Lab 3 Pre-Lab Notes &questions
Lab 3 Pre-Lab Notes &questions
Lab 3 Pre-Lab Notes &questions
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to do the following:
• Describe the role of a DNA ligase in replication
• Explain how DNA ligase is used to create a recombinant plasmid
• Describe possible recombinant plasmids that form when ligating a
restriction digest
DNA molecule
1. The two original strands begin to separate at multiple locations on the DNA
molecule. Each location is an origin of replication, or ori site (the same as
you learned about with plasmids in Chapter 2). The two original strands are
called parent strands.
2. Once the parent strands are separated and the bases are exposed, an
enzyme called DNA polymerase adds new nucleotides. Each new nucleotide
base forms hydrogen bonds with existing nucleotide bases on the parent
strand. Complementary base pairs are created in this step.
5. The DNA fragments must be joined by the enzyme DNA ligase in order
to form the second daughter strand. The ligase joins the fragments by
catalyzing the formation of a covalent bond between adjacent nucleotides.
Once the replication steps are complete, two new DNA molecules, each
consisting of one parent strand and one daughter strand, have been made. Both
molecules are exact copies, or replicas, of the original DNA molecule.
• What are the roles of hydrogen bonds and covalent bonds in the structure
of DNA?
• Based on what you just learned about DNA replication, what is the possible
role of ligases in joining the sticky ends of DNA fragments?
C T 5’
Gene of interest C C T A G G G A T
Starting Plasmids
4,872 bp 5,512 bp
C G continuously as polymerase
adds nucleotides in the 5’ to 3’
direction to form the daughter
T A strand. On the other strand,
the DNA polymerase also adds
T A nucleotides in the 5’ to 3’
3’ end direction, which results in short
5’ end fragments of DNA that must be
ligated together to form the
other daughter strand.
In this laboratory you will ligate the DNA fragments you produced during
Laboratory 2, using DNA ligase to make new recombinant plasmids. These
recombinant plasmids will contain the four restriction fragments (the pieces of
DNA that result from cutting the DNA molecule with a restriction enzyme) from
Laboratory 2, recombined in different ways to produce new sets of DNA. The
ligation process will result in several different plasmids, but the plasmid that you
are interested in will contain the gene for ampicillin resistance (ampR), the red
fluorescent protein (rfp) gene, a promoter for initiating transcription (pBAD),
the arabinose activator sequence (araC), and the ori sequence for the initiation
of DNA replication. This desired recombinant DNA plasmid is called the pARA-R
plasmid (see Figure 3.5).
During the lab, you will mix together the DNA fragments from your restriction
digest in Laboratory 2 and the DNA ligase, but you will not be able to observe
anything until Laboratory 4, when you will have the opportunity to separate and
identify your DNA molecules using gel electrophoresis. However, you will prepare
for what you might observe by determining the possible plasmids that can occur
and then drawing diagrams of these plasmids. In this work, you are modeling the
process of ligation.
1. Review your answer to question 1 in Before the Lab for Laboratory 2 (page
44), in which you described the fragments that formed from the digestion
of pKAN-R and pARA with BamHI and HindIII. Using this information, draw
three possible recombinant plasmids resulting from the joining of two pARA
and pKAN-R fragments. For each plasmid, identify the genes, other important
sequences, and the number of base pairs each has.
2. Read through the Methods section on page 60 and briefly outline the steps,
using words and a flowchart.
• 80°C water bath with floating microfuge tube rack (will be shared among
all groups)
• P-20 micropipette
• Tip box of disposable pipette tips
• Permanent marker
• Microcentrifuge (will be shared among all groups)
• Waste container for used tips and microfuge tubes (may be shared
with another group)
• Wash your hands well with soap after completing the lab.
1. Check your rack to make sure that you have all the reagents listed.
2. Place K+ and A+ tubes from Laboratory 2 in the 80°C water bath (you will
place your tubes in the floating microfuge tube rack; once each group’s
samples are loaded, your teacher will place the rack in the water bath) for
20 minutes. This heat exposure will denature (inactivate) the restriction
NOTE: During the incubation, share and discuss your answers to question
1 in Before the Lab. Also share and discuss your answer to the STOP AND
THINK question that follows, and begin answering the Chapter 3 Questions
on page 61.
STOP AND THINK: Why is it important to inactivate the BamHI and HindIII
restriction enzymes before ligating the fragments? What might happen if
you did not perform this step?
3. Label the LIG tube with your group number and class period.
4. After 20 minutes, remove the K+ and A+ tubes from the water bath and
place them in your rack.
5. Using a new pipette tip with each reagent, add the following solutions
directly into the solution at the bottom of the LIG tube:
a. 4.0 μL of A+
b. 4.0 μL of K+
c. 3.0 μL of 5xB
d. 2.0 μL of dH2O
6. After adding the dH2O, gently pump the solution in and out with the pipette
to mix the reagents. Cap the tube when done.
7. Spin the LIG tube in the microcentrifuge for several seconds to pool the
reagents at the bottom of the tube.
8. Place your LIG, A+, and K+ tubes in the microfuge racks designated by your
teacher. (Your LIG tube will incubate at room temperature until the next
class. Your A+ and K+ tubes will be returned to the –20°C freezer for use in
Laboratory 4.)