SSED 22 Socio Cultural Chapter 2

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Learning Objectives

By the end of this chapter, the students FIELDWORK METHODS

should be able to:
1. Observational Methods- let the
a. define the concept of ethnography; researcher to gain important
b. explain the different methods used in information about the group being
fieldwork; and studied without interfering on their
c. discuss the types of analysis privacy too much. This method uses
appropriate to be used in an etic perspectives o simply observe
Anthropology. he facets of cultures.
Etic Perspective- is data gathering
by outsiders that yield questions
VERSUS ETHNOLOGY posed by outsiders.
2. Interviews and Questionnaires- this
 Comes from two Greek words: group of method focuses on
Ethnos, meaning people and community interaction through
Graphein, meaning writing. language.
 It is a qualitative method of research Interviews- this type of research
used in social sciences. strives to create an open
 This method allows the researchers dialogue, or dialect, in which
immerse themselves in other cultures information flows back and forth
for the purpose of gathering and between researcher and subject.
recording information about their way Questionnaires- may cause
of life for comparative purposes. answers which lack background
information or description.

 Is the comparative study of two or 3. Participant Observation- allows a

more cultures which utilizes the data deeper immersion into the culture
taken from ethnographic research studied, resulting in a deeper
and applies it to a single cross cultural understanding of the culture.
 Anthropologist who focus on one 4. Reflexivity- this method focuses on
culture are often called the awareness of the researcher and
ethnographers while those who focus the effect they may be having on the
on several cultures are often called research.
 Is credited to Adam Franz Kollar 5. Life Histories- is a term used to
describe when person conveys his/her
entire life experiences, usually
starting at childhood and continuing
to the present.
6. Participatory Approach- this method
involves full participation of the
researcher with their subjects or A research method is a detailed, arranged and
community they are studying. This systematic preparation and procedures for
method strives to get as close to an conducting and investigating research.
emic perspective as possible.
 First, is the definition of the problem.
Emic perspective- serves the In this method, the researcher selects
purpose of providing descriptive a topic for research and defines the
in-depth reports about how key concepts.
insiders of a culture understand
their rituals.  Second, reviewing the literature
involves the use of literature that may
help the research familiarized oneself
TYPES OF ANALYSIS with the existing theory and research
on a topic.
1. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative Research
 asks where, when and what.  Third, is forming hypothesis. A
 is more interested n hard data hypothesis is a statement that
obtained through surveys, predicts the relationship of how two
polls and censuses. or more variables will affect, or are
 usually requires a large related to one another.
random sample group.

Qualitative Research
 Fourth, is choosing and creating a
 ask how and why. research design. A research design is
 is in-depth research that the over-all logic and strategy
seeks to understand why underlying a research project. Survey,
people do what they do in an questionnaire, interview and
attempt to understand observation play a vital role in using
culture. research method.
 usually requires a smaller
sample group.
Survey- most widely used tool of
2. Positivist Approach- it is based on the the research method.
central idea of positivism, which is
defined as a theory that theology and Questionnaire- is a series of
metaphysics are earlier imperfect written questions that a
modes of knowledge; that positive researcher presents to subject.
knowledge is based on natural
phenomena; and that properties and Interview- is a series of questions
relations are verified through that a researcher administers in
scientific method. person to the respondents.
Observation- is a method by
which researcher systematically
observed people while joining in
their routine activities.

 Fifth, is collecting and gathering the

data. At this stage, the researcher
interviews people, observes behaviors
or collects facts that throw light on
the research question.

 Sixth, is analyzing the data. Data

analysis is the process by which
sociologists organize collected data in
order to discover the patterns and
uniformities that the data reveal.

 Seventh, is drawing conclusions and

reporting results. The final stage in

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