Rubrica - Oral Presentation Rubric PAI
Rubrica - Oral Presentation Rubric PAI
Rubrica - Oral Presentation Rubric PAI
Content, creativity. The student has successfully The student has successfully
completed all aspects of the completed all aspects of the
project in equal measure. The project. The final product is
final product is creative. creative.
Fluency, pronunciation and Excellent, speaker fluent and Great, speaker generally fluent
clear. Consistently good and clear. Consistently good
pronunciation and intonation pronunciation and intonation
throughout. throughout.
Grammar and vocabulary Extensive, correct use a variety of Correct use of a variety of new
new tenses and vocabulary, taught tenses and vocabulary,
suitable to the level required, suitable to the level required,
that does not impede that rarely impede
comprehension. comprehension.
Perfomance Convincing, profesional Profesional presentation where
presentation where the student the student shows great body
shows excellent body language
and makes eye contact with the language and makes eye contact
audience at all times. with the audience at all times.
6 5 4
The student has completed all The student has completed all The student has completed
aspects of the project. The final aspects of the project. The final almost all aspects of the project.
product is creative. product lacks depth. The final product lacks depth.
Good, speaker generally fluent Good, speaker generally fluent Speakers fluency generally does
and clear. Consistently good and clear. Good pronunciation not affect communication.
pronunciation and intonation Occasional mishaps in
throughout that doesn't affect and intonation. Occasional pronunciation and intonation of
communication mishaps affect communication. more common words that don't
Attempt to use a variety of new Attempt to use a variety of new affect communication.
Only vocabulary from the
tenses and vocabulary, suitable taught tenses and vocabulary, textbook used, with no errors in
to the level required, that suitable to the level required. meaning, suitable to the level
sometimes impede More frequent errors in new required. Correct basic use of
comprehension. grammatical structures. grammar but frequent errors in
Profesional presentation where Presentation where the student new grammatical
Presentation structures.
where the student
the student shows good body shows good body language and shows good body language and
language and makes eye contact makes enough eye contact with makes enough eye contact with
with the audience at all times. the audience. the audience.
3 2 1
The student is missing aspects of The student is missing various The project is not complete or
the project, but what is done is
aspects of the project. The final has been done in such a way that
done well. The final product lacks
depth. product lacks depth. it is not up to standards.
Speakers fluency can sometimes Speakers fluency can sometimes
Lacks fluency and mishaps in
affect communication. affect communication. Mishaps
pronunciation and intonation
Occasional mishaps in in pronunciation and intonation
pronunciation and intonation of cause difficulty with cause difficulty with
more common words that don't communication. communication.
Lack ofcommunication.
variety in vocabulary Basic errors in grammar and Frequent errors in basic
grammatical structures and
despite generally correct basic vocabulary that are not suitable
vocabulary that impede
grammar used. to the level required comprehension
Poor body language. The student Poor body language. The student Very poor body language. The
makes some eye contact with the makes some eye contact with the student doesn’t make any eye