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Experi ment N 1 ~:

Date: Z.'f-/ 7 /'2-

De ermin ation of coefficient of discha rge of an orifice
Aim: To determ ine the coefficient of discharge of orifice by constan t head
method .
the walls or in
Basic concep t: An orifice is an openin g having a closed perime ter, made in
ged. The
the bottom of the tank containing fluid, through which fluid may be dischar
free jet In the
dischar ging fluid from the tank through the orifice comes out in the form of a
as the jet
process , the total energy of the fluid in the tank is conver ted to kinetic energy
of the orifice.
issues out into the atmosp here. The shape of the jet is function of the geome try
resistan ce
The jet cross-section contrac ts to minimal and then expand s partly due to viscous
s. The
offered by the surroun ding atmosp here and partly Idue to inertia of the fluid particle
jet cross-sectional area at which it is having minimum area is known as "Vena
1. Orifice fitted to a tank
2. Piezometers
3. Meter scale
4. Calipers
5. Stop watch
6. Collecting tank fitted with a valve
The following formulae are employed to fine the coefficient of discharge of an orifice.
Theoretical discharge, Q,1r = a✓2gh

a =area of cross section of the orifice =

,r x d
h =head of the liquid above the centre of the orifice in the tank
g = acceleration due to gravity
d =diameter of the orifice

Actual discharge, Qa = AH/T

A =Internal plan area of collecting tank
H =Rise of liquid in collecting tank
T =Time taken to collect liquid in the collecting tank
Coefficient of discharge, Cd= Qa/Qth
1. The diameter of the orifice and the internal plan dimensions of the collecting tank
2. The supply valve of the orifice tank is regulated and water is allowed to fill the orifice
tank to a constant head (h)
3. The outlet valve of the collecting tank is closed tightly and the time taken for HH "rise
water in the collecting tank is noted.
4. The above procedure ts repeated for different heads and the readings are tabulated.
Observations and tabulation:
Results of flow throug h orifice experi ment (Constant head)
S.No. Head Time for H cm rise, T Discharge, Q Coefficient of
(m) (s) (m3 /s) discharge, Cd


l ~-?,,,0 31'33
2•14-)1.l Olt J ·fl)( lot 0 ,b t

(5'3 ~ gl i ~1,xu;" z.-3,r,; 1

0·"2.- S"" 0 .. {;;,

0,-zV JJ • 18 4-1't xct' -f

2.-{,xri:, o~ r,
11--,3~ ,er~
4- 5{JS- 3 0 • 38 4--C4- y10
~4- r-
D ..-:5 1

- 4- 1 ,b'J((O
-~ 2·1WlCI-I b'{" C,
~ O·tO 7.-7,c, f

Diameter of orifice, d = I r M. =-- 0. 01 f"

wt, ~

Dimensions of collecting tank, A = J.oo ')( 4--oo ~ wt -==-

Model calculations: /
,,-- ~-2 ,~·

~-: - a f-i<:5~

fl -.-cr,3 l ~t./ J
~':.- d t , ~

~ . .__ ( ' 1 7 ,c- ' 0 £xCf .g ) '/. o'""1..

-=- 3 ·S- I x: t J ... 4- ""'-~ f

{>- \ bX o .. 6f-:>
' :.f? -\j


U II II j_j " H 11
Sri Balajl Stores, Cell: 98946 61515
The follow ing graph is draw n by takin g Qa
on y - axis and Qth on x · axis.

()O& ~ -1 .,cfseiol~ .,cend~ kc f ~d ;q ,ep,I.

(i:) As Jl, MMlf(eJ At,, cl ( /4) ;. ~ ·y) i/,r;. ;I,.: ...., -r- ,tic,,,,,

.hi'M . ~ ~ cu w~

\ '

o.-s-ct -----
The coefficient of disch arge of orifice, Cd = --------------
(From exper imen t) _
O,S 1
The coefficient of discharge of orifice, Cd = --------------
(From Qa vs Qth graph )

Observations (03)

Calculations and Inference (04)

Results and Graph (03)

Total Marks /10 Signature of the faculty

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