Mohammad Arif CV

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Mohammad Arif Address: Paktia, Afghanistan

Phone: (+93) 799062061

Email: [email protected]

Monitored project progress and created project status reports for Program Director and Supervisors and
stakeholders. Assisted with resource scheduling so that team members had the resources they need to
complete their tasks. Scheduled stakeholder meetings and facilitated communication between the team and
stakeholders throughout the project life cycle.

Managed multiple income, business or enterprise projects, prepared documents such as the project plan,
budget, schedule or scope statement, as directed by the Program Director and Supervisors. Executed a
variety of project management administrative tasks in the region especially in Paktia, Khost, Logar, Paktika,
and Ghazni and know about what adaptation will take place in Agriculture and rural development in the

Experienced with all stages of the development cycle for income generating alternatives projects. And have
taken solid steps what the community, men and women farmers need. Prepared concept nots and have
worked closely with the people of the area, and have provided excellent services for Agriculture
development, livelihood, income generating alternative development in the rural. In rural development I
have Strong background, in project coordination and customer relations.

Regional Manager – Oct 2019 to Dec 2021
Horticulture Value Chain Development Sector Project funded by ADB, Khost, Logar,Paktia ,
 Managed and supervised the administration of the regional office (PIU) and operations staff;
 coordinated with the agribusiness and horticulture development managers, planed,
implemented and monitored all project technical activities at the regional level in order to
achieve project target and overall objectives;
 Ensured regular and effective coordination is in place with regional stakeholders.
 Collaborated with the Project Management Unit (PMU) and supported the technical teams on
the design, implementation and monitoring of sub-project activities in region;
 Liaised with regional stakeholders including; respective DAILs, local agribusinesses,
communities and men and women farmers to ensure stakeholder consultations and tailored
support for the project beneficiaries;
 Supervised provincial support staff and project supervisors on all matters related to the
delivery of ADB mission in the Region
 Collaborates and coordinates with program, finance, program support, internal audit and
project Program Director and Senior Project team in the region and Kabul offices.
 Ensured adherence to program administrative procedures and guidelines, exercises quality
control of service delivery, and provided program and operational support to regional
horticulture and agribusiness development officers, M&E officer, finance officer and other
staff based at region office;
 Providing grants to support small and micro businesses, especially those owned by women;
 Cash-for-work projects offering short-term income to the unemployed, to restore local small
 Support to people with disabilities, the elderly, and the most vulnerable, through temporary
basic income;
 Assistance to strengthening natural disaster mitigation and resilience, for example through
rehabilitation of canals and flood protection to protect farmland.
 All assistance provided will be delivered to beneficiaries directly, based on impartial
assessments carried out in conjunction with local community leaders, and independently of
 Assessed continuously program progress, identified implementation issues, and improved
program activities including; providing feedback to and sourcing support from the PMU;
 Prepared reports and presentations, and presented project in relevant regional and provincial
meetings both; at the government and private sector level;
 Prepared weekly and monthly activities progress reports; and,
 Performed Any other task assigned by the Program Director.
Field Coordinator – Mar 2017 to Sep 2019
National Horticulture and Livestock Project funded by World Bank, Paktia, Afghanistan
 Liaised with relevant development organizations operating in the Horticulture and Livelihood
industry in the region.
 Ensured regular and effective coordination is in place with regional stakeholders
 Supported the development of NHLP program activities from design through implementation,
monitoring and evaluation.
 Supervised all the technical and support staff of Regional NHLP including Horticulture,
Livestock, M&E, Extension service, Marketing Gender, ESSF etc.
 Identified income generating alternatives in the region to women and men farmers.
 Established and maintained strategic partnerships and supporting resource mobilization.
 Ensured optimal use of resources and value for money within the allocated project budgets.
 The Regional technical team has functional responsibility of technical, administration and
coordination of all Horticulture, Marketing and livestock developmental activities in the
 Identified opportunities for new program/project development including joint programming
with World Bank.
 Provided contextual inputs to the design of proposals based on needs from assessments;
 Provided contextual input for the preparation of all appropriate procurement documentation
RFQ, RFP on all common premises and facilities-related vendor contracts. Non-program
technical inputs are to be provided in a timely cost effective and ethical manner within the
NHLP financial and administrative regulations and rules in order to ensure continuity of value
for money.
 Analyzed, researched, and provided inputs for preparation of substantive briefs on possible
areas of cooperation, and identify opportunities to initiate new projects.
 Prepared and consolidates all the periodical reports of the NHLP and submit to Headquarters
Team Leader – Aug 2014 to June 2015
AECOM International Stability in Key Area funded by USAID, Paktia, Afghanistan
 I was primarily responsible for facilitating SIKA East program in the focused districts within the
 Managed and supervised the administration of the regional office (PMT) and operations staff;
 improved access to government services, markets, and educational and employment
opportunities, benefits residents in eastern Afghanistan
 Local citizen is empowered thy work directly with Government sector representatives to
identify community development hurdles and implement local solutions in health education
security and income generating alternatives
 district and provincial entities acquired the ability to plan, develop, manage and monitor local
development through participation in joint monitoring visits of sika east grants.
 improved effective interactions between provincial and district entities, in for example each
government department assigned a spokesperson responsible for providing services
announcements to the public. In a society dominated by radio and word of mouth
communication providing the government with t correct tools to disseminate services
messages is critical.
 Enhanced the expectations of female citizens of their government sika east provided gender
integrated services fairs, that brought men and women together to understand the
government services to which they are entitled
 Identified community development problems and solutions in ongoing advocacy workshops in
all program district
 Collaborated with the Project Management Team (PMT) and supported the technical teams
on the design, implementation and monitoring of sub-project activities in province;
 Liaised with provincial stakeholders including; respective PRRDs, local Communities, District
governors and women to ensure stakeholder consultations and tailored support for the
project beneficiaries;
 built and maintained close working relationship with relevant Districts Entities, such as RRD,
DDA, CDCs, District Government Offices, etc., and acted as the main SIKA East point of
contact for provincial level interventions.
 Server as main contact to GIRoA at the provincial level and made sure the program is
completely coordinated/shared with the provincial and districts governors.
 Tracked all of the activities that are happened in province on monthly basis and reported it to
the provincial Director.
Horticulture Extension officer – Sep 2012 to August 2014
Roots of Peace (CHAMP) funded by USAID, Paktia, Afghanistan
 Assisted the regional/provincial coordinator for implementation of planned horticultural
activities in the targeted district.
 Selected of Men and Women farmers for orchard establishment, green house installation and
its management, mushroom production, value chain, distribution processing tools for
cottage industries, distribution of solar dryers for vegetable and fruit drying quality
improvement in light of developed technical and social criteria in close coordination with
village and districts elders.
 Attended the regular district meetings with district governor and MAIL-district Agriculture
extension manager.
 Trained farmers on orchard layout, planting, irrigation, nutrition management, pruning, fruit
thinning, dormant spray application, IPM, green house management, post-harvest
management and storage management.
 Organized and facilitate Farmer field schools on technical as well as extension methodology
and extension management related issues according to Train Plan for capacity development
of target farmers.
 Facilitated linkage meetings between lead farmers and potential exporters for income
increase of farmers and boosted export from the respective district.
 Conducted daily visits of target farmers orchard and crops and provide technical assistance.
 Kept the regional/provincial coordinator with update information regarding program
components in the district.
 Participated in all-related events (meeting, workshops, and conferences) and keep network
with the national and international organizations in order to stay informed about orchard
establishment and other horticultural-related developments in the district.
 Assisted in all other operational and administrative tasks as required by the respective line
 Collected and inter all the relevant data of Quality Improvement Value Chain Baseline survey.
 Underground Cool store facility constructed and trained the farmers.
Project Manager – Jan 2011 to July 2012
Global Partnership for Afghanistan funded by USAID, Kabul, Afghanistan
 Design livelihoods projects for women such as Kitchen Gardening, greenhouses, poultry farms,
and mushroom processing and marketing.
 Design livelihoods project as per the client’s requirements and provide technical guidance for
the marketing and market.
 Contribute to Livelihood and Food Security strategy development, project proposals and
provide input on needs.
 map out existing livelihood-related support that exists in the target provinces/districts and
facilitate a dialogue with provincial government authorities about ways in which these
agencies can be more effectively integrated into the sub-national development planning
 Carry out a preliminary costing exercise along with a calculation of potential beneficiaries
(individuals or households), which will feed into the total budget and work plan section and
socioeconomic benefits section of the project document.
 Management of livelihood resources as identified in the Prime project document in the field.
Implementation of livelihood operational plans in the field and development of livelihood
assessment at the community level.
 Contribute technical specifications for the market surveys, training of beneficiaries on various
 Mapping and Assessment report of existing livelihood assistance, socio-economic aspect,
describing ways in which they are integrated into the sub-national development planning
 Research on the identification of recommended livelihood adaptation measures and proposed
delivery mechanisms for such measures that can be introduced through the project.
 Ensure capacity building of project staff and transfer key skills.

Livelihood Officer – June 2009 to Jan 2011

Global Partnership for Afghanistan funded by USAID, Kabul, Afghanistan

 Prepared monthly quarterly and annual plan according to livelihood component of the project.
 Managed the livelihood component of the project
 Ensured the implementation of the livelihoods component of the program against annual
work-plan targets time-plans and result indicators.
 Household surveys of communities for Community Resilience and Livelihoods program.
 Ensuring the proper distribution of the food package to the selected beneficiaries.
 Conducted and regularly update the market assessment for the livelihood activities.
 Set clear procedures identifying objectives and needs for marketing opportunities.
Provided technical support to the project team and community mobilizers to identify the
livelihood needs of the people with psychosocial disability.
 Lead the selection process of the beneficiaries for livelihood activities (i.e. selection criteria
coordination physical verification etc.).
 Conducted marketing trainings to the beneficiaries.
 Advised the beneficiaries for market demands products.
 Contributed to the sales and marketing plan of the beneficiaries.
Facilitated the in-kind distributions to the beneficiaries and ensure that community leaders
are fully involved over the process.
 Developed mapping of the existing services providers on livelihood and build linkage with
 Arranged meetings with the local Shura and other stakeholders to coordinate the livelihood
 Developed joined plans between beneficiaries and the services providers for skills
development and setting up the livelihood activities.
 Supported the service providers to adjust their working environment for inclusion of people
with psychosocial disability.
 Created and developed new innovative ways to communicate the beneficiary’s messages to
their existing customers.
 Monitored field-based implementation of the livelihood activities including providing guidance
to field staff on livelihood interventions
 Ensured systematic documentation and filing.
 Provided inputs and feedback to reporting.

Agriculture and Social Science
Project Management
Paktia University, Afghanistan Date: April 2005- Dec 2008

Mashal Institute of Higher Education Date: Feb,2010-Feb, 2011
6-9 Feb Soieta Italiana di Monitoraggio (SIM)
2021 Basic and Advanced M&E Training

22-24 April Horticulture Methods and Marketing
NGOs Law, Income tax Law Labour Law and Human rights in Conflict
26-27 Jan
Small Business Management and Networking Workshop
20-22 Nov
2012 USDA
Small scale projects to provide employment to Local People.
9-11 Feb
Project Cycle Management
01-20 Jan
Proposal Writing
28 June-02
July 2009
Afghanistan Civil Service Institute
Management Skills, Computer and English Language
11/01/2009 GPFA
Horticulture and Farm Forestry
Oct 2008
3 Months Computer
Social Welfare Cell Commissionerate for Afghan Refugees
15-17 April Community Organizing, Self Help, Children Rights convention, Community need asses
2004 Role of Community activist, Record keeping

Languages Proficiency
Language Writing Reading Conversation
English C1 C2 C1
Dari B2 C1 B2
Pashto Native Native Native

 Ability to organize and prioritize busy workloads effectively.
 Potential to cope with stressful situations, highly motivated and clear desire to career
progression and research with a flexible approach.
 Good knowledge of reporting and record keeping and strong writing skills.
 Good interpersonal and communication skills.
 Know well on project Cycle management
 Training and /or capacity building skills
 Willing to work independently and well management the different task at the same time.
 Have the ability to motivate and persuade employee for getting of selected organizational
 Ability to work well with management and staff with diverse cultural backgrounds.
 Communication, public relation and interpersonal skills.
 Good knowledge of working with CDC, DDA and other entities
Ahmadshah Sayed Rahim Ibrahim Shafiqi
DCOP at Roots of Peace Senior Coordinator at ADB Team Lead
0799391342 0779669808 0781784310
[email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

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