Class 10 Holiday Homework - 0
Class 10 Holiday Homework - 0
Class 10 Holiday Homework - 0
1) A new volume of J K Rowling’s HARRY POTTER Series has just been released. Order one
set. Write a letter to the publisher, Mindframe Private Limited, 1623 Asaf Ali Road, New
Delhi, requesting that a set be sent to you by Value Payable (VVP), and giving your address.
Your letter will have the following parts.
2) Write a bio sketch of Rabindranath Tagore. You can use the following links below
regarding any sort of information.
3) The world is going on through a bad time now due to the spread of the global pandemic
called COVID 19. However, the people of our country is really doing a great job by
following the LOCKDOWN and obeying the orders and suggestions of the government. By
following this we can defeat the pandemic to a large extent. The lockdown started with the
Janata Curfew on 22nd march. The Janata Curfew was a 14-hour curfew (from 7 a.m. to
9 p.m.) that was scheduled on 22 March 2020, prior to the total lockdown. Everyone except
people of 'essential services' such as police, medical services, media, home delivery
professionals and firefighters were needed to take part in the curfew. At 5 p.m. that day, all
citizens were asked to stand in their doorways, balconies or windows, and clap their hands or
ring their bells in appreciation for the professionals delivering these essential services. People
belonging to National Cadet Corps and National Service Scheme were to enforce the curfew
in the country. The honorable Prime Minister also urged the youth to inform 10 others about
Janata Curfew and encourage everyone to observe the curfew.
Write a DIARY ENTRY describing how you spend that day and what your reactions
4) On the basis of the image given below , develop a STORY in your own words :
5) a. Make a power point presentation (PPT) on any of the chapters that you have read in
English till now.
b. Write a letter to the Editor on the basis of the information given in the image below:
Do all the above assignments in your h.w. copies.
Handwriting should be neat and tidy.
*All/any of the following assignments can be used as subject enrichment Activity -SEA. It
will be informed in due time. So you all are requested to do the works seriously and with
Project Work:-
(ii) Polynomials
2. Write Biography of any one Indian Mathematicians. (in project file A4 paper size)
3. Write two activities in Math’s practical copy . (Activity material send in group)
6. Find the HCF of smallest prime number and smallest composite number.
8. Find all the zeroes of 2𝑥 4 - 3𝑥 3 - 3𝑥 2 + 6x -2 , if you know that two of its zeroes are √2 and -√2
or ±√2 .
9. If two zeroes of the polynomial 𝑥 4 - 6𝑥 3 – 26 𝑥 2 + 138x -35 are 2±√3, Find other zeroes .
Kendriya Vidyalaya Garhara
Summer Vacation Homework
Science (Chemistry)
Class X