Article II, Section 14- women are vital to The impoverished women of Bangladesh are not
nation-building, and their inclusion in societal generally allowed to take loans or even interact
structures and processes is critical to equality with development workers who sought to
and development. organize them in a savings coop.
As of 2016, the Philippines ranked 7th in the In East Asia, women without husbands are
world for gender equality (highest in Asia) deemed not valuable, such that they are killed or
according to the World Economic Forum. forced to commit suicide when they are without
male guardians.
The Global Gender Gap Index was first
introduced by the World Economic Forum in 2006 Women of Saharan Africa are still subjected to
as a framework for capturing the magnitude of female circumcision, or genital mutilation, to
gender-based disparities and tracking their control their sexual desires.
progress over time.
• Generally speaking, in most societies, women There are instances where people could have
are often perceived as the weaker sex. higher levels of the opposite sex's hormone.
A man with higher progesterone and estrogen b. Sexual Stereotype– assumptions
levels is called an effeminate man, and a woman regarding a person's sexuality that
with higher testosterone levels is called a reinforce dominant views.
masculine woman.
Heteronormativity– the assumption that all
Gender – a socially learned behavior usually persons are only attracted to the sex opposite
associated with one's sex. Based on how people theirs.
see themselves and their tendency to act along a
masculine or feminine line. c. Sex-Role Stereotype– the roles that men
and women are assigned based on their
Two types of Gender sex and what behaviors they must
a. Femininity– behavior that one associates possess to fulfill these roles.
with females, may not actually be tied to
a woman’s sex. d. Compounded Stereotype– assumptions
b. Masculinity– behavior that associates about a specific group belonging to a
with males, but may not actually be tied gender and vice versa. For example,
to a man's sex. lady guards, older men, young women,
Gender Role Socialization– the process of
learning and internalizing culturally approved SOGIE – Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving. and Expression
A. Women and the Economy: Women and Work E. Women and Armed Conflict
● Work is often understood as a form of ● Rape and sexual violence are seen as war
livelihood. tactics to instill fear among communities (e.g.
● Women have specific labor issues related to Boko Haram, ISIS).
their gender. ● Women in armed conflict areas are prone to
● Fewer women are represented in the labor harassment or are made to enter forced domestic
force than men (since women are “expected” to servitude, and most cases remain unreported
stay at home and take care of their children). due to the fear of stigma attached to it.
● There is a presence of a pay gap also, women ● Chapter 4 of Philippines’ Magna Carta for
have an average of two more hours of work than Women: “all women shall be protected from all
men per day due to their productive work at forms of violence as provided for in existing
home. laws.”