LT24 Week Chemes QP
LT24 Week Chemes QP
LT24 Week Chemes QP
4 Test ID : 745
38. Identify the incorrect statement from the 42. Match the following ions (Column-I) with
following their colours (Column-II)
1) The high melting points of transition metals Column-I Column-II
are due to the involvement of electrons I) Manganate a) Purple
from (n-1)d and ns II) Dichromate b) Green
III) Permanganate c) Yellow
2) Mn has high melting point in 3d series
IV) Chromate d) Orange
1) I-b, II-d, III-c, IV-a
3) Enthalpy of atomization is an important 2) I-b, II-d, III-a, IV-c
factor in determining the standard electrode 3) I-a, II-c, III-b, IV-d
potential of a metal 4) I-a, II-d, III-b, IV-c
4) Melting point of Tc is high when compared 43. Match the following compounds (column – I)
to Mn with their uses (column – II)
39. Which of the following statements are correct Column-I Column-II
about E 0M3+ /M2+ values? I) TiO a) Ostwald’s process
II) MnO2 b) Contact process
1) Low value for Fe is due to extra stability of III) V2O5 c) Pigment industry
Fe3+ (d5) IV) Fe d) Dry batteries
2) The highest value for Zn is due to the stable 1) I-a, II-c, III-b, IV-d
d10 configuration of Zn2+ 2) I-c, II-d, III-b, IV-a
3) The low value for Sc is due to stability of 3) I-a, II-d, III-b, IV-c
Sc3+ 4) I-d, II-c, III-b, IV-a
4) All the above 44. Statement-I : Permanganate titrations in
40. Why E0 value for Ni is more negative than presence of hydrochloric acid are unsatisfactory.
Statement-II : Permanganate oxidises
hydrochloric acid into chlorine.
1) Stability of half filled d5 configuration
1) Both statements are true, statement-II is a
2) Highest second ionisation enthalpy correct explanation for statement-I
3) Highest negative hydration enthalpy 2) Both statements are true, statement-II is not
4) Least enthalpy of atomization a correct explanation for statement-I
41. Identify the incorrect statement about 3) Statement-I is true, statement-II is false
interstitial compounds. 4) Statement-I is false, statement-II is true
45. Identify the incorrect statement from the
1) Interstitial compounds are formed when
large atoms are trapped inside the crystal
1) In transition elements oxidation states
lattice of metals normally differ from each other by unity
2) Interstitial compounds are neither typically 2) In non-transition elements oxidation states
ionic nor covalent normally differ from each other by a unit of
3) Mn4N is an interstitial compound two
4) They have higher melting points than those 3) Cr(VI) is more stable than Mo(VI)
4) Sc does not exhibit variable oxidation states
of pure metals
***All the best ***