COA Ex.1,2,3

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Expt. No.1 Page No.

Pin othe eperymenl:

TO s/uo varsouscomponenks o peional Compuer
nohejrt anchon
Difentent Componens ok compulen
Tnpu Device
Centrol procecsig ON
Storgge Devte
i Memory UniE
Cuhrut Device

Ther Tnp Device

olaa inb he
key borrtol: A input eevices is ueol fo read
ystem.} keyboand e o mainy fon typirg fent ino_he
omputen. T ag keys keys fort lettert and nmbs but it also by
Apecial keys The kuicHon key founder he top o ro
peryorm unchon oleporoirgoheme they ae_ued The
nuwmeric key bcard locatel on e nohtAide at nos
keybard allosfo enten number 9ickly

The novigotron keys uch a curytou ke

ke ane ye fo move e
Nousesh Mous e i a A a l olevice ueo fo point o aq
solec ikem on Compater Serreen Phoug h mouwe come io eny
shope he typical mouse oloejXook b i t ike an ackua
MOLLeA MOue wsuallylove o botfon a Pryroruy button
nd o econdarty buttonMony ouje au kave oheek
Teacher's Signature:
Ctonc,i d e

wghspeed Alordh brufdae
m e m o f



On o artd
South bridae
Co A ollerc
Caocondus jer

Audto code C
PcT slos CMOS 0memocy Cobl-e Dords

Ae.cdun ord

Sdper /o

PaaLel po
(OLos CLoPR dd

Molherc looastd
Date-- --

Expt. No. Page N o . 2

bekween hoo buttons wkich alloas Jo_contrtol smoth Arcoug

Aertan inkartn)ations.

ALU CPrythmahe onol Loqtc thit)

ALU is useol ottperkortmir oporofion ike _adolifion, Nulti-
plication suhsfrtachion.The Cenfrol onit quide he ohrcol
hich o he operofion fo be perkr
S.M.P.sCSoitch Made Powen Joply)
Soitchirg Moale power Suppl CSNP) i oko kown oj a Jwiched
ModlepoetAupply Pn elec htomahit pen spply et
e C rlCqularnskh mocle pDerAupp altrnatej
hrdns Hon

Nolhert Barol
The motkertboornol is he part o the Compute a t wCnej a l
ok fhe ofher paryy fogefherPvery mponenk o he omputen
krtom e DvD baruier fo te CPU wiM connect olinecHy
joto he aolen bundNofher booro Apeeo e fypically
lesign eol around which proceAiorCCpo) he Computern ue

h e corputern we a inte procesorq then it neea

an inte Compubhle_aroher boaro

Procesgort CCoP0)3
The prcocefort ot Cpo o a ompu/ertis buioaly fhe
broin o e Computen The processor s rtesponssibkor
interprie fir every Cocde i ecjive ro m heofhert Compuer
CoMponenk° _ond mokirg iweohle fo he olevice cr fhe
Teacher's Signature:
Date-- ---
Expt. No. ----
Page No. .

opertatir9 stem. T e_olevice okich e ome- CoMMon

e - procejory ote intel Corte 2 DVD R AND_pheno mena
prtocestort Apecd o ohfen determine fhe over a
Apeed ke Compator
The kard olrivepart ok e nputern
it js e imple u a
s vort Ainmple
port o e_ Computor it IS_Aoredin e korro
cdeclrive. Hord olrve copaciky meoute i n
ie Therte _are wo way ot gigabyfe or
Aorto olivej e t o he
molker bonrd

Vicle oroly CGrophit Cock)s

A qrophic Code
Codle Me componcn o Ou CoMpatet kat_
inernpae VideoAigra hese ostoly ane neceAsarty Jo liah
yoU o Connech á mo ar o Conyputor
ar o ype o Cards Combine
kroM high ano gpirg cora onyirgj
T tunert CarolySome Poaulor
raphic orrol inontuacture one NOTA A R £VGA
RPM (Memorc)
Tou may kave keoro opeople tup qroolirg Ke RAM in
Hejn Conuer RAM S e part of OMpu/er tlot
IS ed o n Joront memoru4
RAN afubui0 e
crt e t iyou Moy prtooram af Once we ma o n
Pgtode OUr ComuteryRBM becauye or mpufeof
S I orte memor RhMCome krom
mony olikterien
Conkiguro.ton Avch aDDR 2 ond DDRS he pe o
Teacher's Signature:
Expt. No0. Page No. 1

metkert boarnd yo haue oill determioe yOur RDM.

Ophical 1Drive-
The las man pr o e compter is he ophol dive
ismanY imes the olyve uld ue to burto CDSDVD
Blue Ra morte o iscs on move_ophtal olriver Con be
eiher On51riaton
Oulpu Devte:
Moni tor l
A oNoriS how
we freceive 10kortmaion in visual ortr
ohich Can
Con Co0sis ofet image Vicleo IKrough eae
osploy clevke Heol fo 00nsisoblly CRIS They no w
pp Compart
Sperkertclevice)auelio ingortmalton Auch a muurckrom
CDS Jounolyrto m game or violeo kro m intertnet chanE
Thrtoughhey ma be uilt into the bon o montor
They rteqwe auolio Cord tal s locatealinste
he dstom hon

h_printerprocluce kordtopy vertiiong h Cormpuert inkorr
hojon Colon black a okile he
inkortmo/on can
Consisf o ter krom olocmen
LOOro preocessig
photo qrapicg tom pigitalcomera oY art r t k kton
Comertoa networtk rto m grapbes pre rom
T chek e enpervely.
Expt. No. Page No. - -

CD ond DVD olevice

CD ort DVD AJuall locafod ol e krmt AKe he
Ayahem ONE CD olrive e b yers fob hord olo/a om
a CD and Ma CD dtt_oldiveg Con olata
alsoordte daa

olisk drivei
Floppy cisk olrtve torte inartmaton on loppy osk
bAopPy olk
aso calles oppie or olisk Compodeol to CDS dnol DVDj
elota 7hey
Loppyisks ontare onky Amall amount oh_clota.
alo ne rive 1nkortmaion
ote lowly are orte prone
kort s rr@oonsAope 1e less pulat
AM KeVaryouy onpo.nens openjonad CoMpufery arte
necognz ano heirttunchions ae also necoeNizel

Subnites by
Suwelasiha Mekor.
Reqol nol 70/337022
Branch CS


Expt. No.2 Page No.6

Bim Ae erperiment
T0 oisassemble petJ onal Compulen

Ppparaluy Keuieo:
i)A nen Conduchve Aurace
2 _ pillips heads mal Pla/-heo and in bome
Ca3eytheodAecrreo olstiver
A n anistahc braoket ort e avoiclonce ok doMagirq
Co poneng
sheet o pape a Co0lain er ok SomeAor arten'|
neceArarubut add in e proces

BeiBeir by rtemgvir al o the oudert Cover Ono senew &plane
Nowe oula ble_ fo renove
Cover mechans ms Con r sone slides lack_wocds reyt
check to make_Aure al fhe coVert cre have been renoie
There are kindg AceO Compufer
a Coarye renc
irne fArteod
Theredirg o Acre Con Meon_olamaqiga CoMponents
alo hefe aemany ohert pla.ce fo keep_fraCkof track o6
Some ofker Stonoly okk
vOse the Contoinern bin ad paperfo 0ganze and keep
HaCk ok_ tohat piece Oent Ohere
Nouoi time fo e Our anisekic brackot
tokes Verty #le Atotic olisckorge fo run a Componen
O Morte
ovup co
corpet In_ oks
genertafe 1o00 V b walking
Date -
Expt. No. Page No..-1.------

Now oweave our breocket on qrouro cu Aelk by

otachirga tMe ckip
ckip fo an enposeo peceomefal on
Take Momen fO
to nofice cponsfon cool,here we kave
an AGP P C ano JsA slofs
Eachfoch Ctol helol in tocoih_a_CarteJhreodRemove
hese o begn remo virg he Cortds
XGent rtoc e cordback and fore/h Clorgasite n
the Xlot b i's edge o logen i Neverfouh ha o
oi on ei Akin Cauye Corttos/opn
x is a ComponenE ide o The cCaro o he rghs
piche also herce s abrcoao Side
x lken putir condy down aluways ploace fhem conponent
Aide doon
AL o Cortoly lave been rtenoved. Then fake a momen
to oubherenco in he enons/00 o .
nofice he
vThen oe allo spgheefti t e 7hey conrto e
ndi cotor LEDS Ond e_Pc peokery 67O Clips
Sumpers CMOS batery
xuNwewe ol olisplaceen eAe dlevice Com monwik a
30 pin 1DE coble
ui) firt he molen powert connectort when os connec/irg on
TH NEVER ul on Ae wire
Then do the Aome Col he dtemn bonrd onnecton
le cdoj g be awarte o breokirg
tert tho
Has we ake Ou e RO moctle TKey Ote
The nern porttsto Come ouf
x MUCh More Common clrive intorkecefhese ol s
sATh herne iS a Connec/or SA dh e
Teacher's Signature:
Expt. No. Page No. .--

YYS) Sysfemboarol
L 7 rtemave RAMPopP both ookirg tobs en eher sde
Ke moduuhe.T l ieleoe
x ere alo s P powert Conn ec/or wkich 0 k on
fob Aookirg o el
No 00 remove Ke power SupplyT t be
altacheol fo he coJe by SCresin IoNo he
There 1S ao indjco/ortLED Connections (aka
SpaghH tone ln ich ¬ach One koulo kaue C
Josel olenotirg iks PrYpse No ake Ou
Now Parts afle oened
wplter ot theolig fan slaulol be opend
rYun) he above rie 1he Ateps kort dioiremble a com.puder
In he ouboye wny periona coperent oM be

stwelagnyh MeXer
Btech aoyr
Brtonok cSE
Red o 17ol337042

Teacher's Signalure:
Expt. No. 3 Page No. ....1....

Pirn ohe epeximont

To assembled 0 Pertona Ompu/er

Ppportatus requited
i) Motkerr hoorq
Horcol Dsk
Memo ry
Grtaphic Corco
Dvp-RON olRive o DVD urter
v Co
Jacder ao fheoruna odliive prt
jx Powert Augr
The Coje
xScre olrive ok AoMe Scnes.

Dischorge yourAe bekarte you beqin atarn y
plooningby Ae
in Me
enmal.The hack plate SookePppt
and AeC

Cocl er
i)Connc Me CPu coole fo te rajn_beord_ /nolher
Ploce fhe Memorey mocuJe me CorUrel pondir slof
i o roje ofche inJhe sofs 3 A Moolule.
Openhe od ioun JAe powert Aupp
Atach he ofhert bord back plolo o he e
ckeck fhe moin boro mountirg positfon
vv Gentypshin e moin hoord/ Nother hoord inhe oje
Teacher's Signature:
Expt. No. Page No. 1

ond atach i tA crie

VI ophionoly ins fall o one ormorte oje fons.
Pitach he e ns Conoec/e o the mother
ano olo he ome
o he poer uppyu
Co onet J orn d pio AIX Co0nector o wo h e
bin power Spply
Took p he ront butong 3 Jeds ike tofrne olo he zme
kort OSB ne 0irte audio
N)Tnsta e qrtaphics od n on Pof PCI enpriels
YDon orget e ophional ouert Conneckor
xMout kortd olkk ond Connec to Ke pouEN
Yannt Ke SATH Connector 3 renove e ron pannel
&te 51/ over
xv Connect e DATh CobJe hot olevice kora othem up
to he pouer Suppy
PHach he side pannel Hen i done
In this he pertjonad Conypu/en n be alembleo

Stuhmiteo by
Suweasnyiha OMeher
Regol no. 7o/337022
Brench CSO
Bech 2 yn)

Teacher's Signature.

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