T6 Solutionizing Heat Treatment Parameter of A356
T6 Solutionizing Heat Treatment Parameter of A356
T6 Solutionizing Heat Treatment Parameter of A356
Abstract. The heat treatment process is important to conduct on A356 Aluminum Alloy that
broadly used in an automotive application. Analysis of the effect grain refinement, eutectic
silicon modification of T6 solutionizing heat treatment parameter on strength development of
A356 Aluminum Alloy were performed to become an important prospect of controlling the
behaviour of materials as well as duration and temperature. In this study, there are three
parameters condition were conducted which is duration Time (Hour) and Temperature (˚C)
which is 465˚C in 8 hours, 500˚C in 7 hours and 535˚C in 6 hours, respectively. The study
generated three responses that are tensile, hardness test and microstructure analysis of the
different temperature and duration time, respectively following by water-quenching. The result
showed that the modification of duration time and high temperature of solutionizing heat
treatment have superior mechanical properties while the microstructure analysis showed the
clear formation of refinement α-Al dendrite and eutectic silicon particle.
1. Introduction
Al-Si matrix alloys have been used widely as wear resistant materials in a varies engineering field and
lighter than Al which is consists good in corrosion resistance and castability characteristics. The
morphological of eutectic Si particles reaction to heat treatment remains bounded with good strength
properties due to binary eutectic Al-Si [1]. To achieve the optimum physical and mechanical properties,
the heating process called as heat treatment followed by cooling is the process of modifying the structure
of crystalline and morphology of materials [2]. The study of the responses and influences of the Al-Si
aluminium alloy makes it interesting from technical and academic viewpoints. The factors that control
the optimum of the material's behaviour are respect to the modification of parameter and duration of
heat treatment.
Nowadays, the material application for the transportation field is critical research where researchers
studied that lightweight aluminium alloys are important to improve energy efficiency. The researchers
also discuss the effects of thermal conductivity effects on alloying elements and analyze the precipitation
in the heat treatment process decreasing thermal conductivity [3]. Besides that, the particular
characteristics of aluminum-silicon cast alloy is low with density and low cost, high- capability with
temperature and great stability, the alloys are applied in automotive applications widely. Nevertheless,
these alloys are suffering from the low tensile force and fatigue resistance, low ductility, low wear
resistance and poor machinability. Many researchers approach to adopt additional of the heat treatment
to refine the sound structure of Si particles due to the presence of porosity and coarse grain [4].
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ICAME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 834 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/834/1/012005
A few studies have been conducted to investigate the effect of T6 heat treatment on mechanical
properties such as tensile properties and the trend of fracture behaviour, also the microstructure of the
modifies A356 alloy. The finding that the size of eutectic silicon particles was reduces compared to
unmodified alloy due to the aspect ratio of eutectic silicon particles, mean diameter, and roundness [5].
[2] review the other research study on the influence on mechanical properties of Al- FA-Sic Hybrid
MMCS when applied with heat treatment; they were concluded that it could be improving the ultimate
tensile strength by adding Sic and fly ash. It improving much better by a heat treatment process that is
the tensile strength increase from 120 MPa to 210 MPa for composition Al6061. It is well study that the
eutectic modification the initial elemental composition impressed the morphology structure of
microstructure and the size of the eutectic phase. [6] testified that during the T6 heat treatment
experiment, the A356 aluminium alloy facing the fragmentation, necking and spheroidization on coarse
plate-like eutectic silicon and long particles in that alloy. However, the prospect ratio of silicon particles
and the average area fraction were decreased simultaneously. When the T6 heat treatment was applied,
it is improving the tensile strength of the A356 aluminium alloy, hence it can eliminate the segregation
of solute elements from dendritic solidification. The interfacial shear stress also improved by about 76.7
MPa to 102.7 MPa [6]. The study of improving the abrasive wear by researchers also presents the
behaviour of the heat treated Al-Si alloy over the as-cast alloy was attributed to decreasing the fracture
of inclination or disposition of the alloys because of the presentation of spheroidal Si particles after heat
treatment. Also, the Si particles provide the protection to weaker and soften the α-Al phase after the heat
treatment, it is increasing the hardness and be a greater strength [1]. Thus, this research will emphasize
and focus on the influence and improvement modifying T6 solutionizing heat treatment parameter on
A356 aluminium alloy in terms of morphology and mechanical properties by investment casting. The
temperature and duration of heat treatment be an aspect of concern that important control for the
behaviour of materials.
2. Experimental procedure
A pattern of wax is made exactly the shape of the specimen to be cast and shape of mould are used
for investment casting process with cross-sectional area 20mm width x 12.5mm thickness x 200mm
length as shown in Figure 1.
ICAME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 834 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/834/1/012005
The fully wax pattern is dipped in a refractory slurry which is water or grained silica and binders as
a composition mixer of them with the viscosity of composition were measured by Zhan’s cup and take
time around 30 to 40 seconds. The surface of the pattern is dipped by a layer of ceramic. The process
continuously repeats until the pattern is dipped for eight layers to make sure the thickness of the ceramic
shell is increased and each layer needs to be layered with stucco. Besides, each layer is allowed to dry
in room temperature for 6 to 12 hours as shown in Figure 2. This is an important step to be considered
to avoid the ceramic shell from any crack condition. The hardened ceramic shell is turned upside down
in the furnace and needs to be heated to a temperature around 150ºC as the temperature rise about 1 hour
and then uniformly for 1 hour and 30 minutes for the dewaxing purpose.
The ceramic mould then needs to be sintered around 800ºC for 3 hours for the temperature to rise
and 2 hours as it to uniform the temperature for the sintering process. The mould becomes strengthen
and any leftover wax or any contaminants inside the ceramic mould be eliminated as shown in Figure
Figure 2. The pattern after 8 layers between Figure 3. The process of dewaxing and
dipped in slurry and stucco sintering to remove leftover wax
A356 Aluminum alloy was heated and melted in a crucible by using an electric furnace for 1 to 2
hours. The shell mould was preheated to 550°C and the pouring temperature was set at 750°C. The shell
mould is cooling down and the shell is removed and knocking off from solidifying material by using the
suitable hammer as shown in Figure 4.
ICAME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 834 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/834/1/012005
Hardness measurements readings (nine) were carried out according to ASTM E-18 for each as-cast and
heat treated samples in Hv scale using Matsuzawa Micro Vickers Hardness Tester at a constant load of
100 N for 10 seconds and the average value was taken. The metallographic polishing procedure of the
samples must be done and before the Vickers hardness measurement.
ICAME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 834 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/834/1/012005
(a) (b)
Eutectic Si
(c) (d)
Figure 6. Optical microscopy of (a) as-cast A356 alloy (b) at 465˚C in 8 hours (c) at 500˚C in 7 hours
and (d) at 535˚C in 6 hours.
The heat treatment for all temperatures and hours resulted in a breakdown the coarse of Al dendrites
and Si particles. Figure 6(d) show the high temperature with short hours create near spherical Si
particle in the Al matrix but also uniform distribution of fine Si particles. The high temperature for a
short period followed by rapid cooling (quenching) cause Magnesium diffuse more homogeneously
across the interface. Modifying parameters of T6 heat-treated samples of A356 alloy indicates an
alteration in morphological from long needle-like in the as-cast condition to spheroidal shape in the
eutectic Si particles when the duration and temperature of heat treatment are varied.
ICAME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 834 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/834/1/012005
171.12 MPa As-cast
150 0.02652 mm/mm
100 117.27 MPa 500 ᵒC
0.03699 mm/mm
535 ᵒc
465 ᵒC
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025 0.03 0.035 0.04
Tensile strain (mm/mm)
Figure 8. Ultimate tensile stress (UTS) vs Tensile strain (mm/mm).
ICAME 2019 IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 834 (2020) 012005 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/834/1/012005
4. Conclusion
This experimental study shows the influence of microstructure features on strength and hardness
development of modifying in T6 solutionizing heat treatment A356 alloy was performed. The following
conclusions are drawn:
● The as-cast A356 alloy present with needle-like eutectic silicon and α-Al. However, modifying
T6 solutionizing heat treatment for 535˚C (6 hrs) change the morphology of the silicon
particles become obvious spheroidal and homogeneously distributed in the α-Al matrix grain
boundary compared to 65˚C (8 hrs) and 500˚C (7 hrs).
● The hardness of A356 alloy with modifying T6 solutionizing heat treatment for 535˚C (6 hrs)
condition is improved and reaches 91.79 Hv compared to the as-cast condition, 65˚C (8 hrs)
and 500˚C (7 hrs).
● The ultimate tensile strength with tensile strain for modifies T6 solutionizing heat treatment
for 535˚C (6 hrs) reaches 195.23 MPa with 0.03159 mm/mm strain higher compared to the as-
cast condition, modifying T6 heat treatment for 65˚C (8 hrs) and 500˚C (7 hrs).
● T6 heat treatment with modifying solutionizing temperature and time with high temperature
and short period hours found to be optimum for A356 alloy in modifying the morphology of
eutectic silicon and refining the size of primary α-Al.
The authors would like to thank Universiti Teknikal Melaka Malaysia (UTeM) for funded support
through grant PJP/2018/FTK(2C)/S01586 by Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.
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