C20 5 6 Sem EI
C20 5 6 Sem EI
C20 5 6 Sem EI
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Diploma in Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2021-22 C20
Min Marks
Category /
SGPA and
Marks Marks Mark
(Theory ) (Practical)
L T P Max Min Max Min Max Min
Programme Specialization Pathway
20EI51I PCB design, 104 52 312 468 24 240 96 60 24 100 40 400 160
Specialization Manufacturing &
pathways in Assembly
emerging areas 20EI52I Bio medical 104 52 312 468 24 240 96 60 24 100 40 400 160
Student may Instrumentation
select any one 20EI53I Industrial Automation & 104 52 312 468 24 240 96 60 24 100 40 400 160
of the Networking
specializations 20EC52I Industrial Internet of 104 52 312 468 24 240 96 60 24 100 40 400 160
Things (IIOT)
Science and Research Pathway L T P Total CIE SEE
Marks Marks
Max Min Max Min
BS/SC/EI 2OSC51T Paper 1-Applied 52 26 0 78 6 50 20 50 20 100 40
Entrepreneurship Pathway
ES/EI 20ET51I Entrepreneurship and 104 52 312 468 24 240 96 160 64 400 160
Start up
L:- Lecture T:- Tutorial P:- Practical BS- Basic Science:: ES-Engineering Science:: SC: Science , I: Integrated :: CS: Computer Science and EngineeringNote : In 5th
Semester student need to select any one of the pathways consisting of 24 credits
Students can continue their higher education irrespective of the pathways selected
Total Marks
Grade Point
for Passing
CIE marks)
Min Marks
SGPA and
Course Category /
Marks Marks
Department Pathway Course
40 Hours /
Specialisatio Internship/ week
20EI61S 640 16 240 96 160 64 400 160
n pathway project Total 16
40 Hours /
Science and
Research week
20EI61R Research 640 16 240 96 160 64 400 160
project Total 16
Viable Product - 40 Hours /
MVP/ week
20EI61E hip and Start 640 16 240 96 160 64 400 160
up pathway
Incubation/ Total 16
Startup Weeks
Note: Student shall undergo Internship/Project/research project/MVP/Incubation/Startup proposal in the same area as opted
Page 5
Government of Karnataka
Printed Circuit Board (PCB) or Printed Wired Board (PWB) Designing is become one of the fastest
trending and growing industries in the electronics domain to meet industrial requirements of product
development. With evolution of electronics from Vacuum tubes to Fine pitch and BGA components and
compactness of products has made PCB Designing most important, popular, and inevitable stage of any
electronics product development.
It may be miniature or Hugh product, simple or complex designs, single layer or multilayer the
PCB designing process remain same. The PCB Design is a stage of electronics product development where
logical/circuit connections which are made up with help of wire and symbols are transformed into
physical connections (copper connection) with the help of footprints (depending on size and package of
The PCB designing is done with help of EDA (Electronic Design Automation) tools, namely
CADENCE , Mentor Graphics, Altium, Eagle , Kicad etc, where a 3mil/3mil ( trace width and spacing ) (
Note : 1mil = 1/1000 of an inch) technology can be achieved in designs .
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Diploma in Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2021-22 C20
7. Cohort owner shall maintain and document the industrial assignments and weekly assessments,
practices and mini project.
8. The cohort owner shall coordinate with faculties across programs needed for their course to
ensure seamless delivery as per timetable
9. The cohort owner along with classroom can augment or use for supplementally teaching on line
courses available although reliable and good quality online platforms like Karnataka LMS, Infosys
Springboard, NPTEL, Unacademy, SWAYAM , etc.
10. Cohort owner shall guide the cohorts for the execution of mini project.
Course outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to,
Identify Electronic Components & Packages and acquire knowledge on PCB
CO1 DESIGN fundamentals
Comprehend PCB Manufacturing Process & Assembly and E - Waste
CO2 management techniques
Design Printed Circuit Board using EDA tools and Create PCB Symbol &
CO3 Footprint using EDA tools
CO4 Manufacture Printed Circuit Board.
CO5 Assemble PCB with SMD and TH components.
cleanup, silk and assembly clean up before Task deliverables preparation and Final delivery to
Gerber preparation. peer.
(Demo and Student practice) (Demo and Student practice)
Developmental Assessment
Assess students for understanding of
5 fundamental concepts – based on Assessment Review and corrective action 3
MCQ/casestudy/demonstration and such
other assignment methods
Industry Class-Industry Talk / Lecture /
6 Interaction on a topic 2 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
( Online / Offline )
Learning 1. Design layout for REGULATED POWER SUPPLY PCB DESIGN
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Task study
3 3,4 1 4 Schematics activity: Schematics capture for given 3
Industrial assignment)
(Student practice)
(Student practice)
Layout activity: routing completion and Layout activity: Silkscreen cleanup and Assembly
routing \shape clean up. cleanup. Final checking of routing cleanup, silk and
1,3 3,4 3 TASK 2: CONTINUED 4 assembly clean up before Gerber preparation. 3
Layout activity: Routing review with peer (Student practice)
and correction if any.
(Student practice)
Gerber Review with Peer and correction Task deliverables preparation and Final delivery to
1,3 3,4 4 4 3
(Student practice) peer.
(Student practice)
5 CIE 1 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 2 1
Industry Class-Industry Talk / Lecture /
6 Interaction on a topic 2 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
( Online / Offline )
Learning 1. Comprehend Symbol and its types, symbol properties and practices
Outcomes 2. Comprehend Footprint PADSTACK and creation process
Different types of schematics Symbols-
1 Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial Homogenous, Heterogeneous and General symbols,
1,3 2,7 4 1 2
assignment) Symbol properties -DEMO
Practice: Different types of symbols
4 Practice: Different types of symbols Practice: Different types of symbols
1,3 2,7 2 4 1 2
Practice : SMD Pad stack creations Through hole Pad stack creation demo Practice :
3 2,7 4 4 Through hole Pad stack 1 2
3. Design layout for Microcontroller with LCD display till placement of components
( Online / Offline )
Interaction on a topic
( Online / Offline )
Learning 1. Design Layout for H Bridge PWM DC Motor Driver ( High Current)
Tutorial (Peer discussion on PCB MANUFACTURING PRACTICE
1 4 3
Industrial assignment)
Layout activity: Board outline creation, Layout activity: routing completion and routing
adding Board mounting holes, Footprint \shape clean up.
Library Path setting, Netlist importing and (Student practice)
DRC clearing
(Student practice)
Layout activity: Placement of Components
3 3,4,5 2 4 3
in layout as per mech inputs, design flow.
Layout activity: Placement review with
peer. Corrections if any and constraint
settings and Gerber setting and start routing
and plane addition for multilayer board
11 (Student practice)
5 CIE 5 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 2 1
Industry Class-Industry Talk / Lecture /
Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM)
6 Interaction on a topic 2 2 1
( Online / Offline )
1. Comprehend unit conversions
2. Design PCB for a given circuit
3. Outline rules for E - Waste disposal
Power supply layout design with reference to
datasheet guidelines
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Task study :
3 3,5,6,7 1 4 1
Industrial assignment) Schematics activity: Schematics capture for given
(Student practice)
(Student practice)
Layout activity: Silkscreen cleanup and Gerber Review with Peer and correction
Assembly cleanup. Final checking of routing (Student practice)
cleanup, silk and assembly clean up before
Gerber preparation. TASK 6: END
3 3,5,6,7 4 4
(Student practice) Task deliverables preparation and Final delivery to
Gerber and drill files Generation and self- peer.
verification. (Student practice)
(Student practice)
c) Prepare for an internship interview to schedule, WBS, Budget and known risks along
highlight your interests, areas of study, with strategies to mitigate them to ensure the
career aspirations and personnel project achieves the desired outcome.
competence – including the areas of
learning you expect to learn during
1) Recommended EDA Tools – KiCAD , Eagle and any other EDA tools
Note : Theory to be conducted for 1 hour and practice for 3 hours, total duration of exam – 4 hours
Programme Electronics Instrumentation& Control Engineering Semester V
Course PCB Design, Manufacturing and Assembly Max Marks 30
Assessment framework for SEE 1 (Theory) Assessment framework for SEE 1 (Theory)
9.a) 5 10
b) 10
10.a) 10
b) 10
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
3 https://www.analog.com/media/en/training-seminars/design-handbooks/Basic-Linear-Design/Chapter12.pdf online
4 MAKE YOUR OWN PCBS WITH EAGLE: From Schematic Designs to Finished Boards (ELECTRONICS) Simon monk & Duncan
5 https://docs.kicad.org/6.0/en/getting_started_in_kicad/getting_started_in_kicad.html online
As the world population grows, the need for health care increases. In recent years progress in
medical care has been rapid, especially in such fields as neurology and cardiology. A major reason for this
progress has been the marriage of two important disciplines: Medicine and engineering.
There are similarities between these two disciplines and there are differences, but there is no
doubt that cooperation between them has produced excellent results. The disciplines of medicine and
engineering are both broad. They encompass people engaged in a wide spectrum of activities from the
basic maintenance of either the body, or a piece of equipment, to research on the frontiers of knowledge
in each field. There is one obvious common denominator: the need for instrumentation to make a proper
and accurate measurement of the parameters involved.
Bio-Medical Instrumentation provides the tools by which the measurement of physiological variables and
parameters can be achieved.
A Course Cohort Owner is a faculty from the core discipline, who is fully responsible for one
specialised field of study and the cohort of students who have chosen to study that specialised
field of study.
5. The cohort owner shall be responsible to identify experts from the relevant field and
organize industry session as per schedule.
6. Cohort owner shall plan and accompany the cohort for any industrial visits.
7. Cohort owner shall maintain and document industrial assignments, weekly assessments,
practices and mini project.
8. The cohort owner shall coordinate with faculties across programs needed for their course
to ensure seamless delivery as per time table
9. The cohort owner along with classroom sessions can augment or use supplementally
teaching and learning opportunities including good quality online courses available on
platforms like Karnataka LMS, Infosys Springboard, NPTEL, Unacademy, SWAYAM , etc.
Course outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to,
Make use of medical equipment for the measurement of physiological variables & Bio-
electric potentials
Identify therapeutic , Imaging equipments , Laser & operating room equipments used
in Hospitals
CO3 Identify the shock hazards from medical equipments & prevention methods
Illustrate bio waste management methods , select suitable bio materials for
implantable devices.
CO5 Build an application related to Health care `using bio telemetry or IOT
(Video demonstration)
Developmental Assessment -1
Assess students for understanding of
fundamental concepts – based on MCQ/case
5 Assessment Review and corrective action 3
study/demonstration and such other
assignment methods
Measurement of blood oxygen level working Heart- Lung Machine: Working , Components of
principle Heart Lung Machine
Measurement of oxygen level using Pulse ( video demonstration )
oximeter Practical : identify the different types of pumps &
1 2,4,7 3 2 2 1 2
Measurement of Blood pH- working blood oxygenators.
( video demonstration )
Practical : specifications & cost of glucometer ,
oximeter , ph meter
Industry Class
1,5 6 2 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
1. Illustrate the use of EMG & ERG
2. Exposure to the Respiratory system & audiometry
3. Understand the working of Respiratory therapy equipments & Audiometer
EMG – Block diagram & waveform
ERG - Block diagram & waveform
Tutorial (Peer discussion on (Video demonstration)
1,3,6 1 4 1 2
Industrial assignment) Practical : Presentation on different makes & cost
of EEG / EMG
5 CIE 1 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 2 1
1,5 6 Industry Class 2 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
1. Explain the working of Physiotherapy & Electrotherapy equipments
Learning Outcomes
Physiotherapy and Electrotherapy Equipment:
1 Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial
2 1, 4 Importance & applications 2 1
Diathermy:- Types:- short wave , Ultrasonic ,
Block diagram of Electro diagnostics/Therapeutic Microwave' surgical - Working principle
Stimulator, ( Video demonstration )
2 2,4,7 2 Video Demonstration of Muscle stimulator
2 2 1 2
Block diagram of Nerve Stimulator
( Video Demonstration )
4 Muscle Massage vibrators for pain relief - Block Visit to Hospital / Physiotherapy center
2 2,4,7 3 diagram & working principle 2 2 3
( video demonstration )
Prepare a report on equipments used in the Presentation of report on hospital / physiotherapy
2 2,4,7 4 hospital / physiotherapy centre
centre 3
Developmental Assessment -3 Assessment Review and corrective action
Assess students for understanding of
fundamental concepts – based on MCQ/case
5 3
study/demonstration and such other
assignment methods
3 2,4,7 3 Anesthesia Machine - types , Shock Hazards from Electrical equipment - Micro 1 2
Bed Side Monitor block diagram & working 1 3 shock & Macro shock, Physiological effects of
Practical : Identify areas where IOT can be used Selection of mini project , Literature survey ,
in Health care ( PPT Preparation ) Prepare a list of components required & cost of
5 2,4,7 4 4 3
5 CIE 3 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 2 1
10 Learning Outcomes
Hands on experience in real time applications
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 36
Diploma in Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2021-22 C20
Learning Outcomes. IOT / Telemetry based Bio Medical project on real time application
3,6,7 5 Developmental Assessment Assessment Review and corrective action
Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
6 Industry Class 2 2
Internship Project 32
1 a) Secondary research on various industries 4 a) Identification of the problem statement
and their operations to identify at least 3 (from at least 3 known problems) the
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 37
Diploma in Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2021-22 C20
companies along with the areas of work students would like to work as part of the
interest and develop an internship plan project – either as provided by faculty or as
that clearly highlights expectations from identified by the student. Document the
the industry during the internship. impact the project will have from a
b) Design and develop a cover letter for an technical, social and business perspective.
internship request to all 3 identified b) Design and develop the project solution or
companies and the resume to be methodology to be used to solve at least
submitted to potential companies. one of the problems identified.
c) Prepare for an internship interview to c) Prepare a project plan that will include a
highlight your interests, areas of study, schedule, WBS, Budget and known risks
career aspirations and personnel along with strategies to mitigate them to
competence – including the areas of ensure the project achieves the desired
learning you expect to learn during outcome.
CIE Assessment Assessment Mode Max Marks
In hours
Note : Theory to be conducted for 1 hour and practice for 3 hours, total duration of exam – 4 hours
Programme Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering Semester V
Course Biomedical Instrumentation Max Marks 30
Course Code Duration 4 hours
Name of the course coordinator
Note: Answer one full question from each section.
Qn. No Question CL CO PO Marks
Section-1 (Theory) – 10 marks
Section-2 (Practical) - 20 marks
Note : Theory questions shall be aligned to practical questions
3.a) 2
Section- 3
5.a) 3
7.a) 4
9.a) 5
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
Sl. No Description
8 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqNDFF1RsMU
9 https://nba.uth.tmc.edu/neuroscience/m/s1/chapter01.html
10 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BN8oeiuhQS4
11 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4fPFBUsk6ec
12 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MplWXZTOk6o
13 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cP1h_uuXBR4
14 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg32VbpzWN8
15 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28CYhgjrBLA
16 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VWamhZ8vTL4
17 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KmNHqqrFqG8
18 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXzN_cV3CJE
19 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rra6L4mDsWk
20 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOSaklIj5ro
21 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N87iIDapAPA
22 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/articles/17064-heart-beat
23 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYyED7hz3W4
24 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GIMOa0HvLE0
25 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FThXJUFWUrw
26 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9bQW7yn1cI
27 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OR3d5AD4rew
28 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLhbRulwNVo
29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLhbRulwNVo
30 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FjTynC4GbE
31 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDtKBXOEsoM
32 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cx7uPuRqNME
33 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrMpwbBBkK0
34 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XMizSSOejg0
Page 45
Government of Karnataka
Rationale: Automation in the industrial workplace provides the advantages of improving productivity
and quality while reducing errors and waste, increasing safety, and adding flexibility to the manufacturing
process. In the end, industrial automation yields increased safety, reliability, and profitability. Industrial
automation course introduces Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC), Field level Instrumentation and
SCADA/HMI Systems used for Industrial Automation. The students will get appropriate knowledge and
exposure to configuration of Industrial Controllers and development of application programs. Also covers
Interfacing with SCADA/HMI systems used for remote monitoring & control of industrial process units
and machines.
Before the start of this specialization course, you will have prerequisite knowledge gained in the first two
years on the following subjects:
1st year -Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Computer Aided Engineering Graphics,
Statistics & Analysis, Basic IT Skills, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Project
Management skills, Digital Electronics
2nd year- Analog Electronics, Logic Design using Verilog, Communication Systems, Electronic
Measurements and Testing Techniques, PCB Design & Fabrication, Wireless Communication, Embedded
C Programming, Industrial Automation, in this year of study, you shall be applying your previous years
learning along with specialized field of study into projects and real-world applications.
Course Cohort Owner
A Course Cohort Owner is a faculty from the core discipline, who is fully responsible for one
specialised field of study and the cohort of students who have chosen to study that specialised
field of study.
2. One faculty from the Core Discipline shall be the Cohort Owner, who for teaching and
learning in allied disciplines can work with faculty from other disciplines or industry
3. The course shall be delivered in boot camp mode spanning over 12 weeks of study, weekly
developmental assessments and culminating in a mini capstone.
4. The industry session shall be addressed by industry subject experts (in contact
mode/online / recorded video mode) in the discipline only.
5. The cohort owner shall be responsible to identify experts from the relevant field and
organize industry session as per schedule.
6. Cohort owner shall plan and accompany the cohort for any industrial visits.
7. Cohort owner shall maintain and document industrial assignments, weekly assessments,
practices and mini project.
8. The cohort owner shall coordinate with faculties across programs needed for their course
to ensure seamless delivery as per time table
9. The cohort owner along with classroom sessions can augment or use supplementally
teaching and learning opportunities including good quality online courses available on
platforms like Karnataka LMS, Infosys Springboard, NPTEL, Unacademy, SWAYAM , etc.
Course outcomes: On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to,
CO1 Identify Hardware & software related to PLC
CO2 Develop and test a PLC program for given industrial application using simulation software.
Make use of PLC for E - Waste management
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Diploma in Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2021-22 C20
PLC Hardware Components - The I/O Section, I/O Specifications - Typical Discrete I/O
Discrete I/O Modules, Analog I/O Modules, Special I/O Module Specifications, Typical Analog I/O
1 1,7 2 Modules 1 0 3 Module Specifications, The Central 1 0 2
Processing Unit (CPU)
1 Memory Design, Memory Types, Simulation or Video Programming Terminal Devices, Recording
Demonstration of the usage of memory concepts that are and Retrieving Data, Identify the various
1 1,7 3 1 0 3 1 0 2
to be used in designing a plant. Front panel controllers of a PLC module
Number Systems and Codes - Decimal, Binary & BCD Number Systems and Codes - Negative,
systems, ASCII code, Parity Bit, Binary Arithmetic and 1 0 Octal & Hexadecimal systems. Gray Code.
1 1,7 4 3 1 0 2
Floating Point arithmetic
Fundamentals of Logic - The Binary Concept, AND, Developing Logic Gate Circuits from
OR, NOT, and XOR Functions 1 0 3 Boolean expressions
1 1,7 2 0 0 3
Boolean Algebra Producing the Boolean Equation for a given
Logic circuit
Hardwired Logic versus Programmed Logic Programming Word Level Logic
Basics of PLC Programming - Processor Memory Instructions. Introduction to basic switching
1 1,7 3 Organization 1 0 3 elements 1 0 2
Program Files and Data Files. Program Scan, Bit-Level PLC Programming Languages - Outline the
Logic Instructions. Demo on switching conditions. different programming techniques
1 1,7 4 1 0 3 Fundamentals of Logic, Basics of PLC 1 0 2
Programming using Ladder diagram
Ladder Diagram structure & rules
5 Developmental Assessment Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Industry Expert Talk / Lecture / Interaction OR Video
Demonstration of any Mega Factory showing the role of
6 Automation 2 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
Multiple Examples to be demonstrated and students High-Speed Counters [Explanation with Video
must solve 2 common question given to them on the Demonstration]
concept during practical hours Multiple Examples to be demonstrated and
students must solve 2 common question given to
them on the concept during practical hours
Incremental Encoder-Counter Applications, Program Control Instructions - Program
Combining Counter and Timer Functions Control, Master Control Reset Instruction
2 2,3,4,7 3 Multiple Examples to be demonstrated and students Jump Instructions
1 0 3 1 0 2
must solve 2 common question given to them on the Multiple Examples to be demonstrated and
concept during practical hours students must solve 2 common question given to
them on the concept during practical hours
Subroutine Functions Forcing External I/O Addresses
Immediate Input and Immediate Output Instructions Design a ladder logic to manually control the
2 2,3,5,7 4 Selectable Timed Interrupt, Fault Routine, Temporary state of an Input or Output in case of sensor or
1 0 3 0 0 3
End Instruction, Suspend Instruction simulation of actuator failure and simulate the same condition.
instructions to be demonstrated
A PLC Field Expert should deliver the lectures and A PLC Field Expert should deliver the lectures
show the practices that are to be followed during and show the practices that are to be followed
Installation, Commissioning and Troubleshooting of a during Installation, Commissioning and
PLC environment Troubleshooting of a PLC environment
PLC Installation Practices, Case Study on E - waste management using
Editing, and Troubleshooting - PLC
Students should prepare, present and submit a report Students should prepare, present and submit a
2 2,3,4,5,7 4 1 0 3 0 0 3
describing the installation, commissioning, and report describing a process to manage E - waste
troubleshooting procedures of any production facility
5 CIE 4 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Industry Class-Industry Expert Talk / Lecture /
6 Interaction on Modern PLC Controllers and its impact 2 0 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
on Industry 4.0
1. Comprehend concepts of Networking
Learning 2. Identify different Networking Techniques
Outcomes 3. Make use of networking in Automation
4. Comprehend the concepts of DCS , SCADA & HMI
Introduction:- Definition of Computer
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial network, advantages of computer networks,
1 4 1 0 2
assignment) Compare LAN, MAN, and WAN,
Video Demonstration
Network configuration:- Working of Peer to Peer Transmission media:- Construction,Working,
10 network, Client server network, types & applications of Co-axial, Optical Fiber
Network topology:- working and applications of Bus OSI Reference model, Function of seven layers
4 1,2,3,7 2 , Ring, Star Either Video Demonstration of the 2 0 2 (Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, 1 0 2
topology or their physical implementation of any one Session, Presentation, Application), TCP/IP and
topology features of TCP/IP,
Video Demonstration
Wired LAN:- Overview of Ethernet, Principle of
Internet work Connectivity:-Working and
4 1,2,3,7 3 CSMA/CD, Ethernet applications, Token Ring 2 0 2 1 0 2
Applications of Repeaters, Bridges, Routers
network, FDDI, Self-Healing Mechanism
Project 33
Internship a) Identification of the problem statement
a) Secondary research on various industries and (from at least 3 known problems) the
their operations to identify at least 3 companies students would like to work as part of the
along with the areas of work interest and project – either as provided by faculty or
develop an internship plan that clearly as identified by the student. Document the
highlights expectations from the industry during impact the project will have from a
the internship. technical, social and business perspective.
b) Design and develop a cover letter for an b) Design and develop the project solution or
13 1 1,7 1 3
internship request to all 3 identified companies methodology to be used to solve at least
and the resume to be submitted to potential one of the problems identified.
companies. c) Prepare a project plan that will include a
c) Prepare for an internship interview to highlight schedule, WBS, Budget and known risks
your interests, areas of study, career aspirations along with strategies to mitigate them to
and personnel competence – including the areas ensure the project achieves the desired
of learning you expect to learn during outcome.
Note : Theory to be conducted for 1 hour and practice for 3 hours, total duration of exam – 4 hours
Programme Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering Semester V
Course Code Duration 4 hours
Name of the course coordinator
Note: Answer one full question from each section.
Qn.No Question CL CO PO Marks
Section-1 (Theory) – 10 marks
Section-2 (Practical) - 20 marks
Note : Theory questions shall be aligned to practical questions
9.a) 5
1 Case submission 20
2 Case presentation 20
3 Case innovation 20
4 Result 20
5 Viva voce 20
Total 100
Sl. No Description
Government of Karnataka
Before the start of this specialization course, you will have prerequisite knowledge gained in the first two
years on the following subjects:
1st year -Engineering Mathematics, Communication Skills, Computer Aided Engineering Graphics,
Statistics & Analysis, Basic IT Skills, Fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Project
Management skills, Digital Electronics
2nd year- Analog Electronics, Logic Design using Verilog, Communication Systems, Electronic
Measurements and Testing Techniques, PCB Design & Fabrication, Wireless Communication, Embedded
C Programming, Industrial Automation, in this year of study, you shall be applying your previous years
learning along with specialized field of study into projects and real-world applications.
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Diploma in Electronics Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2021-22 C20
5. The cohort owner shall be responsible to identify experts from the relevant field and organize
industry session as per schedule.
6. Cohort owner shall plan and accompany the cohort for industrial/mines/site/showroom/service
Centre visits.
7. Cohort owner shall maintain and document the industrial assignments, weekly assessments,
practices and mini project.
8. The cohort owner shall coordinate with faculties across programs needed for their course to
ensure seamless delivery as per time table
9. The cohort owner along with classroom can augment or use for supplementally teaching on line
courses available although reliable and good quality online platforms like Karnataka LMS, Infosys
Springboard, NPTEL, Unacademy, SWAYAM etc.
10. Report should be maintained for industrial/field visit, such report shall be considered as industrial
Course outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to,
Explain the concept of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), components and its known
Demonstrate use cases of IIoT systems, for any applications using protocols &
CO3 Build a cloud based IIoT system for a specific application & verify its output.
Demonstrate the importance of IIoT data analytics & IIoT security in various
Design, test and troubleshoot a given IIoT system to meet defined operational
specifications in real and simulated environment.
Page 65
Detailed course plan
Week CO PO Days 1st session (9am to 1 pm) L T P 2ND session (1.30pm to 4.30pm) L T P
1. Introduction to IIoT.
Learning Outcomes 2. Information technology (IT), Operational technology (OT) & convergence.
3. Simple application of wifi module: NODEMCU ESp8266
Industrial Revolutions 1,2, 3.
Globalization and Emerging issues.
Fourth Industrial Revolution. IIoT-
Industry 4.0 concepts, benefits. Concept, definitions & Implementation
Examples - Embedded Systems,
1 Applications of Industry 4.0 – video 2 2 Computer Networks, Internet of Everything 1 2
demonstration. (IoE).
Demonstration & explanation of IIoT
applications in various sectors.
Operational Technology (OT) components: Basics of wireless networking, introduction to
industrial control system, PLC, SCADA, DCS. ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module, study datasheet.
IT Components (IT): Hardware, Software,
People, Processes.
3 2 2 3
Practise Introduction to NODEMCU ESp8266(WIFI
Demonstration of OT & IT components and module) & its simple implementation.
processes in various domains.
Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom History and evolution of automation: Plants to
realization for an organisation. (DIKW) – Parts.
concept, model & examples.
4 1 1 2 1 2
Comparison between IoT & automation. IIoT
DIKW pyramid and relevance with IoT. in automation.
Explain with an example.
5 Developmental Assessment Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Industry Class – Use cases of IIoT.
6 2 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
1. Automation concepts.
2. Industry visit.
Commercial microcontroller-based
Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial development boards- examples, selection
1 4 1 2
assignment) criteria and trade-offs for automation.
Machine to Machine (M2M) networks- M2M Human Machine Interface (HMI) in an automation
towards IoT-the global context, concept, process – concept, implementation, examples.
components, examples.M2M Value Chains,
IoT Value Chains. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)- concept,
implementation. Integration of IIoT with ERP
Comparison between M2M & IoT.
2 1 3 1 2
Industrial networks – concept, type, Manufacturing Execution System (MES) –
examples. concept, implementation, cloud MES
Demonstration of M2M networks &Industrial
3 networks
INDUSTRY VISIT: Visit nearby automation INDUSTRY VISIT: Visit nearby automation
industry and see how IIoT is implemented there, industry and see how IIoT is implemented
1,2 1,3 Prepare a detailed report on the components there.
used, the process, the data storage and analysis, Prepare a detailed report on the components
3 etc of the respective industry. 4 3
used, the process, the data storage and
analysis, etc of the respective industry &
demonstrate a presentation.
5 CIE 1 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Department of Collegiate & Technical Education Bengaluru-560001 Page 68
Diploma in Electronic Instrumentation & Control Engineering 2021-22 C20
1 Tutorial (Peer discussion on Industrial
4 IoT protocol stack - with hands-on such as Contiki- 1 2
OS or any other IoT based stack.
Narrow Band Internet of Things (NB-IOT) IPv6 over Low-power Wireless Personal Area
communication mechanism - components, Networks(6lowpan) communication
operation and applications. mechanism - operation and applications.
2 Practise – simulation of IIoT communication 1 3 Practise – simulation of IIoT communication 1 2
models using models using
Tools. (Cisco packet tracer, wireshark, netsim Tools. (Cisco packet tracer, wireshark, netsim
5 etc.) etc.)
2,3 3,4,7 Practise
Introduction to Blynk IoT platform – features. Practise
3 cloud, installation, steps to execute 1 3 Design a simple IoT based application using 3
experiments. Blynk IoT platform.
Cloud demonstrations.
Explore its features like configuration of Design Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 NodeMCU
devices, connecting to network, writing Alexa Home Automation system/Alexa class
code, uploading, dashboard creation, room automation system.
2 visualization. 1 3 3
6 Practise
3 1,3,4,5 Design Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266
NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation
system/Alexa class room automation system.
cloud computing services: concept, types.
Interoperability issues.
IIoT design considerations -
architecture, device, network and cloud,
explain with an example and demonstrate.
components of futuristic industrial plant in
Build partnerships. industry 4.0 with block diagram.
2 Clarify business outcomes and Return on 1 1 2 3
Investment (ROI). Start small, Security first. Suggest the requirements to develop a facial
3,5 1,2,3,5
recognition door unlock IoT project for your
design philosophy: IIoT for industrial home and prepare a report on the IoT
processes, features of industrial process & its architecture - development of the system and
benefits. demonstrate in class.
Introduction to ThingSpeak software – data
aggregation & analysis, features, usage,
applications. Practise
Show with a practical example with the use of
3 1 3 Arduino uno and sensor of your choice how 3
data can be sent to a thingspeak cloud and
Practise analyse the data.
Show with a practical example with the use of
Arduino uno and sensor of your choice how
Demonstration/simulation of solutions to
Practise vulnerability scenario using video/
Demonstration/simulation of a vulnerability software.
scenario (firewall/attack surfaces) using
Next generation sensors in industry 4.0 Industrial Internet Systems – advantages, Use
(intelligent sensors)– limitations of smart Cases.
sensors, need for next generation sensors,
advantages, applications. Practise
video demonstration of industrial internet
Industrial Internet Systems – elements, systems for any application
4 applications, Examples. Impact of industrial 1 3 1 2
internet on health care sector.
video demonstration of industrial internet
systems for any application
5 CIE 4 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Industry class on cyber physical systems &
6 cybersecurity.
2 2 Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
5 CIE 5 – Written and Practice Test Assessment Review and corrective action 3
Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM)
6 Industry Class on optimizations in IIoT. 2 2 1
Weekly Assignment(1PM-2PM) 1
6 Industry Class on IIoT applications. 2 2
Internship Project 3
1 a) Secondary research on various industries 4 a) Identification of the problem statement
and their operations to identify at least 3 (from at least 3 known problems) the students 3
2 companies along with the areas of work interest 4 would like to work as part of the project – either as
and develop an internship plan that clearly provided by faculty or as identified by the student.
3 highlights expectations from the industry during 4 Document the impact the project will have from a
the internship. technical, social and business perspective.
13 3
4 4
b) Design and develop a cover letter for an b) Design and develop the project solution or
internship request to all 3 identified companies methodology to be used to solve at least one of the 3
5 and the resume to be submitted to potential 4 problems identified.
c) Prepare a project plan that will include a 1
c) Prepare for an internship interview to schedule, WBS, Budget and known risks along with
highlight your interests, areas of study, career strategies to mitigate them to ensure the project
6 4
aspirations and personnel competence – including achieves the desired outcome
the areas of learning you expect to learn during
internships Review
1. Practice Exercises (Hands on) should be done using hardware development boards like Arduino/NODEMCU/Raspberry Pi along with the
necessary sensors/jumper wires/breadboards/components.,etc
2. Simulation exercises can be done using tools such as Netsim, Cisco packet tracer, wireshark, etc.
3. Study the datasheets for various sensors and other new components mentioned in the practice exercises and learn how to use them.
Sl. No Description
1 The Internet of Things in the Industrial Sector, Mahmood, Zaigham (Ed.) (Springer Publication)
2 Industrial Internet of Things: Cybermanufacturing System, Sabina Jeschke, Christian Brecher, Houbing Song, Danda B. Rawat (Springer Publication)
3 Industrial IoT Challenges, Design Principles, Applications, and Security by Ismail Butun (editor) Springer Publications.
4 Industry 4.0 The Industrial Internet of Things by Alasdair Gilchrist, Apress Publications.
5 Rahul Dubey, “An Introduction to Internet of Things: Connecting Devices, Edge Gateway, and Cloud with Applications”, Cengage India Publication
6 Perry Xiao, “Designing Embedded Systems and the Internet of Things (IoT) with the ARM Mbed
7 Sudip Misra, Chandana Roy and Anandarup Mukherjee, “Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0”, CRC Press
David Hanes, Gonzalo Salgueiro, Patrick Grossetete, Robert Barton, Jerome Henry, “IoT Fundamentals: Networking Technologies, Protocols, and Use
Cases for the Internet of Things”, CISCO Press, 2017
10 Massimo Banzi, Michael Shiloh Make: Getting Started with the Arduino, Shroff Publisher/Maker Media Publishers.
11 Richardson, M., & Wallace, S. (2012). Getting started with raspberry PI. " O‟Reilly Publisher Media, Inc
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
12 smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
Design a system using Arduino Uno and ESP 8266 WiFi module to create a
smart irrigation system for your home garden. Design the whole system with
design a system using Arduino uno and esp 8266 wifi module to create a smart irrigation system for your home / college garden. design the whole
system with proper block diagram, wiring and code.
Show with a practical example with the use of Arduino UNO and sensor of your choice how data can be sent to a ThingSpeak cloud. Select
Show with a practical example with the use of Arduino UNO and sensor of your choice how data can be sent to a ThingSpeak cloud. Select
Show with a practical example with the use of Arduino uno and sensor of your choice how data can be sent to a thingspeak cloud
Draw a neat diagram and explain the design of an IoT working prototype for
interfacing Arduino UNO with DHT11 sensor to send the temperature and
pins and write the required Arduino program. Write step by step method used
in configuring ESP826. How sensor data will be sent using HTTP methods
IoT Based Temperature and Humidity Monitoring over ThingSpeak using Arduino UNO and ESP8266
16 IoT based Home Automation project using NodeMCU ESP8266 and New Blynk app |
17 AWS In 10 Minutes | AWS Tutorial For Beginners | AWS Training Video | AWS Tutorial | Simplilearn - YouTube (week 6 ,day 3)
19 IoT Based Health Monitoring System using Raspberry Pi - YouTube (week 11, Day 3)
20 How to build a IOT Smart Irrigation System with Blynk, NodeMCU, and Soil Moisture - YouTube (Week 11,day 4)
21 Arduino Project: IOT Car Parking System using Nodemcu esp8266 wifi + Blynk (Tabs + led widgets) - YouTube (week 12, day3)
Temperature based Touchless Attendance System using NodeMCU and MLX90614 Infrared Thermometer
CIE Assessment Assessment Mode Max Marks
In hours
2.a) Lack of security support on devices deployed in production of a manufacturing plant, including
asset management, update management, secure decommissioning, systems monitoring, and L4 3,5 1,2,3,5 5
response capabilities: is security support on IoT devices essential? Justify your answer.
b) Vulnerabilities are a major and constant issue in the field of the IoT. It can come from any layer of
IoT devices severely affecting the business operations of all the industries. As a systems engineer L4 3,5 1,2,3,5 5
what steps would you take to secure the organisation from malwares, adwares , Trojans,etc.
prepare an document for the best practices to be used by all the employees of an organization.
Section-2 (Practical) - 20 marks
3) Design Arduino IoT Cloud ESP8266 NodeMCU Alexa Home Automation system/Alexa class room
automation system. L4 1,3 1,3,4,5 20
4) Show with a practical example with the use of Arduino uno and sensor of your choice how data
can be sent to a thingspeak cloud and analyse the data. L3/l4 3,5 1,3,4,5 20
b) Explain the necessity of adopting IoT technology for a growing need to increase customer loyalty and
deliver the best in-store experience by retail sector in the following sectors: (i) Inventory L3/L4 10
management (ii) Smart payments (iii) Smart vending machines.
3.a) This protocol has formed the foundation of data communication over the web. It is the most common 10
protocol that is used for IoT devices when there is a lot of data to be published. Which is this IoT L4
network protocol? why is it not a preferred choice nowadays? Which protocol would you suggest for
Additive manufacturing/3D printing process for an industry. List its features.
b) The cloud architect of ABB company has informed you to select the best communication protocol to be 10
used in smart cities, where there are millions of devices that function with less power and
memory. Which protocol would you suggest and why? Which protocol is used for smart street L3
lighting in a smart city.
4.a) Which is the most preferred protocol for IoT devices, say for example fire detectors? It should support 10
remote monitoring and used in devices which are economical and requires less power and memory. L4
Explain its working principle. 2
b) In an SBI ATM, a customer needs to withdraw Rs 15000/- cash. On entering the details, the ATM Kiosk 10
asks for the PIN as it is over Rs 10,000/- withdrawal The customer does get the OTP message from the
bank, enters the data, collects the receipt with the updated balance. However, the ATM KIOSK does not
ask for an OTP for transactions below Rs 10,000/-? Where is the checkpoint happening in the L3/L4
communication between SBI and customer. Elaborate your answer with details.
Section- 3
5.a) An organization debating whether to install a private cloud or to use a public cloud, e.g., the AWS, for
its computational and storage needs, asks your advice. What information will you require to base your 10
recommendation on? list the requirements that needs to be considered for using the cloud services. L3
b) Overprovisioning is the reliance on extra capacity to satisfy the needs of a large community of users
when the average-to-peak resource demand ratio is very high. Give an example of a large-scale system 10
using overprovisioning and discuss if overprovisioning is sustainable in that case and what are the L4
limitations of it. Is cloud elasticity based on overprovisioning sustainable? Give the arguments to
support your answer
6.a) SAP is a really big company, so much so that its offerings span multiple service models. Among them is
their Cloud PaaS which is an open business platform. It was designed to help developers build 3 10
applications more easily, offering both breadth and depth of service. What features are offered by PaaS L4
model which is beneficial to SAP company. Explain its features.
b) In financial sector, the E – payments made by the customer are failing repeatedly. What could be
wrong? Explain how gateways are used for data management, local applications and device L3 10
management in IoT.
7.a) Illustrate the role of the Internet of Things for Increased Autonomy and Agility in Collaborative 10
Production Environments for Logistics & Supply Chain Optimization in manufacturing sector? L3
b) Siemens is a German multinational conglomerate company. The company builds automated machines 10
for the likes of BMW. Siemens introduced an operating system called Mindsphere, the cloud-based IoT
unit from Siemens which basically aggregates the data from all the different vital components of a L4
factory and then processes them through rich analytics to produce useful results. Suddenly, the
operating system was behaving weirdly and started to give inaccurate data / links were popping up ,
as if the system was hanging and it was noticed by the system engineers. What could have gone
wrong? how to control the situation.
8.a) Fanuc is one of the largest suppliers of industrial automation equipment in the world. The company 10
had developed FIELD System (Fanuc Intelligent Edge Link & Drive System), an open platform that
enables the execution of various IIoT applications that focus on heavy devices like robots, sensors, and L4
machine tools. How are supervisors in Fanuc able to anticipate any failure in the mechanism and keep
up with the schedule and reduce costs. Elaborate on the methods being used.
b) In the healthcare industry (Medical IoT) IoT devices are already being utilized to remotely monitor 10
patients’ vital signs and has proven very helpful since the pandemic . what are the possible L4
consequences of IoT security attacks in Medical IoT.
9.a) Heavy-equipment maker Caterpillar has long been an IoT projects pioneer. It wants to give the machine 10
operators an at-a-glance view of everything from fuel levels to when air filters need replacing. If an old L4
filter expires, the company can send basic instructions for how to replace it via an AR app. Recommend
the technology can be adopted by Caterpillar to meet its desired requirements and improve the
b) Amazon is already using the smart warehouse at the beginning stage. Explain the deployment and 10
operational view, resources, services, virtual entities, users in an IoT system by considering a smart L3
warehouse as an example.
10.a) Netflix is an entertainment platform that started in the United States, but eventually, it expanded to 10
many countries and soon became popular. How could Netflix confront the scalability problem with the 5
sudden increase in viewers. What kind of databases were used and what were the other services L4
offered by the solution to the scalability problem.
Problem statement: Design a IIoT system for a given application with cloud interfacing and show the output. (Any
development board NODEMCU ESP 8266/ Arduino/raspberry pi can be used). troubleshoot if required to get the desired
Writing code for Cloud interfacing and initialization. (Programming Arduino for Sending data to cloud)
2 30
5 Viva voce 10
Total 100
Sl No Equipment’s Quantity
1 Arduino Boards 5
2 NODEMCU Esp8266 5
3 Raspberry Pi Boards 2