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Indonesian Journal of Computer Science

ISSN 2549-7286 (online)

Jln. Khatib Sulaiman Dalam No. 1, Padang, Indonesia
Website: ijcs.stmikindonesia.ac.id | E-mail: [email protected]

Library Research: Online Learning at High School as Learning Media in Indonesia

Monica Fransisca1, Renny Permata Saputri2, Yuliawati Yunus3

[email protected] , [email protected], [email protected]
Universitas Putra Indonesia YPTK Padang

Article Information Abstract

Submitted : 3 Nov 2022 Technology is important in developing the quality of learning in Indonesia.
Reviewed : 2 Des 2022 The existence of technology for education encourages the development of
learning media, especially online learning. The purpose of this research is
Accepted : 30 Des 2022
to examine the implementation of online learning at the high school level
in Indonesia. The method used is literature review research, where the
Keywords research results come from several sources. The research results obtained
using online learning as learning medium can also directly improve
Library research, student learning outcomes by 35.49% besides that it can also provide
learning media, online efficiency in terms of time and technically effective, for example the use of
learning e-learning with effectiveness of 78.95% is categorized as effective used.
Based on the results, it can be concluded that the use of online learning
media in high school can be applied properly and well and is very useful in
improving the performance of the quality of learning in Indonesia.

Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License Vol. 11, No. 3, Ed. 2022 | page 845
ISSN 2549-7286 (online)

A. Introduction
Technological developments in industrial revolution has entered 5.0
nowadays, this development affects almost all sectors including education. The
role of technology in education is not only to provide new learning methods, but
also to provided new learning media with high innovation value [1]. Technological
developments also have an impact at educational’s environment and the results of
educational process. The educational environment used to be dominated by one-
way learning has now shifted to two-way with the existence of technology [2]. The
students become more active with the existence of technological devices which can
be used in the learning process, then has a significant influence on learning
outcomes [3].
Learning media can be interpreted as all devices that can be used in learning
process. Before development of technology era, learning media were only in a form
of conventional media and majority were manual [4]. Learning media has an
important role in learning process, which is to help learning process so that it can
take place well [5]. The development of learning media also follows along with
technological developments. Conventional media have started to turn into
technology-based media, even internet-based [6]. This internet-based learning
media is better known as online learning media, where the media utilizes the
internet in its use.
This online learning media consists of many varieties, according to the
development of existing technology. Based on several research results, it was
found that the use of the internet or online learning has been carried out since the
last few years. The use of online media is not only in higher education, but also in
secondary schools, both high schools and vocational high schools [7]. The use of
online learning is also supported by the facilities which provided by each school
[8]. The majority of high schools currently provided facilities for technology and
internet that can be used for learning process [9].
In theory, online learning media means learning media that utilize
information technology and internet in its use [10]. One example of online learning
is a web-based learning media or using a website in learning process [11]. Web-
based learning media utilizes a set of computers and internet as implementation of
learning. In addition to web-based learning media, there are also Android-based
learning media, this media utilizes smart devices in its use [12]. The use of android
as learning media has been implemented through research in recent years.
Android can be used as learning media because the majority of teachers and
students already have their own smart devices. The functions provided by Android
are also able to support the learning process. In addition to the two examples of
learning media, there are also e-learning, which also utilizes the website in its
application. Although e-learning can be categorized into web-based learning
media, e-learning has special features and models in its design [13].
The purpose of this research is to examine the role of online learning as
learning media at the secondary school level. Based on some of the descriptions
above regarding learning media, as well as the development of learning media
from conventional to technology, it can be assumed that online learning can be
applied at the high school level and able to help learning process become better.
This can be assumed based on several research results, articles, and books with the

Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 11, No. 3, Ed. 2022 | page 846
ISSN 2549-7286 (online)

theme of learning media, the development of learning media, web-based learning

media, android-based learning media, and learning media in the form of e-learning.
Through this research, it is expected to be able to sharpen the theory regarding the
role of online learning as learning media in learning process.

B. Research Method
This research method used a literature review that leads to a qualitative
literature review, meaning that the data obtained comes from several sources [14].
The sources in question are in the form of articles and books with the theme of
learning media, online learning media, web-based teaching media, and Android-
based teaching media and e-learning. The procedures carried out in the literature
review research are as follows:

Figure1. Library Research’s Procedure

The selection of topics can be done based on the problems in the existing
phenomena, then the process of exploring information on the selected topics is
carried out in order to determine the research‘s focus. After determining the
research focus, the next step is to collect data sources based on the focus and
selection of the topic. If the data has been obtained, then the reading of the data is
carried out which is then followed by making notes and processing the data. If the
data has been processed, it can be carried out preparing reports or compiling
research results based on the data obtained in accordance with the selection of

C. Result and Discussion

Internet users in Indonesia have increased significantly from year to year,
this is obtained from the results of a survey by the Central Statistics Agency on
computer ownership and internet users in the general public. The results of the
survey stated that an increase occurred from 2017 to 2021 [15]. Although the
number of computer ownership has decreased in a certain year, the number of
internet users has continued to increase significantly. This means that internet
users continue to increase even though they do not have a computer, which means
internet users are not only focused on owning a computer. The following
illustrates the percentage increase in computer ownership and internet use in

Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 11, No. 3, Ed. 2022 | page 847
ISSN 2549-7286 (online)

Figure 2. Data of Owning Computer & Internet User (2017-2021)

Based on the figure, it can be seen that internet users continue to increase
from 2017 to 2021. These internet users include teachers and high school
students. The data states that internet users in the last five years have continued to
increase, making it possible to use the internet in the field of education.
Referring to the article that has topic of online learning media in the form of
e-learning, it is concluded that e-learning as learning media is very helpful in
learning process [16]. Through e-learning, learning materials can be delivered
virtually and in digital form. Learning materials could be delivered in online way,
in the form of video conferences, interactive videos, or implementation of exercises
and tests in real-time[17]. This certainly provides efficiency in terms of time and is
technically effective. In one article it was stated that the level of e-learning’s
effectiveness as learning media was quite high because there was an increase in
learning outcomes by 35.49% [18]. In another article it was also stated that the
percentage of e-learning’s effectiveness as learning media was 78.95% and was
categorized as effective [19]. Next, a research article also stated that e-learning was
effectively applied as online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this
research, it is stated that e-learning is categorized as effective based on several
categories [20]. These categories is illustrate through the following figure:

Figure 3. Percentage of E-Learning Effectiveness based on Categories Research

Based on several research results from the article, it is concluded that e-
learning can and is appropriate to be used as a learning media in online learning,
especially for high school level.

Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 11, No. 3, Ed. 2022 | page 848
ISSN 2549-7286 (online)

The next online learning media studied is android-based media, which means
learning media that utilize android and smart devices in its application [21].
Android is not only used as an ordinary communication device, but Android has
also begun to be used as teaching media. The choice of android as teaching media
is because android users are quite high among school teenagers. Based on
statistical data, smart device users have increased every year from 2018 to 2022, it
can be seen in the following figure [22].

Figure 4. Smartphone’s User based on Age

Based on the picture, it can be seen that smartphone users at school’s age are
quite high, so the selection of Android as one of the teaching media in the online
learning category is the right option. Several articles that refer to the use of
android as learning media also state that android is considered effective as
learning media. The first article states that android as media of instruction at the
high school level is classified as effective because it can improve learning outcomes
with a percentage increase by 63% [23]. The next article regarding android-based
learning media also states that this media has a good effectiveness value based on
the results of his research using observational data collection techniques and
questionnaires [24]. In this research, android media was combined with an e-
module to make it more interesting for students. The third article on android-
based media also states that the validation analysis of android has a very high
validity value, as of percentage 96.8% [25]. Referring to several research results
and articles, it can be concluded that android-based media is also appropriate to be
applied as learning media at high school level.
From the literature review regarding online learning, it can be stated that
teaching media which utilize online learning are appropriate and good to be
applied to the learning process. The selection of the most appropriate media for
each learning process depends on the choices and facilities provided by schools
and teachers. In terms of school facilities, it can be assumed that the majority of
schools have provided sufficient facilities for the implementation of learning that
requires online learning media. It is hoped that in the future schools are able and
willing to use online learning media.

D. Conclusion
The development of learning media that follows technological developments
is very helpful in the learning process. Especially at this time where learning is not

Indonesian Journal of Computer Science Vol. 11, No. 3, Ed. 2022 | page 849
ISSN 2549-7286 (online)

only done in one direction, or not always face-to-face. So the existence of online
learning media is very helpful, both time and technically. Research related to
online learning media mostly states that online learning media has a good value of
effectiveness and validity in the learning process. Even the use of online learning
media can also improve student learning outcomes.
The data sources chosen for the literature review research are in the form of
books and articles related to learning media, online learning, and statistical data on
internet and smartphone users according to age. The conclusion obtained is that
online learning can be applied as learning media in high schools if it meets several
criteria according to the needs of each school.

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