PR Zen Technologies 07apr22
PR Zen Technologies 07apr22
PR Zen Technologies 07apr22
Details of Facilities are in Annexure 1
Detailed Rationale
The rating has been moved to issuer not cooperating because of lack of adequate
information regarding performance of Zen Technologies Limited and hence the uncertainty
around its credit risk. Infomerics assesses whether the information available about the
company is commensurate with its rating and reviews the same as per its policy.
The lender, investors and other users of this rating are requested to exercise adequate
caution while using this rating as this rating may not adequately reflect the current credit risk
profile of the company, despite the rating revision.
Non-cooperation by Issuer
Infomerics has been regularly following up with the company to provide the required data,
results to monitor its assigned rating to the bank facilities, vide E-mail communications dated
March 21, 2022, March 22, 2022 and March 23, 2022 concurrently over several phone calls.
However, despite repeated requests by Infomerics, the company’s management has not
submitted the essential details. Accordingly, the lenders, investors and other users of this
rating are requested to exercise adequate caution while using this rating as this rating may
not adequately reflect the current credit risk profile of the company.
Availability of information is very critical in rating exercise. In the absence of the requisite
information, in consonance with SEBI guidelines, Infomerics must assign the rating based on
the best available information. Accordingly, the ratings for the bank loan facilities of Zen
Technologies Limited aggregating to Rs.127.26 crore shall be moved to the ‘ISSUER NOT
COOPERATING’ category by Infomerics and the rating be noted as IVR BB; Issuer Not Co-
operating*; Based on best available information and IVR A4; Issuer Not Co-operating*;
Based on best available information.
Applicable Criteria:
Guidelines on what Constitute Non-Cooperation by Client
Rating Methodology – Manufacturing Companies
Financial Ratios & Interpretation (Non-Financial Sector)
Financials (Stanalone)*:
(Rs. Crore)
31-Mar-2020 31-Mar-2021
For the year ended / As on
(Audited) (Audited)
Total Operating Income 146.98 49.57
EBITDA 63.59 7.75
PAT 60.51 4.10
Total Debt 0.88 0.85
Tangible Net worth 178.40 192.47
EBITDA Margin (%) 43.27 15.64
PAT Margin (%) 41.17 8.26
Overall Gearing Ratio (times) 0.00 0.00
*Classification as per Infomerics standards
Rating History for last three years:
Current Ratings (Year 2021-22) Rating History for the past 3 years
Date(s) & Date(s) & Date(s) &
Name of Amount
Sr. Rating(s) Rating(s) Rating(s)
Instrument / Type outstanding Rating
No. assigned in assigned in assigned
Facilities (Rs. Crore)
2020-21 2019-20 in 2018-19
16-Feb-2021 10-Dec-2019
Fund Based Long
1. 10.26 Issuer not Issuer not Stable –
– Term Loan Term
cooperating* cooperating* Outlook
Fund Based Long
2. 30.00 Issuer not Issuer not Stable –
– Cash Credit Term
cooperating* cooperating* Outlook
Non Fund IVR BB / IVR IVR BB+ / IVR BBB+ /
Based – A4; Issuer IVR A4+ Stable
3. / 72.00 –
Bank not Issuer not Outlook / IVR
Guarantee cooperating* cooperating* A2
Non Fund
IVR A4 / IVR A4+ /
Based – Short
4. 15.00 Issuer not Issuer not IVR A2 –
Letter of Term
cooperating* cooperating*
* Issuer did not cooperate; Based on best available information
Name and Contact Details of the Rating Analyst:
Name: Mr. Rupesh Dhuri Name: Mr. Noman Agashiwala
Tel: (022) 62396023 Tel: (022) 62396023
Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]
About Infomerics:
Infomerics commenced rating & grading operations in April 2015 after having spent over 25
years in various segments of financial services. Infomerics is registered with the Securities
and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and accredited by Reserve Bank of India. It is gradually
gaining prominence in domestic rating and/or grading space. Infomerics is striving for
positioning itself as the most trusted & credible rating agency in the country and is gradually
widening its product portfolio. Company’s long experience in varied spectrum of financial
services is helping it to fine-tune its product offerings to best suit the market.
Disclaimer: Infomerics ratings are based on information provided by the issuer on an ‘as is where is’ basis.
Infomerics credit ratings are an opinion on the credit risk of the issue / issuer and not a recommendation to buy,
hold or sell securities. Infomerics reserves the right to change, suspend or withdraw the credit ratings at any
point in time. Infomerics ratings are opinions on financial statements based on information provided by the
management and information obtained from sources believed by it to be accurate and reliable. The credit quality
ratings are not recommendations to sanction, renew, disburse or recall the concerned bank facilities or to buy,
sell or hold any security. We, however, do not guarantee the accuracy, adequacy or completeness of any
information, which we accepted and presumed to be free from misstatement, whether due to error or fraud. We
are not responsible for any errors or omissions or for the results obtained from the use of such information. Most
entities whose bank facilities/instruments are rated by us have paid a credit rating fee, based on the amount and
type of bank facilities/instruments. In case of partnership/proprietary concerns/Association of Persons (AOPs),
the rating assigned by Infomerics is based on the capital deployed by the partners/proprietor/ AOPs and the
financial strength of the firm at present. The rating may undergo change in case of withdrawal of capital or the
unsecured loans brought in by the partners/proprietor/ AOPs in addition to the financial performance and other
relevant factors.
Annexure 1: Details of Facilities
Size of
Date of Coupon Maturity Rating Assigned/
Name of Facility Facility
Issuance Rate/ IRR Date Outlook
(Rs. Crore)
Long Term NOT
Bank Facilities – – Mar – 2022 10.26 COOPERATING*)
– Fund Based (IVR Double B;
– Term Loan ISSUER NOT
Long Term NOT
Bank Facilities 30.00 COOPERATING*)
– – –
– Fund Based (IVR Double B;
– Cash Credit ISSUER NOT
Long Term / IVR BB / IVR A4
Short Term (ISSUER NOT
Bank Facilities 72.00 COOPERATING*)
– –
– Non Fund (IVR Double B / IVR
Based – Bank A Four; ISSUER NOT
Short Term IVR A4 (ISSUER
Bank Facilities NOT
– Non Fund – – 15.00
Based – Letter NOT
* Issuer did not cooperate; Based on best available information
Note on complexity levels of the rated instrument: Infomerics has classified instruments
rated by it on the basis of complexity and a note thereon is available at