7th Grade Math April 13-24 District Packet

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7*h Grade Parent Information April 13-24 }> Recommended daily math practice time: 30-40 minutes > There are 13 “skills practice” pages — Recommendation is to work 15-20 problems per day from pages of your child’s choice. However, the goal is practice and remembering how to work problems correctly. Adjust the number of problems based on how long it takes your child to complete. > Answer keys are at the end of the document. ntl Add integers. BO s5+e= Bo1ca= B-7+6- 14+ (-16) = -19 + 36 = 1741447410 “8+ 14+ (-2+6= 79 + (-24) = -8+n= WM -6+ 2+ +6 45 + (-33)= B5+-3+atrnt+o= 378 Fluency Practice ion and Subtraction with Rational Numbers—Skills Practice Form A 14 + (-4) +6 + (-16) = 15 + (-7) + (-3) —18 + (-17) = B -16 + +-4= 19 + 13 + (-9) = —17 + (-19) = @ 234+144+(-3)= ® -9+43+¢1)= 16 + (-26) = B® is + 19 + (-8) + (-19) +7 = B7+14)+-9+ 1344 ©Curriculum Associates, LC Copying i permitted for classroom use. PCH Ce TC TLL eta COUN) Rational Numbers—Skills Practice Subtract integers. FormA @ -8- 14) =__ @ -8-4-(-a)=__ Bv--s-__ @o-t)-(-3)-16=__s M -12- 4=__ GB -3-()=__ @o-3)=__ BO -5-67-65)=__ B -e2- 1) = __ —4-8-16= —17-(-6)- —_— Bu-e5)=__ 46-21= 41 — (13) — 21=___ 14-(-17) 55 — (29) — (-45) = _ 8—(-14) ~(-2)-4=__ ®Bo-7 (4) -3=_ —_ EX) 30 ~(-15)—40=___ (14) -4- (27)- 12 ~ (7) = (-19) ~ (13) ~ (-2) = ___ 1 = (5) = 9 = (+13) = (5) = __ B= (3) — 10 - (12) ~ (-7) = _ BBO Huency Practice ©Currieuuim Asociates, LLC Copying permited fr elassroom use Addition and Subtraction with Rational Numbers—Skills Practice Add rational numbers. FormA 7.25 + 8.67 = 9+ (-10.2) =. 15.4 + (-16) = 11+ (4.25) = 18.04 + 79 = 53 + (164) = -575 + 10= ® -89 + (-72)+ 189= 4.2 + (-3.7) =. 3.5 + (13.5) + (-5.6) ~3h + (-8)= 382 Fluency Practice (©Curticalum Associates, LLC Copying is permited for classroom use PNG Tide Pieler Rational Numbers—Skills Practice Name; Add and subtract rational numbers. Form A -165-1= 1 —83- 4) GB -15.7 - 16.2) = 775 — 14.25 = 42-176 +58= 1192-45 = 12.6 + 4.2 - (-2.6) = —52— 88+ 152 = ~65 +11 —(-65) 61-6 — (-6.1) + 16 = 14343 alate 4-143) 1.25 — 2.75 — (-3.75) + (-7.25) = 3B4 Fluency Practice ©Curiulum Associates, LLC Copying i perlted for elasstoom use, WP ete H en MTeoR) Rational Numbers—Skills Practice Multiply rational numbers. Form A 2% (-5) X 3X (-4) = =0.2 x (-0.4) 9x (-4) = 0.2 X (-0.05) X 0.3 = Bexco= -0.5 X 04 X 0.3 = B7K-4= @5x-3= @ -10x4= 100 x (-9) = —0.5 X 0.1 X (-0.2) x (-0.4) 390 suency Practice COcurieulum Associates LLC Copying permite or casoom use Multiplication and Di Tati Rational Numbers—Skills Practice Divide rational numbers. FormA -36+01= B-44=-4= -89+10= =24 + (~0.2) = —100 + (—50) = © 55 = (-05)= 75 + (-2.5) = 32445 -36512= B92 Fluency Practice OCurricuhum Associates, LLC Copying is permited fr classroom use Peacoat ear UL i) erat ee atl ence Write fractions as decimals. Form A S ii a-- 1 win 1 394 Fluency Practice ‘Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use Using Properties of Operations— SUS erat Write an equivalent expression without parentheses, and combine Form A terms if possible. @ s+ @&= 6n ~ 3Qn — 5) = 0.5(-12p - 4) = y+3y-9= B4x-9+30= 8x = 4x + 3K +2 = BD 450+74350+2= 1 7 Yll2n + 36) = By — ax + By 44x = By +7)—Sy= 1 2 8(6a + 7) = Dgyte-gy-4= Bot 2x+4K+5)= 8x + 3) = 3y + ly — 2.5) = ® 9-}m+4)-6m= BD 6.25m +9 +3.75m — 12 = BOB rivencyPracice curriculum Asocates, LLC Copying permite for cassroom use. Using Properties of Operations— OTST Teta (x) Use the distributive property to write the expression as a product. Form A Bx+7 Byt4-y= B 2x-5= 4-By= @® -1xn-44= B 10+ 70x= B 0-Ca= ® -2«+ 12-4x= ~25y + (-55) = 2oy — (5) = 2x + 14 = 18x — 33 = B 4+ 2+7= B7+Rw= 6+ yy) = 5x + 33 + 16x = ® wy-35= 400 ruency Practice Cures Atos LLC Copying is ermited for elasoom we BANCrst eC teel ade Tadley Solve equations of form px + q = rwith integers. ox+6=0 Bx+4=-6 G 90=20x-10 15x — 45 = 45 @ 97 = 10x + 27 =127 = 50x + 23 kt 4=-38 402 Fluency Practice Form A B -x+9-6 @ -275 = 25x—50 46 = 3x +19 @ 2x - 4=-38 —6x— 13 = 35 152 -4x- 5: B -25 = 10x - 25 ©Currieulum Associates, LLC Copying i permitted for cassroom use Solve equations of form px + q = r with rational numbers. Form A 1.2K +5, =5.6x + 8.8 = 3.2 404 rtuencyracice G 04x + 15 = 398 @ -82= 71+ 1% ©Curieulum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted fr classroom use. Mimsy stellate tha ett) Solve equations of form p(x + q) = rwith integers. Form A BD or+ 4 =36 B 40-5) =-44 —6(x — 12) = 48 © 10 — 15) = -70 36 = 12x + 7) B3x- 9-24 B -ww+ 2 = -66 06 Fluency Practice Bxa-%m+3) GB 5x+4=35 2x — 13) = 18 “Wx + 7) = 49 24 = A(x - 6) Bix — 14) = 64 (OCursculum Associates, LLC Copying s pernited for eassroom use Bi esy ol ete iea reed Cea g lad) Solve equations of form p(x + q) = r with rational numbers. FormA 1 ai B-hw+o-3 0.25(p + 8) =2 B -02w-6) B -69= 3 +46) G -25(p-7)=-25 Bi=im-9 @ 45=5+3) 10(x — 24.2) = 50 =-5 aint a=—5 @ 1-04) = 44 20= 3m +8) -ty+a=4 @ 76 = 2 +57) A0B Fluency Practice ‘Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitied for classroom use. ReMi enceMetearen i Rational Numbers— Skills Practice Add integers. @o5+= -3 Borca=_ Bovew- 7! tee 2 Bow+36- tT @ -17+14+7+10= \4 ®W -8+ 4+(-2+6= \o B19 +(-29 = SD 15} 3 —8+u= ® -6+ 12+ (12) +6= BD 5+ (-3=_ |e 15+ (3+ (-Q4nF9=_GO_ 378 Fluency Practice Name: Asus Koy — FormA tea t6+eig =O BO yt++-3= Ss 18 + (-17) = -35 16 + (-7) + (-4) =221 winecy= 22 -2+en= 214 =17 + (19) = -3b 3+ 4+ca= 34 -9+as4(¢ay=_ 23 BD 16+ (-29- ~!0 Bies+carcige7-_l] D744 +(-O +B +45 4 (©Cuniculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted for classroom use ‘Addition and Subtraction with Rational Numbers— Skills Practice wv sit Key Subtract integers. Form A @3-cw-o -8-4-(-8) 7-8) =25_ @o--7--39-6-_O B-r-4-7le B-8-19=—& 6-(-3)= -en--9=_1 —62 ~ (-11) csi @ -1-9- 16-728 Bs-v-¢-6-3-2!° Bu-ciy- 2 @ -w-a-2 67 Ba-y-1-3> wey 55 — 29) — (45) =!2F. =~ (1 -(2)-4=20 ®o-7--4-3=O fp 25-25 30-19 40-2 ufagaa—enxa2, 12 — (-2) — 19) = (13) — y-29 an-¢9)-9-e9)--9= 3 8-39-10 -1y-«-= 29 BBO Fluency Practice ‘©Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying permited fr cassroom use Addition and Subtraction with Rational Numbers—Skills Practice Add rational numbers. @ -725+867=_\.42 9 + (10.2) =. =\.2 ater = 0-6 ~1804 +79 = 210-14 @ -89+(-72)+189= 2- 8 42+ (-3.2)=, - 4 354 (135) +56 = —!Sebo alteas 7 lie 3BB2_— Fluency Practice Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permitted or classroom use Addition and Subtraction with Rational Numbers— Skills Practice Add and subtract rational numbers. @#8-(2)-_ 7 B-w5-1 \ © 775 - 14.25 = -6.5 B -8}--4= -43 @-157-(162)= 0.5 \ Be-oa- 13-1 geé-ot 230 3 BD 62-(-68)= IS \ = Mrse—-45- 74D pet-ateri= | -w6rse=— eb 4 - (26) = -s2-a4a ye IS 12.6 + 4.2 — (-2.6) 5.8 @ -52 - 88+ 152 = ls 6.5 + 11 — (-6.5) = VW 4 © -61 - 6 -(-61) + 16= 10 3 3 13423 ® 1.25 — 2.75 — (-3.75) + (-7.25) = BBA Fluency Practice ‘©Curricuhim Assocites, LLC Copying permite fr cassroom use Multiplication and Division with Rational Numbers—skills Practice woe Aste bony — ‘Multiply rational numbers. Form A B 2x65 x3x-4= 120 -0.2x (04) = O08 B-9x-9= 3b B-2x7-72" @ 02 (005) x03 = = 0-003 B -06x003 =~ 0-018 _s Bexco- le ee 3 ie 05x (-07-- 0.35 B-7«-4-_28 —40 5X (-8) -10x 14=_—\40 6D 100 x -9) = = 00 B-ixixt= “Te 05 x 03 x (-0.2) x (-04) = 70/004 -tx3xEx(-t= 390 Fluency Practice Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permted for classroom use rational numbers. 35+ (-5)= -1 -10 ® -90= B -89+10= = 0-84 24+ (-0.2) = _\20 a —100 + (-50) = B -42=(-0= q B92 Fluency Practice WO eC en COVE Ch Mi) Rational Numbers—Skills Practice 56 + (-8) = -1 s of -98 + (-)= 4.8 Bo4+= 3-2 ® 55 (-05)= =" 75 + (-2.5) = -3 3.6 =1.2= OCorvculuan Associates, LLC Copying s permived for classroom use Crecente uence Nut er ss Decimais—Skills Practice Write fractions as decimals. -0.8 -}= -0.5 @ -}- -0.25 Bi- 3.5 Bi- 0.383 B= -2.15 ms- oll B-j--O-W25 MF 25 @;- 1.125 394 rtuency Practice OCurtculum Associates, LLC Copying s peemited for casroom use Using Properties of Operations— SSIES) Write an equivalent expression without parentheses, and combine terms if possible, @ x ox-_Myx 0.5(-12p — 4) = abp-2 B 4-9 +30= dy+b 4x42 @ -8%- 4x4 3x42= B 860+ 7= 48. +56 Bix large YZ z -ay +3) 84-24 B-1m+4)-6m= ~Gm +3 398 Fluency Practice B 6n- 3Qn-5)= \S Rar4 @ 450+74+35a+2= ® foanr30= Zn +b ax + By 44x = 2 Biss ose yt 2 B64 2x +4 +5)= ox +2b B+ 37-25)= by “1S lom~ BD 6.25m+ 9 + 3.75m —12= 3 ‘©Curvieslum Associates, LLC Copying is permited for classroom use Using Properties of Operations— seca Ste ras % Problems may have more—than | answer Use the distributive property to write the expression as a product. FormA @x+7=_ TT (K41 @ 2x-s-_S(Sx- Bs-y-_4 1-24) =x -44= -\WG+4) B 0-¢--_2(5*2y ) @ 257+ -5)-_-5 Sy+i) B 2+ = (-3x+2) BD 4+ 2247=_Wly 42 6+ crys _L(\-2y sy — 35 = 5(3y-7 ) O00 Fiuency Practice Boiu-y-_2(71-y) Bry+eo-_4(4y-1) Bei 73 (x42) B 0 +70=_10(1+7%) M-2x+2-%=_L(2-* pm es-_S(4y+) @ iex- 33 = 3(ex-") @7+ewe= -7(\-+43x) v(x+3) @ 5 + 33 + 16= —40y + 100 = 20(2y +S) Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permite for elssroom use Two-Step Equations—skills Practice Solve equations of form px + q =r with integers. @ oxt+e=0 xe 15x ~ 45 = —45 yz0 O97 = 10427 x27 127 = 50x + 23 425 ® x+4=-38 02 Fluency Precice Form A 3x +9=6 x=\ —275 = 25x — 50 xed GB 46=3x+19 x=4 B 12x - 14= -38 yo 2 M —ox - 13=35 4x — 52 = -152 ¥=25 25 = 10x - 25 X=0 ©Curticulum Associates, LC Copying permited fr classroom use Two-Step Equations—Skills Practice Name: Aon suat Kou Solve equations of form px + q = r with rational numbers. Form A @-3x+6=99 B 2x+53=05 ® -sor+ 28-32 Kel 404 y= LB Fluency Practice B -}x+6=10 yell GB 04x + 15 = 398 K=b2 B 3x-4=36 X=6Dd @ -8.2=-71+ 11x =-0.\ tyy3el Byrgrg 2 391 Dx-2= 19! ‘Curriculum Associates, LLC Copying is permited for cassroom use Two-Step Equations—Skills Practice mine epsice Hey Solve equations of form p(x + q) = r with integers. Form A BD ox+ 4 =36 B2a=%+3) Ye X=O0 B 56 = 8x +9) 2x — 6) = -26 Ke -lle we -7 Aly = 5) = 44 B sx +4) =35 Kelle xed B -6%- 12) =48 B -9=-9%%+4) “24 ye B 10% - 15)= -70 2x — 13) = 18 x28 Ke4 —36 = 12(x + 7) Ix +7) = 49 Ye -l0 X= “14 B3x-9=24 K=14 1k + 2) = 66 B(x — 14) = 64 x24 Y=22 406 Fivency Practice ©Curriculm Associates, LLC Copying is permite for dassioom use Morse le eGo MU lca Cy Name: has at fey 3 Solve equations of form p(x + q) = rwith rational numbers. FormA @ hur o-} B 025(p + 8) =2 her] pro B -02w-6 =-4 Olv+59-% ye3 G -25 -=-25 W226 B69 = 3 +46) = -b- a7) x bo. P 7. im - 9) B 45=56+3) neil Ye 72.) @ tot — 24.2) = 50 e242 Myota=-3 n= te @ ne - 04 = 44 X= 4.4 B w= A+) mele B-Wea=4 © 76 =20 +57) y= ee nz-4 408 Fluency Practice @Curticulum Assocines, LLC Copying is permite for lssroom use

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