HP Imaging Oil
HP Imaging Oil
HP Imaging Oil
Dispose of waste material according to Local, State, Federal, and Provincial Environmental
Regulations. Ensure collection and disposal with an appropriately licensed waste contractor.
Not available.
15.2. Chemical safety See attached SUMI or GEIS document, if applicable.
Other information This Safety Data Sheet complies with the requirements of Regulation (EU) 2015/830.
Classification according to Regulation (EC) No 1272/2008 as amended.
Regulation (EC) No. 1272/2008 of December 16, 2008 on classification, labeling and packaging of
substances and mixtures, and amendments (CLP).
The information in this document is based on the present state of our knowledge, including but not
limited to the data present in the registrations of the ingredients, it does not purport to be
all-inclusive and shall be used only as a guide.
Information on evaluation The classification for health and environmental hazards is derived by a combination of calculation
method leading to the methods and test data, if available.
classification of mixture
Full text of any statements, H304 May be fatal if swallowed and enters airways.
which are not written out in full
under sections 2 to 15
Revision information SECTION 15: Regulatory information: International regulations
SECTION 16: Other information: Disclaimer
Training information Follow training instructions when handling this material.
Disclaimer This Safety Data Sheet document is provided without charge to customers of HP. Data is the most
current known to HP at the time of preparation of this document and is believed to be accurate. It
should not be construed as guaranteeing specific properties of the products as described or
suitability for a particular application. This document was prepared to the requirements of the
jurisdiction specified in Section 1 above and may not meet regulatory requirements in other
Operational conditions
Maximum duration Up to 1 hour per day.
Frequency of exposure < 240 days per year.
Physical state Liquid.
Process conditions Covers use at ambient temperatures.
Provide a good standard of controlled ventilation (10 to 15 air changes per hour).
Keep emissions below the occupational exposure limits of the ingredients specified in section 8 of the SDS.
Avoid direct contact.
Regular cleaning of equipment and work area.
Supervision in place to check that Risk Management Measures (RMM's) in place are being correctly used and Operational
Conditions (OC's) followed.
Risk management measures
Conditions and measures Wear safety glasses with side shields (or goggles), if splashing is possible.
related to Personal Protection Wear appropriate chemical resistent gloves: see section 8 of the SDS.
Equipment, hygiene and health Wear appropriate chemical resistent clothing.
evaluation. Provide adequate ventilation. In case of insufficient ventilation wear suitable respiratory equipment.
Eye wash station and emergency showers are recommended.
Avoid breathing mist/vapours.
Avoid contact with skin, eyes and clothing.
Training of workers in relation to proper use and maintenance of all Personal protection equipment (PPE) must be ensured.