Appendix 4. Agent EL3 Assessment
Appendix 4. Agent EL3 Assessment
Appendix 4. Agent EL3 Assessment
Evidentiary Level 3 - Education Agent Assessment [email protected]
This form is to be completed by Western Sydney University education agents and submitted with the applicant's
Statement of Purpose and supporting documentation
1. Given name(s)
2. Family name
I have checked that all documents submitted as part of the application, such as academic, English language,
financial and employment letters are genuine. I have sighted the original document and certified the copies. No Yes
The applicant has provided acceptable explanation for any break of 6 months or more in their employment/ No Yes
education history and provided documents to substantiate it
The intended program at Western Sydney University matches the applicant's academic or occupation and if not,
the applicant has addressed this in the Statement of Purpose No Yes
I have checked the applicant's marital status. Document evidence has been sighted and certified No Yes
I have calculated that the applicant has sufficient funds to cover tuition fees, living expenses, OSHC and other
costs to study in Australia for them and any accompanying family and the have access to genuine funds to cover No Yes
the rest of their studies in Australia. Documents to substantiate this claim have been provided
The applicant has been notified that fraudulent document or bogus information could result in the cancellation No Yes
of enrolment and being excluded from Australia for up to 10 years
I have checked the applicant's and immediate family's immigration history to Australia and other countries. No Yes
Supporting documents (visa documents, refusal or approval records) have been provided (if applicable)
The following documents should be supplied in addition to the documents submitted for your admission application, to allow
the University to undertake GS/GTE assessement.
Completed GTE Assessment Form
Statement of Purpose developed using Western Sydney University Guidelines
Evidence of citizenship (passport)
Copies of foreign visas, visa refusal record, other immigration documents (if applicable)
Evidence of marital status (if applicable)
Evidence of relationship between applicant and accompanying dependants (if applicable)
Sponsorship letter and vidence of relationship between applicant and financial sponsors
Evidence of funds (Bank statement, fixed term deposits) - lump sums must be explained
Student loan approval (if applicable)
Applicant's employment letter with annual income information
Sponsor's income tax returns
Sponsor's evidence of income (employment letter or business registration)
Detailed Curriculum Vitae showing employment history (if applicable)
Visa and evidence of occupation of any relative in Australia
Signature of agent
• I have access to funds to cover the total tuition fees, living expenses, OSHC and other costs to study in Australia for me
and any accompanying family;
• I can provide evidence of all funds available to me to the Australian immigration authority and to Western Sydney
University if required
• I am not relying on part-time work to fund my study in Australia;
• All the information I have provided in this form is accurate and complete and is not false or misleading. I understand that
giving fraudulent, false, and misleading information is a serious offence under state and/or federal law in Australia.
• The signature on this form is my signature and has not been signed on my behalf by another person.
• I agree to advise Western Sydney University immediately if there is any change to the information I have provided.
• I understand that Western Sydney University has the right to vary or reverse any assessment made on the basis of
incorrect, incomplete, false or misleading information which I have provided.
• I grant the University permission to investigate the information I have provided in this document including forwarding
information to a third party for risk assessment.
• I have read the Student Visa Living Costs and Evidence of Funds section of the website of the Department of Immigration
and I confirm that I have sufficient funds to cover tuition fees, living costs and other expenses for myself and any
dependents for the duration of my stay in Australia.
• I am aware that I may not be able to transfer to another education provider within the first 6 months of my arrival in
Australia and that if I change my education provider without being released my visa may be canceled.
• I acknowledge that the information I provide to the University may be made available to Australian and State
Government agencies, pursuant to obligations under the ESOS Act 2000 and the National Code of Practice for
Registration Authorities and Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018.
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of applicant
In providing my personal information to the University, I understand that, other than as authorised by law, the University will only use this information for the purposes
for which it is being collected in accordance with the University’s functions and activities associated with my enrolment. In some instances, the University may need to
disclose information to any Government department which administers or has authority regarding education or immigration policy and law and any other Government
agencies (State, Territory or Federal, an affiliated entity of the University, or to third parties for the purposes of recovering unpaid University fees or other debts owed
to the University, and I consent to such disclosure. I also understand that all information will be collected, stored, accessed and disseminated or destroyed in
accordance with privacy, records management and other relevant laws, and the University’s policies.
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