Foundation of Data Science - CS3352 - Important Questions With Answer - Unit 2 - Describing Data
Foundation of Data Science - CS3352 - Important Questions With Answer - Unit 2 - Describing Data
Foundation of Data Science - CS3352 - Important Questions With Answer - Unit 2 - Describing Data
Environmental Sciences
Professional English and Sustainability -
Professional English - - II - HS3252 Discrete Mathematics GE3451
I - HS3152 - MA3354
Statistics and Theory of Computation
Matrices and Calculus Numerical Methods - Digital Principles and - CS3452
3rd Semester
4th Semester
- MA3151 MA3251 Computer Organization
1st Semester
2nd Semester
8th Semester
6th Semester
2. Define Variable.
Variable A characteristic or property that can take on different values.
3. Define Constant.
Constant A characteristic or property that can take on only one value.
4. Discrete Variable
A variable that consists of isolated numbers separated by gaps
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4931_Grace College of Engineering, Thoothukudi
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4931_Grace College of Engineering, Thoothukudi
2. In some racing events, downhill skiers receive the average of their times for three
Would you prefer the average time to be the mean or the median if usually you have
(a) one very poor time and two average times?
(b) one very good time and two average times?
(c) two good times and one average time?
(d) three different times, spaced at about equal intervals?
3. During their first swim through a water maze, 15 laboratory rats made the following
number of errors (blind alleyway entrances): 2, 17, 5, 3, 28, 7, 5, 8, 5, 6, 2, 12, 10, 4,
(a) Find the mode, median, and mean for these data.
(b) Without constructing a frequency distribution or graph, would you characterize
the shape of this distribution as balanced, positively skewed, or negatively skewed?
4. Given that the mean equals 5, what must be the value of the one missing observation
from each of the following sets of observations?
(a) 1, 2, 10
(b) 2, 4, 1, 5, 7, 7
(c) 6, 9, 2, 7, 1, 2
5. Determine the values of the range and the IQR for the following sets of data.
(a) Retirement ages: 60, 63, 45, 63, 65, 70, 55, 63, 60, 65, 63
(b) Residence changes: 1, 3, 4, 1, 0, 2, 5, 8, 0, 2, 3, 4, 7, 11, 0, 2, 3, 4
6. Indicate whether each of the following statements about degrees of freedom is true or
(a) Degrees of freedom refer to the number of values free to vary in the population.
(b) One degree of freedom is lost because, when expressed as a deviation from the
sample mean, the final deviation in the sample fails to supply information about
population variability.
(c) Degrees of freedom makes sense only if we wish to estimate some unknown
of a population.
(d) Degrees of freedom reflect the poor quality of one or more observations.
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Click on Subject/Paper under Semester to enter.
Professional English Discrete Mathematics Environmental Sciences
Professional English - - II - HS3252 - MA3354 and Sustainability -
I - HS3152 GE3451
Digital Principles and
Statistics and Probability and
Computer Organization
Matrices and Calculus Numerical Methods - Statistics - MA3391
- CS3351
- MA3151 MA3251
3rd Semester
1st Semester
4th Semester
2nd Semester
Deep Learning -
Embedded Systems
Data and Information Human Values and
and IoT - CS3691
5th Semester
7th Semester
8th Semester
Open Elective-1
Distributed Computing Open Elective 2
- CS3551 Project Work /
Open Elective 3 Intership
Big Data Analytics - Elective-4
CCS334 Open Elective 4
Elective 1 Management Elective
Elective 2
All Computer Engg Subjects - [ B.E., M.E., ] (Click on Subjects to enter)
Programming in C Computer Networks Operating Systems
Programming and Data Programming and Data Problem Solving and Python
Structures I Structure II Programming
Database Management Systems Computer Architecture Analog and Digital
Design and Analysis of Microprocessors and Object Oriented Analysis
Algorithms Microcontrollers and Design
Software Engineering Discrete Mathematics Internet Programming
Theory of Computation Computer Graphics Distributed Systems
Mobile Computing Compiler Design Digital Signal Processing
Artificial Intelligence Software Testing Grid and Cloud Computing
Data Ware Housing and Data Cryptography and Resource Management
Mining Network Security Techniques
Service Oriented Architecture Embedded and Real Time Multi - Core Architectures
Systems and Programming
Probability and Queueing Theory Physics for Information Transforms and Partial
Science Differential Equations
Technical English Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry
Engineering Graphics Total Quality Professional Ethics in
Management Engineering
Basic Electrical and Electronics Problem Solving and Environmental Science and
and Measurement Engineering Python Programming Engineering
Click on Subject/Paper under Semester to enter.
Environmental Sciences
Professional English and Sustainability -
Professional English - - II - HS3252 Discrete Mathematics GE3451
I - HS3152 - MA3354
Statistics and Theory of Computation
Matrices and Calculus Numerical Methods - Digital Principles and - CS3452
3rd Semester
4th Semester
- MA3151 MA3251 Computer Organization
1st Semester
2nd Semester
8th Semester
6th Semester
4th Semester
- MA3151 MA3251 Computer Organization
1st Semester
2nd Semester
Computer Networks -
Object Oriented
Full Stack Web Software Engineering - Human Values and
5th Semester
8th Semester
6th Semester
Elective 1 Elective-5
Management Elective
Elective 2
All Computer Engg Subjects - [ B.E., M.E., ] (Click on Subjects to enter)
Programming in C Computer Networks Operating Systems
Programming and Data Programming and Data Problem Solving and Python
Structures I Structure II Programming
Database Management Systems Computer Architecture Analog and Digital
Design and Analysis of Microprocessors and Object Oriented Analysis
Algorithms Microcontrollers and Design
Software Engineering Discrete Mathematics Internet Programming
Theory of Computation Computer Graphics Distributed Systems
Mobile Computing Compiler Design Digital Signal Processing
Artificial Intelligence Software Testing Grid and Cloud Computing
Data Ware Housing and Data Cryptography and Resource Management
Mining Network Security Techniques
Service Oriented Architecture Embedded and Real Time Multi - Core Architectures
Systems and Programming
Probability and Queueing Theory Physics for Information Transforms and Partial
Science Differential Equations
Technical English Engineering Physics Engineering Chemistry
Engineering Graphics Total Quality Professional Ethics in
Management Engineering
Basic Electrical and Electronics Problem Solving and Environmental Science and
and Measurement Engineering Python Programming Engineering