Part02 Nebular Hypothesis The Origin of The Solar System
Part02 Nebular Hypothesis The Origin of The Solar System
Part02 Nebular Hypothesis The Origin of The Solar System
Birth of a Star
What is a nebula?
Nebulae are made of dust and gases—mostly hydrogen and helium. The dust and gases in a nebula
are very spread out, but gravity can slowly begin to pull together clumps of dust and gas. As these
clumps get bigger and bigger, their gravity gets stronger and stronger.
Eventually, the clump of dust and gas gets so big that it collapses from its own gravity. The collapse
causes the material at the center of the cloud to heat up-and this hot core is the beginning of a star.
Introduction to the
Nebular Hypothesis
1 Understanding the 2 Exploring the Early
Solar System's Stages
This theory delves into the initial
The Nebular Hypothesis offers a conditions and processes that led
scientific explanation for the origin to the formation of the solar
and structure of our solar system, system, from the primordial cloud
including the Sun, planets, moons, of gas and dust to the eventual
asteroids, and other celestial differentiation and organization of
bodies. the planets.
3 Modern Acceptance
Today, the Nebular Hypothesis is widely accepted as the dominant theory for the
formation of our solar system, with continued research and observations
providing additional support and refinement to the model.
The Nebula Theory: Key Concepts and
Primordial Cloud Gravitational Collapse Planetary Formation
The Nebular Hypothesis proposes that Over time, this primordial cloud As the cloud continued to collapse, the
the solar system originated from a vast, experienced gravitational collapse, with remaining material organized into a
rotating cloud of gas and dust, known as denser regions accumulating more mass series of smaller, orbiting disks that
the solar nebula, which was primarily and forming the Sun at the center of the eventually formed the planets, moons,
composed of hydrogen and helium. rotating system. asteroids, and other celestial bodies in
the solar system.
Formation of the Solar Nebula
Spinning Motion
As the cloud contracted, it also began to spin, conserving its angular
momentum and leading to the formation of a central, rotating disk.
Conservation of Angular
Planetary Orbits
The Nebular Hypothesis explains the nearly circular, coplanar orbits of the planets around the Sun,
which are a consequence of the conservation of angular momentum in the rotating solar nebula.
Satellite Orbits
The orbits of the planets' moons and other satellites are also consistent with the conservation of
angular momentum, as they formed from the same rotating disks that gave rise to the planets.
Gravitational Collapse and
Spinning Motion
Gravitational Attraction
The solar nebula was held together by the force of gravity, which caused
the cloud to contract and become denser over time.
Spinning Motion
As the cloud contracted, it also began to spin, conserving its angular
momentum and leading to the formation of a central, rotating disk.
Accretion and the Birth of
the Planets
1 Accretion Process
The remaining material in the rotating disk around the Sun began to collide
and stick together, forming larger and larger particles, eventually leading to
the formation of the planets.
2 Planetary Differentiation
As the planets grew in size, their internal heat and gravity caused them to
differentiate, with heavier elements sinking to the core and lighter elements
forming the mantle and crust.
3 Orbital Arrangement
The planets settled into stable orbits around the Sun, with their respective
sizes, compositions, and distances from the Sun reflecting the conditions and
processes that shaped the solar system.
This animation from Hubble telescope scientists shows what it might look like to fly through a star-formation region.
Implications and Predictions of the
Nebular Hypothesis
Explaining Solar System Predicting Exoplanets Insights into Planetary
Structure Evolution
The Nebular Hypothesis has also been
The Nebular Hypothesis provides a used to predict the existence and The theory offers insights into the
comprehensive explanation for the characteristics of exoplanets (planets evolution of planets, including the
organization and structure of the solar orbiting other stars), as the same formation of moons, the development of
system, including the distribution of the formation processes are believed to be atmospheres, and the potential for the
planets, their sizes, compositions, and at work in other stellar systems. emergence of life on habitable worlds.
Evidence Supporting the Nebular Hypothesis
Time to Answer!!!
1. Who initially proposed the concept of the nebular hypothesis? 4. What happens to materials within the solar nebula as it
collapses under gravity?
A) Pierre-Simon Laplace
B) Immanuel Kant A) They disperse into space.
C) Albert Einstein B) They form a solid crust.
D) Johannes Kepler C) They accumulate to form a rotating disk.
D) They ignite into stars.
D) Fragmentation
Different theories of Solar System Formation
1. Nebular Hypothesis
This theory posits that the Solar System formed from the gravitational collapse of a part of
a giant molecular cloud (solar nebula) about 4.6 billion years ago.
The cloud collapsed under its own gravity, forming a dense core that became the Sun.
The remaining material flattened into a rotating protoplanetary disk from which planets
and other bodies formed.
The nebular hypothesis struggled to explain the angular momentum distribution between
the Sun and planets in the Solar System.
Different theories of Solar System Formation
2. Planetesimal Hypothesis
This theory suggests that planets formed from small solid particles (planetesimals) that
collided and stuck together.
The planetesimals gradually coalesced to form larger bodies, ultimately resulting in
This hypothesis does not adequately address how these planetesimals could have formed
in sufficient quantities or how they would have maintained their orbits
Different theories of Solar System Formation
3. Capture Theory
This theory suggests that planets were formed elsewhere in space and were later captured
by the Sun's gravitational field.
Objects wandering through space could be drawn into orbit around the Sun due to
gravitational interactions.
This theory is less favored due to its inability to explain how such captures would occur
frequently enough to account for all known planets.
Different theories of Solar System Formation
4. Tidal Theory
This theory posits that a close encounter with another star could have caused material to
be pulled from the Sun, forming planets.
During close encounters, tidal forces could strip material from stars, leading to planet
formation from this ejected material.
Similar to the capture theory, it implies rare events and does not sufficiently explain all
planetary characteristics observed today
Different theories of Solar System Formation
It emphasizes the role of a dense disk formed from gas and dust around a newly ignited
Sun, where planets formed through accretion within this disk.
Observations of protoplanetary disks around young stars support this model.
This theory effectively explains many observed features of our Solar System, including
the current arrangement and types of planets. preencoded.png
Formation of Solar System in a nutshell
o The Sun and the planets formed together, 4.6 billion years ago, from a cloud of gas and
dust called the solar nebula.
o A shock wave from a nearby supernova explosion probably initiated the collapse of the
solar nebula.
o The Sun formed in the center, and the planets formed in a thin disk orbiting around it.
o Comets condensed in the outer solar system, and many of them were thrown out to great
distances by close gravitational encounters with the giant planets.
o After the Sun ignited, a strong solar wind cleared the system of gas and dust.
Formation of Solar System in a nutshell
Formation of Solar System in a nutshell
Formation of Solar System in a nutshell
The Terrestrial or “Earth-like rocky” Planets
Mercury Venus Earth Mars
The smallest and innermost Venus is the hottest planet, Our home planet, Earth is the The red planet, Mars has a
planet, Mercury is heavily with a dense atmosphere of only known planet to harbor thin atmosphere and is
cratered, with a thin carbon dioxide, creating a life, with a diverse range of characterized by its red-
atmosphere. runaway greenhouse effect. ecosystems. colored surface and polar
Avg. surface temp. = +167°C Avg. surface temp. = +465°C Avg. surface temp. = +15°C ice caps.
Avg. surface temp. = -65°C
The Jovian or "Jupiter-like" Planets
1 Jupiter 2 Saturn
The largest planet in the solar Known for its spectacular ring
system, Jupiter is a gas giant with system, Saturn is a gas giant
a swirling atmosphere of with a dense atmosphere of
hydrogen and helium. hydrogen and helium.
Avg. surface temp. = -110 °C Avg. surface temp. = -140 °C
3 Uranus 4 Neptune
An ice giant, Uranus has a tilted axis The farthest planet from the
and a faint ring system, its sun, Neptune is an ice giant
atmosphere is composed of with a swirling blue atmosphere
methane and hydrogen. and strong winds.
Avg. surface temp. = -195 °C Avg. surface temp. = -200 °C
Key Characteristics of the
Terrestrial Planets
Planet Size Density Atmosphere Surface
Key Characteristics of the Jovian
Jovian Planets
2 Kuiper Belt
A disk-shaped region beyond Neptune, containing icy bodies,
comets, and dwarf planets like Pluto.
3 Oort Cloud
A spherical cloud of icy bodies at the edge of the solar system,
thought to be the source of long-period comets.
The Roche limit is the distance at which a celestial body's tidal forces are strong enough
to disintegrate a second celestial body:
The Roche limit is the minimum distance a smaller object can approach a larger object
without being torn apart by the larger object's gravitational force.
For Reading (planets):