Matecconf Aasec2018 08013
Matecconf Aasec2018 08013
Matecconf Aasec2018 08013
AASEC 2018
Abstract. The purpose of this research is to know the improvement of car air conditioner system
performance using an ejector. The study was conducted on a car engine with power 100 PS (74 kW)
@ 5000 rpm. The test procedure is carried out under two conditions: the normal refrigeration cycle mode
and the refrigeration cycle mode with the ejector. The working fluid used in the refrigeration cycle is
R-134a. Performance data was measured on engine revolutions ranging from 1500 - 3000 rpm. Finally, the
results showed that ejector usage on AC system generates an increase in the refrigeration effect and
coefficient of performance (COP) of 25% and 22%, respectively. This has implications to better cooling
capacity and compressor work that is lighter.
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MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 08013 (2018)
AASEC 2018
separator, filter dryer, sight glass, five hand valve units, of data recording every three minutes starting from 21st
and ejector to reduce energy loss during expansion minute.
process. All components are installed on an experimental
device with engine specifications of 100 PS (74 kW) @
3.1 Refrigeration effect
5000 rpm. Installation connection between components
using copper pipe and flexible pipe size 1/4 ", 3/8", 1/2 ", Figure 2 shows the value of the refrigeration effect of the
and 5/8" The refrigerant used as working fluid is R 134a. AC system under normal conditions testing. The test is
done on three variations of rpm that is 1500 rpm, 2000
rpm, and 3000 rpm.
The results were obtained from the performance testing Overall, the largest refrigeration effect was achieved
of the air conditioning system in two operating in the 2000 rpm test with a value of 181.18 kJ/kg. The
conditions: normal and with ejector. Tests were carried value is slightly higher than the 3000 rpm test condition
out at an ambient temperature of 28 C and a time interval with a value of 181.11 kJ/kg. At the beginning of the
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 08013 (2018)
AASEC 2018
4 Conclusions
Research on the improvement of car air conditioning
system performance using ejector has been done. To
show improvement of AC system performance, the test
is done on two different conditions (normal and use
ejector). The results showed that ejector usage on AC
system generates an increase in the refrigeration effect
and coefficient of performance (COP) of 25% and 22%,
respectively. This has implications to better cooling
capacity and compressor work that is lighter.
Fig. 4. COP value based on time interval on normal condition
testing. Acknowledgements: This work was financially supported by a
Grant-in-Aid from the Directorate General of Research,
The test results using ejector are shown in Figure 5. Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia, fund no:
Overall, the COP value at 1500 rpm is higher than the 30/EKPT/2017 (Skim Program Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi).
2000 rpm and 3000 rpm conditions. At the beginning of
the test, the COP was 10.37. Although the value is
smaller than the COP at 2000 rpm of 11.46, but in the
24th minute the COP at 1500 rpm increased rapidly to 1. C.C. Shen, J.H. Lu, “Analysis of the performance of
13.28. After that, the COP drops gradually until the end the evaporator of automotive air conditioning
of the test is 9.55. Test conditions at 2000 rpm decreased system,” Int. J. Automot. Technol. (2014)
COP from testing to the end of the test. At the end of the
2. M. Bentrcia, M. Alshatewi, H. Omar,
test obtained COP of 7.89. On the other hand, at 3000
“Developments of vapor-compression systems for
rpm COP at the beginning of the test is 9.28. Then rise
vehicle air-conditioning: A review,” Advances in
gradually until the end of the test obtained COP of 9.47.
Mechanical Engineering (2017)
Although there is an increase in COP, but the value is
still smaller than the condition at 1500 rpm.
MATEC Web of Conferences 197, 08013 (2018)
AASEC 2018