SSED 22 Socio Cultural Chapter 2
SSED 22 Socio Cultural Chapter 2
SSED 22 Socio Cultural Chapter 2
Learning Objectives
Qualitative Research
Fourth, is choosing and creating a
ask how and why. research design. A research design is
is in-depth research that the over-all logic and strategy
seeks to understand why underlying a research project. Survey,
people do what they do in an questionnaire, interview and
attempt to understand observation play a vital role in using
culture. research method.
usually requires a smaller
sample group.
Survey- most widely used tool of
2. Positivist Approach- it is based on the the research method.
central idea of positivism, which is
defined as a theory that theology and Questionnaire- is a series of
metaphysics are earlier imperfect written questions that a
modes of knowledge; that positive researcher presents to subject.
knowledge is based on natural
phenomena; and that properties and Interview- is a series of questions
relations are verified through that a researcher administers in
scientific method. person to the respondents.
Observation- is a method by
which researcher systematically
observed people while joining in
their routine activities.