Lesson Plan

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School Butadon Elementary School Grade 6


Teacher Rhea Mae O. Ordeniza English


Time/Date 11- 12- 2024/7:00-8:00 A.M. Quarter First Quarter


A . Content The learners will be able to focus on specific aspects of the

Standards topic, facilitating content assimilation and the practical
application of the studied concepts.

B. Performance The learners will be better prepared to identify and apply

Standards adjectives and numerals in different textual contexts,
enriching their written and oral communication.

C. Learning At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

a. identify and classify different types of numeral

adjectives; (EN6LC-IIf-g 2.2)

b. create sentences using each types of numeral

adjectives; and (EN6LC-IV-e-2.7)

c. understand the applicability of adjectives and

numerals within a text. (EN6LC-II-i-6.2)


A . Subject Matter Numeral Adjectives

A1. Integration Math, Science, Art

A2. Strategy Deductive Strategy


A . References Grammrary.com

1 . Teacher’s Guide Page 18 of 247

2 . Learners Page 18
Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages Page 18-247
4. Additional

B. Other Learning Cartolina, Marker, Pictures, Flashcard, Activity card,

Materials pen,speaker

IV. PROCEDURES Teacher Activities Students Activities

A . Reviewing the
previous lesson or Good Morning Class?
presenting the Good Morning Teacher.
new lesson How are you this morning?

Were good teacher

Is there any absent today?

None teacher.
Before we start, lets have a
recap first. who can tell me
what was our last topic
Our last topic Yesterday was
all about Adjectives.
Very good.

Now, I will show you a picture

and please observe carefully.

( indicator 1) Applied
knowledge of content
within and across
curriculum teaching areas.

What have you observe in the

picture 1?
They are playing teacher.

How many kids playing in the

There are 6 kids playing
Very Good.

How about in the picture 2?

The girl show her different

Yes thats right.
B. Establishing the Based on the given pictures
purpose of the that Ive shown earlier. what do
lesson you think our topic this

I think our topic this

morning is all about
Numeral Adjectives teacher.
Yes, our topic this morning is
all about Numeral Adjectives.

Again what is Adjectives?

Adjective describe the noun
and a pronoun teacher.

NumeralAdjectives Adjectives
of numbers tell us about the
number of nouns and

From the pictures Ive shown

to you, Is there a numeral
Yes teacher. The number of
kids playing in the park.
Very Good.

There are 3 types of Numeral

1.DefiniteNumeral Adjectives

- These represent the

nouns or pronouns in
exact numbers.
- Both cardinal and
ordinal comes under it.

For example: One, first, two,

second, third, three, four, fifth,
and so on…

- Describe the number of
nouns without the
exact value. They don't
give a specific value.

For example: Several, Some,

Most, Any, Few, all etc..

- represent nouns as
individual units in the
For example: Both, Neither,
Another, Every, Each etc..
C.Presenting There are some examples of
examples/instance sentences using the 3 types of
s of the new lesson Numeral Adjectives.

Definite Numeral Adjectives ( Indicator 2) Used a range of

teaching strategies that
“ I have five pens and three enhance learner
pencils “ achievement in literacy and
numeracy skills
Where is the definite
Five and Three teacher.

How about “ She bought some

pens for a quiz “
Indefinite Numeral
Adjectives teacher
why is it indefinite?

Because of the word some

teacher they dont give an
Yes, Very Good. exact value.

How about “ Both of you

performed well “
Distributive Numeral
Very Good. Lets give a clap to Adjectives

D. Discussing new This time let's have an activity.

concepts and Are you excited?
practicing new skill Yes teacher.
#1 The activity called “ ADJENUM

1. I will divide you into 5 (Indicator 6) Used

groups. differentiated,
2. Each group will receive developmentally
a set of cards with appropriate learning
sentences and identify experiences to address
the type of numeral learners gender, needs,
adjectives in each of strengths, interest and
them. experiences
3. After identifying, explain
your answers with your

Group 1 - “ She got the first

position in her class “

what type of numeral

adjectives show in the
Definite Numeral teacher
where' the Numeral
The word First.
Group 2 - “ She bought some
bananas today “
Indefinite Numeral

Group 3- “ He has sold all the
books “
Indefinite Numeral

Group 4- “ Everything he said

is true “
Distributive Numeral
Group 5- “ Six balls rolled Adjectives
across the floor “

Definite Numeral Adjectives

Why is it Definite?
Because the sentence show
the exact value of the
Very Good Class.

E. Discussing new Now, let's have an another

concepts and activities called “ PICK ME UP “
practicing new
skills # 2 Instructions:
● I will play a music and
when the music stop,
you will pick number
and fill the given
sentences with the
correct numeral

1. They are___brothers.
● three
● third

2. He came__in the exams.

● One
● first

3. ___students failed the

● many 1. three
● any 2. first
● much 3. many
4. neither
4. ____option is right.
● Neither
● No

F. Developing Based on the first sentence,

Mastery what type of numeral
adjective is it?
It is cardinal teacher under
How about the second definite numeral adjectives.
Ordinal teacher

How about the third?

Indefinite teacher
And the last one?
Distributive Numeral
Very Good. Everyone's doing Adjectives teacher
great to our activities.

G. Finding practical For our next activities, I want

applications of you to create a sentences
concepts and skills using the types of numeral
in daily livin adjectives.
Instructions :

● I will divide you into 4

groups, each groups will
(Indicator 3) Applied a range
receive a word that you
of teaching strategies to
are going to create a
develop critical and creative
sentences using each
thinking, as well as other
type of numeral
higher order thinking skills.

Group 1- Five Group 1- “ Heiley has five

Group 2- Second Lollipop. “
Group 3- Several
Group 4- Every Group 2- “ Luiza is the
second girl in our class. “

Group 3- “ Several men

came looking for you. “

Group 4- “ Every person

must take a bath. “

H. Making Again what have we discussed

generalization and this morning?
abstraction about We discussed about
the lesson Numeral Adjectives
What are the 3 types of
Numeral Adjectives?
-Definite numeral adjectives
-Indefinite numeral
- Distributive numeral
When we say the exact
number or position of the
subject in the sentence
called? Definite numeral adjective
How about provide the
information the number of
noun but do not tell the exact
amount of nouns in the
sentence? Definite teacher

And lastly, it represent as units

in the whole? Distributive numeral

Very Good.

For you class, how numeral

adjectives applicable within a
text? Numeral adjectives gives
you a clear understanding of
how much or how many of
something is being referred

Very good idea. truly that

you are learning this morning.

Let's give a clap to everyone.

I.Evaluating Directions:
Learning Underline the Numeral
Adjectives in the sentences. ( Indicator 9) Designed,
selected, organized and
1.The intelligent one would be used diagnostic, formative
selected as the team lead. and summative assessment
2. Few children are not strategies consistent with
performing well in exams. curriculum requirements.
3. I have 3 pens with different
4. He has just two attempts
left to clear this exam.
5.Some of my friends are rich.
6. A week has seven days.
7. The nurse is available for
1. One
twenty-four hours.
2. Few
8. Each students is responsible
3. 3
for littering classroom.
4. Two
9. He is going to sell his two
5. Some
6. Seven
10. All students must report to
7. Twenty-Four
the lunchroom.
8. Each
9. Two
10. All

J. Additional Instructions:
activities for
application or
remediation Write at least 5 examples of
sentences using
Demonstrative Adjectives.


A. No. of learners who earned 80% on the formative assessment

B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encountered which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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