311302-Basic Mathematics

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BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

: Architecture Assistantship/ Automobile Engineering./ Artificial Intelligence/
Agricultural Engineering/
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning/ Automation and Robotics/ Architecture/
Cloud Computing and Big Data/
Civil Engineering/ Chemical Engineering/ Computer Technology/ Computer
Civil & Rural Engineering/ Construction Technology/ Computer Science &
Engineering/ Fashion & Clothing Technology/
Digital Electronics/ Data Sciences/ Electrical Engineering/ Electronics & Tele-
communication Engg./
Electrical and Electronics Engineering/ Electrical Power System/ Electronics &
Programme Name/s
Communication Engg./ Electronics Engineering/
Food Technology/ Computer Hardware & Maintenance/ Instrumentation & Control/
Industrial Electronics/
Information Technology/ Computer Science & Information Technology/
Instrumentation/ Interior Design & Decoration/
Interior Design/ Civil & Environmental Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/
Medical Electronics/ Production Engineering/ Printing Technology/ Polymer
Computer Science/ Textile Technology/ Electronics & Computer Engg./ Textile
: AA/ AE/ AI/ AL/ AN/ AO/ AT/ BD/ CE/ CH/ CM/ CO/ CR/ CS/ CW/ DC/ DE/ DS/
Programme Code EE/ EJ/ EK/ EP/ ET/ EX/ FC/ HA/ IC/ IE/ IF/ IH/ IS/ IX/ IZ/ LE/ ME/ MK/
Semester : First
Course Code : 311302

Basic Mathematics plays a crucial role in diploma programmes as it fosters the development of critical thinking
skills, enhances quantitative literacy, prepares students for higher education, promotes problem-solving
abilities, cultivates logical and abstract thinking and fosters mathematical literacy. By engaging with
Mathematics, students acquire logical reasoning, problem-solving techniques and analytical thinking, which are
valuable for lifelong learning and professional growth. Calculus is a branch of Mathematics that calculates how
matter, particles and heavenly bodies actually move. Derivatives are useful to find maxima and minima of the
function, velocity and acceleration are also useful for many engineering optimization problems. Statistics can be
defined as a type of mathematical analysis which involves the method of collecting and analyzing data and then
summing up the data into a numerical form for a given set of factual data or real-world observations. It equips
individuals with the ability to interpret numerical information, make informed decisions and navigate real-
world situations. Moreover, Mathematics provides a foundation for further studies in various disciplines and
prepares students to tackle complex challenges. By exploring abstract concepts and logical structures, students
develop their ability to reason, make connections, and approach problems with clarity and precision.
Furthermore, studying Mathematics helps students appreciate the historical and cultural significance of
Mathematics and its applications in diverse fields, thereby fostering mathematical literacy and a deeper
understanding of the world. Hence the course provides the insight to analyze engineering problems
scientifically using logarithms, matrices, trigonometry, straight line, differential calculus and statistics. By
incorporating these topics, students comprehend to approach engineering problems from a mathematical
perspective, enabling them to devise efficient and effective solutions and this leads to preparing Diploma
graduates well-rounded, adaptable and capable of making significant contributions to the branch-specific


Apply the concept of Mathematics to solve industry-based technology problems.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme

03-11-2024 03:25:17 PM

BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Students will be able to achieve & demonstrate the following COs on completion of course based learning

CO1 - Apply the concepts of algebra to solve engineering (discipline) related problems.
CO2 - Utilize trigonometry to solve branch specific engineering problems.
CO3 - Solve area specific engineering problems under given conditions of straight lines.
CO4 - Apply differential calculus to solve discipline specific problems.
CO5 - Use techniques and methods of statistics to crack discipline specific problems.


Learning Scheme Assessment Scheme
Contact Based on LL & TL Based
Course Course Hrs./Week on SL
Course Title Abbr Credits Paper Total
Code Category/s SLH NLH Practical
Duration Marks
Max Max Max Min Max Min Max Min Max Min
311302 BMS AEC 4 2 - 2 8 4 3 30 70 100 40 - - - - 25 10 125
Total IKS Hrs for Sem. : 6 Hrs
Abbreviations: CL- ClassRoom Learning , TL- Tutorial Learning, LL-Laboratory Learning, SLH-Self Learning
Hours, NLH-Notional Learning Hours, FA - Formative Assessment, SA -Summative assessment, IKS - Indian
Knowledge System, SLA - Self Learning Assessment
Legends: @ Internal Assessment, # External Assessment, *# On Line Examination , @$ Internal Online
Note :

1. FA-TH represents average of two class tests of 30 marks each conducted during the semester.
2. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in FA-PR of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as "Detained" in that semester.
3. If candidate is not securing minimum passing marks in SLA of any course then the candidate shall be
declared as fail and will have to repeat and resubmit SLA work.
4. Notional Learning hours for the semester are (CL+LL+TL+SL)hrs.* 15 Weeks
5. 1 credit is equivalent to 30 Notional hrs.
6. * Self learning hours shall not be reflected in the Time Table.
7. * Self learning includes micro project / assignment / other activities.


Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
Unit - I Algebra
1.1 Logarithm: Concept and laws of
TLO 1.1 Solve the given simple problem logarithm.
based on laws of logarithm. 1.2 Matrices: Matrices, algebra of matrices,
TLO 1.2 Solve given system of linear transpose, value of determinant of matrix
equations using matrix inversion of order 3x3, adjoint and inverse of Improved Lecture
method. matrices. Tutorial
1 TLO 1.3 Obtain the proper and 1.3 Matrices: Solution of simultaneous Assignment
improper partial fraction for the given equations by matrix inversion method. Demonstration
simple rational function. 1.4 Partial Fractions: Types of partial Simulation
TLO 1.4 Solve simultaneous equations fraction based on nature of factors and
by using concept given in Ancient related Problems.
Indian Mathematics. 1.5 Algebra in Indian Knowledge System:
Solution of simultaneous equations (Indian
MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme
03-11-2024 03:25:17 PM

BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
Unit - II Trigonometry
2.1 Trigonometric ratios of allied angles,
TLO 2.1 Apply the concept of compound angles, multiple angles (2A, 3A),
Compound angle, allied angle and submultiples angles. (without proof)
multiple angles to solve the given 2.2 Factorization and De factorization
simple engineering problem(s). formulae. (without proof).
TLO 2.2 Apply the concept of Sub- 2.3 Inverse Trigonometric Ratios and
multiple angle to solve the given simple related problems. Improved Lecture
engineering related problem(s). 2.4 Principle values and relation between Tutorial
TLO 2.3 Apply concept of factorization trigonometric and inverse trigonometric Assignment
2 and de-factorization formulae to solve ratios. Demonstration
the given simple engineering 2.5 Trigonometry in Indian Knowledge Simulation
problem(s). System: The Evolution of Sine Function in Flipped Classroom
TLO 2.4 Investigate given simple India. approach
problems by utilizing inverse 2.6 Indian Trigonometry: Basic Indian
trigonometric ratios. Trigonometry- Introduction and
TLO 2.5 Use concept given in Ancient Terminology (From Ancient Beginnings to
Indian Mathematics for trigonometry to Nilakantha).
solve given problems. 2.7 Trigonometry in Indian Knowledge
System: Pythagorean triples in
Unit - III Straight Line
TLO 3.1 Calculate angle between given
3.1 Straight line and slope of straight line:
two straight lines.
Angle between two lines, Condition of
TLO 3.2 Formulate equation of straight
parallel and perpendicular lines.
lines related to given engineering
3.2 Various forms of straight lines: Slope
problems. Improved Lecture
point form, two-point form, Double
TLO 3.3 Identify perpendicular distance Tutorial
intercept form, General form.
3 from the given point to the line. Assignment
3.3 Perpendicular distance from a point on
TLO 3.4 Calculate perpendicular Demonstration
the line.
distance between the given two parallel Simulation
3.4 Perpendicular distance between two
parallel lines.
TLO 3.5 Use geometry given in
3.5 Geometry in Sulabasutras in Indian
Sulabasutras to solve the given
Knowledge System (construction of square,
circling the square). (Indian Mathematics).
Unit - IV Differential Calculus
TLO 4.1 Solve the given simple
4.1 Functions and Limits: Concept of
problems based on functions.
function and simple examples.
TLO 4.2 Solve the given simple
4.2 Functions and Limits: Concept of limits
problems based on rules of
without examples.
4.3 Derivatives: Rules of derivatives such as
TLO 4.3 Obtain the derivatives of
sum, Product, Quotient of functions.
composite, implicit, parametric,
4.4 Derivatives: Derivative of composite Improved Lecture
inverse, logarithmic, exponential
functions (chain Rule), implicit and Tutorial
4 parametric functions. Assignment
TLO 4.4 Apply the concept of
4.5 Derivatives: Derivatives of inverse, Demonstration
differentiation to find given equation of
logarithmic and exponential functions. Simulation
tangent and normal.
4.6 Applications of derivative: Second
TLO 4.5 Apply the concept of
order derivative without examples,
differentiation to calculate maxima,
Equation of tangent and normal, Maxima
minima and radius of curvature for
and minima, Radius of curvature.
given function.
4.7 Calculus in Indian Knowledge System:
TLO 4.6 Familiar with concept of
The Discovery of Calculus by Indian
calculus given in Indian Mathematics.
Astronomers.(Indian Mathematics).
MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme
03-11-2024 03:25:17 PM

BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Theory Learning Outcomes Learning content mapped with Theory
Sr.No Learning
(TLO's)aligned to CO's. Learning Outcomes (TLO's) and CO's.
TLO 5.1 Obtain the range and
coefficient of range of the given
grouped and ungrouped data. Unit - V Statistics
Improved Lecture
TLO 5.2 Calculate mean and standard 5.1 Range, coefficient of range of discrete
deviation of ungrouped and grouped and grouped data.
data related to the given simple 5.2 Mean deviation and standard deviation
5 Demonstration
engineering problem(s). from mean of grouped and ungrouped
TLO 5.3 Determine the variance and data.
Flipped Classroom
coefficient of variance of given grouped 5.3 Variance and coefficient of variance.
and ungrouped data. 5.4 Comparison of two sets of observation.
TLO 5.4 Justify the consistency of given
simple sets of data.


Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
LLO 1.1 Solve simple problems of
Solve simple problems of Logarithms based
Logarithms based on given 1 2 CO1
on given applications.
LLO 2.1 Solve elementary problems on Solve elementary problems on Algebra of
Algebra of matrices for branch specific 2 matrices for branch specific engineering 2 CO1
engineering related applications. related applications.
LLO 3.1 Apply the concept of matrix to Solve solution of Simultaneous Equation
3 2 CO1
solve engineering problems. using inversion method.
Apply Matrix Inversion method to
LLO 4.1 Apply the concept of matrix to
4 determine currents through various 2 CO1
solve engineering problems.
branches of given electrical networks.
LLO 5.1 Apply the concept of matrix to Determine inverse of a non-singular matrix
5 2 CO1
solve engineering problems. by using open source software.
LLO 6.1 Apply the concept of partial Resolve into partial fraction using linear
fraction to solve engineering 6 non-repeated, repeated, and irreducible 2 CO1
problems. quadratic factors.
LLO 7.1 Solve problems on Compound, Solve problems on Compound, Allied,
Allied, multiple and sub multiple 7 multiple and sub multiple angles for related 2 CO2
angles for related shapes. shapes.
LLO 8.1 Utilize the concept of
Practice problems on factorization and de
trigonometry to solve engineering 8 2 CO2
LLO 9.1 Utilize the concept of
Solve problems on inverse trigonometric
trigonometry to solve engineering 9 2 CO2
ratios based on applications.
LLO 10.1 Solve branch specific
Practice problems on equation of straight
engineering problems under given 10 2 CO3
lines using different forms.
conditions of straight lines.
LLO 11.1 Solve branch specific Solve problems on perpendicular distance,
engineering problems under given 11 distance between two parallel lines and 2 CO3
conditions of straight lines. angle between two lines.
LLO 12.1 Solve branch specific Use given form of straight line to calculate
engineering problems under given 12 the speed, distance and time of moving 2 CO3
conditions of straight lines. object.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme

03-11-2024 03:25:17 PM

BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Practical / Tutorial / Laboratory Sr Laboratory Experiment / Practical Titles / Number Relevant
Learning Outcome (LLO) No Tutorial Titles of hrs. COs
LLO 13.1 Apply the concept of
Solve problems to find derivatives of implicit
derivative to solve engineering 13 2 CO4
function and parametric function.
LLO 14.1 Apply the concept of Solve problems to find derivative of
derivative to solve engineering 14 logarithmic and exponential functions for 2 CO4
problems. engineering applications.
LLO 15.1 Apply the concept of Solve problems based on finding equation of
equation of tangent and normal to 15 tangent and normal for engineering 2 CO4
solve engineering problems. applications.
LLO 16.1 Apply the concept of
Solve problems based on finding maxima,
maxima, minima and radius of
16 minima of function and radius of curvature 2 CO4
curvature to solve engineering
at a given point for engineering applications.
LLO 17.1 Apply the concept of Use the concept of tangent and normal to
equation of tangent and normal to 17 solve the given problem of Engineering 2 CO4
solve engineering problems. Drawing.
LLO 18.1 Apply the concept of Maxima Use the concept of Maxima and Minima to
and Minima to solve engineering 18 obtain optimum value for given engineering 2 CO4
problems. problem.
LLO 19.1 Apply the concept of radius Use the concept of radius of curvature to
of curvature to solve engineering 19 solve given branch specific engineering 2 CO4
problems. problem.
LLO 20.1 Utilize the concept of Use the concept of derivative to find the
derivative to solve engineering 20 slope of a bending curve for given 2 CO4
problems. engineering problem.
LLO 21.1 Use concept of range and Solve problems on finding range, coefficient
mean deviation to crack branch 21 of range and mean deviation for given 2 CO5
specific problems. applications.
LLO 22.1 Use concept of standard Solve problems on standard deviation,
deviation and coefficient of variance 22 coefficient of variation and comparison of 2 CO5
to crack branch specific problems. two sets.
LLO 23.1 Use concept of standard Calculate the Standard Deviation for
deviation to crack branch specific 23 Concrete with the given data for given 2 CO5
problems. engineering applications.
Note : Out of above suggestive LLOs -
'*' Marked Practicals (LLOs) Are mandatory.
Minimum 80% of above list of lab experiment are to be performed.
Judicial mix of LLOs are to be performed to achieve desired outcomes.


Micro project

Create a function that takes a matrix as input and returns its inverse matrix if it exists. Also Implement a
program that finds the inverse of a square matrix.
Collect the Data of Marks obtained by your class in mid sem test. Compute the variance and coefficient of
variance of the data and interpret the result using the free open source software ORANGE.
Prepare models using matrices to solve simple problems based on cryptography.
Collect Model on quality control analysis, energy efficiency assessment, environmental monitoring, and process
optimization, for these models, analyze data and calculate variance and standard deviation, make a presentation
including short videos.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme

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BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Prepare the model using the concept of tangent and normal bending of roads in case of sliding of a vehicle,
express geometrically the same through any open source software.
Prepare the model using the concept of radius of curvature to bending of railway tracks, express geometrically
the same through any open source software.
A window in the form of a rectangle surmounted by a semicircular opening. The total perimeter of the window
to admit maximum light through the whole opening, prepare a model using concept of Maxima and Minima for
the above problem and verify the result.
Visualize trigonometric waveforms and create animations utilizing sine or cosine functions and make a
Develop a program of trigonometric function calculator that computes sine, cosine, and tangent values.
Collect applications of the radius of curvature on lens design and optics, mirror and reflective surface
properties, road and highway design, structural behavior, roller coaster track design, and composite material
manufacturing and make a video of 5-minutes duration.
Prepare models using trigonometry based on at least 10 engineering problems.
Apply trigonometric principles to calculate angles, distances, forces, and dimensions relevant to the chosen area
and make a poster presentation.
Prepare charts using determinant to find area of regular shapes.
Design a puzzle based on matrices. Create a grid of numbers and operations.
Develop a math game based on operations of matrices.
Use matrices as a tool for music composition. Assign different musical elements (e.g., notes, chords, rhythms) to
matrix elements, and experiment with combining and transforming the matrices to create unique musical
compositions. You can use musical notation open software or even traditional instruments to bring your
compositions to life.
Attempt any 10-12 Micro Projects, out of the given list.


Collect examples based on real world applications of logarithm and prepare a pdf file.
Solve the simultaneous system of equation in two variables by Matrix Inversion Method. Write down a
Mathematical programming using any open source software to verify the result.
Collect an examples on coding theory using applications of matrices and prepare a pdf file.
Represent the Graph of Trigonometric function, Logarithmic function on Geogebra and interpret the nature of
graph and Make a pdf file.
Measure height of trees in surrounding locations using trigonometry and prepare presentation.
Find the derivative of y= x^sinx and visualize the graph of the function and its derivative using any open source
software geometrically.
Find height of room or distance between two pillars by using concept of straight line.
Collect at least 10 examples based on real world applications of standard deviation/variance.
Collect at least 10 examples based on real world uses of applications of derivative.
Attempt any 5-7 Assignment, out of the given list.

Note :

Above is just a suggestive list of microprojects and assignments; faculty must prepare their own bank of
microprojects, assignments, and activities in a similar way.
The faculty must allocate judicial mix of tasks, considering the weaknesses and / strengths of the student in
acquiring the desired skills.
If a microproject is assigned, it is expected to be completed as a group activity.
SLA marks shall be awarded as per the continuous assessment record.
For courses with no SLA component the list of suggestive microprojects / assignments/ activities are
optional, faculty may encourage students to perform these tasks for enhanced learning experiences.
If the course does not have associated SLA component, above suggestive listings is applicable to Tutorials
and maybe considered for FA-PR evaluations.


Relevant LLO
Sr.No Equipment Name with Broad Specifications
MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme
03-11-2024 03:25:17 PM

BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Relevant LLO
Sr.No Equipment Name with Broad Specifications
Open-source software like SageMaths, MATHS3D, GeoGebra, Graph, DPLOT, and Graphing
1 Calculator ( Graph Eq 2.13), ORANGE can be used for Algebra, Calculus, Trigonometry, All
and Statistics respectively.

Sr.No Unit Unit Title Aligned COs Learning Hours R-Level U-Level A-Level Total Marks
1 I Algebra CO1 12 2 6 6 14
2 II Trigonometry CO2 16 2 6 6 14
3 III Straight Line CO3 6 2 2 4 8
4 IV Differential Calculus CO4 16 2 8 10 20
5 V Statistics CO5 10 2 6 6 14
Grand Total 60 10 28 32 70


Formative assessment (Assessment for Learning)

Rubrics for COs Assignment
Midterm Exam
Term Work

Summative Assessment (Assessment of Learning)

End Term Exam

Tutorial Performance


Programme Outcomes (POs)
Course PO-5
Outcomes PO-1 Basic Engineering
(COs) and PO-2 PO-3 Design/ PO-4 Practices for PO-7 Life
PO-6 Project PSO- PSO- PSO-
Discipline Problem Development Engineering Society, Long
Management 1 2 3
Specific Analysis of Solutions Tools Sustainability Learning
Knowledge and
CO1 3 1 - 1 - 1 1
CO2 3 1 - - 1 1 1
CO3 3 - - - - - -
CO4 3 1 1 1 - 1 -
CO5 3 2 1 1 1 1 1
Legends :- High:03, Medium:02,Low:01, No Mapping: -
*PSOs are to be formulated at institute level


Sr.No Author Title Publisher with ISBN Number
MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme
03-11-2024 03:25:17 PM

BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Sr.No Author Title Publisher with ISBN Number
Higher Engineering Khanna publication New Delhi , 2013
1 Grewal B. S.
Mathematics ISBN: 8174091955
A text book of Engineering New age publication New Delhi, 2006
2 Dutta. D
Mathematics ISBN: 978-81-224-1689-3
Advance Engineering Wiley publication New Delhi 2016 ISBN:
3 Kreysizg, Ervin
Mathematics 978-81-265-5423-2
Advance Engineering S Chand publication New Delhi 2008
4 Das H.K.
Mathematics ISBN: 9788121903455
Marvin L. Bittinger David J. Addison-Wesley 10th Edition ISBN-13:
5 Calculus and Its Applications
Ellenbogen Scott A. Surgent 978-0-321-69433-1
Studies in the History of Indian Hindustan Book Agency, New Delhi
6 C. S. Seshadri
Mathematics 110016. ISBN 978-93-80250-06-9
Indian Mathematics Engaging
World Scientific Publishing Europe Ltd.
7 George Gheverghese Joseph with the World from Ancient to
57 ISBN 978-17-86340-61-0
Modern Times
Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd.
8 Deepak Singh Mathematics-I
ISBN: 978-93-91505-42-4
Khanna Book Publishing Co. (P) Ltd.
9 Garima Singh Mathematics-II
ISBN: 978-93-91505-52-3
Gareth James, Daniela Springer New York Heidelberg Dordrecht
An Introduction to Statistical
10 Witten, Trevor Hastie Robert London ISBN 978-1-4614-7137-0 ISBN
Learning with Applications in R
and Tibshirani 978-1-4614-7138-7 (eBook)
First Edition, Rajkamal Prakashan, ISBN-
11 Gunakar Muley Sansar Ke Mahan Ganitagya 10. 8126703571, ISBN-13. 978-
New Age International Private Limited, 1
A Modern introduction to
12 T.S. Bhanumurthy January 2008 ISBN- 10. 812242600X,
Ancient Indian Mathematics
ISBN- 13. 978-8122426007
Consider Dimension and Notion Press; 1st edition (2018), ISBN-
13 M.P. Trivedi and P.Y. Trivedi
Replace Pi 978-1644291795


Sr.No Link / Portal Description
Online Learning Initiatives by IITs
1 http://nptel.ac.in/courses/106102064/1
and IISc
Signal processing, statistical
2 www.scilab.org/ -SCI Lab
analysis, image enhancement.
Applications of concepts of
3 www.mathworks.com/product/matlab/ -MATLAB
Mathematics to coding.
Use of Microsoft Excel, Apple
4 Spreadsheet Applications
Numbers, Google Sheets.
5 https://ocw.mit.edu/ MIT Course ware
Concept of Mathematics through
6 gclid=CNqHuabCys4CFdOJaddHo
video lectures and notes
7 http://ocw.abu.edu.ng/courses/mathematics/ List of Mathematical Courses.
Open Education Resources (OER) in
8 https://libguides.furman.edu/oer/subject/mathematics
9 Phet Simulation for Mathematics.
10 https://libguides.cmich.edu/OER/mathematics Mathematics with OER.

MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme

03-11-2024 03:25:17 PM

BASIC MATHEMATICS Course Code : 311302

Sr.No Link / Portal Description
Note :

Teachers are requested to check the creative common license status/financial implications of the suggested
online educational resources before use by the students

MSBTE Approval Dt. 01/10/2024 Semester - 1, K Scheme

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