Medip, IJRCOG-4232 O
Medip, IJRCOG-4232 O
Medip, IJRCOG-4232 O
Original Research Article
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vivekananda Institute of Medical Sciences, Kolkata, West Bengal, India
Dr. Samik Medda,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Obstetric cholestasis is one of the most common causes of liver disease in pregnancy. Present study
was carried out to study the incidence of Obstetric Cholestasis and its feto-maternal outcome in a tertiary care
Methods: It is a prospective epidemiologycal study during a period of one year (2014 to 2015) over 100 pregnant
ladies suffering from pruritus and detected as having Obstetric Cholestasis. They were followed up and maternal as
well as fetal-neonatal outcome recorded. Appropriate statistical analysis done as applicable.
Results: The incidence of Obstetric Cholestasis in our hospital was 9.9%. Majority of cases (43.0%) are diagnosed in
late gestational age, mostly during 28 to 32 weeks period of gestation. Maternal morbidities are due to sleep
disturbance (60/100), dyslipidemia, coagulation abnormality, PPH (10.0%) and increase chance of operative delivery
(66.0%). Neonatal morbidities are mainly due to fetal distress, prematurity (22.0%), low birth weight (32/100) and
meconium staining of amniotic fluid (42.0%). Maximum number of patients are delivered at 37 to 38 weeks, due to
active and early intervention.
Conclusions: Early diagnosis and active maternal and fetal surveillance is of utmost importance to avoid adverse
and soles.5-7 They have an increased risk for postpartum Maternal outcome was studied in reference to insomnia
hemorrhage, dyslipidemia, preterm labour and operative due to severe pruritus, associated dyslipidemia and
interference.7,8 deranged coagulation profile (increase PT), mode of
delivery, preterm labour, preterm pre-labour rupture of
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of pregnancy can have membrane, postpartum hemorrhage.
devastating consequences for the fetus with perinatal
mortality reaching up to 11% to 20% in untreated cases6. Fetal outcome was studied in reference to prematurity,
Adverse fetal outcomes associated with the conditions abnormal CTG, fetal distress or hypoxia, meconium
include preterm labour, preterm prelabour rupture of stained liquor, low birth weight (less than 2.5 kg) or Intra
membrane, fetal distress, abnormal CTG, meconium Uterine Growth Restriction, NICU admission rate and
staining, spontaneous intrauterine death.5,9-11 perinatal death (IUFD/Still born).
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 7 · Issue 3 Page 997
Medda S et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Mar;7(3):996-1001
Figure 1: Age distribution of OC in study population. The mean gestational age of delivery was 37.28±1.18
weeks with range 33 – 40 weeks and the median was 37.0
weeks. 62% of the patients delivered between 37-38
45% weeks which was significantly higher (p<0.01). Only
40% 2.0% patients delivered before 35 weeks of gestation and
35% none after 40 completed weeks (Table 4).
% of patients
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 7 · Issue 3 Page 998
Medda S et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Mar;7(3):996-1001
(32%) were significantly higher (p<0.01) in present study et al (mean age 31±4 weeks) and Kenyon AP et al (33.7
(Table 6). weeks).3,24
Table 7: Post partum resolution after 6 weeks of This study shows 60% of the patients had sleep
delivery. disturbance, due to severe pruritus at night. Generalized
pruritus more affecting to palm and sole were the cardinal
Post partum resolution Number % features without skin rash and clinical jaundice. Total
Normal LFT 98 98.0 serum bilirubin rarely exceeds 4-5 mg/dl. Serum
Persisting Raised LFT 2 2.0 aminotransferases (ALT and AST) are also elevated 2-10
Total 100 100.0 fold above normal ranges in our patients but none exceed
1000 U/L.1,9 Serum levels of alkaline phosphatase may
In present study, in most of the cases normal LFT (98%) rise up to 7-10 times normal but are difficult to interpret
was found (p<0.01) after 6 weeks of delivery and due to elevation of the heat stable placental isoenzyme.
symptomatically pruritus relieved. So that disease Serum total bile acid levels usually exceed ≥10 μmol/L.
resolved within 6 weeks of delivery (Table 7).
In this study, we treated our patients with topical
DISCUSSION emollients like calamine lotion and oral Ursodeoxycholic
Acid (300-1200) in divided doses. We found complete
Obstetric Cholestasis is a relatively common cause of symptomatic improvement in 65% cases and partial
hepatic impairment in pregnancy. It has a complex response in 30%. Rest 5% of the patients did not get
etiology with genetic, endocrine and environmental relieved of pruritus. Biochemical improvement,
components. Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy was evidenced by decreasing Transaminases levels, was
originally described by Ahlfeld as recurrent jaundice in observed in 85% cases (p<0.01). Deveer R et al found
pregnancy that resolved following delivery.14 serum transaminases to be decreased significantly in 60%
cases with UDCA treatment.25
The incidence of OC shows large variation between
different countries and populations.1 According to Abedin 30% of our patients had dyslipidemia. Dann AT et al also
et al, in the United Kingdom, OC affects only 0.6% of found in their study that total cholesterol levels raised
pregnancies in white Caucasians, but 1.4% of more in OC significantly.26 This table shows 19% of the
pregnancies of Indian and Pakistani origin.15 The highest patients had deranged coagulation profile with increased
incidence of OC (14%) has been reported from Chile PT or APTT level. Dang A et al (29.78%) and Ray A et al
(Reyes), but a much lower incidence (2-4%) was found in (25%) reported significant increased incidence of PPH, as
the latest report (Germain et al).16,17 In this study, we a result of malabsorption of vitamin K, due to
found the incidence of ICP was 9.9%, which is steatorrhoea of cholestasis, leading to coagulation
comparable to high incidence of 9.3% reported by Gupta problem.23,24 Kenyon AP et al found a high incidence of
A et al and 8.2% by Padmaja M et al.18,19 However it is PPH in OC patients who did not receive vitamin K
prudent to mention that, our hospital is a tertiary referral compared to those who did (45% vs 12%).3 Present study
center and the incidence of high risk pregnancy is higher. shows 10% incidence of PPH. Here, 19 patients had
Hence the incidence of OC is expected to be higher than deranged coagulation profile and received vitamin K,
in community. There was no significant difference in among them 4 (21.05%) patients had PPH. Other 6
incidence according to parity (primigravida 9.7% and (7.4%) patients who had PPH belongs to those 81 patients
multigravida 10.0%). having normal coagulation parameters, hence not
received vitamin K. PROM was found in 10% of cases in
Heinonen S et al reported that women of relatively present study and 7% of patients had spontaneous
advanced age (>35 years) were at increasing risk of preterm labour. Padmaja M et al reported a significant
developing OC, but in this study, mean age of the patients increase in incidence of PPROM (8.9%) and PTL (44%)
was 27.53±4.49 years (range 18-44 years) and most of the in OC group.19
patients (44.0%) were with age between 26-30 years.20
This is similar to the results shown by Rasheed S et al (28 This study shows incidence of operative delivery (66%),
years+ 5.19) and Sosa SY et al (29.2±6.8 yrs).21,22 which comprises of Elective CS (32%), Emergency CS
Recurrence of OC in subsequent pregnancies were upto (30%) and Forceps delivery (4%). It was significantly
60-70% (Ray A et al).23 We also found a significantly higher than that of VD (34%) (p<0.01). Kenyon AP et al
higher (64.7%) (Z=4.15; p=0.0001) recurrence rate in found caesarean section rate 36.0%. Rasheed S et al
multiparous women. reported spontaneous delivery rate of 80% with
emergency LSCS rate of 16.7% and elective LSCS rate of
The mean gestational age at diagnosis of ICP was 3.3%.3,21 It is often not clear whether this higher rate is as
31.80±4.39 weeks and the median were 32.0 weeks. Most a result of active management or because of
of the patients were diagnosed between 28-32 weeks complications as a result of the disease. Caesarean
(43.0%) and 32.1-36 weeks (36.0%) which was section rate (62%) was very high in present study, as like
corroborating to the findings of other authors like Dang A many UK hospitals, our tertiary private hospital also
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetrics and Gynecology Volume 7 · Issue 3 Page 999
Medda S et al. Int J Reprod Contracept Obstet Gynecol. 2018 Mar;7(3):996-1001
adopts a policy incorporating antenatal surveillance of mainly appears around 28-32 weeks gestation. There are
some form with elective delivery by 37-38 weeks. Hence, several maternal morbidities detected as sleep
most of the patients (62%) were with gestational age of disturbance, dyslipidemia, coagulation abnormality, PTL,
delivery between 37-38 weeks which was significantly PROM and PPH with increased rates of operative
higher (p<0.01) (mean 37.28±1.18 weeks). delivery. Maximum number of patients are delivered at
37 to 38 weeks, due to active maternal and fetal
Some studies, Roncaglia N et al and Fisk NM et al have surveillance and early intervention to prevent sudden
reported good outcomes with a policy of induction of fetal death at late gestation. Neonatal morbidities are
labour at 37 or 38 wk gestation.27,28 Many clinicians in mainly due to fetal distress, prematurity, low birth weight
the UK have adopted this practice as the IUDs appear to and meconium staining of amniotic fluid. Fetal outcomes
cluster at later gestations. However there have been very are improved with a variety of strategies of active
few reports of the gestational week at which the IUD management, although the most effective intervention has
occurs, nor have there been any large prospective studies not currently been established. Ursodeoxycholic acid
of whether drug treatment or early delivery prevents treatment is associated with marked improvement of
adverse fetal outcomes. symptoms and biochemical abnormalities. Almost all
patients have postnatal resolution within 6 weeks of
Fetal distress was found in 23% of the cases in present delivery.
study, as well as abnormal CTG in 17% of cases. 41
patients had meconium stained liquor during delivery However, Large therapeutic trials are required to
(41.0%) which was significantly higher (p<0.01). establish which specific drug treatments or management
Alsulyman OM et al also found that risk of meconium strategies are effective at reducing the rates of adverse
passage was higher in the cholestasis group (44.3% cases maternal and fetal outcomes. In this study the sample size
vs. 7.6%of control).29 It has been suggested that both fetal is small, and the time period is limited-it therefore may
distress and increased gut motility by bile acids is the not reflect the true magnitude of the problem; however,
cause of raised incidence of MSL. the ‘take home message’ is: early diagnosis and active
maternal and fetal surveillance is of utmost importance to
22% of the babies has been suffering from prematurity avoid adverse outcomes.
(7% preterm labour, 15% iatrogenetic due to fetal distress
or abnormal CTG). This study shows that, mean birth ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
weight of the babies were 2.80±0.36 kg (range 1.50-3.80
kg). LBW (birth weight <2.5 kg) was found in 32% of the Authors would like to thank Dr. Sukanta Misra Professor
cases. Most of these babies had IUGR, and others had and HOD Gynecology and Obstetrics Department for his
low birth weight due to preterm birth. Sosa S Y et al22 enumerable contribution, Dr. S. Mondal (statistician) for
(2010) reported that neonates of OC mothers had an helping in statistical analysis and patients who take
average weight of 2381±533 gm, while children of participation in this study.
mothers in the control cohort had an average weight of
3118±470 gm (p>0.001). Williamson C et al observed Funding: No funding sources
38% preterm delivery rate in cholestasis patients.30 IUFD Conflict of interest: None declared
or Still Born was found only in 2 (2.0%) cases in the Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
study, one at 33 weeks and another at 36 weeks. Institutional Ethics Committee
Alsulyman OM et al also found 2 of 79 patients having
intrauterine fetal death in Obstetric Cholestasis group at REFERENCES
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