A241 - BKAF1023 Group Project Guideline
A241 - BKAF1023 Group Project Guideline
A241 - BKAF1023 Group Project Guideline
1. Each group will consist of a maximum of FIVE (5) members, and this will be decided by the
respective lecturer.
2. Each group is required to get hold of Annual Reports (for year 2023 or 2024) for TWO (2) public
listed companies in Malaysia, EXCLUDED those companies listed in Financial Services sector.
The selection of companies is based on a First-Come-First-Served basis.
3. Students can obtain companies’ Annual Reports through their website or via Bursa Malaysia
website. The URL of Bursa Malaysia is as follows:
4. Please select your chosen companies through online Google Form and get the approval from
your lecturer before starting the project. This is to avoid two or more groups analysing the same
companies. The link of the Google Form is as follows:
A. Project Report (10 Marks)
1. Briefly describe the main business activity of the companies.
2. Compute the ratios for both companies using the financial information presented on the
company’s financial statement based on the list of ratios provided in Appendix 1. You are also
required to interpret the ratios. The interpretations of each ratio result are compulsory.
3. Provide a comparison for each of the ratios between the TWO chosen companies.
4. Provide suggestions on how BOTH companies can improve their current performance.
5. Please use GROUP data to analyse the financial report, NOT COMPANY.
BKAFK1023 (A241) _Group Project
B. Presentation (5 Marks)
1. Create a video of 10 to 15-minute presentation describing your findings in requirement section
[A] above.
3. Assessment for this video presentation will be based on individually, so make sure ALL
members participated in the presentation.
1. There is no specific format on the report to encourage students to use their own creativity to
produce a good report.
2. The report is to be typewritten with the use of 12-point font in Times New Roman, 1.5
spacing and maximum pages of 25.
3. Project report is to be submitted in HARDCOPY as well as in PDF file via UUM Online
Learning portal by 21 December 2024.
4. The presentation video file is to be submitted via UUM OL portal by 21 December
Alternatively, you may attach the link of the video in your project report, if any.
5. The Project report will be assessed using the Critical Thinking Problem Solving (CTPS)
Rubric and Numeracy Rubric focusing on the organization, information, analyses,
grammatical aspects, appearance, sources and references, and the timeliness of the report.
6. The Video Presentation will be assessed using the Presentation Rubric focusing on
organization, idea delivery, multimedia support & visual aids, non- verbal skills, and verbal
7. Kindly consult your lecturer should you require further clarification and never make your own
assumptions to avoid disputes.
BKAFK1023 (A241) _Group Project
Liquidity Ratios
Current Assets
1. Current ratio
Current Liabilities
Quick Assets
2. Quick ratio
Current Liabilities
Activity Ratios
Net Sales
1. Total asset turnover
Average Total Assets
Net Sales
2. Account receivable turnover
Average Trade Receivables
Profitability Ratios
Net Income
1. Profit margin on sales
Net Sales
Leverage Ratios
Total Liabilities
1. Debt to assets ratio
Total Assets
Total Debts
2. Debt to equity ratio
Total Shareholder Equity
Course Code and Name : _______________________________________________
Student Name (Matric No): _______________________________________________
Task : ____________________________________________________
No. Traits Poor Fair Good Excellent Score
(0-3) (4-6) (7-9) (10-12)
1. Problem Unable to identify Able to identify Independently able to Independently able to
Identification issue/problem even with issue/problem with minimum identify issue/problem identify issue/problem
assistance. assistance. with clarity. very clearly and
2. Problem Unable to analyze Able to analyze issue/ Able to analyze Able to analyze
Analysis issue/problem and fail to problem but does not clearly issue/problem and clearly issue/problem and clearly x2
define the contributing describe the contributing describe some of the describe all the
factors. factors. contributing factors. contributing factors.
3. Generation and Unable to generate and apply Able to generate and apply Able to generate and Able to generate and apply
Application any new ideas, solutions, new ideas, solutions, apply new ideas, new ideas, solutions, x2
strategies or new practices. strategies or new practices solutions, strategies or strategies or new practices
with some assistance. new practices without with accuracy, clarity and
assistance. detailed.
4. Evaluation Unable to evaluate ideas, Able to evaluate ideas, Able to evaluate ideas, Able to evaluate ideas,
solutions, strategies or new solutions, strategies or new solutions, strategies or solutions, strategies or x2
practices. practices with some new practices with new practices clearly
reasonable assistance. minimum assistance. and accurately without
5. Decision making Unable to make decision Able to make decision based Able to make good Able to make excellent
based on identified ideas, on identified ideas, solutions, decision based on decision based on
solutions, strategies or new strategies or new practices identified ideas, identified ideas,
practices even with assistance. with some assistance. solutions, strategies or solutions, strategies or
new practices with new practices without
minimum assistance. assistance.
No. Traits Poor Fair Good Excellent Score
(0 – 3) (4 – 6) (7 – 9) (10 – 12)
1. Interpretation Unable or limited ability to Able to extract numerical Able to extract numerical Able to extract numerical
extract numerical information, interpret and information, interpret and information, interpret and
information, interpret and making sense of the making sense of the making sense of the
making sense of the information. information clearly and information very clearly and
information. accurately. accurately.
2. Computation Demonstrate no or limited Demonstrate fair knowledge Demonstrate good Demonstrate excellent
knowledge of computation of computation skill. knowledge of computation knowledge of computation
skill. skill. skill.
3. Solve Problems Unable or limited ability to Able to partially solve Able to solve problems or Able to solve problems and
solve problems or offer problems or provide provide alternative solutions provide alternative solutions
alternative solutions. alternative solutions. well. with great accuracy, clarity
and details.
4. Express Unable to express results Fairly able to express the Able to express the result Able to express the results
to the users results to the users. convincingly to the users. persuasively to the users.
5. Procedures, The procedures are poorly The procedures are fairly The procedures are followed The procedure is appropriate
Neatness and followed, and the work is followed, and the work is appropriately, and the work and complete, and the work is
Organization presented poorly. presented fairly. is presented in organized presented in neat and well-
manner. organized manner.
No. Traits Poor Fair Good Excellent Score
(0 – 3) (4 – 6) (7 – 9) (10 – 12)
1. Organization Presenter does not follow Presenter follows logical There is a logical sequence Presenter follows logical
logical sequence and no sequence but fails to in the presentation and sequence and provides
elaboration. elaborate. provides good excellent explanations/
explanations/ elaboration. elaboration.
2. Idea Delivery Able to deliver some Able to deliver ideas Able to deliver ideas Able to deliver ideas with
ideas and require further fairly clearly and require clearly. great clarity and creativity. ______ x 2
improvements. minor improvements.
3. Multimedia Support Student uses Student uses average Student uses good quality Student uses excellent
and Visual Aids inappropriate multimedia quality of multimedia of multimedia support and quality of multimedia
support and visual aids. support and visual aids. visual aids. support and visual aids.
4. Non- Verbal Skills Student makes minimal Student makes some eye Most of the time student Student maintains
eye contact with contact with acceptable has eye contact with good excellent eye contact with
inappropriate gestures, gestures, posture and gestures, posture and commendable gestures,
posture and appearance. appearance. appearance. posture and appearance.
5. Verbal Skills Student has minimal Student has some Student has good Student has excellent
interaction with the interaction with the interaction with the interaction with the
audience, incorrectly audience, pronounces audience, correctly audience, perfectly
pronounces terms, makes some terms incorrectly, pronounces terms, makes pronounces terms, no
major grammatical errors makes some grammatical minimal grammatical grammatical errors and
and the voice cannot be errors and the voice can errors and speaks clearly. speak clearly.
heard. be heard.