Apr 24 To Sept 24 - Exps

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Sai Mystique Co Operative Housing Society Ltd

Expenses_April 2024 to Sept 2024

Apr 24 to Sept 24 Apr-24 May-24 Jun-24 Jul-24 Aug-24 Sep-24
Particulars Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount Amount
Administrative Expenses 2,51,881 37,121 11,592 31,346 37,687 92,401 41,734
Accounting Charges 53,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000
Bank Charges 752 260 317 175
Diesel Expenses 1,63,932 21,885 20,855 27,687 66,946 26,559
Festival Expenses 13,600 1,500 12,100
Misc Expenses 9,192 9,192
OFFICE EXPENSES 1,693 1,284 279 130
PRINTING & STATIONARY 1,712 1,275 212 225
PROFESSIONAL FEES 8,000 3,000 3,000 5,000
AMC Charges 7,35,036 8,000 8,000 4,56,924 1,14,930 6,000 1,41,182
Amc- Swmming Pool 44,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 6,000 6,000
B- Lift Maintance Exps 78,922 52,922 26,000
C- Lift Maintance Exps 22,828 22,828
D- Lift Maintance Exps 30,896 30,896
E- Lift Maintance Exps 71,836 14,034 57,802
F- Lift Maintance Exps 1,34,571 25,409 1,09,162
H- Lift Maintance Exps 18,743 18,743
J- Lift Maintance Exps 29,341 29,341
K- Lift Maintance Exps 1,12,149 63,001 23,128 26,020
Lift AMC Charges 1,91,750 1,91,750
Repairs & Maintenance Expenses 5,58,370 1,08,465 1,73,290 57,370 1,00,010 82,480 36,755
Drainage & Chember Maintenance 1,40,540 26,850 25,900 32,250 28,390 21,150 6,000
Electrical Maintenance 16,020 1,350 10,915 3,755
GENERATOR EXPS 43,193 43,193
Repair Maintanance 91,515 13,910 25,120 24,270 28,215
Solar System Maintenance 22,200 22,200
Sweeming Tank Maintenance 1,84,902 24,512 87,390 46,000 27,000
Salary Expenses 2,04,700 23,950 25,500 34,750 35,500 41,500 43,500
Gardner Salary 63,250 19,750 14,500 14,500 14,500
STP OPERTOR SALARY 37,450 23,950 13,500
Supervisor Salary-Society Helper 1,04,000 12,000 15,000 21,000 27,000 29,000
Society Common Expenses 40,78,650 5,55,570 8,18,800 6,18,353 7,62,681 8,12,930 5,10,316
Electricity Expenses 13,00,660 2,59,570 2,41,500 2,58,670 2,68,240 2,72,680
B Building Electricity Bill 47,520 9,720 7,780 9,300 10,880 9,840
C Building Electricity Bills 39,980 8,580 8,120 7,440 8,160 7,680
Common Building Electricity Bills 7,82,310 1,58,530 1,51,730 1,56,830 1,57,270 1,57,950
D Building Electricity Bills 48,300 9,750 8,960 9,270 10,310 10,010
E Building Electricity Bills 74,690 15,920 14,260 12,880 15,960 15,670
F Building Electricity Bills 59,010 12,900 10,660 9,700 13,190 12,560
H Building Electricity Bills 64,880 10,220 10,250 21,030 12,010 11,370
J Builidng Electricity Bills 62,940 9,990 9,670 9,970 11,240 22,070
K Building Electricity Bills 1,13,730 23,960 20,070 19,640 25,550 24,510
STP Electricity Bill 7,300 2,610 3,670 1,020
Garbadge Collection 78,000 13,000 26,000 13,000 13,000 13,000
House Keeping Charges 5,07,200 1,00,700 1,01,000 1,01,000 1,03,500 1,01,000
Security Charges 5,65,665 1,19,600 1,15,133 1,14,266 1,17,000 99,666
Water Drinking Exps 1,99,500 39,000 45,000 28,500 36,000 48,000 3,000
WATER EXP- PMC WATER 23,400 9,400 2,000 2,000 5,000 5,000
WATER TANKAR EXP 13,92,025 2,34,600 2,84,000 1,00,050 2,25,975 2,58,750 2,88,650
Water Tank Cleaning Charges 11,900 11,900
Grand Total 58,28,637 7,33,106 10,37,182 11,98,743 10,50,808 10,35,311 7,73,487

Note : Expenses Accountated as per bills received as on 12.10.2024.

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