EBSCO FullText 2024 10 04
EBSCO FullText 2024 10 04
EBSCO FullText 2024 10 04
Industry 4.0; Internet of Things; Six Sigma, DMAIC; Low-Cost Manufacturing.
Technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, timization, and physical object failure prediction. The
augmented reality, and data ownership are becoming digital twin is widely applied in many sectors, includ-
important factors in industrial development (Malik ing manufacturing, energy, real estate, healthcare, and
& Kim, 2020; Xiao et al., 2021). transportation. It helps improve performance, reduce
Research into applying Industry 4.0 to factories is maintenance costs, increase availability, and create
becoming essential to optimize production processes, optimized solutions during operations (Fig. 1).
increase efficiency, and reduce costs (Mehrpouya et al.,
2019). Use robots and automation systems to perform
manufacturing tasks. Robots can replace workers in
repetitive and dangerous jobs, helping to increase pro-
ductivity and ensure labour safety. Connect devices,
sensors, and machines in the factory through IoT. Col-
lecting data from these devices allows accurate and
real-time monitoring and control of the production
process. IoT systems can also provide detailed infor-
mation about devices’ status and performance, helping
predict and prevent problems. Use AI and data analyt-
ics to process large amounts of information collected
from sensors and systems in the factory. Data analysis
helps find trends, patterns, and important information,
making smart decisions and improving production pro-
cesses. Use cloud services to store and share data and Fig. 1. Diagram of digital twin
perform powerful calculations. This increases system
scalability and flexibility, allowing remote data ac- Applying Industry 4.0 to improve manufacturing
cess and cross-platform interaction. Apply blockchain processes is an important aspect of applying digital
technology to provide security and reliability for trans- technology and automation in industry (Nwakanma
actions and processes in the factory. Blockchain can et al., 2021). Use robots and automation systems to
support supply chain management, traceability, and perform production tasks. This helps increase pro-
the historical storage of important information. Build ductivity, accuracy, and process uniformity. By using
a smart factory network in which devices, systems, the Internet of Things (IoT) to connect devices, sen-
and production processes are connected and interact. sors, and machines in the manufacturing process, the
This creates a flexible, automated, self-adjusting sys- IoT sensors collect data on the status, performance,
tem that rapidly responds to changing market and and working conditions of devices, allowing precise
production requirements (Ko et al., 2020). and real-time process monitoring and control. Then,
The digital twin is a concept in information tech- data analytics and artificial intelligence process and
nology, especially in Industry 4.0. It refers to creating analyze data collected from devices and processes to
a digitized and synchronized version of a physical sys- help find trends, patterns, and important information,
tem, process, or product. A digital twin can be under- making smart decisions and improving production
stood as an exact digital twin of a physical object or performance. Production management system (Man-
process created by combining real-world data from sen- ufacturing Execution System, MES) to manage and
sors and data acquisition systems, along with a model, optimize production processes. MES helps monitor
mathematics, simulation, and analysis. Essential char- and control manufacturing operations, schedule and
acteristics of a digital twin include the following: The assign work, manage resources and materials, and pro-
digital twin reflects the state and behaviour of a phys- vide real-time information to monitor and evaluate
ical object or process accurately and in real-time. It is performance. Use cloud services to store and share
continuously updated to reflect the changes and devel- data and perform powerful calculations. This enables
opments of the actual audience. Digital Twin uses data remote data access and information sharing across
analysis algorithms and mathematical models to pre- departments and organizations and provides scalabil-
dict, simulate, and optimize the behaviour of a physical ity and flexibility to the manufacturing process. Build
object or process. It allows testing and optimization a smart factory network in which devices, systems, and
scenarios before executing on natural objects. The dig- production processes are connected and interact. This
ital twin creates a strong link between the physical creates a flexible, automated, self-adjusting system
and digital worlds. It enables remote management and that rapidly responds to changing market and produc-
control, status and repair monitoring, performance op- tion requirements. These applications help improve
productivity, optimize processes, reduce waste, and find adapting and implementing these changes difficult,
respond quickly to changing market requirements. It especially when the transformation requires flexibility
also creates flexibility and interactivity in manufactur- and interaction between different departments. SMEs
ing while providing insights for decision support and are often smaller in scale than large enterprises, which
performance analysis. can cause some difficulties in implementing and taking
The cost of investing in an Industry 4.0 system can advantage of Industry 4.0 systems. Integrating devices,
vary depending on the size and scope of the project, the sensors, and systems can require infrastructure and
industry, the level of automation, and the technology technical resources that SMEs may have difficulty
applied. Investment in devices, sensors, machines, and meeting. Implementing Industry 4.0 systems poses se-
automation systems is critical. Consideration should be curity and data privacy challenges. Ensuring informa-
given to the costs of procuring, installing, configuring, tion safety and security in the digital environment
and maintaining these devices. Use production man- can be complex for SMEs, as they have few resources
agement software, data analytics, artificial intelligence, to invest in in-depth security measures. However, de-
factory management systems, and other technologies to spite these limitations, SMEs can overcome challenges
integrate Industry 4.0 systems. Costs associated with by seeking support from funding organizations and
procuring, customizing, deploying, and maintaining technology partners or leveraging flexible and tailored
the software should also be considered. An important technology solutions. At the same time, creating a step-
factor is investing in employee training to grasp knowl- by-step implementation strategy can also help SMEs ef-
edge and skills related to Industry 4.0 technology. The fectively take advantage of the benefits of Industry 4.0.
cost of training, conversion, and adaptation to new Maintaining Industry 4.0 systems is an urgent and
technology should be considered in investment deci- vital issue. Regular maintenance and repair of Indus-
sions. Investing in network security, security systems, try 4.0 systems helps ensure that devices, sensors, ma-
and technical infrastructure is important to the Indus- chines, and software operate continuously and stably.
try 4.0 system. The costs associated with protecting This helps avoid disruptions in the production process
data, networks, and devices from security threats need and ensures that critical data and information are not
to be considered. Invest in adjusting and optimizing lost. Industry 4.0 system maintenance helps optimize
production processes to take full advantage of the the performance of automated equipment and pro-
benefits of the Industry 4.0 system. Costs associated cesses. Regularly inspecting, adjusting, and improving
with modifying, improving, and innovating manufac- system components helps improve productivity, re-
turing processes must also be considered. Businesses duce downtime, and increase operational efficiency.
may need support from consulting and implementa- Industry 4.0 system maintenance is also important
tion service providers to ensure a smooth and effective in ensuring information security and confidentiality.
implementation of the Industry 4.0 system. The costs Updating software, applying new security measures,
associated with this service also need to be calculated. and periodically testing systems help prevent attacks
The total investment cost in an Industry 4.0 system and protect important data from loss or breach. Indus-
can be large, depending on the scope and scale of try 4.0 system maintenance also includes user training
the project. However, it should be noted that long- and support. Employees need to be trained to use and
term benefits such as increased productivity, reduced manage the system effectively. At the same time, pro-
operating costs, and improved production efficiency viding technical support and answering questions helps
can contribute to reducing costs and achieving future ensure that users can use the system effectively and
profits (Kwak and Park, 2021; Hsu et al., 2022). resolve problems quickly. Industry 4.0 system mainte-
Implementing Industry 4.0 systems in small and nance also involves technology upgrades and evolution.
medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) can face several lim- Software updates, upgrades, and replacing older de-
itations and challenges. One of the main limitations vices with new versions help systems maintain excellent
is the high initial investment cost to deploy an Indus- compatibility, performance, and security over time. In
try 4.0 system. Investing in new technology, hardware, short, Industry 4.0 system maintenance is critical to
and software for SMEs with limited resources can be ensure continuous operations, optimize performance,
a significant challenge. SMEs often lack knowledge and protect the security, and support users. Investing in
skills about Industry 4.0 technologies and processes. proper maintenance helps maximize the benefits of In-
This can increase the difficulty of implementing and dustry 4.0 systems and ensure project success (Fig. 2).
managing the new system. Training or hiring employ- The Industry 4.0 system implementation rate among
ees with the right skills requires time and resources. small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) may vary
Implementing Industry 4.0 systems requires changes from industry to industry. However, this deployment
in work processes and management. Some SMEs may rate is typically relatively low and a work in progress.
suppliers, and penetrate international markets (Faller process. This technology helps provide accurate and
and Feldmüller, 2015; Saqlain et al., 2019). With In- continuous data on performance, quality, and other
dustry 4.0, SMEs can customize their products and factors related to the manufacturing process. Ana-
services to meet the local requirements of foreign mar- lyze: Use artificial intelligence technology and data
kets. Flexible technology and automation enable busi- analysis to analyze factors affecting the quality and
nesses to adapt to foreign markets’ cultural, linguistic, performance of the production process. This technol-
and regulatory diversity, attracting new customers and ogy helps identify the root cause of problems and find
creating a competitive advantage. Information technol- ways to improve process efficiency. Improve: Use au-
ogy and artificial intelligence in Industry 4.0 provide tomation technology, collaborative robots, and smart
the ability to analyze data and predict market trends. systems to improve production processes (Tan et al.,
SMEs can better use analytics tools to understand 2019). This can include optimizing production capac-
foreign market conditions, customer needs, and compe- ity, enhancing accuracy and consistency, minimizing
tition. This helps businesses create effective market ac- errors and waiting times, and enhancing overall process
cess strategies and find new customers. Implementing performance. Control: using automation and control
Industry 4.0 enables SMEs to create unique value by systems to maintain and control the production pro-
combining new technologies and services. Innovation cess after improvement. This technology helps monitor
and taking advantage of new technology help SMEs cre- and automatically adjust key parameters, ensuring the
ate unique products and services, attract foreign cus- manufacturing process maintains optimal quality and
tomers’ attention, and expand markets. Implementing performance. Integrating Industry 4.0 systems into the
Industry 4.0 helps SMEs expand their markets abroad Six Sigma DMAIC methodology allows for combining
and find new customers by connecting globally, access- the power of digitalization, automation, and artificial
ing the global supply chain, customizing and meeting intelligence to improve production processes. Using
local requirements, distributing, analyzing the market, accurate data, intelligent analysis, and automated con-
and creating unique value. Implementing Industry 4.0 trol enhances management capabilities and improves
in small and medium enterprises (SMEs) can help the efficiency of production processes.
expand markets abroad and find new customers. Integrating Industry 4.0 systems into the Six Sigma
DMAIC methodology in manufacturing brings many
important benefits. Industry 4.0 technology enables
data collection from devices and sensors in produc-
tion (Osterrieder et al., 2019). This data provides
accurate and ongoing information about performance,
quality, and other important factors. Analyzing data
through the Six Sigma DMAIC methodology helps
identify the root cause of problems and find ways to
improve process performance. The integration of Indus-
try 4.0 brings forth advanced automated monitoring
and control capabilities. Through automation systems
Fig. 3. Overview architecture of IoT device connection and sensors, critical parameters within the production
system in Industry 4.0 process are continuously monitored, allowing for early
detection of potential issues. This proactive approach
enables timely interventions to mitigate errors and
Raw material and Methodology unexpected downtime, thereby bolstering process sta-
bility and overall quality. Leveraging automation and
artificial intelligence technologies inherent in Indus-
Integrating Industry 4.0 systems into the Six Sigma try 4.0 facilitates optimized performance and height-
DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Con- ened precision in production processes. Collaborative
trol) method can improve production processes. Here robots and intelligent systems excel at executing in-
is how this integration can be done: Define: Use IoT tricate and delicate tasks with more incredible speed
(Internet of Things) technology to collect data from de- and accuracy than their human counterparts. This not
vices and sensors in manufacturing (Lass and Gronau, only minimizes errors but also amplifies productivity
2020; Lee et al., 2015). This helps to identify important and elevates product quality.
factors and quality indicators related to the produc- Integrating Industry 4.0 into DMAIC methodology
tion process. Measure: Use automation systems and aids in curbing waste across the production process,
sensors to measure and record data in the production encompassing time, materials, and capacity. By har-
nessing automation and optimization technologies, re- vantage of the technology’s potential. Determination
source efficiency is bolstered while unnecessary activi- is important in orienting and determining the goals
ties are reduced, thereby fostering enhanced produc- of Industry 4.0 implementation. When decisiveness is
tivity and profitability (Lucantoni et al., 2022; Sinha lacking, decision-makers may not have a clear plan or
and Roy, 2020). Furthermore, Industry 4.0 systems em- know how to implement the technology effectively. Im-
power businesses with flexibility and swift adaptability plementing Industry 4.0 can bring significant and risky
to changes within the production landscape. With IoT changes. When there is no decisiveness in decision-
technology, smart systems, and automation at their making, the decision-maker may be unable to evaluate
disposal, processes can be easily tailored and adjusted and manage potential risks, causing uncertainty and
to align with evolving market demands, thereby opti- difficulty in the implementation process. Industry 4.0
mizing competitiveness. often involves interaction and support between sys-
Adopting Six Sigma DMAIC methodology for Indus- tems, processes, and people. When decision-makers
try 4.0 systems yields many benefits, including height- are indecisive, they may not make decisions regarding
ened quality, efficiency, control, reduced waste, and effective support and interaction, leading to shortages
increased flexibility and responsiveness. This symbi- and lost opportunities to enhance efficiency and in-
otic integration ultimately augments the production teraction in the production process. To overcome this
process’s efficiency and competitiveness, as illustrated problem, decision-makers must know the importance of
in Fig. 4. decisiveness in Industry 4.0 implementation and apply
effective decision-management methods. At the same
time, they need to master knowledge of technology and
the potential of Industry 4.0, learn real-life situations,
and think strategically to make the right decisions and
bring maximum benefits to the organization.
Implementing Industry 4.0 into manufacturing
processes can deliver significant benefits, includ-
ing increased performance, growth, and agility
(Tab. 1) (Kalsoom et al., 2020). Here are some tips for
implementing Industry 4.0 into your manufacturing
process: First, evaluate your current manufacturing
process to identify strengths and weaknesses that need
improvement. Then, plan the implementation of In-
dustry 4.0 technology based on the specific goals and
requirements of the business. Use IoT (Internet of
Things) technology to connect devices, machines, and
systems in production. This enables live data collection
and sharing, creating a federated information system
and increasing automation. Apply smart sensors to
monitor and measure important parameters in the
production process. Smart sensors can provide real-
time information about the performance, quality, and
operational status of devices and processes. Use data
analytics and artificial intelligence technology to pro-
Fig. 4. Framework for digital twin cess and analyze large amounts of data collected from
production processes. This helps find patterns, trends,
A lack of decisiveness in decision-making to deploy and important information to make smart decisions
Industry 4.0 can significantly impact the implementa- and improve production efficiency. Ensure employees
tion process and results. Here are some potential con- are trained on Industry 4.0 technologies and can use
sequences of a lack of decisiveness in decision-making and leverage new technologies. At the same time, it cre-
to implement Industry 4.0: Industry 4.0 brings many ates the right environment to promote acceptance and
opportunities and benefits, such as increased efficiency, cultural change within the organization, from adopting
improved quality, and accelerated growth quickly (Mal- new technologies to exploring and testing advanced
burg et al., 2024). However, when there is no decisive- manufacturing methods. Ensure safety and informa-
ness in making deployment decisions, decision-makers tion security in the production process. Pay attention
may miss opportunities and be unable to take full ad- to data and network protection, applying appropri-
Table 1
Integrate Industry 4.0 technology in the DMAIC Method
ate security measures to prevent attacks and security late the production process. It allows managers and
risks. Remember that implementing Industry 4.0 is engineers to inspect and test variations, options, and
a long process and requires investment in resources, conditions in a safe and virtual environment. The Dig-
skills, and management. However, if done correctly, it ital Twin provides continuous monitoring and a better
can significantly improve your manufacturing process’s understanding of manufacturing process performance.
performance, quality, and growth. It enables early detection of problems, predicts and
prevents breakdowns, and optimizes production per-
The working structure of the Digital Twin in the
formance. Based on information from the Digital Twin,
Industry 4.0 process can be described in terms of key
decisions and adjustments can be made to improve
steps: First, data from devices, sensors, and systems
the manufacturing process. Preventive measures and
in the manufacturing process is collected. This data
improvements can be implemented to achieve maxi-
may include information about velocity, temperature,
mum performance and product quality. Digital Twin’s
pressure, operating status, and other process-related
organization and operations may vary depending on
parameters. Data is transmitted from devices and sen-
the manufacturing process and technologies used. How-
sors to a central system or cloud computing platform
ever, the above structure provides an overview of how
to be processed and analyzed. The collected data is
Digital Twin works in the Industry 4.0 process.
processed and analyzed using artificial intelligence, ma-
chine learning, and data analytics technologies. This
process aims to find patterns, trends, and information Hardware
important to understanding and interacting with the
manufacturing process. An accurate digital produc-
tion process model is created based on collected data In Industry 4.0, many devices support smart and
and information. This model is called Digital Twin, automated manufacturing processes. Sensors are used
a digitalized version equivalent to the actual process. to collect data on physical parameters such as tempera-
The Digital Twin is used to interact with and simu- ture, pressure, vibration, humidity, light intensity, and
others. Sensors help monitor and control production is a compact IoT board with Wi-Fi connectivity. It is
processes accurately and continuously. Embedded sys- designed for IoT applications and supports cloud ap-
tems include microprocessors and embedded hardware plication development and remote management. The
that are directly integrated into devices and machines above devices are low-cost and popular in the IoT de-
in the manufacturing process. They help control, col- velopment community, and they can be used to build
lect data, and interact with networks and management applications and systems in Industry 4.0 designs cost-
systems. Wireless sensor networks connect sensors and effectively. However, when choosing equipment, con-
devices via a wireless network, allowing the transmis- sider your project’s specific requirements and ensure it
sion of data collected from sensors to central systems or has sufficient flexibility and compatibility with other
data collection points. Collaborative robots are robots technologies and protocols in your Industry 4.0 system.
designed to work alongside humans in a production en-
vironment. They can safely interact with humans, per-
form automated tasks, or assist humans in production.
Cloud-based management systems provide a platform
to store, process, and analyze data from manufacturing
devices and processes. It allows remote access and man-
agement via the Internet. IoT devices are connected
to the Internet and collect, transmit, and share data.
These devices can be sensors, controls, positioning, and
other production-related devices. Artificial intelligence
systems are used to analyze data, create predictive
models, optimize, and use machine learning to control
and improve manufacturing processes. Positioning and
tracking devices track the location and movement of
manufacturing products, materials, and equipment.
The devices above are just some common examples
and are not limited. In reality, many other equipment
and technologies are used in Industry 4.0, depending Fig. 5. The flowchart of the Excel VBA program
on the specific requirements and production processes.
In Industry 4.0 design, many cheap and popular IoT Among the devices mentioned, the Raspberry Pi
devices are used to collect data and interact with the and Arduino can integrate with other systems and de-
manufacturing environment (Fig. 5). Here are some vices in manufacturing. The Raspberry Pi is a powerful
cheap IoT devices you can consider: Arduino is a pop- integrated board with high processing capabilities and
ular open-source hardware development platform. It support for many interfaces and connection protocols.
provides compact and easy-to-use boards that connect It can connect to sensors through GPIO (General Pur-
to sensors and control other devices. The Arduino can pose Input/Output), I2C, SPI, and UART. In addition,
be programmed to collect data, send data over the the Raspberry Pi can also connect to a network via Wi-
network, and make custom requests. The Raspberry Fi or Ethernet, which allows it to transmit data and
Pi is a compact integrated board with high processing interact with other systems and devices in the produc-
capabilities. It can be used as an embedded computer tion process. Arduino is also a flexible and integrated
to connect to sensors and send data through the net- hardware development platform. It can connect to sen-
work. Raspberry Pi supports multiple interfaces and sors and devices via GPIO pins and interfaces such
connection protocols, helping integrate with other de- as I2C and SPI. Arduino supports different commu-
vices and systems in manufacturing. Wi-Fi modules nication protocols through expansion modules, such
are compact, cheap and widely used in IoT applica- as UART, Ethernet, or Wi-Fi. This allows the Ar-
tions. The ESP8266 and ESP32 are Wi-Fi capable and duino to interact with other systems and devices in
can run embedded programs to collect data from the manufacturing. Raspberry Pi and Arduino have large
sensor and transmit it to the collection point or control development communities and many documentation
system. NodeMCU is an IoT development board based and open-source libraries. This makes integrating and
on the ESP8266. It provides an easy-to-use develop- extending their functionality with other systems and
ment environment and can be programmed using the devices in manufacturing easy.
Lua language or the Arduino IDE. NodeMCU sup- RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) systems are
ports Wi-Fi connectivity and can integrate with other an important technology in IoT devices in Industry 4.0.
sensors and systems in manufacturing. Particle Photon It allows the identification and collection of data about
objects through radio waves. Here are some applica- are some popular embedded software used in Indus-
tions of RFID systems in Industry 4.0 (Fig. 6): RFID try 4.0: The embedded operating system runs on an
can track and manage inventory automatically. RFID embedded device to manage resources, control hard-
tags can be attached to products or packaging, allowing ware, and perform necessary functions. Popular em-
the location and quantity of goods to be identified and bedded operating systems include FreeRTOS, Micrium
updated in real-time. RFID systems help improve the OS, and µC/OS-II. These embedded operating sys-
accuracy and efficiency of inventory control processes. tems provide task scheduling, memory management,
RFID can be used to track and manage products dur- and hardware communication features. Embedded soft-
ing production. RFID tags can be attached to products ware controls and monitors equipment and systems in
to record information about the manufacturing process, the manufacturing process. They can be programmed
maintenance history, technical specifications, etc. This to perform motor control, power management, signal
enhances tracking and management capabilities from processing, and communication with other devices.
when the product is created until it is consumed. RFID Examples of popular programming languages and de-
can be used to attach components, tools, and equip- velopment environments for embedded software are
ment in the manufacturing process. This allows their C/C++, Python, and MATLAB/Simulink. Middle-
location and status to be tracked in real time while pro- ware is a software layer between the application and
viding information about the process and production the operating system, helping interaction and commu-
performance. RFID enhances the ability to control and nication between components in the system. It provides
manage the manufacturing process, thereby improv- protocols, interfaces, and services for connectivity, data
ing efficiency and reducing machine downtime. RFID exchange, and information management between de-
can be used to track and manage supply flows and vices and systems. Examples of popular middleware are
transportation processes. RFID tags can be attached OPC UA (Process Control Unified Architecture) and
to goods, pallets, or transport vehicles, allowing their MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport). Em-
location and status to be tracked throughout the trans- bedded databases are used to store and manage data
port process. This enhances the ability to manage and on embedded devices. They help store configuration,
monitor supply flows, thereby improving supply chain history, sensor, and operational information. Exam-
integrity and efficiency. RFID systems are important ples of embedded databases are SQLite and MySQL
for locating, tracking, and managing information in Embedded. In industrial environments, embedded soft-
Industry 4.0. It provides automation and enhanced ware controls and manages robots in manufacturing
management capabilities, helping improve the manu- processes. It includes motion programming, object
facturing process’s efficiency and effectiveness. recognition, interactive control, and integration with
other systems. A Robot Operating System (ROS) is an
example of robot control software. Embedded software
in Industry 4.0 technology is important in creating
connections and interactions through devices and sys-
tems in production. They enhance control, monitoring,
and management capabilities and provide the basis for
integrating and leveraging data in IoT systems and
manufacturing processes in Industry 4.0.
Testing and deploying Industry 4.0 systems can
be done cheaply by adopting some cost-effective ap-
proaches: Open-source software, such as OpenPLC,
Node-RED, or MQTT. The Mosquitto broker can
implement control and communication functions in
Fig. 6. Three Steps and Things in Manufacturing using Industry 4.0 systems. Using open-source software re-
the Internet of Things (IoT) duces licensing costs and provides a large support
community. In an Industry 4.0 system, using low-cost
embedded devices such as the Raspberry Pi, Arduino,
Software or ESP32 can help reduce costs compared to using
expensive industrial devices. These embedded devices
are flexible and powerful enough to perform essential
In Industry 4.0 technology, embedded software plays functions in Industry 4.0 systems. Using commonly
an important role in controlling, monitoring, and inter- available technologies such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Ether-
acting with devices and systems in production. Below net, or standard communication protocols can reduce
costs compared to implementing custom or proprietary to share experiences and learn about automation so-
technologies. This can help increase compatibility and lutions through joint projects and affiliated networks.
reduce the impact on existing infrastructure. Cloud Thereby, SMEs can learn and apply effective methods
services such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Mi- at low costs. Evaluate the effectiveness of automation
crosoft Azure, or Google Cloud Platform can help solutions and adjust and optimize if necessary. Track
reduce the need to invest in server hardware and in- and evaluate performance metrics, cost savings, and
frastructure. Instead of building and managing servers process improvements to ensure that automation deliv-
and infrastructure yourself, you can use cloud services ers business benefits to the SME. However, it should be
to deploy and manage Industry 4.0 applications. Seek noted that implementing automation in SMEs requires
partners and collaborate with organizations, universi- careful consideration of resources, techniques, and man-
ties, or communities providing resources and support agement. Before implementation, you should research,
for testing and implementing Industry 4.0 systems. discuss, and learn about the automation solution that
These partnerships and collaborations can help re- best suits the needs and capabilities of the SME.
duce development costs and provide expert resources.
Creating an Industry 4.0 model using Excel-based
However, it should be noted that low-cost implemen-
programming can be done using the features and tools
tation of Industry 4.0 systems may have limitations
available in Excel, such as formulas, charts, and au-
regarding features, scalability, and reliability. There-
tomation functions. Here is a simple prototype to get
fore, a thorough assessment and clear definition of
you started: Identify the information needed for your
system requirements and goals are critical to ensuring
Industry 4.0 model and design the data structure in
that the implemented solution meets technical and
Excel. This may include information about the de-
business requirements.
vices, sensor data, manufacturing processes, and other
Automation using low-cost IoT devices in Indus-
related parameters. Use Excel formulas or connect
try 4.0 in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
to other data sources, such as databases or APIs, to
is an important advancement to improve performance
collect data from IoT devices or other systems in an
and competitiveness. Here are some methods and tips
Industry 4.0 model. Use formulas and calculation func-
for implementing low-cost automation in SMEs: First,
tions in Excel to process and analyze the collected data.
clearly define automation’s goals and requirements.
For example, you can calculate performance metrics,
This helps focus on the most important applications
create charts, and perform data analyses to help you
and find optimal solutions at a low cost. IoT technol-
understand and manage the manufacturing process.
ogy has developed very quickly, and many low-cost
Use automation functions and tools in Excel, such as
devices are available. Evaluate IoT devices such as
Macros or Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), to
sensors, controllers, and data collection systems to
perform automated tasks. For example, you can create
understand features, pricing, and integration with
buttons or automated actions to trigger processes or
existing systems. Using open-source IoT platforms
send notifications when problems occur. Use the chart
like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, or ESP32 can help save
and graphics features in Excel to visualize data.
costs while providing customization and flexibility.
These platforms have large community support and For example, create a Gantt chart to track produc-
extensive documentation. SMEs can leverage available tion processes, a bar chart, or a line chart to display
data from existing devices and systems to deploy sensor data and performance. Design an intuitive user
automation solutions ((Chen et al., 2018). Through interface in Excel to manage and interact with the
collecting, analyzing, and using this data, SMEs can Industry 4.0 model. You can use tools such as but-
enhance production processes’ management, control, tons, checkboxes, or input boxes to allow users to
and optimization. Select specific applications to deploy interact and update data. Test and tune your Indus-
automation—for example, manufacturing process try 4.0 model to ensure accuracy and efficiency. Test
automation, monitoring, maintenance scheduling, and debug to ensure the model works properly and
warehouse management, or energy management. meets your requirements. Note that although Excel
Learn about IoT solutions available on the market or can be used to create simple Industry 4.0 models, it
customize solutions to fit your SME’s needs. has limitations in scalability and flexibility compared
Ensure employees have the necessary knowledge and to dedicated software platforms. If you are consider-
skills to work with IoT devices and automation sys- ing implementing Industry 4.0 on a larger or more
tems. Training employees on how to use, maintain, and complex scale, you may consider using other more
manage IoT solutions will help increase the efficiency suitable tools and programming languages, such as
and acceptance of automation in SMEs. Collaborate Python and C++, or open-source IoT platforms, such
with other organizations, communities, and businesses as Node-RED or Arduino (Fig. 5).
In a CNC machining program, the dimensions of Fig. 8. a) Measure the size to confirm the offset value.
mechanical components are called through command 8b) Enter the offset value in the CNC machine program
codes and arguments. These command codes specify parameter adjustment.
deploy the system in a natural environment and ensure could communicate more easily thanks to Industry 4.0
its stability and efficiency. Ensure system users are technology solutions, which examine sensor data and
trained to use and interact with the interface and appli- analyze previous studies of the manufacturing process.
cations. Provide ongoing support to resolve issues and The management board can find common trends and
enhance system performance. Note that implementing optimize other production methods with the help of
an online measurement system that combines SQL this technology, which also improves operator cooper-
and RFID is a complex process and requires coordina- ation, communication, and happiness. Additionally, it
tion between different departments within the business. increases decision-makers’ confidence in assessing the
Consulting experts or experienced solution providers results of Industry 4.0 technology regarding remote
can help you successfully implement this system. work monitoring.
To display real-time online measurement results, you
need the following components: Use an RFID reader to
read information from RFID tags and transmit data to Discussion
the system (Fig. 16). Build a measurement system to
receive data from the RFID reader and process it. The
system can be implemented through hardware and soft- Although some SME companies may use: SME com-
ware, with the ability to retrieve data from an RFID panies may continue to use old machinery and mechan-
reader and send it to a database. Use the SQL database ical equipment, they are not automated or networked.
to store measurement data. Tables, columns, and re- Although not as modern and flexible as new tech-
lations in SQL databases can be designed to store nologies, they can still help the company continue
information about RFID tags, measurement times, production and meet the needs of a part of the mar-
and other measurement values. Develop a user inter- ket Mishra and Kertesz, 2020). Some SME companies
face or application to display real-time measurement still use traditional production management systems,
results. This interface can provide the latest and con- which use spreadsheets or simple software to track and
tinuously updated measurement information as new manage production processes. Although they are not
data becomes available from the RFID reader and highly automated and real-time, they can still meet
database. To display real-time measurement results, the basic needs of some SME companies. SME com-
the system needs a data update mechanism. When panies can use basic information technology, such as
the system receives new data from the RFID reader, computers, printers, and office software, to support
it updates it to the SQL database and notifies the production (Luscinski and Ivanov, 2020). Although
user interface to display the latest results. The system not technologically advanced, they can still support
must update data and display results continuously to essential data management, storage, and processing
ensure real-time calculation. When new data arrives, tasks.
it is processed and displayed immediately on the user Real-time measurement systems in CNC (Computer
interface. Thereby, users can monitor real-time mea- Numerical Control) processes can be implemented
surement results on the user interface or application to improve accuracy and efficiency during machin-
and receive the latest information about measurement ing. Here are some standard real-time measurement
values from the RFID device. methods and technologies used in the CNC process:
Industry 4.0 technological solutions in CNC produc- Tool sensors are used to accurately measure the posi-
tion must be tested, installed, and completed quickly. tion and length of the tooltip or cutting tool. Through
Businesses can, therefore, immediately collect and keep electronic signals, tool sensors can provide informa-
track of manufacturing results, including successful tion about the exact position of the tool, helping to
and damaged goods, damaged and broken cutting adjust and reposition the tool during machining. A
equipment, and other anomalies. They could also assist tool length measurement system is a system that uses
the business in monitoring worker safety, preventing sensors and measuring devices to measure the length
production waste, and preventing equipment malfunc- of cutting tools accurately. This information can be
tions. The results indicate that if the product lead used to adjust and calibrate the depth of the cut, en-
time exceeds expectations, there may be up to 54% suring that the tool is operating in the correct position.
fewer issues and a 9.1-day delivery delay rate, close to Surface Height and Width Measurement systems for
the target of 7 days. Decision-makers must approve machining processes that require high precision of the
the product Arduino boards to test and deploy this machined surface, surface width, and height measure-
system. Production managers could closely monitor ment system surface can be used to measure real-time
the CNC production processes to identify anomalies response. Sensors and measuring devices will measure
or risks. Manufacturing managers and decision-makers the height and width of the machined surface to ad-
just the machining process and ensure product quality. ization tools, managers may now monitor and evaluate
Metrology and positioning systems are precision mea- each production line’s status without jumping straight
surements and positioning systems used to measure into the manufacturing process. Decision-makers feel
important parameters such as position, dimensional, more confident in the system’s deployment, testing,
and shape accuracy during CNC machining. Sensors and implementation thanks to the representation of
and positioning measurement systems can provide con- anomalies on real-time monitoring displays through
tinuous information about these parameters to adjust graphs and data analysis tables. In the future, we
and ensure precision during machining. Product In- should consider improving IoT devices and growing
spection and Sorting System (Inspection and Sorting the system’s connection. Industry 4.0 technology so-
System) For CNC processes with high requirements for lutions have been applied to the production of CNC
product quality, the product inspection and classifica- machines and have proven cost-effective, reliable, and
tion system can be used to measure and check product compatible with IoT devices. Initial investment costs
quality in real time. Sensors and inspection systems have also been met (Rifqi et al., 2021; Ly Duc et al.,
can automatically measure and classify products based 2022). They are portrayed visually and are not limited
on predetermined quality standards. Note that real- in the kinds of data they can hold. However, the lim-
time measurement technologies and methods may vary itation faced by small and medium-sized enterprises
depending on the specific requirements of the CNC pertains to data connectivity, as their manufactur-
process and industry. Using real-time measurement ing processes utilize outdated processing hardware
systems can help increase accuracy and ensure quality and outdated connectivity devices that are either in-
in CNC (Computer Numerical Control) (Fig. 18). compatible or compliant with the wrong protocol. To
prevent interference with the power supply, the so-
lution’s operation must not interfere with regulating
related factors such as power quality. Conclusions of
the study: An entity’s performance metrics and re-
source utilization can be measured, even while the
factory’s status and operations are tracked remotely
via the synchronization mode of the DT. The DT’s
assessment mode can forecast the system’s behaviours,
such as entity cycle times and equipment malfunctions.
The DT mode can optimize a system through scenario
comparison analysis and lead time reduction, just like
a typical simulation model.
Fig. 18. Actual Industry 4.0’s system in the CNC process
A working prototype for an Industry 4.0 technology This research outlines how a company that produces
solution is shown, utilizing Arduino circuits, having mechanical goods for small and medium-sized enter-
a minimal initial investment cost, and responding well prises as a regulated organization can continuously
to machines used in manufacturing. Expanding con- improve its processes by assessing and integrating an
nections are needed to meet the growing demand for affordable Industry 4.0 technology solution. The so-
more connections, but continuous development costs lution provided by Industry 4.0 technology digitizes
725 USD. Production downtime in CNC machine pro- the production process by replacing outdated CNC
duction is reduced to 8:00 hours by industry 4.0 tech- processing machines with automatic CNC machines
nology systems that use IoT devices to install and that comply with industry standards. This helps to
assemble hardware for data collection quickly. System improve productivity, reduce waste, and realize data
implementers can now work remotely on system design connections between production processes. Technology
thanks to the open libraries and online data connec- Operating Method 4.0. offers a DMAIC method-based
tions available in the digital world, which increases industry 4.0 technology solution implemented through
system complexity and speed of operation. Rapid test- a continuous improvement process in the Six Sigma
ing and efficient installation of Industry 4.0 technol- methodology. This helps production managers identify
ogy equipment has been completed successfully and anomalies and anticipate potential hazards to create
promptly. Thanks to the effectiveness of data visual- appropriate improvement plans to help lower produc-
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