The Negative Impacts of Tiktok
The Negative Impacts of Tiktok
The Negative Impacts of Tiktok
TikTok is a social media platform that allows its users to create, share, and discover short videos.
TikTok has a variety of creative features, such as music and filters, which can be used to create videos
up to 3 minutes long. In April 2024, the number of TikTok users in the world is estimated to reach
1.58 billion people. This also causes many people to be addicted to using TikTok and spend most of
their time on TikTok, which is felt by most teenagers as one of the largest TikTok users.
Firstly, what makes people addicted to TikTok is because the TikTok algorithm provides video
recommendations based on the content that the person has watched and liked. Moreover, this
algorithm accurately determines what the person is interested in to show content that they are most
likely to like. This can cause someone to be engrossed in a constant stream of content. This
sophisticated algorithm is smarter than the algorithms of previous social media platforms,
recommending highly accurate personalized content that results in higher levels of concentration by
people using the site.
Second, the duration of TikTok videos is usually short, around 15-30 seconds, which will
make it easier for people to get the gist of the information they are looking for and will not get bored
because of the short duration.
Third, today's next generation uses social media to see other people's lives and activities, so
they feel the need to always be updated. TikTok can make a person feel less updated if they don't
follow viral things. On the other hand, TikTok users can mimic the moves and styles of other users
without considering whether it is appropriate or not.
Besides the many benefits of TikTok as social media, communication media and media for
exchanging information, TikTok can also have negative impacts such as addiction and FOMO if used
excessively and used irresponsibly. If we use TIKTOK wisely, we might not encounter those danger.
However, is we feel the negative impacts of TIKTOK above, we should consider to take a break from
the platform.