 0.12 g for Site 1 and Site 2, respectively (i.e. probability of
Table 2 exceedance of 10% in 50 years). The characteristic periods are 0.40 s
Natural frequencies of MOWT for Site 1 and Site 2. and 0.75 s for the two sites. The modal damping ratio is 9%. Seven
artificial earthquake motions are generated by using the hybrid simu
Mode order 1 2 3 4 5
lation method proposed by Zhao et al. [42]. The response spectra of the
Site 1 0.91 10.08 27.20 55.15 92.09 fourteen artificial earthquake motions are also given in Fig. 12.
Site 2 0.89 9.56 25.85 52.62 86.74
Fig. 13. Contribution ratio of j-th mode on accuracy of mode superposition method for (a) Site 1 and (b) Site 2 under seven artificial earthquake motions.
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 14. Peak values of structural displacements varying along z coordinate. Two sites and seven artificial earthquake records are used. Accuracy of RSM is studied by
comparing with time history analysis.
studied in this subsection. The fourteen artificial earthquake records for values of the structural responses of the 5-MW MOWT are analyzed
two sites shown in Fig. 12 are chosen for the RSM and time history using RSM under design response spectrum. Using the method in Sub
analysis. The response spectrum under each earthquake record is section 1.2, the design response spectra in soil are obtained from the
computed by solving Equation (22). given one at the water-soil interface shown in Fig. 12.
Figs. 14–16 shows the peak values of absolute horizontal displace Fig. 17 shows the peak values of absolute horizontal displacement
ment, absolute horizontal acceleration and section bending moment of and section bending moment of the whole structure varying along z
the whole structure varying along z coordinate, respectively. In these coordinate, respectively. The results using RSM under design response
figures, the structure is considered in the above two site conditions spectra are compared with mean value of the solutions obtained from
subjected to above seven artificial earthquake records. The results are time history analysis under seven artificial earthquake motions shown in
compared with those obtained from the time history method. The error Fig. 12. The relative difference between the results obtained from RSM
of the result obtained from RSM relative to that obtained from time and time history method is given at the location where the maximum
history method is given at the location where the maximum response response occurs. It can be seen from Fig. 17 that the maximum response
occurs. It can be seen from the three figures that the 7-record mean value differences of the displacement and section bending moment are less
of response errors of the displacement, acceleration and section bending than 5.5% and 3.8% respectively for Site 1, and less than 13.9% and
moment results are 10.7%, 14.2% and 9.2% respectively for Site 1, and 6.8% respectively for Site 2. Above results indicate the multiple-support
are 7.3%, 16.4% and 17.8% respectively for Site 2. Above results indi RSM is a suitable tool to seismic analysis and design of MOWT consid
cate the multiple-support RSM is a suitable tool to calculate the seismic ering the pile-water and pile-soil interactions as well as the seismic
response of MOWT considering the pile-water and pile-soil interactions excitation non-uniformity.
as well as the seismic excitation non-uniformity (see Fig. 16) (see
Fig. 15). 5. Conclusions
4.3.3. Accuracy of the RSM under design response spectra Seismic analysis of a 5-MW MOWT considering pile-water and pile-
The RSM has advantage of using design response spectrum. The peak soil interactions subjected to non-uniform earthquake excitation is
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 15. Peak values of structural accelerations varying along z coordinate. Two sites and seven artificial earthquake records are used. Accuracy of RSM is studied by
comparing with time history analysis.
investigated in this paper. The time history analysis is used to study the response errors may be more than 73% and 57% for acceleration,
effect of seismic damping force, pile-water interaction, pile-soil inter and 33% and 99% for bending moment.
action and seismic excitation non-uniformity on structural displace (2) The effectiveness of the multiple-support RSM is discussed by
ment, acceleration and bending moment. Subsequently, the accuracy of using seven artificial earthquake motions and design response
the multiple-support RSM for seismic responses of a 5-MW MOWT spectrum. Compared with the results obtained from time history
considering the pile-water interaction, pile-soil interaction and seismic method, the 7-record mean values of the maximum response er
excitation non-uniformity is studied. The conclusions based on the ob rors of the displacement, acceleration and section bending
tained results can be drawn as follows. moment results obtained using RSM are 10.7%, 14.2% and 9.2%
respectively for Site 1, and are 7.3%, 16.4% and 17.8% respec
(1) The effects of several factors on structural responses are studied tively for Site 2. Compared with the mean results obtained from
by time history analysis under three earthquake motions. The time history method under seven artificial earthquake motions,
damping force has less effect on the structural displacement, ac the differences of the displacement and section bending moment
celeration and section bending moment, and the maximum results obtained using RSM under design response spectrum are
response errors are all less than 5.3%, 6.3% and 8.3%, respec less than 5.5%, and 3.8% respectively for Site 1, and are less than
tively. Therefore, the damping forces caused by seismic excita 13.9% and 6.8% respectively for Site 2. Above results indicate the
tions are neglected in the present study. The pile-water multiple-support RSM is a suitable tool to seismic analysis and
interaction has significant effect on the structural displacement design of MOWT considering the pile-water and pile-soil in
but rather less effect on the structural acceleration and section teractions as well as the seismic excitation non-uniformity. Be
bending moment. The maximum response errors of displacement sides, only the first three modes are used in RSM for high
may be more than 31%, while the maximum response errors of efficiency and accuracy.
acceleration and bending moment are less than 6% and 11%,
respectively. The pile-soil interaction and seismic excitation non- It should be noted that the above conclusions are drawn based on the
uniformity have less effect on the displacement but rather larger models and examples adopted in this paper. More reasonable and ac
effect on the acceleration and bending moment. Their maximum curate pile-water and pile-soil interaction models need be further stud
ied specially and deeply, which would be a more difficult research topic.
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
Fig. 16. Peak values of section bending moments varying along z coordinate. Two sites and seven artificial earthquake records are used. Accuracy of RSM is studied
by comparing with time history analysis.
M. Zhao et al. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 136 (2020) 106212
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