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Name Mat thek Rasne Date

17.2 .Adverbs (Modifying Verbs, Adjectives, and Other

Adverbs; Nouns Used as Adverbs) Practice 1
Adverb, Modifying Verbs, Adectives, and Other Adverbs An adverb is a word that modtîes a
verb, an adjective, or another adverb. An adverb answers one of four questions about the word it modtfies:
Where? When? In what manner? To what extent?
Adverbs Modifying Verbs

drove off(Where?) stayed late (When?) .

-ranfast In what manner?) completely missed (To what extent7)
Adverbs Modifying Adjectives Adverbs Modifying Adverbs

rather special (To what extent?) rot really happy (To what extent?)
Nouns used as adverbs answer the questlon Where? or When? abouta verb.
Nouns Adverbs
Today is my birthday. The letter came today. (Camewhen?)
Thelr home is in Daytona. David ran home (Ran where? )

Exercise 1 Recogni~ing Adverbs. Underline each adverb in the sentences below. Then, circle
the word the adverb modifies.
EXAMPLE: That famly just recently (moved)
1. The snow elted quite rapidly last spring
2. Clatre has become a surprlstngly goodpianist.
3. That color uits)you yery well,
4. Mr. Whitkinseems somewhat dissatisies with this assignment.
5: The careful attention to detafls insured a truly festive party.
6. We ompleted our chores fatrly early.
7. I almost forgotwhat I wanted to ask you.
8. Our new house is yery neariy eady
9. The storm almostotaly estroyeDtheralroad brldge.
10. That fs an exoeptionally dever desigi.
Exercise 2
Identifying Adverbs and Nouns Used as Adverbs. Circle each noun used as an
adverb. Underline all other ayerbs,
EXAMPLE: The new play wll open tomorrow
1.. The Joneses were not happy with thetr 5. Our team won the big gam yesterday
seat assignments. 6. Vinnie often works weekends
2. .What time did Danny come home? 7. The movers will be avalable(Friday.
3. This postion is becoming fncreasingly 8. We were pleasantly Burprised by thelr vi_it.
uncomfortable., '9., Shall we go to a movle tonight?.
4. Today will be a truly ecitng day. 10: The silence grew somewhat awicward.
Prentice-Hal, Inc. Advertbs (Modifying Verbs, Ajecives, and 0ther Adverbs; Nouns Usod as lderis) 27
Name Date

17.2 Adverbs (Modifying Verbs, Adjectives, and Other

Adverbs; Nouns Used as Adverbs) " Practice 2
Exercise 1 Recognizing Adverbs. Underline the adverb or advertbs in each sentence.

EXAMPLE: The otter swam very rapidly.

1. We will be leaving for the movBe soon.
2. The starving refugees needed much more food.
3. WIll you defntely move to Ohio?
4 Everyone thought the movie was too violent.
5, He frowned rather sternly at the boy's antlcs.
6. Our cat does not like cat food.
7. The multicolored balloons floated away.
8. Some students have nearly completed their papers.
9. Todd accepted the.suggestion surprisingly qutckly.
10. Sharon was remarkably indifferent:
1l. The performance was surprisingly brief.
12. The runne put ona burst of speed at the very last moment.
13. The vet spoke kindly to the frlghtened cat.
14. Inqutte recenttimes, this aréa enjoyed great prosperity.
15. Although thewoman spoke loudy, the child did not seem to hear.

Exercise 2 Recognizing Nouns Used as Adverbs. . Underline the two adverbs in each sentence.
Then circde cach noun used as an adverb.
EXAMPLE: esterday I took a very dificult test.
1. Eventngs, myparents and grandparents would loudly discuss politics.
2. I wassent home because I had avery high fever.
3. Tueoday was an extremely bad day, but the things that happened Wednesday were worse. .
4 You must defintely see a doctortoday
5. If you deckde to vistt (onorrow, please come early.
6. Saturdays,I usually babyslt for my brother.
7..I did pot see heryesterday.
8. Iran approxímately two míles Prdday
9. She works(days)and attends schoo night,
10. Winters are always dreadfuly cold in that province,
11. Weekends) Todd Hkes to sleep late,
12. Weekdays,it is usually Jake's job to walk the dog.
13. We saw a remarkably goodmovie/fuesday
14. Last fintek, we stayed at the lalke.
l5.Summers, we always went to the beach.

28 Gramnar Exercise Worlbook PrantlioHal, Ins.

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