EasyNotes 20241112 111102 423
EasyNotes 20241112 111102 423
EasyNotes 20241112 111102 423
Definition: The external carotid artery is a terminal branch of the common carotid artery, primarily
supplying structures in the front of the neck and face.
Position: It lies anterior to the internal carotid artery.
2. Curvature:
The artery has a slightly curved course, being anteromedial to the internal carotid artery in its lower part
and anterolateral in its upper part.
3. Superficial Relations:
•In the carotid triangle, it is relatively superficial, lying beneath the anterior border of the
sternocleidomastoid muscle.
•Crossed superficially by:
•Cervical branch of the facial nerve
•Hypoglossal nerve
•Facial, lingual, and superior thyroid
4. Deep Relations:
Deep to the external carotid artery are:
•Wall of the pharynx
•Superior laryngeal nerve (dividing
into external and internal branches)
•Ascending pharyngeal artery.
2 Lingual Artery:
•Arises opposite the tip of the greater cornua of hyoid bone; has a tortuous course divided into three
1. First part: In carotid triangle, forms an upward loop crossed by hypoglossal nerve.
2 Second part: Deep to hyoglossus muscle along upper border of hyoid bone.
3. Third part: Arteria profunda linguae (deep lingual artery) runs along anterior border of hyoglossus and
horizontally on tongue's undersurface.
•Gives off branches including suprahyoid, dorsal lingual, and sublingual arteries.
3. Facial Artery:
•Arises just above the greater cornua of hyoid bone; has tortuous course allowing movement during
swallowing and facial expressions.
•Cervical part runs deep to posterior belly of digastric muscle and submandibular gland; gives off
ascending palatine, tonsillar, submental, and glandular branches.
Posterior Branches
4.Occipital Artery:
•Arises from posterior aspect of external carotid opposite facial artery; crossed by hypoglossal nerve.
•Provides sternocleidomastoid branches and supplies posterior scalp.
Terminal Branches
7.Maxillary Artery:
•The larger terminal branch starting behind neck of mandible under parotid gland; enters infratemporal
fossa for further study.