Iphone 11
Iphone 11
Iphone 11
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Ship to:
Order No: 002138422651
ADORA BARNES Order Placement Date: 08/25/2020
4406 N 58TH ST Order Process Date: 08/25/2020
MILWAUKEE FL 53218 Ship Date: 08/25/2020
Wrhs Order No: 0774115218
Verizon Wireless SIM may only be used with devices certified for use on Verizon Wireless' network. You can check if
your device is certified at www.verizonwireless.com/certifieddevice
The wireless device on this order was purchased under Installment Agreement # NEIL EYNON Refer to your installment
Agreement for more information and important terms and conditions.
BUSINESS AND GOVERNMENT CUSTOMERS: The terms and conditions for return and exchange, including the return
period, may very by contract. Please contact your Verizon Account Manager or refer to your contract.