Xi Chem CH 3
Xi Chem CH 3
Xi Chem CH 3
Dobereiner’s Triads : According to Dobereiner when elements of same properties are kept in the increasing order of their atomic
weights, the atomic weight of middle element is equal to the mean atomic weight of remaining two elements. Such a group of
elements is called Dobereiner’s triad.
Li Na K
7 23 39 7 39
Be Mg Ca
8 40
8 24 40 24
Dobereiner could arrange only a few elements as triads and there are some such elements present in a triad, whose atomic
weights are approximately equal, e.g.
Fe Co Ni
Ru Rh Pd
Therefore, this hypothesis was not acceptable for all elements.
Newland’s Rule of Octave As in music, the eighth node is same as the first node. If the elements are arranged in the increasing
order of atomic weights, on starting with an element, the first element will exhibit similarities with the eighth element e.g.
Symbol of element Li Be B C N O F
7 9 11 12 14 16 19
Symbol of element Na Mg Al Si P S Cl
23 24 27 28 31 32 35.5
It is clear from the above table that sodium is the eighth element from lithium, whose properties resemble that of lithium.
This type of classification was limited up to only 20 elements.
Mendeleef’s Periodic Law : According to Mendeleef’s periodic law, the physical and chemical properties of elements are
periodic functions of their atomic weights.
Main features of Mendeleev’s periodic table : Elements are arranged in tabular form in rows and columns.
1. The horizontal rows present in the periodic table are called periods. There are seven periods in the periodic table. These are
numbered from 1 to 7 (Arabic numerals).
2. Properties of elements in a particular period show regular gradation (i.e. increase or decrease) from left to right.
3. The vertical columns present are called groups. These are nine in number and are numbered from I to VIII and Zero (Roman
4. Groups I to VII are subdivided into A and B subgroups. Groups Zero and VIII don’t have any subgroups.
5. All the elements in a particular group are chemically similar in nature. They show regular gradation in their physical properties
and chemical reactivities.
Example 1 :
What would be the IUPAC name and symbol for the element with atomic number 120?
Sol. The roots for 1, 2 and 0 are un, bi and nil, respectively. Hence, the symbol and the name respectively are Ubn and unbinilium.
s2 p 1 p2 p 3 p4 p 5 s 2
2 p6
3 d1 d2 d3 d4 d5 d6 d7 d8 d9 d10
f2 f3 f4 f5 f6 f7 f8 f9 f10 f11 f12 f13 f14 f14d1
1A 8A
1 2A 3A 4A 5A 6A 7A
2 Ne
3 3s2 P
4 3p3
P = [Ne]3s23p3
Example 2 :
How would you justify the presence of 18 elements in the 5th period of the Periodic Table?
Sol. When n = 5, = 0, 1, 2, 3. The order in which the energy of the available orbitals 4d, 5s and 5p increases is 5s < 4d < 5p.
The total number of orbitals available are 9. The maximum number of electrons that can be accommodated is 18; and therefore 18
elements are there in the 5th period.
Example 3 :
The elements Z = 117 and 120 have not yet been discovered. In which family/group would you place these elements and also give
the electronic configuration in each case.
Sol. The element with Z = 117, would belong to the halogen family (Group 17) and the electronic configuration would be
[Rn] 5f14 6d10 7s2 7p5. The element with Z = 120, will be placed in Group 2 (alkaline earth metals), and will have the electronic
configuration [Uuo] 8s2.
The repetition of similar properties after regular intervals is called periodicity.
Cause of Periodicity: The properties of elements are the periodic repetition of similar electronic configuration of elements as the
atomic number increases.
3.5.1 Atomic properties : The physical characteristics of the atom of an element are called atomic properties. The properties such as
atomic radius, ionic radius, ionisation energy, electro-negativity, electron affinity and valence etc., called atomic properties.
(i) Atomic radius : The distance from the centre of the nucleus to the outermost shell of the electrons in the atom of any element
is called its atomic radius.
Periodicity- (a) In period- Atomic radius of elements decreases from left to right in a period.
(b) In Group- Atomic radius of elements increases on moving top to bottom in a group.
Radius (pm)
100 Kr
He Noble gases
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Atomic number
Figure : Atomic radii
* Covalent radius : Half the inter-nuclear distance between two similar atoms of any element which are covalently bonded to
each other by a single covalent bond is called covalent radius.
* Van der Waal’s radius : Half the inter-nuclear separation between two similar adjacent atoms belonging to the two
neighbouring molecules of the same substance in the solid state is called the van der waals'radius of that atom.
* Metallic radius : Half the distance between the nuclei of the two adjacent metal atoms in a close packed lattice of the metal
is called its metallic radius.
Van der Waals'radius > Metallic radius > Covalent radius.
(ii) Ionic radius : The effective distance from the centre of the nucleus of an ion upto which it has an influence on its electron
cloud is called its ionic radius.
* Ion size increases down the group
* Cations smaller than neutral atom; Anions bigger than neutral atom
* Cations smaller than anions.
o except Rb+1 & Cs+1 bigger or same size as F-1 and O-2
* In case of isoelectronic species, the cation with greater positive charge has smaller radius but anion with greater
negative charge has the larger radius.
(iii) Ionization enthalpy : (iH) is the enthalpy change for the reaction :
X(g) X+ (g) + e–
Second ionization enthalpy (iH2) is more than the first ionization enthalpy (iH1).
iH1 < iH2 < iH3 < ...........
* larger the effective nuclear charge on the electron, the more energy it takes to remove it
* the farther the most probable distance the electron is from the nucleus, the less energy it takes to remove it
* 1st IE decreases down the group
o valence electron farther from nucleus
* 1st IE generally increases across the period
o effective nuclear charge increases
* Ionization Energy generally increases from left to right across a Period except from 2A to 3A, 5A to 6A
For example,
(a) Which is easier to remove an electron from Be or B? Why?
To ionize Be you must break up a full sublevel, cost extra energy.
When you ionize B you get a full sublevel, costs less energy.
(iv) Electron gain enthalpy ( egH) is the enthalpy change for the reaction :
X(g) + e– X – (g).
egH for N atom is zero. All the elements except noble gases, have negative values of egH whereas noble gases have
positive values of egH.
Trend in egH : Electron gain enthalpy generally becomes more negative across a period as we move right to left and within
a group becomes less negative down the group.
Exceptions : P, S, Cl have more negative egH than N, O, F respectively.
Second electron gain enthalpy of an atom is always positive.
* lowest EA in period = alkali earth metal or noble gas
* highest EA in period = halogen
(v) Electronegativity (EN) : It is the qualitative measure of an atom in a chemical compound to attract the shared electrons to
itself. The most widely used scale is Pauling scale which is based on bond energy data. By giving a reference value of 2.1 to
H, the maximum electronegativity value of 4 is assigned to F.
(a) In period- The electro-negativity increases from left to right in a period.
(b) In group- The electro-negativity decreases from top to bottom in a group.
Ionization enthalpy
Atomic radius
Ionization enthalpy
ll ic chara
Nonm cter
a llic chara
Me t
Atomic radius
Example 5 :
What should be the order of size of H–1 , H+1 and H ?
H–1 H+1 H
1p 1p 1p
2e 0e 1e
Sol. H+1 < H < H–1
Example 6 :
Why does the first ionisation enthalpy increase as we go from left to right through a given period of the periodic table ?
Sol. In a period, the nuclear charge (the number of protons) increases in going from left to right. The electron added to each element
from left to right enters the same shell. This results in an increase of the effective nuclear charge across the period in going from
left to right. As a result, the electrons get more firmly bound to the nucleus. This causes an increase in the first ionisation
enthalpy across the period.
Example 7 :
Are the oxidation state and covalency of Al in [AlCl(H2O)5]2+ same ?
Sol. No. The oxidation state of Al is +3 and the covalency is 6.
Example 8 :
Show by a chemical reaction with water that Na2O is a basic oxide and Cl2O7 is an acidic oxide.
Sol. Na2O with water forms a strong base whereas Cl2O7 forms strong acid.
Na2O + H2O 2NaOH
Cl2O7 + H2O 2HClO4
Their basic or acidic nature can be qualitatively tested with litmus paper.
Example 1 :
Which of the following is the period number of the element whose atomic number is 98
(A) 4 (B) 7 (C) 5 (D) 6
Sol. (B). The electronic configuration of the element with atomic number 98 is as follow
1s2 , 2s2 , 2p6, 3s2, 3p6, 4s2 , 3d10, 4p6, 5s2, 4d10 , 5p6, 6s2, 4f14, 5d10, 6p6, 7s2, 5f 10
The last electron enters in f orbital, so it belongs to f block in the period.
Example 2 :
Which of the following is not a transition element –
(A) Co (B) Ni (C) Mn (D) Zn
Sol. (D). There is only one incomplete orbit in Zn+2 and its stable oxidation state is (+2) does not have incomplete d orbital.
Therefore it is not a transition element.
Example 3 :
On the basis of quantum numbers, justify that the sixth period of the periodic table should have 32 elements.
Sol. Sixth period corresponds to n = 6. So,
= 0 1 2 3 4 5
Type of orbitals s p d f
Orbitals 1 3 5 7
Electrons 2 6 10 14 = 32
Example 5 :
Which of the following atoms and ions are isoelectronic ?
(a) Al3+ (b) F (c) Cl– (d) O2– (e) Na (f) Mg2+
Arrange the isoelectronic ions in the decreasing order of their size.
Sol. The number of electrons in these atoms or ions are-
Ion or atom Al3+ F Cl– O2– Na Mg2+
No. of Electrons 10 9 18 10 11 10
Thus, Al3+, O2– and Mg2+ are isoelectronic ions because all the three ions have ten electrons. Now nuclear charge in Al3+ + 13,
in O2– + 8 and in Mg2+ + 12. With increase in nuclear charge (electrons remain same), size will decrease. Consequently, the size
follows the order : O2– > Mg2+ > Al3+
Example 6 :
I.P. of one H atom is 2.18 × 10–18 J. Calculate I.E. of H atom in kJ mole–1.
Example 8 :
What is the basic difference between the terms electrons gain enthalpy and electronegativity ?
Sol. The electron gain enthalpy is the change in enthalpy for the reaction : X(g) + e– X– (g)
Thus, electron gain enthalpy provides a measure of ease with which an atom adds an electron to form an anion. It is a measurable
Electronegativity is not a measurable quantity. It indicates a quantitative measure of the tendency of an atom in a compound to
attract the shared electrons towards itself.
Example 9 :
What are d-block elements ? Comment briefly on their (i) oxidation states, (ii) tendency to form complexes and (iii) catalytic
Sol. d-block elements are those elements with partly filled d-subshell in their elementary form or in their chemically significant
oxidation states.
(i) d-block elements exhibit variable oxidation states of +2, +3, +4, +5, +6 and +7.
(ii) d-block elements show a significant tendency to form complexes, due to the small size and high effective nuclear charge, they
accept lone pairs from ligands.
(iii) Because of variable valency, transition metals can form unstable intermediate compounds with reactants. Hence d-block
elements exhibit catalytic property in many heterogeneous reactions.