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Complete Revision Till Collisions

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Home Revision.



LOM, friction,



LOPE (pot energy, power and venical

cucclar motion)

Centre collusions (skip for

mass &


Q.1 A particle is moving along a curve. Then
(A) if its speed is constant it has no acceleration
(B) if its speed is increasing the acceleration of the particle is along its direction of motion
(C) if its speed is constant the magnitude of its acceleration is proportional to its curvature.
(D) the direction of its acceleration cannot be along the tangent.
Q.2 A boat having a speed of 5 km/hr. in still water, crosses a river of width 1 km along the shortest
possible path in 15 minutes. The speed of the river in Km/hr.
(A) 1 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 41
Q.3 A block is thrown with a velocity of 2 ms–1 (relative to ground) on a belt, which is moving with velocity
4 ms–1 in opposite direction of the initial velocity of block. If the block stops slipping on the belt after
4 sec of the throwing then choose the correct statements (s)
(A) Displacement with respect to ground is zero after 2.66 and magnitude of displacement with respect
to ground is 12 m after 4 sec.
(B) Magnitude of displacement with respect to ground in 4 sec is 4 m.
(C) Magnitude of displacement with respect to belt in 4 sec is 12 m.
(D) Displacement with respect to ground is zero in 8/3 sec.
Q.4 A particle has initial velocity 10 m/s . It moves due to constant retarding force along the
line of velocity which produces a retardation of 5 m/s 2. Then
(A) the maximum displacement in the direction of initial velocity is 10 m
(B) the distance travelled in first 3 seconds is 7.5 m
(C) the distance travelled in first 3 seconds is 12.5 m
(D) the distance travelled in first 3 seconds is 17.5 m.
Q.5 The displacement x of a particle depend on time t as x = t2 -  t3
(A) particle will return to its starting point after time   .
(B) the particle will come to rest after time 2 3
(C) the initial velocity of the particle was zero but its initial acceleration was not zero.
(D) no net force act on the particle at time  3
Q.6 A ball is thrown from a point on ground at some angle of projection. At the same time a bird starts from
a point directly above this point of projection at a height h horizontally with speed u. Giventhat in its flight
ball just touches the bird at one point. Find the distance on ground where ball strikes
h 2h 2h h
(A) 2u (B) u (C) 2u (D) u
g g g g
Q.7 If position time graph of a particle is sine curve as shown,
what will be its velocity-time graph.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.8 A truck starting from rest moves with an acceleration of 5 m/s2 for 1 sec and
then moves with constant velocity. The velocity w.r.t ground v/s time
graph for block in truck is ( Assume that block does not fall off the truck)

(A) (B) (C) (D) None of these

Q.9 A small block of mass m is projected horizontally with speed u where friction coefficient between block
and plane is given by = cx, where x is displacement of the block on plane. Find maximum distance
covered by the block
u u 2u u
(A) cg (B) (C) cg (D)
2cg 2 cg
Q.10 A body is placed on a rough inclined plane of inclination . As the angle is increased from 0° to 90° the
contact force between the block and the plane
(A) remains constant (B) first remains constant than decreases
(C) first decreases then increases (D) first increases then decreases
Q.11 A block is projected upwards on an inclined plane of inclination 37° along the line of greatest slope of
= 0.5 with velocity of 5 m/s. The block 1st stops at a distance of __________ from starting point
(A) 1.25 m (B) 2.5 m (C) 10 m (D) 12.5 m
Q.12 What should be the minimum force P to be applied to the string so that
block of mass m just begins to move up the frictionless plane.
Mg cos
(A) Mg tan 2 (B) Mg cot 2 (C) (D) None
1  sin
Q.13 Equal force F (> mg) is applied to string in all the 3 cases. Starting from rest, the point of application of
force moves a distance of 2 m down in all cases. In which case the block has maximum kinetic energy?

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) equal in all 3 cases

Q.14 Both the blocks shown here are of mass m and are moving with constant
velocity in direction shown in a resistive medium which exerts equal
constant force on both blocks in direction opposite to the velocity. The
tension in the string connecting both of them will be : (Neglect friction)
(A) mg (B) mg/2
(C) mg/3 (D) mg/4
Q.15 In which of the following cases is the contact force between A and B maximum (mA = mB = 1 kg)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.16 A student calculates the acceleration of m1 in figure shown as

(m1  m 2 ) g
a1 = m1  m 2 . Which assumption is not required to do this calculation.
(A) pulley is frictionless (B) string is massless
(C) pulley is massless (D) string is inextensible

Q.17 A force F  î  4ˆj acts on block shown. The force of friction acting on the block is :
(A) – î (B) – 1.8 î
(C) – 2.4 î (D) – 3 î
Q.18 A body of mass m accelerates uniformly from rest to a speed v0 in time t0. The work done on the body
till any time t is
1  t2  1  t0   t   t 
(A) mv0  2 
2 (B) mv02   (C) mv02   (D) mv02  
2  t0  2  t   t0   t0 
Q.19 A man who is running has half the kinetic energy of the boy of half his mass. The man speeds up by
1 m/s and then has the same kinetic energy as the boy. The original speed of the man was
(A) 2 m/s (B) ( 2 – 1) m/s (C) 2 m/s (D) ( 2 + 1) m/s
Q.20 If angular velocity of a disc depends an angle rotated as = 2 + 2 , then its angular acceleration  at
= 1 rad is :
(A) 8 rad/sec2 (B) 10 rad/sec2 (C) 12 rad/sec2 (D) None
Q.21 Two particles start simultaneously from the same point and move along two straight lines, one with
uniform velocity v and other with a uniform acceleration a. If  is the angle between the lines of motion
of two particles then the least value of relative velocity will be at time given by
(A) (v/a) sin  (B) (v/a) cos  (C) (v/a) tan  (D) (v/a) cot 
Q.22 If a particle takes t second less and acquires a velocity of v ms–1 more in falling through the same
distance (starting from rest) on two planets where the accelerations due to gravity are 2 g and 8 g
respectively then:
(A) v = 2gt (B) v = 4gt (C) v = 5 gt (D) v = 16 gt
Q.23 At a given instant, A is moving with velocity of 5m/s
upwards.What is velocity of B at that time :
(A) 15 m/s  (B) 15 m/s 
(C) 5 m/s  (D) 5 m/s 
Q.24 It takes one minute for a passenger standing on an escalator to reach the top. If the escalator does not
move it takes him 3 minute to walk up . How long will it take for the passenger to arrive at the top if he
walks up the moving escalator ?
(A) 30 sec (B) 45 sec (C) 40 sec (D) 35 sec
Q.25 The co-ordinates of a moving particle at a time t, are give by,
x = 5 sin 10 t, y = 5 cos 10t. The speed of the particle is :
(A) 25 (B) 50 (C) 10 (D) None
Q.26 Tangential acceleration of a particle moving in a circle of radius 1 m varies with
time t as (initial velocity of particle is zero). Time after which total acceleration of
particle makes and angle of 30° with radial acceleration is
(A) 4 sec (B) 4/3 sec
(C) 22/3 sec (D) 2 sec
Q.27 A particle is projected from a horizontal plane (x-z plane) such that its velocity vector at time t is given by

V  a î  ( b  ct ) ĵ . Its range on the horizontal plane is given by
ba 2ba 3ba
(A) (B) (C) (D) None
c c c
Q.28 A particle originally at rest at the highest point of a smooth vertical circle is slightly displaced. It will leave
the circle at a vertical distance h below the highest point, such that
(A) h = R (B) h = R/3 (C) h = R/2 (D) h = 2R
Q.29 F = 2x2 – 3x – 2. Choose correct option
(A) x = – 1/2 is position of stable equilibrium (B) x = 2 is position of stable equilibrium
(C) x = – 1/2 is position of unstable equilibrium (D) x = 2 is position of neutral equilibrium
Q.30 A block of mass m is hung vertically from an elastic thread of force constant mg/a. Initially the thread was
at its natural length and the block is allowed to fall freely. The kinetic energy of the block when it passes
through the equilibrium position will be :
(A) mga (B) mga/2 (C) zero (D) 2mga
Q.31 In a conical pendulum, the bob is rotated with different angular velocities
and tension in the string is calculated for different values of . Which of
them is correct graph between T & .

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.32 The block A is pushed towards the wall by a distance and released. The normal reaction by vertical wall
on the block B v/s compression in spring is given by :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.33 A car travelling on a smooth road passes through a curved portion of the road in
form of an arc of circle of radius 10 m. If the mass of car is 500 kg, the reaction
on car at lowest point P where its speed is 20 m/s is
(A) 35 kN (B) 30 kN (C) 25 kN (D) 20 kN
Q.34 A particle with constant total energy E moves in one dimension in a region where the potential energy is
U(x). The speed of the particle is zero where
dU( x ) d 2 U( x )
(A) U(x) = E (B) U(x) = 0 (C) =0 (D) =0
dx dx 2
Q.35 Two identical balls A and B are released from the positions shown in
figure. They collide elastically on horizontal portion MN. All surfaces
are smooth. The ratio of heights attained by A and B after collision will
be(Neglect energy loss at M & N)
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 2 : 1
(C) 4 : 13 (D) 2 : 5
Q.36 A particle moving with kinetic energy = 3 joule makes an elastic head on collision with a stationary
particle which has twice its mass during the impact.
(A) The minimum kinetic energy of the system is 1 joule.
(B) The maximum elastic potential energy of the system is 2 joule.
(C) Momentum and total kinetic energy of the system are conserved at every instant.
(D) The ratio of kinetic energy to potential energy of the system first decreases and then increases.
Q.37 A ball of mass m collides elastically with an identical ball at rest with some impact parameter.
(A) 100 % energy transfer can never take place
(B) 100 % energy transfer may take place
(C) angle of divergence between the two balls must be 90°
(D) angle of divergence between the two balls depend on impact parameter
Q.38 A ball strikes a smooth horizontal ground at an angle of 45° with the vertical. What cannot be the
possible angle of its velocity with the vertical after the collision. (Assume e  1 ).
Y (A) 45° (B) 30° (C) 53° (D) 60°
Q.39 v-t graph of an object of mass 1 kg is shown
(A) net work done on the object in 30 sec is zero.
(B) the average acceleration of the object is zero.
(C) the average velocity of the object is zero.
(D) the average force on the object is zero.

Q.40 A projectile of mass 1 kg is projected with a velocity of 20 m/s such that it strikes on the same
level as the point of projection at a distance of 3 m. Which of the following options are incorrect:
(A) the maximum height reached by the projectile can be 0.25 m.
(B) the minimum velocity during its motion can be 15 m/s

(C) the time taken for the flight can be sec.
(D) maximum potential energy during its motion can be 6J.
Q.41 Velocity-time graph for a car is semicircle as shown here. Which of the
following is correct :
(A) Car must move in circular path.
(B) Acceleration of car is never zero.
(C) Mean speed of the particle is /4 m/s.
(D) The car makes a turn once during its motion.
Q.42 A ball is projected from top of a tower with a velocity of 5 m/s at an angle of 530 to horizontal. Its speed
when it is at a height of 0.45 m from the point of projection is :
(A) 2 m/s (B) 3 m/s (C) 4 m/s (D) data insufficient.
Q.43 A particle moves along a straight line in such a way that it’s acceleration is increasing at the rate of
2 m/s3. It’s initial acceleration and velocity were 0, the distance covered by it in t = 3 second is.
(A) 27 m (B) 9 m (C) 3 m (D) 1 m
Q.44 A flag is mounted on a car moving due North with velocity of 20 km/hr. Strong winds are blowing due
East with velocity of 20 km/hr. The flag will point in direction
(A) East (B) North - East (C) South - East (D) South - West
Q.45 A ball is thrown vertically down with velocity of 5m/s. With what velocity should another ball be thrown
down after 2 seconds so that it can hit the 1st ball in 2 seconds
(A) 40 m/s (B) 55 m/s (C) 15 m/s (D) 25 m/s
Q.46 A man is crossing a river flowing with velocity of 5 m/s. He reaches a point
directly across at a distance of 60 m in 5 sec. His velocity in still water should be
(A) 12 m/s (B) 13 m/s
(C) 5 m/s (D) 10 m/s
Q.47 As shown in the figure a body of mass m moving vertically with speed
3 m/s hits a smooth fixed inclined plane and rebounds with a velocity vf in the
horizontal direction. If of inclined is 30°, the velocity vf will be
(A) 3 m/s (B) 3 m/s
(C) 1 3 m/s (D) this is not possible
Q.48 Two balls A and B having masses 1 kg and 2 kg, moving with speeds 21 m/s and 4 m/s respectively in
opposite direction, collide head on. After collision A moves with a speed of 1 m/s in the same direction,
then correct statements is :
(A) The velocity of B after collision is 6 m/s opposite to its direction of motion before collision.
(B) The coefficient of restitution is 0.2.
(C) The loss of kinetic energy due to collision is 200 J.
(D) The impulse of the force between the two balls is 40 Ns.
Q.49 An object comprises of a uniform ring of radius R and its uniform chord AB (not
necessarily made of the same material) as shown. Which of the following can
not be the centre of mass of the object
(A) (R/3, R/3) (B) (R/3, R/2)
(C) (R/4, R/4) (D) ( R 2, R 2)
Q.50 An ice block is melting at a constant rate = . Its initial mass is m0 and it is moving with velocity
on a frictionless horizontal surface. The distance travelled by it till it melts completely is :
2m 0 v m0 v m0 v
(A) (B) (C) (D) can’t be said
Q.51 A ball A collides elastically with another identical ball B initially at rest A is moving with velocity of 10m/
s at an angle of 60° from the line joining their centres. Select correct alternative :
(A) velocity of ball A after collision is 5 m/s (B) velocity of ball B after collision is 5 3 m/s
(C) velocity of ball A after collision is 7.5 m/s (D) velocity of ball B after collision is 5 m/s.
Q.52 Force acting on a body of mass 1 kg is related to its position x as F = x 3 – 3x N. It is at rest at
x = 1. Its velocity at x = 3 can be :
(A) 4 m/s (B) 3 m/s (C) 2 m/s (D) 5 m/s
Q.53 Which graph shows best the velocity-time graph for an object launched vertically into the air when air
resistance is given by | D | = bv? The dashed line shows the velocity graph if there were no air resistance.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.54 A 1.0 kg block of wood sits on top of an identical block of wood, which sits on top of a flat level table
made of plastic. The coefficient of static friction between the wood surfaces is 1, and the coefficient of
static friction between the wood and plastic is 2.
A horizontal force F is applied to the top block only, and this force is increased until the top block starts
to move. The bottom block will move with the top block if and only if
1 1
(A) 1 < 2 (B) 2 < 1< 2 (C) 2 < 1 (D) 2 2 < 1
2 2
Q.55 To paint the side of a building, painter normally hoists himself up by pulling
on the rope A as in figure. The painter and platform together weigh 200N.
The rope B can withstand 300N. Then
(A) The maximum acceleration that painter can have upwards is 5m/s2.
(B) To hoist himself up, rope B must withstand minimum 400N force.
(C) Rope A will have a tension of 100 N when the painter is at rest.
(D) The painter must exert a force of 200N on the rope A to go downwards slowly.
Q.56 A block of mass 2 kg slides down an incline plane of inclination 30°. The coefficient of friction between
block and plane is 0.5. The contact force between block and plank is :
(A) 20 Nt (B) 10 3 Nt (C) 5 7 Nt (D) 5 15 Nt
Q.57 If force F is increasing with time and at t = 0 , F = 0 where will
slipping first start?
(A) between 3 kg and 2 kg (B) between 2 kg and 1 kg
(C) between 1 kg and ground (D) both (A) and (B)
Q.58 Average velocity of a particle is projectile motion between its starting point and the highest point of its
trajectory is : (projection speed = u, angle of projection from horizontal= )
u u u
(A) u cos (B) 1  3 cos 2 (C) 2  cos 2 (D) 1  cos 2
2 2 2
Q.59 Find time of flight of projectile thrown horizontally with speed 50 ms from a long inclined plane
which makes an angle of = 45° from horizontal.
(A) 2 sec (B) 2 2 sec (C) 2 sec (D) none
Q.60 Particle is dropped from the height of 20m from horizontal ground. There is wind blowing due to
which horizontal acceleration of the particle becomes 6 ms–2. Find the horizontal displacement of
the particle till it reaches ground.
(A) 6 m (B) 10 m (C) 12 m (D) 24 m
Q.61 A ball is dropped from height 5m. The time after which ball stops rebounding if coefficient of
restitution between ball and ground e = 1/2, is
(A) 1 sec (B) 2 sec (C) 3 sec (D) infinite
Q.62 A ball is hit by a batsman at an angle of 37° as shown in figure. The man
standing at P should run at what minimum velocity so that he catches the
ball before it strikes the ground. Assume that height of
man is negligible in comparison to maximum height of projectile.
(A) 3 ms–1 (B) 5 ms–1
(C) 9 ms (D) 12 ms–1
Q.63 Find the velocity of the hanging block if the velocities of the free ends of
the rope are as indicated in the figure.
(A) 3/2 m/s 
(B) 3/2 m/s 
(C) 1/2 m/s 
(D) 1/2 m/s 
Q.64 A man swimming down stream overcome a float at a point M. After travelling distance D he turned back
and passed the float at a distance of D/2 from the point M, then the ratio of speed of swimmer with
respect to still water to the speed of the river will be
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 2.5
Q.65 Choose the correct alternative (s)
(A) If the greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h, then the greatest horizontal distance upto
which he can throw the stone is 2h.
(B) The angle of projection for a projectile motion whose range R is n times the maximum height is tan–1 (4/n)
(C) The time of flight T and the horizontal range R of a projectile are connected by the equation
gT2 = 2Rtan where is the angle of projection.
(D)A ball is thrown vertically up. Another ball is thrown at an angle with the vertical. Both of them remain
in air for the same period of time. Then the ratio of heights attained by the two balls 1 : 1.
Q.66 A rope of mass 5 kg is moving vertically in vertical position with an upwards force of 100 N acting at the
upper end and a downwards force of 70 N acting at the lower end. The tension at midpoint of the rope is
(A) 100 N (B) 85 N (C) 75 N (D) 105 N
Q.67 Find the acceleration of 3 kg mass when acceleration of 2 kg mass is
2 ms–2 as shown in figure.
(A) 3 ms–2 (B) 2 ms–2
(C) 0.5 ms–2 (D) zero
Q.68 Block of 1 kg is initially in equilibrium and is hanging by two identical springs
A and B as shown in figures. If spring A is cut from lower point at t=0 then,
find acceleration of block in ms–2 at t = 0.
(A) 5 (B) 10 (C) 15 (D) 0
Q.69 Assume the aerodynamic drag force on a car is proportional to its speed. If the power output from the
engine is doubled, then the maximum speed of the car.
(A) is unchanged (B) increases by a factor of 2
(C) is also doubled (D) increases by a factor of four.
Q.70 A body is moved from rest along a straight line by a machine delivering constant power. The ratio of
displacement and velocity (s/v) varies with time t as :

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.71 A pendulum bob is swinging in a vertical plane such that its angular amplitude is less than 900. At its
highest point, the string is cut. Which trajectory is possible for the bob afterwards.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.72 A conical pendulum is moving in a circle with angular velocity as shown. If
tension in the string is T, which of following equations are correct ?
(A) T = m 2l (B) T sin = m 2l
(C) T = mg cos (D) T = m 2 l sin
Q.73 A particle is released from rest at origin. It moves under influence of potential field
U = x 2 – 3x , kinetic energy at x = 2 is
(A) 2J (B) 1 J (C) 1.5 J (D) 0 J
Q.74 A ball whose size is slightly smaller than width of the tube of radius 2.5 m is projected from bottommost
point of a smooth tube fixed in a vertical plane with velocity of 10 m/s. If N1 and N2 are the normal
reactions exerted by inner side and outer side of the tube on the ball
(A) N1> 0 for motion in ABC, N2 > 0 for motion in CDA
(B) N1> 0 for motion in CDA, N2 > 0 for motion in ABC
(C) N2> 0 for motion in ABC & part of CDA
(D) N1 is always zero.
Q.75 A man is standing on a rough ( = 0.5) horizontal disc rotating with constant angular velocity of
5 rad/sec. At what distance from centre should he stand so that he does not slip on the disc?
(A) R  0.2m (B) R > 0.2 m (C) R > 0.5 m (D) R > 0.3 m
Q.76 A road is banked at an angle of 30° to the horizontal for negotiating a curve of radius 10 3 m. At what
velocity will a car experience no friction while negotiating the curve?
(A) 54 km/hr (B) 72 km/hr (C) 36 km/hr (D) 18 km/hr
Q.77 A bob attached to a string is held horizontal and released. The tension
and vertical distance from point of suspension can be represented by.

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.78 Acceleration versus velocitygraph of a particle moving in a straight line starting
from rest is as shown in figure. The corresponding velocity-time graph
would be

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.79 A particle is projected vertically upwards from a point A on the ground. It takes t1 time to reach a point
B but it still continues to move up. If it takes further t2 time to reach the ground from point B then height
of point B from the ground is
1 1 1
(A) g ( t1  t 2 ) 2 (B) g t1 t2 (C) g ( t1  t 2 ) 2 (D) gt t
2 8 2 1 2
Q.80 Mark the correct statements for a particle going on a straight line
(A) if the velocity is zero at any instant, the acceleration should also be zero at that instant
(B) if the velocity is zero for a time interval, the acceleration is zero at any instant within the time interval
(C) if the velocity and acceleration have opposite sign, the object is slowing down
(D) if the position and velocity have opposite sign, the particle is moving towards the origin
Q.81 A projectile is fired with a speed u at an angle with the horizontal. Its speed when its direction of motion
makes an angle ‘’ with the horizontal is
(A) u sec cos (B) u sec sin (C) u cos sec (D) u sin sec
Q.82 Balls are thrown vertically upward in such a way that the next ball is thrown when the previous one is at
the maximum height. If the maximum height is 5m, the number of balls thrown per minute will be
(A) 40 (B) 50 (C) 60 (D) 120
Q.83 A projectile is fired with a velocity at right angle to the slope which is inclined at an angle with the
horizontal. The expression for the range R along the incline is
2v 2 2v 2 2v 2 v2
(A) sec (B) tan (C) tan sec (D) tan 2
g g g g
Q.84 A bead is free to slide down a smooth wire tightly stretched between points A and B on a vertical circle.
If the bead starts from rest at A, the highest point on the circle
(A) its velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to cos
(B) its velocity v on arriving at B is proportional to tan
(C) time to arrive at B is proportional to cos
(D) time to arrive at B is independent of
Q.85 The velocity- time graph of a body falling from rest under gravity and rebounding from a solid surface is
represented by which of the following graphs?

(A) (B) (C) (D)

Q.86 The system of the wedge and the block connected by a massless spring
as shown in the figure is released with the spring in its natural length.
Friction is absent. maximum elongation in the spring will be
3Mg 6Mg 4Mg 8Mg
(A) (B) (C) (D)
5k 5k 5k 5k
Q.87 Two massless string of length 5 m hang from the ceiling very near to each
other as shown in the figure. Two balls A and B of masses 0.25 kg and 0.5
kg are attached to the string. The ball A is released from rest at a height
0.45 m as shown in the figure. The collision between two balls is completely
elastic. Immediately after the collision, the kinetic energy of ball B is 1 J.
The velocity of ball A just after the collision is
(A) 5 ms–1 to the right (B) 5 ms–1 to the left
(C) 1 ms–1 to the right (D) 1 ms–1 to the left
Q.88 Consider following statements
[1] CM of a uniform semicircular disc of radius R = 2R/ from the centre
[2] CM of a uniform semicircular ring of radius R = 4R/3 from the centre
[3] CM of a solid hemisphere of radius R = 4R/3 from the centre
[4] CM of a hemisphere shell of radius R = R/2 from the centre
Which statements are correct?
(A) 1, 2, 4 (B) 1, 3, 4 (C) 4 only (D) 1, 2 only
Q.89 The diagram to the right shows the velocity-time graph for two
masses R and S that collided elastically. Which of the following
statements is true?
(I) R and S moved in the same direction after the collision.
(II) Kinetic energy of the system (R & S) is minimum at t = 2 milli sec.
(III) The mass of R was greater than mass of S.
(A) I only (B) II only (C) I and II only (D) I, II and III

Q.90 A smooth sphere is moving on a horizontal surface with a velocity vector ( 2 î  2 ˆj ) m/s immediately
before it hit a vertical wall. The wall is parallel to vector ĵ and coefficient of restitution between the
sphere and the wall is e = 1 2 . The velocity of the sphere after it hits the wall is
(A) î  ˆj (B)  î  2 ˆj (C)  î  ˆj (D) 2 î  ˆj
Q.91 A man of mass M stands at one end of a plank of length L which lies at rest on a frictionless surface. The
man walks to other end of the plank. If the mass of the plank is M/3, then the distance that the man
moves relative to ground is :
3L L 4L L
(A) (B) (C) (D)
4 4 5 3
Q.92 Two balls A and B having masses 1 kg and 2 kg, moving with speeds 21 m/s and 4 m/s respectively in
opposite direction, collide head on. After collision A moves with a speed of 1 m/s in the same direction,
then the coefficient of restitution is
(A) 0.1 (B) 0.2 (C) 0.4 (D) None
Q.93 Two particles of equal mass have velocities 2 î ms–1 and 2 ˆj ms–1. First particle has an acceleration
( î  ĵ ) ms–2 while the acceleration of the second particle is zero. The centre of mass of the two particles
moves in
(A) circle (B) parabola (C) ellipse (D) straight line
Q.94 A particle of mass 3m is projected from the ground at some angle with horizontal. The horizontal range
is R. At the highest point of its path it breaks into two pieces m and 2m. The smaller mass comes to rest
and larger mass finally falls at a distance x from the point of projection where x is equal to
3R 3R 5R
(A) (B) (C) (D) 3R
4 2 4
Q.95 A block of mass M on a horizontal smooth surface is pulled by a load of
mass M 2 by means of a rope AB and string BC as shown in the figure.
The length & mass of the rope AB are L and M 2 respectively. As the
block is pulled from AB = L to AB = 0 its acceleration changes from
3g g g g 3g
(A) to g (B) to (C) to g (D) to 2g
4 4 2 4 2
Q.96 A uniform rod of length L and mass M has been placed on a rough horizontal
surface. The horizontal force F applied on the rod is such that the rod is just
in the state of rest. If the coefficient of friction varies according to the relation
= Kx where K is a +ve constant. Then the tension at mid point of rod is
(A) F/2 (B) F/4 (C) F/8 (D) None
Q.97 In the arrangement shown in the figure, mass of the block B and A is 2m and m
respectively. Surface between B and floor is smooth. The block B is connected to
the block C by means of a string pulley system. If the whole system is released,
then find the minimum value of mass of block C so that block A remains stationary
w.r.t. B. Coefficient of friction between A and B is :
m 2m  1 3m 6m
(A) (B) (C) (D)
1 1 1
Q.98 A disc arranged in a vertical plane has two groves of same length directed along
the vertical chord AB and CD as shown in the fig. The same particles slide
down along AB and CD. The ratio of the time tAB/tCD is
(A) 1 : 2 (B) 1 : 2 (C) 2 : 1 (D) 2 :1
Q.99 The magnitude of displacement of a particle moving in a circle of radius a with constant angular speed
varies with time t as
t t
(A) 2 a sin t (B) 2a sin (C) 2a cos t (D) 2a cos
2 2
Q.100 A glass wind screen whose inclination with the vertical can be changed is mounted on a car. The car
moves horizontally with a speed of 2m/s. At what angle  with the vertical should the wind screen be
placed so that the rain drops falling vertically downwards with velocity 6 m/s strike the wind screen
(A) tan–1(3) (B) tan–1(1/3) (C) cos–1(3) (D) sin–1(1/3)
Q.101 A particle is projected vertically upwards from O with velocity v and a second particle is projected at the
same instant from P (at a height h above O) with velocity v at an angle of projection . The time when the
distance between them is minimum is
h h
(A) (B) (C) h/v (D) h/2v
2 v sin 2v cos
Q.102 A body moves with velocity v = n x m/s where x is its position. The net force acting on body is
zero at :
(A) 0 m (B) x = e2 m (C) x = e m (D) x = 1 m
Q.103 Wind is blowing in the north direction at speed of 2 m/s which causes the rain to fall at some angle with the
vertical. With what velocity should a cyclist drive so that the rain appears vertical to him :
(A) 2 m/s south (B) 2 m/s north (C) 4 m/s west (D) 4 m/s south
Q.104 A body A is thrown vertically upwards with such a velocity that it reaches a maximum height of h.
Simultaneously another body B is dropped from height h. It strikes the ground and does not rebound.
The velocity of A relative to B v/s time graph is best represented by : (upward direction is positive)

(A) (B) (C) (D)

  2 t  T  2 
Q.105 A particle of mass m, initially at rest, is acted on by a force F = F0 1   T   during the interval
0  t  T. The velocity of the particle at the end of the interval is :
5F0 T 4F0 T 2F0 T 3F0 T
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6m 3m 3m 2m
Q.106 With what minimum velocity should block be projected from left end A towards end B such that it
reaches the other end B of conveyer belt moving with constant velocity v. Friction coefficient between
block and belt is .
(A) gL (B) 2 gL (C) 3 gL (D) 2 gL

Q.107 Two masses m and M are attached to the strings as shown in the figure.
If the system is in equilibrium, then
2M 2m
(A) tan = 1 + (B) tan = 1 +
m M
2M 2m
(C) cot = 1 + (D) cot = 1 +
m M
Q.108 Block B of mass 100 kg rests on a rough surface of friction coefficient
= 1/3. A rope is tied to block B as shown in figure. The maximum
acceleration with which boy A of 25 kg can climbs on rope without making
block move is :
4g g g 3g
(A) (B) (C) (D)
3 3 2 4
Q.109 In the system shown in the figure there is no friction anywhere. The block C
goes down by a distance x0 = 10 cm with respect to wedge D when system
is released from rest. The velocity of A with respect to B will be (g=10 m/s2)
(A) zero (B) 1 m/s
(C) 2 m/s (D) None of these
Q.110 A car moves along a circular track of radius R banked at an angle of 30° to the horizontal. The coefficient
of static friction between the wheels and the track is . The maximum speed with which the car can move
without skidding out is

(A) 2gR (1  ) 3 
1/ 2

(B) gR (1  ) (  3 ) 
1/ 2

(C) gR (1  
1/ 2
3) (  3) (D) None
Q.111 Potential energy of a particle is related to x coordinate by equation x2 – 2x. Particle will be in stable
equilibrium at
(A) x = 0.5 (B) x = 1 (C) x = 2 (D) x = 4
Q.112 A particle of mass m is tied to one end of a string of length l. The particle is held horizontal with the string
taut. It is then projected upward with a velocity u. The tension in the string is when it is inclined at
an angle 30° to the horizontal. The value of u is
(A) lg (B) 2lg (C) (D) 2 lg

Q.113 A force F  k[ y î  x ĵ] where k is a positive constant acts on a particle moving in x-y plane starting from
the point (3,5), the particle is taken along a straight line to (5, 7). The work done by the force is :
(A) zero (B) 35 K (C) 20 K (D) 15 K
Q.114 Water is pumped from a depth of 10 m and delivered through a pipe of cross section 10–2m2. If it is
needed to deliver a volume of 10–1 m3 per second the power required will be:
(A) 10 kW (B) 9.8 kW (C) 15 kW (D) 4.9 kW
Q.115 A light spring of length 20 cm and force constant 2 kg/cm is placed vertically on a table.A small block of
mass 1 kg. falls on it. The length h from the surface of the table at which the ball will have the maximum
velocity is
(A) 20 cm (B) 15 cm (C) 10 cm (D) 5 cm
Q.116 The ratio of period of oscillation of the conical pendulum to that of the simple pendulum is :
( A s s u m e t h e s t r i nis the angle made by the string with the
g s a r e o f t h e s a m e l e n g t h i n t h e t w o c a s e s a n d

verticla in case of conical pendulum)

(A) cos (B) cos (C) 1 (D) none of these

Q.117 A body of mass 1 kg is acted upon by a force F  2 sin 3 t î  3 cos 3 t ˆj find its position at t = 1 sec if
at t = 0 it is at rest at origin.
 3 2   2 2   2 2 
(A)  2 , 2  (B)  2 , 2  (C)  , 2  (D) none of these
3 9  3 3  3 3 
Q.118 A force F = Be–Ct acts on a particle whose mass is m and whose velocity is 0 at t = 0. It’s terminal
velocity is :
(A) (B) m C (C) (D) –
mB m mC
Q.119 A man moves in x-y plane along the path shown. At what point is his
average velocity vector in the same direction as his instantaneous
velocity vector. The man starts from point P.
(A) A (B) B (C) C (D) D

Q.120 From the velocity time garph of a particle moving in straight line decide
which of the following is incorrect statement .
(A) the particle crosses its initial position
(B) the speed of the particle increases continuously
(C) the force on the particle is constant
(D) the acceleration of the particle is constant.
Q.121 If T is the total time of flight, h is the maximum height & R is the range for horizontal motion, the x & y
co-ordinates of projectile motion and time t are related as :
(A) y = 4h      (B) y = 4h      
(C) y = 4h      (D) y = 4h     
Q.122 A particle initially at rest is subjected to two forces . One is constant, the other is a retarding force
proportional to the particle velocity . In the subsequent motion of the particle :
(A) the acceleration will increase from zero to a constant value
(B) the acceleration will decrease from its initial value to zero
(C) the velocity will increase from zero to maximum & then decrease
(D) the velocity will increase from zero to a constant value.
Q.123 A ball is projected from ground with a velocity V at an angle to the vertical. On its path it makes an
elastic collison with a vertical wall and returns to ground. The total time of flight of the ball is
2 v sin 2 v cos v sin 2 v cos
(A) (B) (C) (D)
g g g g
Q.124 A particle is moving in a circle :
(A) The resultant force on the particle must be towards the centre.
(B) The cross product of the tangential acceleration and the angular velocity will be zero.
(C) The direction of the angular acceleration and the angular velocity must be the same.
(D) The resultant force may be towards the centre.
Q.125 The work done in joules in increasing the extension of a spring of stiffness 10 N/cm from 4 cm to 6 cm is :
(A) 1 (B) 10 (C) 50 (D) 100
Q.126 A man weighing 80 kg is standing at the centre of a flat boat and he is 20 m from the shore. He walks 8 m
on the boat towards the shore and then halts. The boat weight 200 kg. How far is he from the shore at
the end of this time ?
(A) 11.2 m (B) 13.8 m (C) 14.3 m (D) 15.4 m
Q.127 From a circle of radius a, an isosceles right angled triangle with the hypotenuse as the diameter of the
circle is removed. The distance of the centre of gravity of the remaining position from the centre of the
circle is
(  1)a a a
(A) 3( – 1)a (B) (C) 3 (  1) (D)
6 3 (  1)
Q.128 A sphere strikes a wall and rebounds with coefficient of restitution 1/3. If it rebounds with a velocity of
0.1 m/sec at an angle of 60° to the normal to the wall, the loss of kinetic energy is
1 2
(A) 50% (B) 33 % (C) 40% (D) 66 %
3 3
Q.129 A truck moving on horizontal road towards east with velocity 20 ms–1 collides elastically with a light ball
moving with velocity 25 ms–1 along west. The velocity of the ball just after collision
(A) 65 ms–1 towards east (B) 25 ms–1 towards west
(C) 65 ms towards west (D) 20 ms–1 towards east
Q.130 A spaceship of speed v0 travelling along + y axis suddenly shots out one fourth of its part with speed 2v0
along + x-axis. xy axes are fixed with respect to ground. The velocity of the remaining part is
2 20 5 13
(A) v0 (B) v (C) v (D) v
3 3 0 3 0 3 0
Q.131 From a uniform disc of radius R, an equilateral triangle of side 3 R is
cut as shown. The new position of centre of mass is :
(A) (0, 0) (B) (0, R) (C) (0, ) (D) none
Q.132 In an inelastic collision,
(A) the velocity of both the particles may be same after the collision
(B) kinetic energy is not conserved
(C) linear momentum of the system is conserved.
(D) velocity of separation will be less than velocity of approach.
Q.133 A man of mass 40 kg is standing on a trolley A of mass 140 kg . He pushes another trolley B of same
material of mass 60 kg, so that they are set in motion . Then :
(A) speed of trolley A is 3 times that of trolley B immediately after the interaction.
(B) speed of trolley B is 3 times that of trolley A immediately after the interaction.
(C) distance travelled by trolley B is 3 times that of trolley A before they stop.
(D) distance travelled by trolley B is 9 times that of trolley A before they stop.
Q.134 A long plank P of the mass 5 kg is placed on a smooth floor. On P is placed a
block Q of mass 2 kg. The coefficient of friction between P and Q is 0.5. If a
horizontal force 15N is applied to Q, as shown, and you may take g as 10N/kg.
(A) The reaction force on Q due to P is 10N
(B) The acceleration of Q relative to P is 2.5 m/s2
(C) The acceleration of P relative to the Floor is 2.0 m/s2
(D) The acceleration of centre of mass of P + Q system relative to the floor is (15/7)m/s2
Q.135 If the linear density of a rod of length 3m varies as =2+x, then the position of centre of gravity of the rod is
(A) 7/3 m (B) 12/7 m (C) 10/7 m (D) 9/7 m

Q.134 C, D Q.135 B B, D Q.133 Q.132 A,B,C,D B Q.131
Q.130 B Q.128 D Q.129 A C C Q.127 Q.125 A Q.126 D Q.124
Q.123 B Q.121 A, B Q.122 B, D B C Q.120 Q.118 B Q.119 C Q.117
Q.116 B Q.114 C Q.115 B C B Q.113 Q.111 B Q.112 D Q.110
Q.109 C Q.107 A Q.108 B B C Q.106 Q.104 C Q.105 B Q.103
Q.102 D Q.100 A Q.101 D B B Q.99 Q.97 C Q.98 B Q.96
Q.95 B Q.93 D Q.94 C B B Q.92 Q.90 B Q.91 D Q.89
Q.88 C Q.86 B Q.87 D A A, D Q.85 Q.83 C Q.84 C Q.82
C Q.80 B, C, D Q.81 D D Q.79 Q.77 A Q.78 C Q.76
Q.75 A Q.73 A Q.74 C A C Q.72 Q.70 A Q.71 B Q.69
A B Q.67 B Q.68 Q.66 A, B, C, D Q.64 B Q.65 A Q.63
Q.62 B Q.60 C Q.61 C C B Q.59 Q.57 C Q.58 D Q.56
Q.55 A, C Q.53 B Q.54 D A D Q.52 Q.50 B Q.51 B, D Q.49
Q.48 A, B, C Q.46 B Q.47 B A C Q.45 Q.43 B Q.44 C Q.42
Q.41 C Q.39 A, B, D Q.40 D B A, C Q.38 Q.36 A, B, D Q.37 C Q.35
Q.34 A Q.32 B Q.33 C A B Q.31 Q.29 A Q.30 B Q.28
Q.27 B Q.25 B Q.26 C B A Q.24 Q.22 B Q.23 B Q.21
Q.20 C Q.18 A Q.19 D A C Q.17 Q.15 A Q.16 B Q.14
Q.13 C Q.11 A Q.12 A B A Q.10 Q.8 C Q.9 C Q.7
Q.6 C A, C Q.5 A, B, C, D Q.4 B, C, D Q.2 B Q.3 C, D Q.1

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