Ii Year Aiml Full Stack-1 & Design Thinking
Ii Year Aiml Full Stack-1 & Design Thinking
Ii Year Aiml Full Stack-1 & Design Thinking
Course Outcomes:
CO1: Design Websites. (L6)
CO2: Apply Styling to web pages. (L4)
CO3: Make Web pages interactive. (L6)
CO4: Design Forms for applications. (L6)
CO5: Choose Control Structure based on the logic to be implemented. (L3)
CO6: Understand HTML tags, Attributes and CSS properties (L2)
Sample Experiments:
● Write a HTML program, to explain the working of forms by designing Registration form.
(Note: Include text field, password field, number field, date of birth field, checkboxes,
radio buttons, list boxes using <select>&<option> tags, <text area> and two buttons ie:
submit and reset. Use tables to provide a better view).
● Write a HTML program, to explain the working of frames, such that page is to be divided
into 3 parts on either direction. (Note: first frame image, second frame paragraph, third
frame 🡪 hyperlink. And also make sure of using “no frame” attribute such that frames to
be fixed).
4. Selector forms
a. Write a program to apply different types of selector forms
● Simple selector (element, id, class, group, universal)
● Combinator selector (descendant, child, adjacent sibling, general sibling)
● Pseudo-class selector
● Pseudo-element selector
● Attribute selector
5. CSS with Color, Background, Font, Text and CSS Box Model
a. Write a program to demonstrate the various ways you can reference a color in CSS.
b. Write a CSS rule that places a background image halfway down the page, tilting it
horizontally. The image should remain in place when the user scrolls up or down.
c. Write a program using the following terms related to CSS font and text:
i. font-size ii. font-weight iii. font-style
iv. text-decoration v. text-transformation vi. text-alignment
d. Write a program, to explain the importance of CSS Box model using
i. Content ii. Border iii. Margin iv. padding
Text Books:
1. Programming the World Wide Web, 7th Edition, Robet W Sebesta, Pearson, 2013.
2. Web Programming with HTML5, CSS and JavaScript, John Dean, Jones & Bartlett
Learning, 2019 (Chapters 1-11).
3. Pro MERN Stack: Full Stack Web App Development with Mongo, Express, React, and
Node, Vasan Subramanian, 2nd edition, APress, O’Reilly.
Web Links:
1. https://www.w3schools.com/html
2. https://www.w3schools.com/css
3. https://www.w3schools.com/js/
4. https://www.w3schools.com/nodejs
5. https://www.w3schools.com/typescript
B.Tech. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning JNTUA R23 Regulations
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to familiarize students with design thinking process as a tool
for breakthrough innovation. It aims to equip students with design thinking skills and ignite
the minds to create innovative ideas, develop solutions for real-time problems.
Course Outcomes:
Introduction to elements and principles of Design, basics of design-dot, line, shape, form as
fundamental design components. Principles of design. Introduction to design thinking, history
of Design Thinking, New materials in Industry.
Design thinking process (empathize, analyze, idea & prototype), implementing the process in
driving inventions, design thinking in social innovations. Tools of design thinking - person,
costumer, journey map, brainstorming, product development
Activity: Every student presents their idea in three minutes, Every student can present design
process in the form of flow diagram or flow chart etc. Every student should explain about
product development.
Art of innovation, Difference between innovation and creativity, role of creativity and
innovation in organizations- Creativity to Innovation- Teams for innovation- Measuring the
impact and value of creativity.
Activity: Debate on innovation and creativity, Flow and planning from idea to innovation,
Debate on value-based innovation.
Activity: How to market our own product, About maintenance, Reliability and plan for
1. Tim Brown,Change by design, Harper Bollins (2009)
2. Idris Mootee, Design Thinking for Strategic Innovation, 2013, John Wiley & Sons.
Reference Books:
1. David Lee, Design Thinking in the Classroom, Ulysses press
2. Shrutin N Shetty, Design the Future, Norton Press
3. William Lidwell,Universal Principles of Design- Kritinaholden, Jill Butter.
4. Chesbrough.H, The Era of Open Innovation – 2013