HP 100D Manual SN 142

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Serial 142 and Above


Serial 142 and Above

Table of Replaceable Parts

Change V9, VIO, VII, V12, VI3 to:

Tube: 6CB6. HP stock #2l2-6CB6

Change V 17 to:

Tube: 6AV6., HI? stock #212-6AV6

Change R9, RIB, R27, R36 to:

Resistor: fixed, composition, 3900 ohms, ± 10%, lW,

HP stock #24-39-00, Mfr. Allen-Bradley #GB 3921

Change R5, iUS" R24, R33 to:

Resistor: fixed, composition, 39, oon ohms, ± 10%

HP stock #24-39K, Mfr. Allen-Bradley #GB 3931

Change R20 to:

Resistor: fixed, composition, 1. 2 megohms, ± 10%

HP stock #24-1. 2M, Mfr. Allen-Bradley GB 1251
Electrical value adjusted at the factory


CAUTION 00 •••••• 0 •••••••• 0.1;100 ••••••••••••• 1

SPECIFICATIONS •........•..........•....•.• 3
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS •........•.......... 5
Inspection c • " •••••••••••••• 0-5
Initial Installation 5
Controls 0 ••••• c. ••••••••••• 6
Operation 7
GENERAL INFORMATION ....•.................. 8
100 kc Oscillator Circuit •....••...... 9
Frequency Divider Circuit .•....•..•.•• 9
Power Supply and Voltage
Regulator Circuit ••.....•••..•..•. 12
BLOCK DIAGRAM OF MODEL lOOD ...•..•.•....• 10
STANDARDIZATION HITH \VWV ................• 12
MULTIPLIER WITH MODEL lOOD •........•...•• 13
APPLICATION .............••....•...•....•. 15'
POINTS OF TANGENCY ..................•...• 16
SERVICE NOTES •....•..................••.. 16
r1lJDEL 100D
.9. A. U +' I () N
The heating 0f the crystal ['ven in this instru-
ment is regulated by a mercury-column switch~ Occasion-
ally, the mercury column is separated by jarring and vib-
rei tioh of the unit in sl:ipment.
After turning the instrument on for the first
time, keep a close check on the tem~erature 0f the crystal
oven as indicated by the thermometer in the front panel.
When the instrument has been on about 30 minutes, the cry-
stal oven s:.J'uld remain automatically at a constant tem-
perature. This condition will be indicated by a s2utting
off of the crystal oven indicator lamp from time to time,
and by the fact that the thermometer TIill reach a steady
reading of 65°C ~ 2°C.
However, if the crystal pilot light stays on
continuously, or the thermometer goes up bey~nd 70 degrees,
the mercury coltunn in either t~1e therm~stat or t~le tl1ermo...
meter h2s )r~bably been separated in s~ipment. 7lITn t~e
instrument off immediately and proceed ~s follows.
1. Remove the instrument from t~G cabinet ~nd re-
move the crystal C'ven unit vThich plugs into tube srcl~et
adjacent to thermometer window.
2. Disconnect the thermostat wires from the ter-
minals (#3,Fig.l). ~emove the thermC'stat clamp ~r unscrew-
ing the two screws (#4,Fig.l). Draw the thernostat out
of the oven. (#5, F-ig. 1)
3. Inspect the thermostat for mercury column
separation and minute air bubbles in the mercury bulb.
4. If Bither air bubbles or sep~r~tion are pre-
sent, place the mercury s~itch bulb in ice Dater until
mercury occupies only the bulb cOn1)artLlent. ':2ap liglltly
to remove any air bubbles or mercury globules left in
Then place the bulb in a vessel of water and he2..t
until mercury completely fills column and a small portion
of the enlargement at top of column. Then reuove the
thermostat and TIatch the mercury descent to room tempera-
ture. If there is no separation or bubbles present, the
thermostat may now be put back in service. It may be
necessary to repeat the above procedure more than rnce to
unite all the mercury and remove all bubbles.

CAUTIlJN: Immerge only the bulb portion of the therijOstat.
If the thermC'stat leads get wet ('r c:..ny mC'isture cC'll~cts
beneath the plastic insulator coverin~ the c~ntact rings,
remove the plastic insulator and dry tube and insulator
and leads thoroug~ly before placing back in service.
0therwise, leakage between leads may cause ~eater r~lay
to remain ('pen.
5. Unscrew the tw(' nuts :1"'lding the thermC'meter
clamps (#2, Rig.l) and withdraw theroometer from the oven.
6. To unite the mercury column and re@0ve air
bubbles in the thermometer, use Sl~me :::>rocedure as t:1a t
used ron ~1e thermostat.
7. ~eplace the t~er~0st2t and t~ermometer in the
crystal oven; turn on the instrUQent a~d cbserve oven
temperature and operation C'f the oven indicntcr lam,.



output Ratin,g
vutRut Fr~~ency Vol ts into__2Q.0_Q. ohrgs_J,.2ad
10 cycles per second 5 Iainimum
100 cycles per second 5 minimum
1,000 cycles per second 5 minimum
10,000 cycles per second 5 minimum
100,000 cycles per second 5 l'JinimUll1
Distor tiol1 --
4% at all frequencies TIith 5000 ohms load.
Internal impedance - 2000 ohms load.
Quartz Cryst~1 --
100 lec
Quartz Cr:.Y.s...tal.~Ylill

Heater voltage 6.3V

uven tenperature 650 C.
Power Supply Rating
Voltage - 105 to 125 volts
Frequency - 50 to 60 cycles
Wattage - 145 watts
Overall Dimensions --
Cabinet Model - 23-1/4-11 long x 12-1/4" high
x 14-7/16" deep

pverall Dimensions -- (continued)
Rack r.:odel - 19" long x 10-1/2" high
x 14-7/16" deep
i P2.nel - 19" ilong x 10-1/2" 11igh
Depth be~1ind panel - 13-1/4"
Cabinet tlodel - 45 pl"'unds
Rack Model - 35 pounds
Timing Pips --
Interval Amplitude
100 microseconds
1000 microsec~nds 2 x 100 u sec aID)litude
10,000 microseconds 3 x 100 u sec 2m~litude

':'u1?.e COIDDlement

VI 6BH6 uscillator
V2a,b 6AL5 Rectifier (Twin Diode)
V3 6A86 Frequency Divider
vl:t 61\.86 Frequency Divider
V5a,b 6A15 Rectifier (lvlin Diode)
v6 6AS6 lrequency Divider
V7 6~1.86 Prequency Divider
V8 6BH6 ~requency Divider
V9 6AH6 100,000 cps Output. Cat~l("\de
VIO 6AH6 10,000 cps uutlJut. Ca LlC'de
VII 6AH6 1,000 cps Gutput. Cat~ode
V12 6AII6 100 cps 0utput. Cat~("\QC
V13 6AH6 10 cps uutput. Cathl"'de follC'wer
v14 5R4GY Rectifier
v15 616G V~ltage aegulatC'r
v16 616G Voltage ~eGulator
V17 6AQ6 VC'ltage :::egula tor
v18 L.A2 Voltage Regulator
V19 2APlA uscillosco-:Je
V20 6BH6 Amplifier (V19 EC'rizontal
V2l 6BH6 Amplifier (V19 Vertical Pl~tesi

~rating Instty£tions
This instrument has been t::lor 0 ug:'lly tested and
inspected before being shipped and is ready frr use when
After the instrument is unpacl:ed the cover
should be removed (see lJaintenance section~ so that the
instrument may be carefully inspected for damage received
in transit. While the cover is off, the tubes shruld be
checked to see that t:ley are firmly seated in their sockets.
If any shipping damage is f 0 und, fcllo~ the ~rocedure out-
lined in the "Claim for Damage in Shipment l1 page at the
back of this instruction broke
Initial Installatic:n --
Before installing the Model 100D make Sll.re that
the tubes and relay are secure in their socl:ets.
The instrument should be situated so that there
is adequate ventilation. Lack of proper ventilation may
cause the ambient temperature in the instrw:nent to rise
high en 0 ugh so ~lat the oven thermostat will lose control.
0bserve the "CAUTIGN" regarding the crystal oven,
in the front of this brok, before t~~ning on the power.
After the power is cn, several hours ~ill elapse
before the crystal oven temperature becomes constant. The
instrument should be run continuously so that the tc~~era­
ture of the components reaches a steady stGte and constant
output frequencies will be maint~ined. Continuous 0pcra-
tion of the instrument will also improve the stability ('f
the crystal.
Low capacity shielded wire should be used to dis-
tribute the output voltages to tho equipment under tests as
it will prevent the piCk-up of extraneous voltages. The
s:lield braid on the wire is cC'nnected to the "Gil bindin.g
posts of the instrument. 70 maintain a minimum output
voltage of 5 volts, at each frequency, a load of not less
than 5000 C'hms impedance may be crnnectcd across the out-
put terminals. The following table gives the maximum
capacity that can be tolerated vlitl10ut exceeding t:1e ab"ve
100 kc .0003 mf
i' 10 kc .003 mf
1 kc .03 mf
100 cycles .3 mf
10 cycles 3mf

Initial Inst&llation -- (continued)
M~x_L~umcapacit across out~ut ter~als _ Max.
Capacity mf pCI' footl of wire length 0f
The length of the shielded line, carrying the
100 k6 may be extended by connecting a 100 kc tuned cir-
cuit across the line. T~is tuned circuit consists of an
inductance in parallel with a variable capacitor. Tune
the capacitor for maximum outP~t.
Controls --
FREQ.ADJ.- See section on IIStandardiza':ion with 'tn'fV fl 'for
the use of this control.
PRESS FLR -AF - Pressing this crntrol lowers the frequency
of the 100ke oscillator ap,r 0ximately one cycle per
vUTPUT WAVE - This switch provides a c~0ice of sine or
rectangular wave shape in the output voltage at all fre-
PliWER uN - This s~itch controls all power supplied tr the
instrument from the p0we~ line.
fi,LLF;:mQUZ~JCIES - 10.1£.c_.£.J:..0_Q_kc .GrrLY ... T~1is switch dis-
connects the 225V supply from the 1000, 100, and 10 cycles
frequency dividers when it is in 'che 1110 kc and 100 kc
vnly,1 position. This also removes tJ18 1000 and 10,000
microsecond pips.
TIMING PIPS - ~he three types of timing pips are available
simultaneously at these binding posts.
CUTPUT SELECTOR - This switch connects anyone rf the five
frequencies to the t'0UTPUT" binding )C'sts on the control
panel, and the oscilloscope input switches.
INTZNSITY - This variable resis tor controls the brightness
of the image on the cathode range tube screen.
FliCUS - The "FuCUS" control adjusts the focus of the elect-
ron beam 0n the cathode ray tube screen.
H~~lZ. GAIN - This variable resistor cC'ntrrls the vrltage
admitted to the amplifier feeding t~e ~0~iz0ntal plates
of the cathode ray tube.
BEAM vN - In the "B:=AM LN" position this Jcog[,le switch
applies voltage from the "IIJTENSITYII control, to the
cathode ray tube and cEusing tl:e elec'cron beam to hit the

~EAM u~ - (continued)
screen. The C'ff pC's i tion applies to a' high!?!' vol tage,_
to the grid cutting off the beam.
VERT.GAIN - This variable resistor c~ntrC'ls the voltage
a'dIDitted-to the affiylifier feeding the vertical plates of
the cath~de ray tube.
IIl,RI~~_INPm:- These binding posts are co nnected t:lrough
the "HeinZ. SCOPE INPUT" switch, in the IIZx t." positi~n,
tc the oscilloscope horizontal amplifier.
V8RT. If~UT - These binding posts are crnnected t0~~u5h
the "VERT. SCePS INPUT" switch, in the 1I2xt.11 prsiti~n,
to the oscilloscope vertical am~lifier.
HORIZ. SC0PE INPUT - EXT. INT. - This s~itch connects the
ho·rizontal amplifier of the oscillosco)e to the "LU7PUT
SELECTliR" switch or to "EeRIZ. INPUT" binding P(\sts.
VERT. SCLPS INPUT - EXT. INT. - This STIitch connects the
ver"rical am:Jlifier 'of the '""OScilloscope to the lie UTPUT
SELECTl,.R" switch 01' to the "VE:i.l.T. INPUTII binding pC's ts.
F~E - The fusehelder, located on the back ef the chassis 1
cC'ntains a 1.5 ampere cartridge fuse. The fnse may be
replaced by unscrewing the fuse:lc'lder cap ~nQ inserting a
new fuse.
P0V~_ Cable - The power cable consists of t:ITee conductors.
Two of ~hese CO:1c.uctC'rs carl'"Y yrwer to the instrument
while the third ccnductor (green rrire) is connected to the
instrument c~assis. T~e third wire projects from the
cable near the ')lug end of the cable and may be connected
to a creund when it is desirable to ~ave a grounded in-
strument chassis.
uutput Binding]:0sts - The five sets of binding ,rsts on
the back of the chassis are the output term~nals for t~e
five frequencies Generated by the instrument. The binding
posts marked "G" are cennec'ced to the chassis.
liperatiol1 --
The positions of the Model IOOD cC'ntrols for
typical measurements are as follows;
Standard Freguen~
__vutuut (Lscilloscoue liffl -
1. "lJUTPUT WAVE" contrel set at the IISIlE" or
"RECT." position, depending 0n the ty)e of output wave

2. Cennect the "L. U'i'PUT" binding pes ts en tIle
panel ,'with tl1e "lJUTPUT S=-:L:2C~,.'l.lR" switch sst a t t~1e fre-
i quency desired or if sevCl... al frec_ue~~cics' are tr be used
simultc:.neously, c0nnect t(' the bindL1g :wsts c.t 'c:1e rear
of the instrument.

3. "B3AU liN" switch at the rff p 0 sition.

yonllLq,r is iO..n_0L_CiQ. U~..n0.Y~!l)=rec1J..e..4c.Y. ,}~it.l:l.


1. "lJUTPUT VIAVZ" control set at the "SHIe"

position and "D.. RIZ. SCt,P:, INPUTTI at "ntT."
2. Connect the source 0f unknown frequency to
the "VZ~,1T. INIUT" binding posts and the "V::LRT. 8CLP~
IiJPUT" switch to the ":!3XT." positiC'n.
3. "BZAM t...N" switch at the "vN" position.
4. Rotate the "~-ILJRIZ.
GAIN II and "VEilT. C . . IN"
to their extre~e c\unter-clocl~lise pesitions.

5. Adjust the "INTENSITY lI and "~-;'liCUS" cC'ntrols

for the (\ptli1t~ brightness and clarity of the sp9t on the
cathnde ray tube screen. Do net allow the spC't to remain
in one position clOre than five minutes, othorvlise the
• phesphor on the cathode ray screen may be destroyed. The
life of t11e cathode ray tube may be lengt:lened 'oy kee~):i.ng
the "BEAIVI liH" Si'li tch in t~le "l;FF" position exce:?t wilen
making meaSlITements.

The Hewlett-Packard Lew Fre~uency ~tandard

~ Lodel 100D is an accurate and stable ;5eC r nc.c.ry frequency
\S standard. It may be standardized ~ith the Bureau cf Stan-
i'J dards transmissions from 'vVWV at intel"'v2.1s 'Co maintain a
\., high order cf accuracy.

The Lodel 100D consists 0f 2. cry.:,tal-contr 0 11ed
oscillator operating at 100 kc which ccntrols the stabi-
lity of all frequencies generc'ctsd by the instl"'ument. The
~ frequencies cf 10 kc, 1 kc, 100 cps, and 10 cps, are pro-
I duced by 10:1 cascaded frequency dividers \~lich are driven
i\t by the 100 kc precision oscillator. Each divider operateS
~ its own isr la ting &IJ)lifier S0 tl-:at all sine 2.nG rectan-
gular waves genera~ed by the iustrl~ent are independGntly
~ available for e~ternal use. T~e out:?ut vnltages may 21so
~ be applied to the self-c0ntaincd oscillnscope to ,e~mit
" cC'm:pc'.risiC'n with external unknovm frec.i.uencies by mea.ns of
Lissajous figures.

General Infqrmati~n (continued)
The self-contained cscillcsc~pe c0nsists of
a 2" cathode .ray tube VIi th a hC'rizontal and a vertical
amplifier. ~he input of the 0scilloscoge circuits are
arranged so that standard frcc~uencies frC'ffi the isC'lating
amplifiers may be supplied to the horizC'ntal amylifier
and either standard frequencies C'r external voltages may
be applied to the vertical amplifier.
A regulated prwer supply delivers all necessary
v0ltages tC' the instrument and maintains a constant v~lt­
age which c0ntributes tC' the excellent stability of the
lQ.O k~~il].a t~r Circuit --
The 100 kc oscillator is a modified Pierce cir-
cuit. This circuit alloTIs the frequency to be changed
~ 1 cps by changing the capacity across the crystal. A
very l0w tempera-::;ure ccefficient crystal :leld at ccnst2.nt
temperature contrcls the frequenc~ to within 2 parts per
million per week. T~is accuracy is attained TI~e0 the
crystal is 0 y erated constantly anG after a thirty cay run
in period.
FreGuency DiY~der Circuit --
The frequency divider circuit is c0mp0sGd rf
(see Fig~ 2) tubes V2, V3 and assrciated cnm)nnents. ~ube
V3 is the actual frequency diviaer, ~perati0g as a ccn-
trolled one-shrt multivibrator. ~he time c~nstants of
the circuit are adjusted so ~lat the circuit is triGgered
by every tenth cycles C'f the oscillator.
Assuming for a Doment that the oscillatC'r is ~0t
operating, the operation of the circuit can be described
as follows: in a quiescent state tube V3 r~erates in such
a manner t:la t t:le plate is at a llj.gher vC' 1tage than '~he
screen grid but draws no current. ~his is explained by
the fact that the suppressor erid is sufficiently negative
with respect to the cathode to cut off t~e plate current.
Therefore t~e screen grid acts a plate for the space
current. 1he control grid is at cat~ode potential and is
thus drawing heavy current. The cath0de of the diode V2
is c 0 l1.nected to a higher dc v0l-~age than its plate so t;'lat
V2 is an open circuit te prsitive voltages and t~ small
negative voltages app~ied te its cathode. ~he negative
portion of the osc1l1a tor is larGe e:'loug:'l to pass tllrough
diode V2 and trigger a multivibrator action in V3: T~18
negative voltage is pass:d from the ]late of V3 to the
contrel grid t~rough Cl. The nC3ative contr01 srid reduces
t;:le s:)2.ce c.. ~rrent, causing tne screen voltage to rise and
the cathrde voltage to fall. This action reduces t~e
suppress~r bias with respect to the cathode sufficiently
that the current passes t:lrC'ugh the suppressor grid to the
. -9-

100 KG rv* 10 KG ..n.. 1 KC lOON ..n.. 10 tV

H"~--+ Divider ..
.. Divider .... Divider .......
--1 .. Divider

" ..n...
Isolating !Isolating !Isolating Isolating Isolati~
Amplifier ~mplifier ~plifier Amplifier AmplifieI

r r , I

" rv rv rv 'V
() 100 KC o 10 KC o 1 KG o 100 () 10
.... 10 cycles •

*100 KC Osc. __ -_0

Voltage at
input to I
divider I
--_~_l ......l _ - - - _)1':-1-- O'
*iaO KC Divider I
Output Voltage W
at Screen Grid ~~-------- 1 cycle .1


( .
o Next Divider
• 100 KC B+
• q)
H Oscillator

r-4 10 KC Output
Frequency Div~er Circuit -- (continued)
plate. The ,late voltage therefore drops rapidly, re-
inforcing the original negative voltage on the control
grid. Because the )late v o ltag8 on V3 is now low, the
plate of V2 is at a lower voltage than its cathode and no
nega tive trigger vel tages can pass tl1r 0ugh diode V2.
The circuit remains in this condition as the
negative charge on the control gJ'id lea~:s off througll
resistor R2. As the grid voltage s10wly rises, the space
current in the tube slowly increases, causing the plate
voltage to drop somewhat more. At the same tll1e the cat~­
ode voltage slowly rises, increasing tbe bias on the sup-
pressor grid. Finally, a critical point is reached where
the screen has more attraction for tile space current than
the plate.
When this critical point is reached, the second
portion of the multivibrator action occurs; the screen
voltage falls rapidly and plate cur~ent C8&Ses. This
action transfers a positive voltag8 te the c0~trol grid,
resulting in more space current and roinfrrcing the crop
in screen voltage. The circuit then becomes quiescent
and is propared for the next negative pulse th~ough diode
V2A. 7he time constants in the circuit are adjusted so
that the total multivibrator actirn rc~uires slightly
more than nine cycles of the oscillator frequency, the cir-
cuit being again ready for triggering rn the tenth cycle.
• Thus a frequency-dividing action has occurcd •
This divider circuit is highly stable and Dill
operate for long periods of time Dithout correction.
The sinusoidal output from the divider is ob-
tained from a tlli~ed circuit that is connected to the screen
grid of V3 through a large isolating resistrr. This
sinusoidal wave is relatively harmonic-free, having less
than y-% distortion.
The sinusoidal output from the 10 cycles divicer
is obtained by means of a resistance capacity filter and
negative feedback rather than by an inductance cayacit2~ce
filter as used in the higher freque~cy dividers. The roc-
tabgular wave from the 10 cycles divider is ap,lied to
the grid of the tube V8.
The reBaining divider circuits are connected in
cascade and are driven from the cathode circuit of V]. A
rectangular Davo is present at the cathode and this ueve,
after differentiation, triggers ths follOWing divider.
The remaining divider circuits operate in a ma~~er similar
to the circuit of V3, the major difference bc.'ing that the
time constants are adjusted to accomodate the lower re-
petition rates involved.

Each divider is c0!mected tC' its 0vm isolating
amplifier. lhis amplifier isC'la~es the divider :rrm
variable external loads and prC'vides a low impedance out-
The rectangular wave output fr0m the plate of
the tube vB is sent through the resistance capacitance
filter and negative feedback circuit to the grid, where
the components of the rectangular wave, passed by the
filter, 2re cancelled. The 10 cycles sine wave is re-
jected by the filter and is applied to the isolating amp-
Timing pips are produced by crmbining the out- .
puts of all the dividers except the 10 cycles divider and
rectifying the resultant wave with a crystal rectifier.
Power Supply and ~oltage ~~~lator ~il~uit --
The power supply consists C'f a tr2nsformer to
supply the necessary voltages and a cC'nventional full-
wave rectifier and filter system to convert alternating
current to direct current.
StandardizaticnJyith ~~

T~e 100 kc oscillator circuit C'f the Model 100D

is set to 100 kc at the factory and it uill maintain this
frequency within! .001% (10 parts ~er million) on the
range of n0rmal room temperatlrres. ~~is decree 0f accu-
racy is sufficient for most purposes. For a [rc2ter
degree of accu::.:'2.cy the 100 kc oscilla t 0 r s~lould be s tan-
dardized with a primary frequency stand2rd at fre~~ency
The most accessible primary f"requency stanc.8.rd
is the standard frequencies broadcast by the National
Bureau of Standards Station VfflV at Washingtrn, D.C. ~his
service may be utilized to check the Eodel 100D by em-
ploying a short wave radio receiver and a frequency multi-

Station 1iWV broadcasts standard frequencies

twenty-f0ur h 0urs a day 0n the f 0 110wing frequencies; 2.5,
5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 megacycles. F0r tile latest
infcrma tion on using this service, a Bureau 0~· S-~andards
Circular "l1ethC'ds of Using Stand<:.rd Frequencies Broadcast
by Radio"-may be yurchased fr0m the Superi~~cndcnt of
Documents, G- 0vernrnent Pr inting lJffice, 7c:.s~1ington, D. C.
A detailed annruncemcnt of ;NN broadc2st services, LCBB6
will be ,rC'vided upon request frrID the Nati 0 nal Bureau
of Standards, Was~ington 25, D.C.

2700j.Jj.J F

MODEL 100C 220K
OR 1000

R5 R6
39K 39K

R7 R8
4000 10K 220V

C3 C4 C5

rO~F I_IO_~_F_ _J'O~F

e6.~· H
MODEL 100C,100D

60 'V
Cl Capaoi tor. tbed; mioa; 5000 mmf; R5, Re Ids tor. fixed Jean p05 i t1 m;
300 Tdow R6 ~, 000 ch rna. !.l()'(; 2 we. tt II

C2 Clip. 0 itor. fixed; m1.o a: 2700 rrd, R7 Rel"is1D r. fixed} wire.,und; 4000
300 Tdn ohms • .:t10%. 20 watt,
C3. Caps 01 t or I ft xed; ele otrn lytl 0, H8 Rem. IS tr:>r z f1 xed; wir ewa..u ld; 10, 000
4.5 10 mt, 450 Tdow ohms; 'tI~J aJ watt,

Rl ba18Wr. fixed. oompo81tion. 1~0 U 12 Miorohllluy ao i l l • nding-34 t\.l"nl

ohmsJ !lo,(, 1 watt k4 tIlamelled wjr e on 5/8- dillm.
b*.llte form, wind! ng 3;1.- long.
R2 ~aiator It'1XM. o<:lllpOli tim;
410,000 o~, +1~. 1 watt

~"'.~r. f1xedJ OOllpoo1ticm,
Tl POll8r Tr.naterm er r pr 1. 115 ••
tJJcyolea; R.V. Sec. 5:J)V CTtt ro JU
see 5V • 2AJ 6.,
15,000 otun., t1(Y;(, 1 watt
A T\.tle. r
o B4 Relli, b:>r
fix ed; 0011 position;
I 1 5Y3GT
M 23),000 ohma, t.l~. 1 watt 1 6.16
A schematic ~iring diagram for a suitable
multiplier is shown in the acci"'mpal1ying illustration.
This circuit nill give multiples i"'f 100 kc so that the
signal is obtained on all the Vl\7V transElissiC'n frequencies.
A wire from the antenna terminal of the shrrt wave re-
ceiver loosely coupled Coil 11 provides a signGl to mix
with the signal f1'om ·vV".7V. This cou)ling s~1ould ,be varied
until it is approximately tho same strength as VMV.
The adjustment of the 100 kc oscillator in the
Model lOaD is performed as follows:
1. Feed the 100 kc oscillator output through
the multiplier to the radio receiver tuned to the highest
INN frequency providing the best signal. The ~ighcr tl~
1i'rlVV froq,uency used, the greater the accuracy C'bt2..ined in
calibrating the 100 kc oscillator. ~e2dp~0nes or loud-
speaker may be used to indicate the presence ('f a beat bo-
tween the 100 kc oscillator and INN.
2. If a beat note is present the 100 kc oscill-
ator has drifted from its correct frequency. Next deter-
mine whether the 100 kc oscillator has drifted to a higher
or lower frec1uency by pl~essing the "P:8.SSS FL'R -Ali''' switch.
If the 100 kc oscillator has drifted to a higher frequency
than WWV then the "f;.. F" control \""ill lower the frequency
of the beat note. If tho oscillator h2S drifted tc a
lower frequency, the "6. F" control '\Jill change tl1e beat
note to a. higher pitch. To return the l~c,del lOaD oscilla-
tor to exactly 100 kc it is necessary to tune the "F:;:GQ.
ADJ." capacitcr in the l('lwer left CO:cnCH' cf the front
panel. Turn this c02trol in the circction that procuccs
a decrease in p'itch until the zero beat point is reached
and thon an incre2se in pitch as rotation is continued.
At tho zorc beat 90int the 100 kc ('scilla'cor nill be stan-
darcized with ~7V.
3. Sbould it be impossible to roach zero beat
wi th the "FTIQ. ADJ." control, then set tho control to
approximately one-half capacity. Next, rotate the SCr8TI-
driver adjustments C2 and c4 lOCated en tl~e chassis in the
rear of the crystal oven, together and in ~~e same direc-
tion until the zero beat point is reached.
The accuracy of tho 10 kc, 1 kc, 100 cycles, e.nd.
10 cycles outputs may be dcterrJin0d by c r rJ.1'9aring t:1em wi t:1
the next higher frequency by L1oa~~s of the built-in oscillo-

The Low Frequency Standard is ap)licable to
most frec.uency measlli~ements from very low audio fre-
quencies up t0. abC'ut trJen.ty L1egacycles. I'c may be used
as a sC'urce of crnstant frec.uency voltage to C'perate
timing circuits and modulate radio fre~uency generators.
The Model 100D is most useful for the calibra-
tion of audio, supersC'nic and radiI"" fre~uency generators.
Also as a crmparison device to deterl:line t:1e frec_uency
stability of all kinds of radio equi,Dent.
LC'w frequencies are most cnnveniently measured
by means 0f Lissajous figures I"'n an rscilloscr,e. ::OW-
ever, f0r very com~lex Lissajous figlli~es it is desir2ble
to use a large-screen 0scilloscoye.
An external rscillatC'r can be used to advantage
to increase the ease of identification of the more cn~plex
patterns. F0r eX2.mple, when measurinG "inconvenient"
frequencies such as 210 cps, the oscillator can be adjusted
to 200 cps against the 100 cps output 0f the standard,
resulting in a simple figure-eight pattern on the oscilln-
scope. By then switching the standard to 10 cps and ~d­
justihg the oscillator to the first frequency above 200
cps that results in a sinusoidal pattern, a frequency of
210 cps can be accurately 0btained rn the 0scillator.
The oscillator frequency is then cnill:'Jared with the un-
known frequency.
High frequency measureaents are best made with
the aid of a suitcble receiver. 7he trcnsition ]oint
between low and high frequency measurements is deterwi~ed
by the characteristics rf the equipment at hand, by ~1e
s tabili ty of unln10vm frequency, and by the c0mple:;d ty of
the ratio of the unknown frequency to the standard fre-
quency. With m0dern oscilloscopes and stable frequencies
the transition point is above one megacycle. The rela-
tively pure sine wave output of the Model lOOD may have
to be distorted to uroduce ~armonics for some of the Dre-
ceeding applications. This may be acc0wplished by in:
serting a germanium crys tal in tile output circuit c<: the
Model 100D or by using an amplifier which draws grid
Lissajous figures are produced on the screen of
cathode ray tube when an altern~ting current vclt2ge is
cC'rrected to brt~l. t~1e llC'riz0ntal and vertical deflecting
plates of t~1e tube. Vlhen a standard freC1uency voltage :'.'
fed to C'ne set of plates and a voltage of unknown fre-
quency is crnnected to the rther set, the resultant figur2
identifies the ratio between the standard and unknown


1 (connected to vertical plates
of oscillosc0pe)

10 KC
(Connected to horizontal plates of oscillo-
No, of l~izontaJl-tangencies x Frequency = Unknown
No, of vertical tangencies of Standard Frequency
2 x 10 kc = 20 kc
Service Nok~ --
Periodically the Uodel 100D should have the
dust bl"wn from the chassis and the tubes should be
checked to see that they are fimly seated in their sockets.
The following is a listing of possible symptoms
and their remedies,
Svmp tom Reme.,gz
Instrument inoperative 1. Check for bloun fuse or def-
Pilat lamps and tubes ective Dower cord. Locate
do not light and clear s:l('rt circuit in
the power circuits before
re)lacing ~~e fuse.
Low ~utput Voltage: 1. Check for t00 Iowan imyed-
(100 kc output) anee load or a short circuit
across the 100 kc output
2. Check VI and V9 by replacing
with new tubes. Also tune
C5 for peak V\' 1tage.
3. Measure voltage from pin 8 of
v16 to chassis. Should be
+225V. If voltage is too low,
~heck power circuit for s20rt

Seryice Notes -- (ccntinued)

Low uutput Voltage: 1. Determine which frequencies

i (100 kc output have sub-normal output and
normal) check for too low an imped-
ance load frr a short cir-
cuit across the output
2. Check the tubes and voltages
in the divider and isolating
amplifier of the highest
frequency with subnormal
3. Adjust the prrper divider ad-
justment for synchronism.
These adjustments are screw-
driver adjustments located
on the top of the chassis
near the panel and are
labelled: 10 kc DIVIDER,
1 kc DIVIDER, 100~}DIVID&~,
and 101\.1 DIVIDER.
Lack of Synchronism 1. Set the "uUTPUT V1AVJ2" switch
to the "SINE" position and
the "LJUTPUT S~LSCTliR" switch
to the 10 kc D0sition.
switch is so arranged that a
frequency ten times the in-
dicated frequency is con-
nected thru the "VERT. SCLPE
INPUT" Syli td.l., to the verti.;.
cal amrylifier of the os cillo-
scope.- ~he vertical ampli-
fier is not connected on the
100 kc position.
2. Set the oscilloscope control
as folloYls:

"Beam ON" "ON"

"Horiz.Scope "Int. "
"Vert.Scope "Int.
Adjus t "INTZNS ITY," "FOCUS",
fer best results.
Symptom (continued) Remedy (continued)
Lack of Synchronism 3. Adjust R6 (10 kc DIVIDER)
(continued) so that a Lissajous figure
• for a 10 to 1 ratio is ob-
4. Repeat the procedure of
step 3 and. change the "LJUT_
PUT S:8L2CTtJRh to the proper
frequency for 10 kc and 1 lec,
1 kc and 100 CYCLES, 100
CYCLES and 10 CYCLES. Adjust
R14 (1 kc DIVIDER) R23
(IOONDIVIDER) and R32 (10f\)
DIVIDER) respectively.
Crystal tJven Not 1. While ins trument is in op-
He~ting eration, remove crystal oven
from its socket. If ~elay is
operating correctly, the
crystal oven pilot lamp should
burn. Clean relay contacts
if relay is defective.
2. If relay is correct follow
procedure of CAUTILN sect-
ion in the frrnt of this
Crystal 0ven vver- 1. See CAUTILN section
pover and Bottom Plate rtemoval --
The cover may be removed from the instrument
without taking the instrument out of the ~ooden cabinet.
The instrument must be removed from the cabinet vn1en it
is necessary to remove the bottom plate.
To remove the cover, unscrevr the four screws
helding the cover to the back of the. instrument. This
releases the cover so that it can be drawn out of the back
of the cabinet.
7he bottom plate is removed by unscrewing the
four screws, one in each corner of the plates.

prystal uven Disassembly --
The following is the step-by-step procedure
necessary to disassemble the crystal even to the point
• that the heater and socket connections are exp0sed. See
Figure 1 for the parts numbers referred to in this pr e -
1. Remove the f0ur wing nuts (~;fl), the cover,
and the insulating pad.
2. Remove the four spade screws and ring on
top of the oven.
3. 3emove the two nuts holding the thermometer
(#2) and then the therm0meter.
4. Disconnect the thermostat wires at p0int ;;3.
5. Remove the two screws (#4) and the thermosta~
guard. Draw out the thermostat.
6. Remove the f0ur screws (~6) at u1e bottom
edge of the oven and slide the clamp (7;~7) off of the
housing. The housing will unwrap from ar 0 und the bott0ID
7. Unwrap ti1c insulation and t~c heat ITires
and socket are exposed.


• + 225V V2A

R25 ...L
2 R4
4700 4700..,.-
, I
~ RI V3
1 I V6 ~
(0 6: 5 6
It) R9 27
t\I o1-[''';
02 fJ rl
C2 ;:r- 3300 3900~
IO 100-L
c( H

-: 0 58
UJ ..
CJ) ~ C59 V9 VII
~ 20 ~I-~-I~ rro:Ll 6C86 56K 56K
: l,o~ :6~ TO , 6C86
, I
+ 225V
It) ..,-.-.-.-.-.-_-.-.1.,', : r:----:-
R71 C57
t""' 040
roo C41
33 .0IMF IMF
o ( ,
R51 R55 R59 R60 I
nOK 350 K 350K 220 I
( \I ~ R6 2
10K 101<
", 1·2 S R 53
R 61
-=8200 -P'
- - - - -
!tOO Kcl !IOKcl [§
TI L5·6H
+ 460

IHORIZ. pos.1 R90· 2.2M TO + 225V

I VERT. POS. ~ 500
R 89K "I R91
,,500K .IMF
, +485
~ ---
'+500 • ~
R83 5
6.3 II , , R73-33 100 I< '" ~ (. I I< """"

,. _ ., 1'1 C51 ........ C52

0 + 225V .iMF I..IIolF .I.
-0 I T2
111:==1 1lli1 34 ffii 34
- I II? II R 6L6G
LLI ." I moo
I HK .l40MF
r() ~l' ·-,"' f0't f;i'1 ~ 10K
~I R95
0 ~R8I T R86 7 560
251< 50K 4
If) C55T
'" R 87
(I ~~ V 12 V 5 V 21 VI7 R82 lOOK
~~ 47K +60 R96
",," '"" ""- 1$,. ~ 3 4 3 4 6AV6 5001<
XTAL O SOl<. VI9 ['"V'E'R"Tl 0
~ 3 4 3 4 6 i OVEN 53 ~
'0 -=--=- 0 IB~~Ml
- PI --


~ SERIA ..



0: -



STK.+ M- 69A

Circuit Description -hp- Mfr. ~ ~frs.

Ref. Stock NOa Designati~n

Rl Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-1M A11en-

1 megohm; .:!: 10% lW Bradley (AB)
GB 1051
R2 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-560K AB
560,000 chms; .:!: 10% 1W GB 5641
R3 Resist~r~ fixed, composition, 24-10K AB
10,000 ohms; ! 10% lW GB 1031
R4 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-4700 AB
4700 ohms; ! 10% lW GB 4721

R5 ReSist0r: fixed, composition, 21.:--33K AB

33,000 o:1IIlS; ! 10% lW GB 3331
R6 Resistor: variable, wirewound, 210-8 C1arostat
5,000 ~hms; linear taper :Mfr. ell.
Type 58
R7 Resist~r; fixed, composition,
24-39K AB
39 , 000 01:unS ; + 10/("0· 11. I
GB 3931
R8 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-470K AB
470,000 ohms; ! 10% lW GB lt741
R9 Resistor: fixed, composition, 21.:--3300 AB
3300 ohms; .: 10;b 1W GB 3321
RIO Resistor: fixed, comnosition, 25-22K AB
22,000 ohms; .:!: 10% 2W HB 2231
Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-1.2M AB
1.2 megohms? ! 10% lW GB 1251
Resistor: fixed, composition, AB
1.5 megohms~ + 10% 1W GB 1551
TIesistor: fixed, composition, 24-391\ AB
39,000 ohms; .:!: 10% 1W GB 3931
Resistor: variable, wirewrund, 210-8 Clar0stat
5,000 ohms; linear taper 7ype 58
Resist0r: fixed, composition, 24-331\ AB
33,000 ohms; .:!: 10% lW GB 3331
R16 Resister: fixed, composition, 24-4700 AB
4700 ohms; .:!: 10% 1W GB 4721
R17 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-470K AB
1.:-70,000 ohms; .:!: 10% lW GB 4741

Circuit Des cription -hp- Mfr. a Mfrs.

Ref. Stock No. Designation
R18 Resistor: fixed, comprsitirn, 24-3300 AB
3300 ohms; .:t 10% 1W GB 33 21

R19 Resistor; fixed, composition, 25-22K AB

22,000 ohms; ~ 10% 2W HE 2231

R20 Resistor; fixed, composition, 24-90 AB

750,000 ohms; .:t 5~ 1W GB 7545

R21 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-1.5M AB

1.5 megohms; + 10% 1W GB 1551
R22 JesistC'r: fixed, composition, 24-39K AB
39,000 ohms; .:!: 10~ 1W GB 3931
R23 Resistor: variable, TIirewound, 210-8 Clarostat
5000 ohms; linear taper Type 58
R24 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-33K AB
33,000 ohms; ! 10% 1W GB 3331
R25 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-4700 AB
4700 ohms; .:t 10% lW GB 4721
R26 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-470K AB
470,000 ohms; .:t 10% lW GB 4741
R27 Resistor; fixed, composition, 24-3300 AB
3300 ohms; .:!: 10% lW GB 3321
\! R28 Resistor: fixed, composition, 25-22K AB
~ 22,000 ohms; .:t 10% 2W HE 2231

,v\l R29 Resistor: fixed~ compositirn, 24-1M AB

1 megohm; .:!: 10% lW GB 1051
~ Resistor: fixed, comnosition, 24-1.51.1 AB
S R30
1.5 megohms; + 10% lW GB 1551
Resistor: fixed, crmpcsition,
39,000 ohms; ! 10% lW
24-39K AB
GB 3931 I
Resistor: variable, wireuound, 210-8 Clarostat I
5000 ohms; linear taper
Resistor; fixed, composition, 2LI--33K
Type 58
GB 3331
33,000 ohms; .:!: 10% 1W
Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-4700 AB
4700 ohms; .:!: 10% lW GB 4721

-21- I

Circuit Description
R35 ~esistor: fixed, comp~sition, 24-470K AB
470,000 ohms; ~ 10% 1W GB 4741

R36 Resister: fixed, ccmposition, 24-3300 AB

3300 ohms; ~ 10% lW GB 3321

R37 Resistor: fixed, c0mpositi~n, 25-22K AB

22,000 ohms? + 10% 2W HB 2231
Resistor: fixed, ccmp0siti~n, 24-1.2L1 AB
1.2 megohms; ~ 10)0 1W GB 1251

R39 ~esistor: fixed, composition, 2l :-_ 560K AB

560,000 ohms; + 10% lW GB 5641
R40 Resistor; fixed, composition, 2l.j--L5M AB
1.5 megohms; ~ 10% +W GB 1551
R41 Resistor~ fixed, composition, 2L,~-lM AB
1 megohm; 2 10% 1W GB 1051
R42 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-180K AB
180,000 orullS ~ .:!: 10;~ IVl GB 1841
R4-3 ~esistor: fixed, composition, 24-1500 AB
1500 o~~s; .:!: 10% lW GB 1521

~ R44 ~esistor; fixed, compositi~n, 31-800K \filkcr

800,000 omns; ~ 1% lW Type CP-1
~ R45 Resistor: fixed, composition, 31-3.05M i)i1kor
3. 05megohm ~ i. l;b lW Type CP-1

~ R46 Resist~r~ fixed, composition, 3l-3.28M Wilkor

3.28 illegohms: .:!: 1% lW Type CP-l
R47 nesistor: fixed, composition, 24-220K AB
220,000 ohms~ .:!: 10% 1W GB 2241
~ n48 Resistor: fixed, compo~ition, 24-560K AB
560,000 ohL!s; .:!: 10% lW GB 5641
This circuit reference not
R50 Resistor: fixed, cCQposition, 24-1M AB
1 megohm; .:!: 10% 1W GB 1051
R51 Resistor; fixed, composition, 24-330K AB
330,000 ohms; .:!: 107b 1W GB 3341


Description -hp-
Stock !'Jo o
Mfr. & Mfr s ~ !
Des igna tiC'T.:l_'
R52 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-220 AB
220 ohms ~ ..:!: 101-: lW GB 2211'
R53 :aesistor~fixed, ccmpos i tion, 25-8200 AB
8200 ohms; + 10% 2W HB 8221
R54 Resistor: fixed, compos i tion, 23-10K AB
10,000 obms; ..:!: 10/~ 1/2W EB 1031
R55 3esistor: fixed, compo~ition, 24-330K AB
330,000 ohms; .:t: 10;;, IVY GB 3341
R56 Resistor: £ixed, composition, 2~--220 AB
220 ohms; ..:!: 10% lW GB 2211
R57 Resistor: fixed, compos i tion, 25-8200 AB
8200 olms ~ + 10% 2W
I _ HE 8221

R58 TIesistor: fixed, composition, 24-10K AB

10,000 ohms; ..:!: 10% lW GB 1031
R59 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-330K AB
330,000 ohms; .:t: 10% lW GB 3341
R60 Resistor; fixed, composition, 24-220 AB
220 ohms; .: 10% lW GB 2211
R61 aesistor: fixed, composition, 25-8200 AB
8200 ohms~ + 10% 2W
I _ IJ3 8221

~ R62 3esistor; fixed, composition, 23-10K AB

10,000 ohms; ..:!: 10% 1/2W ~B 1031
R63 Resistor: fixed, cODposition, AB
\ 330,000 ohms; + 10% 1W GB 3.341

" R64 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-220 AB

\ iI 220 ohms; .:t: 10% 1W GB 2211
I'\) R65 Resistor: fixed, cOllpositiC'n, 25-8200 Jill
8200 ohms; ..:!: 10/; 2W HB 8221
~ R66 Resistor~ fixed, composition, 23-10K AB
10,000 ohms; ..:!: 10% 1/2W I:B 1031
~ R67 Resistor: fixed, compositicn, 24-330K AB
" R68
330,000 ohms; ..:!: 10% 1W
Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-220
GB 33 4 1
220 ohms; ..:!: 10% 1V! GB 2211

-23- I

Circuit Description -hp- r.1fr. {} Vfrs.

3ef. St0ck N0. Des igna·cicn
R69 TIesistor: fixed, C0111position, 25-8200 AB
8200 ohms·, + 10% 2Vf HB 8221
R70 Resistor: fixed, com,o.si tion, 23-10K AB
10,000 ohms; .:: 10~~ 1/2Vr :8B 1031

It71 ~esistor; fixed, composition, 24-33 AB

33 ohms; .:!: 10% 1W GB 3301
R72 Resistor~ fixed, c0mpos i tion, 2l l--10K AB
10,000 chms; ! 10~b 1W GB 1031

R73 Resistor: fixed, c0mposition, 2l i-_ 33 AB

33 ohms~ + 10% 1W
l _ GB 3301

R74 Resist0r: fixed, campc s ition, 23-1000 AB

1000 ohms; + 10~~ 1/2W EB 1021
:175 ::1esistor~ fixed, compos i tion, 23-1000 AB
1000 ('hms; .:!: 10% 1/2W :::B 1021
R76 Resistor~ fixed,oompositiC'n, 23-1000 AB
1000 ohms; ! 10~g 1/2VI :B 1021
R77 TIesistor: fixed, comp0~ition, 2~--)0
~,/ OTT
l\. AB
560,000 ohms; ! 10» 1W GB 5541
R78 Resistor: fixed, composition, 24-10K AB
10,000 ohms; ! 10% 1W GB 1031

R79 Res is tor: fixed, co mp0s.ition, 24-270K AB

270,000 ohms; ! 10% 1W GB 27 l l-1
\J R80 ::.iesistor: fixed, co mp ~ sit io n, 24-33K AB
.~ 33,000 ohms~ ! 10>0 1W GB 3331
\~ R81
) Resistor: variable, crmpesition, 210-11 Centra1ab
25,000 ohms; linear taper BA1-010-1990
~ R82
. Resistor~ fixed, crmposition, 2l l--47K AB
='t 47,000 ohms~ 2 10;; lTI GB 4731

R83 ~esistor: fixed, composition, 24-100K AB

~ 100,000 ohms; ! 10% 1W GB 1041
~ R84 Resistor~ fixed, composition, 2L:--100K AB
100,000 ohms; 2 10% IV GB 1041
R85 Resister: fixed, composition, 24-220K AB
220,000 ohms; 2 10% lW GB 2241

I----~u:~ -r_--f.
Pl ......
Description I -hp-
Efr. (j r.::frs.
Des igna t ion
R86 ~esistor: variable, cOQ~osition, 210-8 Centra1ab
50,000 olTIns 7 li~ear taper 33-010-176

R87 ~esistcr: fixed, crillpo~ition, 24-100K AB

100,000 0 :lIilS ~ .:: 10~J lW GB 1031

R88 aesist0r: variable, compositi 0 n, 210-18 Centralab

50,000 ohms; linear taper 33-010-176

R89 Resistor: variable, crmposition, 210-20 Centra1ab

500,000 ohms; linear taper 33-010-255

R90 Jesist0r: fi::ed, CDmpC'sition, AB

2.2 megohms? + 10~; lW GB 2251

R91 ~esistC'r: variable, composition, 210-20 Cei1tr2.1e.b

500,000 ohms; linear taper 33-010-255
R92 ~esistor; fixed, c0 m]osition, 24-2.2L AB
2 • 2 mega hm s; _+ lorj
I 1Vl GB 2251

R93 Resistor; fixed, composition, AB

56,000 ohms; ~ 10% 1W GB 5631

Jesistor: fixed, com}osition, 24-1001\ AB

100,000 ohms; .:t 10;) lW GB 1041

R95 Resistor; fixed, c~mpC'sition, 24-560 AB

560 ollms; + 10;') 1W GB 5611

R96 ~esistoI': variable, crmposition, 210-20 Centra1ab

500,000 ohms; linear taper 33-010-255
'\S R 97 Resistor: fi~ed, crmpositian, 24-560 AB
t\ 560 OllIDS' + 10% Hl
J _
GB 5611

.~ R98 Resistor~ fixed, co mp0sitio l1, 24-56K AB

56,000 0 ~1ffiS; + 10~~ lVI GB 5631

~esistC'r; fixed, compo~itiC'n, AB

."- R99 GB 1041
-, 100,000 :1ffiS; ~ 10~'; IV!

.... R100 Jesistor; variable, crmpositirn, 210-20 Centralab
500,000 0hmS} linear taper 33-010-255
~ RI01 ~esistor; fixed, c 0mp0sition, AB
~ 47,000 OllillS ~ ~ 10~_1 17 G:C l:-731

R102 Resistor: fixod, compC'si~ion, 24-4700 liB

l:-700 ol1ffisj .:t 10~-~ 1W GB It·721


:::B 2231
BB 5631
::;B 5631

:=B 5631
GB 1:,731

GB 1031

J-I03 IJ2'.2erm

C3 Cayacitor: fixed? mica, 1:icarl10 1d

5000 mmf ~ .:t 10;~ 300 vdcw Radio Crr).
Type VI

c4 Capacit0r~ v~riab1e, air, 12-17 ~al"'kes­

100 mmf i'al"' zi2.n
J -103 jf2Term

Capacitor: variable, air, 12-11 Sarkes-

100 nunf '.L;arzic:.n
A-1031 )2':2er,
c6 Ca)acitC'r.; fi:~cd, mica, 11000 nmf; Micamr1d Ii
.! 10~; 500 vdcw Type l,XM

Capacit0r: fixed, paper, .01 mi'; 16-41 S·~lar l.Ifg. !

.:t20~; 600 vdcw ' 37-6-0 I
~ C8 Capacitcr: fixed, mica, 20 mmf; 14-20 Ivlico..mold
.! 10;~ 500 VdCVI Type LXIi

C9 Ccnaci tor ~ fixeo., mica, 100 mmf; 14-100 I:icam01d I

.:!: 10>; 500 VdCVl 'I'y:)e \..10).1 I
CI0 Capacitor: fixed, mica, 2000 mmf; 14-13 IiIi c arM' 1d I
.:t 10?; 500 vdcw 7ype Vi I
1-- ..1- -+- ...1- .....\I

Circuit Description -l1p- LIfr.(~ Lfrs.

Ref. Steck Ne. Desi~nati0n

CII This circuit reference n0t

C12 Part of Tuned Circuit Assenbly
C13 Capacitor: fixed, mica, 500 mmf; 14-500 Hicam 0 1d
.:t 10% 500 vdcw Type UUJ

c14 Ca~acit0r~ fixed, mica, 10 mmf; 14-10 l.~icam(' Id

.:t 10% 500 vdcw Type LXM

C15 Capacitor: fixed, mica, 1000 mmf; l.li car.1C' 1d

.! 10% 500 vdcW' 'lype W

c16 Ca~acitor~ fixed, mica, 5000 mmf; 14-14 1Iicamc1d

.:!: 105& 300 vdcw Type Vi

C17 Part cf Tuned Circuit Assembly

c18 Capacitor: fixed, mica, 1000 mmf; 14-11 Micamr1d
.:t 10;~ 500 vdcw Type W
C19 Capacitor: fixed, mica, 10 mmf; 14-10 Licam01d
+ 10~; 500 vdcw ~ype LXE

C20 Capaci tor: fixed, i:1ica, .01 mf ~ l.~ican('ld

.:!: 10;; 300 VdCVl l'ype H
C21 Ca?acitor; fL~ed, mica, .01 mf; 14-23 I~icamC' 1d
.:!: 105b 300 vdcw ~ype IV

k C22 Part of T~ned Circuit Assembly

~ C23 Capacitor: fixec, paper, .01 mmfj 16-11 Aerovcx
-10% +30% Ty)e 684
.~ c24 Capacitor: fixed, mica, 10 mrufj 14-10 t.ii cam0 1d
500 vdcw Type LJXM

C25 Canacit0r: fixed, paper, .1 mf', 16-1 AerC' vox


~ -10;,1 +20,,}r 1bOO

vdc\tV Type 684

~ c26 Capacit0r: fL~ed, paper, .5 mf; 16-37 Sl')rague

200 vdcw :L.1ect. Ce.
Ca)acito~: fixed, yaper 7 1 mf; 17-12 Gen.::aect. CC'
.:t 10;~ 600 vdcw 23Ft:-67GI03
C28 This circuit reference not

Circuit Des cr iption -hp- Mfr. t~ r.:f:;; 3 •

:Jef. Stock No. Designe.ti 0 1L_
C29 . ~ f... ;
CapacJ.. "Cor ' paper, .2r{./ mf
xecl, 16-36 Sprague
200 vdcw 68P
C30 Capacitr.r: fix8d, mica, .01 mf; 15-41 Aerovox
.! 1;; 300 vdcw Type 1464x

C31 Capacitor: fL~ed, mica, .01 mf; 15-41 Aerovox

+ 1% 300 vdcw Type 1464X
C32 Capacitor~ fixed, mica, .01 mf; 15-41 Aerovox
2 1.% 300 vdcw Type 1L:-6LI-X

C33 Capacitor: fixed, paper, .1 mf; 16-1 Aerovox

-10% +20% 600 vdcw Type 684
C34 abc Capacitor: fixed, electr 0 1ytic, 18-42 PB Mallory
20 mf; 450 vdcw FPQ-44l..:-
C35 ~Dis circuit reference not
C36 Capacitor: fixed, mica, 500 mmf; MicamC"ld
+ 10~b 500 vdcw ~ype \...XM

C37 Capacitor: fixed, paper, .01 mf; 16-11 AerovC"x

-10/; +30% 600 vdcvv Type 684
Capacitor: f~xed, paper, .01 mf; 16-11 Am."'ovox
-10;b +30;~ 600 vdcw Type 684
Capacitor: fixed, paper, 1 mf; 16-1 boerovox
-10% +20% 600 vdCTI ~ype 68 L}-

Capacitor; fixec, paper, .01 rof; 16-11 Aerovox

-lO~b +30% 600 vdcw Type 68L}-

c41 Capacitor: fixed, paper, 1 n~; 17-12 Gen.:::aect. Cn
.! 10~ 600 vdcw 23FLl-67G103 I
~ C42 Capacitor: fixed, paper, .01 mf; 16-11 Aerovox I
-10% +30;~ 600 vdcw Type 68l l- I
~ C43
Capacitor~ fixed, electrolytic, 18-20 PR lIal10ry i
" 20 rof; 450 vdcw FPS-1 l r1+ I
c44 Capacitor: fixec, electrolytic, 18-40 PIl Tla110ry I
L:-O mf; 1..:-50 VdCVl FPS-144 I I
c45 Capacitc~: fixed, paper, 4 mf; 17-10 Ccrnell- i
..:!: 10;& 600 vdcw Dubi1ier I
TLA-~Oli-O j
-28- i
1-- ......L. ...I-. .....:... -1I

• Circuit Description -hp- Mfr. c Mf~s.

Ref. Stock N0. Desi~nati0n

C46 Capacitor; fixed, paper, 4 mf; 17-10 Ccrnell-

.2: 10~~ 600 vdcw Dnbi1ier
c47 Capacitor: fixed, paper, 4 mf; 17-10 CCI'ne11-
+ 105'~ 600 vdcw Dubi1ier
c48 Ca)acitor; fixed, )aper, 1 rof; 17-12 Gen.:::acct. CO
+ 10'~ 600 vdcw
_ f
23FLi-67G 103
C49 Cayacito~~ fixed, paper, .05 wf; 16-15 Aerrv0x
+ 1 O~) 600 vdcw p688
C50 This circuit reference not
C51 Capacitcr~ fixed, ~aper, 1 mf; 16-1 Aerovcx
-10% +20% 600 vdcw Type 684
C52 Capacitor: fixed, paper, 1 rof; 16-1 Aerovox
-10;~ +20~ 600 vdc¥l Type 684

C53 Capacitor~ fixed, paper, 1 mf; 16-1 Aercv0X

-10;; +20;; 600 vdcw Type 684
C5Y- CaJacitrr; fixed, !Japer, 1
" , d 6'
16-1 Aer0vox
-10~) +20/J 00 VdCVI J:'ype 684
Ca)ucitcr: fixed, electr01ytic, 18-10 p~ r:a11ory
10 mf; ..:t 50;~ 450 vdcvr ViB-72

.~ C56 Capacit 0r: fixed, electr r lytic, 18-10 .?a lia110ry

10 rnr; ~ 50% 450 vdCTI VlB-72
'1 C57 Ca)acit0r: fixed, paper, .25 rof;
600 vdcw
16-42 Sprague :lec
'~C58 Capacitor: fixed, paper, .25 nf; SpI'ague E1ec l'
600 vdcVl ii68P37 ,
. . ) C59 Capacitor: variable, ceranic,
7-20 mmf.
13-20 Er ie
Cr. TS2A
~1es ist.
\) j

~C60 Capacit0r: variable, It - 7 romf 13-7 Erle . -'- t

· ReSl[l,.;
Co. TS2A-i;P\.!

!Binding Po st: 312-3 :1e\"11ett-


L..- l--
-29- .....L. -+- ._ _ l

• Circuit Description -11P- c.: Efr s •

~~ef • 3tock Ho Descri'0tion
CR1 Rectifier: 212-57 b:,adley Lab.
Crystal 0ven: (less crystal) LI-69A !-ienlett-
Replaceable Parts in Crystal vven:
Crystal, (uartz: 100 kc 41-13 Jas .Knight
__ 011

~her~ometer: contact 41-5 Precisirn

I~1s t. Cr.

41-6 Jensen Inst.

Cr. ..) . F.

Fl Fuse: 1.5 amp; 3AG ty~e 211-15 Bussman Lfg.

312-8 Li·c·~811\:.;..)e

II Lamp: 211-47 G::3 Su::rply

Knob: 1-1/8" diam. 37-9 ~ . . evl1ett-

Knob: 1-1/2" diam. 37-11 EeYlle·~t­

Power Cable: 812- 56 I-Icy!lett-
prwer ~ransfrrmer: 910-43 ==eu1ett-
T2 Power Transformer: filament 910-16 ::cu1ett-
Ll ,., 'I ,
vOl ~1.F.: 5.5 mh 48-3 IvIagl_~il~e Ind.
"" L2,L3, 7uned Circuit Assembly~ 911-22 =:ew1ett,·
L4,C12, P8.cka!.~d
L5 Reactor: 6H(a> .125 rna; 240 ol1DlS 911-12 ~:ewlett­
-30- r _ _

..hp- I.Tfr • c: I~I~fr s

-, ...
I 3t~ cl{: Hr. D""'c
':"u 1.1"11.;:\'-;"

c. v-:.-'.1-

REL -1 Relay: SP3T normally closed 49-6 Sigma I11.st.

C0. 7ype
1.:-L107 -

31 Toggle Switch~ SPST 310-11 Al~r!"'w-~=art

e: ::egeman

S2 Rotary Switch: 310-73 HerIlett-


S3 Toggle Switch: SPDT 310-12 Ar

rOV'l-:'Ial~ t

s4 Toggle SvTitch: SPD~ 310-12 J.rrow-I-Iar t

G: Eegema11.

S5 'i'oggle Switch: SPDT 310-12 Arrow-Hart

& ilegeman

S6 ~otary S'\7i tch: 310-39 Hew1ett-


S7 Toggle S''li tch; 310-11 Arl~OVl-Hart

& :~egema11.
w S8 PushbuttC'11. SrTitch; 310-75 Al~r0VJ'-Hart
c" ==egema11.
.~ VI Tube: 'lype 6K=6 212-6B~:6

~IV2A,V2B 'lube: 'i'ype 6AL5 212-6AL5

'lube: 'lype 6AS6 212-6AS6 Hester11.

:rUectric CC'
Tube: j;ype 6AS6
~~lectric Cr

"" V5A,V5B Tube: Type GAL5 212-6AL5

v6 Tube: r': ype 6AS6 212-~ASG \'lestern

:::lec-cric Co


Circuit Descripti0n -hp- IJfr. [: Efrs.

Refa S-Cock NC'. Designatirn

':lube: 7ype 6AS6 212-6AS6 rres-cern

V7 ~~lectric Cr

vS Tube: Type 6BH6 212-SBH6

V9 Tube: '.:...'y~)e 6AH6 212-6AE6

VI0 Tube: Type 6AH6 2I2-6AH6

VII 'Eube: ~ype 6AH6 212-6.'\.::6

VI2 'J~ube : Type 6AH6 2I2-SAE6

V13 ':lube: Type 6AI-:6 212-6AE6

v14 Tube: '::ype 5RL:-GY 212- 5:14GY

VI5 '.Lube: ':2ype' 616G 2I2-616G

vI6 Tube: Type 616G 2I2-~16G

VI7 ':lube: Type 6AQ6 212-6AQ6

VIS 'lube: Type LA2 2I2-lJA2

V19 ':lube: 'i'ype 2APIA 2I2-2APlA

V20 i'ube: J;ype 6BE6 2I2-SBI-I6

V21 ':lube: Type 6m:6 212-SB:I6

,I NL'm: Any tube 'iii tl1 RMA standard
...;1 cllaracter is tics may be used
"I except as listed for V3,
, I
v4, v6, and V7.
" YI Crystal rectifier~ IN34 212-34 Sylvania
! ,,I
')1 I


j j

I ,
i I
-3 2 - I

Code Letter Manufacturer

A Aerovox Corp.
B Allen-Bradley Co.
C Ampe rite Co.
D Arrow, Hart and Hegeman
E Bussman Manufacturing Co.
F Carborundum Co.
G Centralab
H Cinch Manufacturing Co.
I Clarostat Manufacturing Co.
J Cornell Dubilier Electric Co.
K Electrical Reactance Co.
L Erie Resistor Corp.
M Federal Telephone and Radio Corp.
N General Electric Co.
o General Electric Supply Corp.
P Gi rard -Hopkins
HP Hewlett-Packard
Q Industrial Products Co.
R International Resistance Co.
S Le ctrohm, Inc.
T Littelfuse, Inc.
U Maguire Industries, Inc.
V Micamold Radio Corp.
W Oak Mfg. Co.
X P. R. Mallory Co. , Inc.
Y Radio Corp. of America
Z Sangamo E Ie ctric Co.
AA Sarkes Tarzian
BB Signal Indicator Co.
CC Sprague Electric Co.
DD Stackpole Carbon Co.
EE Sylvania Electric Products, Inc.
FF Western Electric Co.
GG Wilkor Products, Inc.
HH Amphenol
II Dial Light Co. of America
JJ Leecraft Manufacturing Co.
ZZ Any tube having RMA standard characteristics
The instrument should be tested as soon 'as it is received. If it fails to
operate properly, or is damaged in any way, a claim should be filed with the
carrier. A full report of the damage should be obtained by the claim agent,
and this report should be forwarded to us. We will then advise you of the
disposition to be made of the equipment and arrange for repair or replace-
ment. Include model number, type number and serial number when referring
to this instrument for any reason.

Hewlett-Packard Company warrants each instrument manu-
factured by them to be free from defects in material and work-
manship. Our liability under this warranty is limited to servicing
or adjusting any instrument returned to the factory for that
purpose and to replace any defective parts thereof (except tubes,
fuses and batteries). This wa:t:ranty is effective for one year after
delivery to the original purchaser when the instrument is re-
turned, transportation charges prepaid by the original pur-
chaser, and which upon our examination is disclosed to our satis-
faction to be defective. If the fault has been caused by misuse or
abnormal condit~ons of operation, repairs will be billed at cost.
In this case, an estimate will be su1:'mitted before the work is
If any fault develops, the following steps should be taken:
1. Notify us, giving full details of the difficulty, and include
the model number, type nUMber and serial number. On receipt of
this information, we will give you service instructions or ship-
ping data.
2. On receipt of shipping instructions, forward the instru-
ment prepaid, and repairs will be made at the factory. If re-
quested, an estimate of the chargeR will be made before the work
begins provided the instrument is not covered by the warranty.

All shipments of Hewlett-Packard instruments should be
made via Railway Express. The instruments should be packed
in a wooden box and surrounded by two to three inches of excel-
sior or similar shock-absorbing material.


.,t;>1I6DrllfDry #nDfrume,nd
for cJ'pudlind .5!luurllcy


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