Notes in Philosophy of Law
Notes in Philosophy of Law
Notes in Philosophy of Law
- Philosophy of law considers laws and legal Substantive law - establishes rights,
concepts through a philosophical lens to duties, and corollary prohibitions
better understand the nature of law. Remedial or procedural or adjective law -
prescribes the manner of administering,
enforcing, appealing, amending, and using – is the law of our human nature, based on
legal rights and claims the demands of our humanity
- nature is how people normally behave and
As to scope: are expected to behave
- looks into the principles, purpose, and end
Public or political law - is concerned with (telos) of the law
the structures of government, the - the law is law as long as it pursues the
relationship between the individual and the precepts of reason: reasonableness, justice,
State; Criminal Law equality, and fairness
Private law - is concerned with the rules
governing the relationship of individuals;
Civil Law b. Positivist Theory
Mercantile law - regulates commercial – law is what the authority posits as law
transactions; dealing with artificial - “We follow the law because it is the law”
personalities (e.g. corporations and the - also known as “the command theory”
management of business) - positivism highlights obedience to the
content and expression of the law
- Positivism is also referred as
Eternal law - a law is a dictate of practical reason - Law is purely a product of human will
(which provides practical directions on how one - Laws are made out of explicit or implicit
ought to act as opposed to “speculative reason” agreements, treaties, or conventions in
which provides propositional knowledge of the way society
things are) emanating from the ruler who governs a - There is no underlying substance,
perfect community. principle, or content that the law must
Natural law - this consists of principles of eternal - “analytic jurisprudence” that studies and
law which are specific to human beings as rational recognizes law simply for “what it is” (lex
creatures. lata)
- For positivists, until nullified or amended,
Human laws - Human reason needs to proceed to one cannot dismiss the law based on what it
the more particular determinations or specialized should be according to some non-legal
regulations to declare what is required in particular standards — for being immoral, inefficient,
cases considering society’s specific circumstances. irrational, imprudent, or impractical
These particular determinations, arrived at by
human reason.
c. Interpretivist/Constructivist Theory
Divine law - which is given by God i.e. the Old - What the law means is what the judges of
Testament and the New Testament. Through law, the law would read it to mean.
man is directed to proper actions towards his - A law is not integral when it is not
proper end – which is eternal happiness and consistent (formal) and when it goes against
salvation. substantial rights and principles
- The law is a “seamless system”: in the
E. Legal Theories absence of laws to apply, the judge must
turn to general principles.
(10 Theories) - the interpretivist approach is akin to the
a. Natural Law Theory (Teleological) teleological approach, but Dworkin thought
principles and rights are not something - Law operates in a specific language,
already laid down by natural law, but impressed by cultural beliefs, traditions,
something still to be “constructed” by the customs, temperaments, and the common
adjudication of judge experiences and consciousness (geist) of a
- the sources of law will then include epics,
d. Realist Theory (The Get-Real Theory) folklores, religion, and political
- The realist school, sometimes labeled as developments
“pragmatic jurisprudence,” focuses on these - Law is written and updated as the people
human realities that are often overlooked by evolve.
hard law, technicalities, and abstract
- This school raises the question of whether g. Functional/Sociological Approach
the law can be verified by experience. - The law is both a means of social control
- Law is determined by the actual practices and social advancement.
of courts, law officers, and law enforcers; by - measure for behavioral conformity and
real world practice. social engineering
- Decisions must be based on the judge’s - “functional” – everything and everyone has
idea of justice, conditioned by his values, different functions to maintain a healthy
background, and acquaintance with social environment so that each one’s different
forces. pursuits are good to the whole society
- “the life of the law has not been logic, it
(1) William James, who taught of law as a means to
has been experience.” (Holmes)
satisfy needs;
- he believed that life is a struggle to build a
superior race, rather than a pursuit of ethical (2) Charles Louis Baron de Montesquieu, who said
humanitarian values that the law must adapt to shifting social conditions;
i. Practice Theory
- The adoption of a particular mode leads to J. Labor Law – Socialism and Communism
a different outcome or case opinion. (p. 172)
- Philip Bobbit identified six main modalities:
1) Historical - must be used when the intention
is to decipher what was really meant by the
framers of the law.
2) Textual - in looking for what the law simply
declares or denies and how it can be
interpreted in contemporary times.
3) Structural - inferring rules from structures
and mandates.
4) Doctrinal - applying rules generated by
5) Ethical or moral - appealing on the ethos or
ideals of a government (teleological).
6) Prudential - or according to exigencies and
the calculus of costs and benefits.
j. Forms-and-Fundamentals Approach
- Legal formalism or conceptualism holds that
the law is a strict science governed by
formal axioms, legal principles, and rules of
- Formalism is also referred to as “textualism”
or the “plain meaning” approach to the law
and “originalism” or the “original meaning”
approach to the Constitution.
Positivist Theory
Critical Theory
Also known as “the command theory,” positivism
highlights obedience to the content and expression The main tenet of this theory is that the law has
of the law “dura lex, sed lex” (the law is hard, but it been the means to enshrine and coercively impose
is the law) the wishes of the dominant group or institutions.
Economic Approach