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nOVEMBER 2024 nEWS - Parish of Newcastle & Newtownmountkennedy With Calary, Co. Wicklow, Ireland

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Parishes of Newcastle and Newtownmountkennedy

with Calary

Archdeacon Ross Styles
Email: [email protected]

Diocesan Lay Minister

Caroline Tindal

Parish Administrator:
Karen Reynolds

Parish Office:
Email: [email protected]
Open Monday to Friday

Parish Websites:
Dear friends,
Friday 27th September marked a special day in Newcastle Church, as
we celebrated our Harvest Festival but also marked, to the day, the 10th
anniversary of the Parish Centre. My sincere thanks to the Archbishop,
who preached at our service. He also rededicated the Parish Centre and
dedicated a bench in memory of Mervyn Garrett. On Sunday 13th
October, our Harvest services continued in Calary Church, where the
Rev. Natasha Quinn-Thomas was our guest preacher. I would like to
take this opportunity to thank everybody who made our Harvest
Festival services so special. To all those who decorated Newcastle and
Calary churches so beautifully, to those who prepared the delicious
refreshments, to readers, church wardens, our fantastic organists Sheila
and Charlotte, our guest preachers, and to all of you for coming, as we
gathered to give thanks and praise for the blessings and bounty that we
enjoy. It was wonderful that, not only could we worship together, but
that we could gather together as a community of faith, as friends, to
share food in fellowship and enjoy each others company. Thank you!
On Saturday 28th September, we experienced a rare phenomenon, as the
sun shone for our Colour Run! My sincere thanks to Conor O’Leary, to
the Harris and Leeson families, to Cathal, Ed, Peter and to everyone
else who worked so hard to make this event happen! Over 200 people
attended and by the end, everyone was a kaleidoscope of colours,
myself included! Thank you to everyone who took part! We raised
nearly €2000 for the school and for parish youth activities!
On Sunday 30th September, we had our blessing of the animals services
in Calary and Newcastle, which were a great success again and my
thanks to all the well behaved animals, and their owners, who came to
church! There was no fighting and nobody was eaten! They were
October was a very busy month in Calary, with concerts, Harvest and
the Sr Mary Supper, which raises money for the wonderful work of Sr
Mary in Mukuru in Kenya. My thanks to everyone who makes these
events such a success!
On Monday 7th October, family and friends gathered in Delgany
Church to celebrate the life of Dorothy Gethings. We extend our
deepest sympathy to her daughter Tina and to James, Elliot and Theo
and all Dorothy’s family and friends.
On Wednesday 9th October, we gathered in Newcastle Church to
celebrate the life of Tim Topham. We extend our deepest sympathies to
Emma, Karl and Duane and to all Tim’s family and friends. We keep
them in our prayers.
On Sunday 13th October, in Newcastle Church, family and friends
gathered for the baptism of Rosie D’Arcy. We wish Rosie and her
family every blessing as she begins her journey of faith.
Youth Club and Sunday Club are back in full swing and great fun is
being had by all! All children are very welcome and if you haven’t tried
them out yet, please do! Our wonderful volunteers and children are
looking forward to welcoming you!
Our Senior youth club is switching to Sunday evenings and returns on
Sunday 24th November at 7pm in the Parish centre. All secondary
students, from 1st year up are very welcome!
Junior choir has been a great success over the last few years and has
brought so much to our family services. My thanks to all our young
people who sing so beautifully! My thanks also to Russell for all his
amazing work. He has led and taught junior choir so much and we are
all so grateful for all he has done. Sadly work commitments mean that
he has to step back from teaching the choir. As a result of this, we are
actively seeking someone to continue his fantastic work. Please feel
free to get in touch with me if you might be interested.
As well as seeking to continue the amazing singing talent in Junior
choir, in late November we are launching new music classes, initially
in guitar. The lessons will be free for our young people and the aim is
to build on the example of Junior choir and to create and grow the
skills and knowledge to develop musical accompaniment in our Family
and Youth services.
Book Club for secondary school children started on Wednesday 16th
October, they are reading The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy! They
meet again on Wednesday 13th November and this month they’ll choose
the book themselves! All are very welcome to join them!
St Francis NS annual sponsored Will’s walk took placse on Sunday 20th
October, it was a blustery day but all who attended had a great day! We
all remember Will with love and it is a very special way to celebrate his
life and legacy.
There is a saying that the one constant in life is change! Our new
Castlekidz manager, Neasa, who started in Castlekidz in late August,
stepped back from the role before mid term. We thank her for all that
she brought to CastleKidz and wish her the best for the future. We are
very lucky that Joanne and Nicola, both experienced and highly
qualified childcare practitioners, have stepped in to job share the
position . Irene and Mia remain in their roles.
Sadly that is not the only change. Karen has indicated that, after very
many years involvement and work in the parish, she will be retiring
from her role as parish administrator on December 13th. We will get a
chance to formally thank Karen at our united 11 am Advent Sunday
service in Newcastle, but I would like to take this opportunity to thank
her for everything she has done for the parish, and for all the help she
has given to me and to wish her every blessing for the future! She will
be sorely missed but I am delighted to report that her play writing and
organisational skills will not be venturing far!
As we progress through November, the days get darker, and winter
fully arrives. Yet as we move towards Advent Sunday, Sunday 1st
December, we enter the start of a season of preparation and hope.
Preparation for the coming of the light of the world, the birth of our
Saviour, a light of love that shines brightly in our world, no matter how
dark the days become.
May I wish you, and all whom you love, a blessed Advent.
Take care and God bless,
Junior Table Tennis
Mondays 7 - 8pm
at the Parish Centre.
All aged 9 and over
very welcome!
Thursdays at 7.30pm
in the Parish Centre.



Mondays 8pm Parish Centre

Come join our friendly group.
We sing for special events
and at regular monthly
Holy Communion services.
ALTOS particularly welcome.
Practice on Mondays at
8pm in the Parish Centre.
Contact Andy at 0861591873

Parish Choir
Christmas Outing
Tuesday 10th December
Book your place
with Karen

Po Up

Downstairs in the Parish Centre

Friday mornings
10.30 am to 12.30 pm
Everyone very welcome!

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Stay and Play

(play and chat for parents,
grandparents, childminders,
babies and toddlers)

Newcastle Parish Centre

Wednesday mornings

To register interest
or for more information
text Joanne at 086 0659637
Harvest Newcastle
Blessing of the animals Newcastle and Calary

Colour Run
Harvest Calary

Music in Calary concert

Confirmation class trip to Emerald Park

Youth Club
Sr Mary Supper and Concert

Sunday Club 6th & 20th Oct.

Delgany Dramatic Society
Upcoming November Productions

3 One Act plays:

‘Winner Takes All’

a comedy by Helen Taylor

‘Come Sail with Me’

a play by Maeve Edwards

‘Grimstone Halt’
a drama by Peter Robbie

21, 22 & 23 November 2024

Old Schoolhouse Delgany 8.00 pm

Tickets at the Door (one price) €15

children under 14 free (i.e. primary school age)

Wine Reception & Raffle

Gentle Reminder
A gentle reminder to send your contribution to the running of the parish
for the second half of the year. Anything you give is very
much appreciated. If you can’t remember if you have already
given, contact Karen in the office who will check for you.
Calary 9.30
Sunday Ruth 1: 1-18
3rd Holy Psalm 146
St Matthew’s 10.45 RS
4th Sunday Communion Hebrews 9: 11-14
before Advent Mark 12: 28-34
Newcastle 12.00
Sunday Calary 9.30 Isaiah 2: 1-5
10th Remembrance Psalm 130
3rd Sunday Service Romans 8: 31-39
before Advent St Matthew’s 10.45 John 15: 9-17
Calary 9.30 1 Samuel 1: 4-20
Morning Psalm 16
17th St Matthew’s 10.45 RS Hebrews 10: 11-14,
2nd Sunda Prayer
before Advent
Newcastle 12.00 Mark 13: 1-8

Calary 9.30
Sunday Service of 2 Samuel 23: 1-7
24th St Matthew’s 10.45 RS Wholeness Psalm 132: 1-12
Kingship and Healing Revelation 1: 4-8
of Christ John 18: 33-37
Newcastle 12.00
Sunday Calary 9.30 Family Jeremiah 33: 14-16
1st Dec Communion Psalm 25: 1-9
RS Service for 1 Thess. 3: 9-13
Sunday Newcastle 11.00 Advent Sunday Luke 21: 25-36

Holy Communion is celebrated every Wednesday,

with prayer for the sick, at 10.30am in St. Matthew’s

Everyone is welcome to the McLean Room

for tea/coffee after all services at St Matthew’s.

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