Pomodoro Technique
Pomodoro Technique
Pomodoro Technique
Proccess :
1. Choose a task
5. Repeat
6. Record Progress
The good thing about this technique is that it is flexible and adjustable you have a
timer for focusing on your task and short breaks and then a long break after
several repeats.
I should monitor the task compilition in the long rest timer.
The average time that people can deeply focus on a task can
vary, and it depends on several factors, including individual
differences, the nature of the task, and external conditions.
However, there is a concept known as the "Pomodoro," which
suggests that the optimal focus time for many people is around
25 minutes.
Pomodoro Technique 1
period, a short break of around 5 minutes is recommended to
relax and recharge.
Based on this text we should put focus on a task for about 90 minutes after that
the mental effectiveness will decrease so for each task that we should
concentrate and focus on the timer break down should be like this :
Pomodoro Technique 2
Switch the task
in total there is 100 minutes of focus on a single task without multi tasking and
about 30 minutes of resting.
Pomodoro Technique 3