Lab 05 - Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers

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MCE2213 – Mechanics of Materials

Evaluation Sheet

Course Instructor (Faculty): Dr. Nizar Harb

Lab Instructor/Lab Assistant: Oscar Osting
LAB EXPERIMENT - Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers


Figure 1 Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers experiment

Introduction Look at the reference information on the

backboard. It is useful and you may need it to complete
This guide describes how to set up and perform
the experiments in this guide.
experiments on the deflection behavior of beams and
cantilevers. The equipment clearly demonstrates the
principles involved and gives practical support to your How to Set up the Equipment
The Deflections of Beams and Cantilevers experiment
fits into a Test Frame. Figure 2 shows the Deflections
Description of Beams and Cantilevers experiment in the Frame.
Figure l shows the Deflections of Beams and Before setting up and using the equipment, always:
Cantilevers experiment. It consists of a backboard with
a digital dial test indicator. The digital dial test • Visually inspect all parts, including electrical leads, for
indicator is on a sliding bracket which allows it to damage or wear.
traverse accurately to any position along the test beam. • Check electrical connections are correct and secure.
Two rigid clamps mount on the backboard and can hold • Check all components are secure and fastenings are
the beam in any position. Two knife-edge supports also sufficiently tight.
fasten anywhere along the beam. Scales printed on the • Position the Test Frame safely. Make sure it is on a
backboard allow quick and accurate positioning of the solid, level surface, is steady, and easily accessible.
digital dial test indicator, knife-edges and loads.
Never apply excessive loads to any part of the

Page 1
CVE 2213 Strength of Materials Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
CVE 2213 Strength of Materials Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
Apply masses to the knife-edge hanger in the
increments shown in Table l. Tap the frame lightly each
EXPERIMENT time you add the masses. Record the digital dial test
indicator reading for each increment of mass.
Deflection of a Cantilever Repeat the procedure for the other two materials and
fill in a new table.
In this experiment, we will examine the deflection of a brass
cantilever subjected to an increasing point load. We will E value: N-m 2 Width b: 17x10*-3 mm
repeat this for three different materials to see if their
deflection properties vary. mm
I: Depth d:
Mass Actual deflection Theoretical deflection
(g) (mm) (mm)

0.5 0.55
1.01 1.86
1.529 3.10
2.039 4.43
2.548 5.79
Table 1 Results for Experiment (beam 1)

Figure 3 Cantilever set-up and schematic

You may find the following table useful in converting the

masses used in the experiments to loads.

Mass (Grams) Load (Newton)

Table 1 Grams to Newton conversion table

As well as the information given on the backboard you will need the following

Mass Actual deflection Theoretical deflection

(g) (mm) (mm)
Deflection =
WL3 / 3EI
W=Load (N)
L=Distance from support to position of loading (m); E=
Young's modulus for cantilever material (Nm2) I= Second
moment of area of the cantilever (m4).
Remove any clamps and knife edges from the backboard. Set up one of the
cantilevers as shown in Figure 3.
Slide the digital dial test indicator to the position on the beam shown in
Figure 3, and lock it using the thumbnut at the rear. Slide a knife-edge
hanger to the position shown.
Tap the frame lightly and zero the digital dial test indicator using the
'origin' button.
Material: Al

E value: N-m 2 Width b: mm

I: m4 Depth d: mm

Using a Vernier gauge, measure the width and depth of the aluminum, brass and steel test beams. Record the values next to the results tables
for each material and use them to calculate the second moment of area, I. Table 2 Results for Experiment (beam 2
E value: N-m Width b: mm

I: m4 Depth d: mm

Mass Actual deflection Theoretical deflection

(g) (mm) (mm)

Table 3 Results for Experiment (beam 3)

*** USE the value of E (average) taken from the previous experiment in calculating the Theoretical deflection.

For Calculations, Graph and Discussion:

On the same axis, plot a graph of Deflection versus Mass for all the three(3) beams.
Comment on the relationship between the mass and the beamdeflection. Is there a relationship
between the gradient of the line for each graph and modulus of the material? Calculate the
theoretical deflection for each beam and add the results to your table and the graph. Does the
equation accurately predict the behaviour of the beam?
Why is it a good idea to tap the frame each time we take a reading from the digital dial test
Name at least three practical applications of a cantilever structure.


Analysis and Discussion:


Complete your individual report based on the Evaluation Sheet in the first page of
this Lab Report format.

Submit the SCANNED lab report on BbLearn by the due date.

Weightage of this lab report: 2%
Penalty for one-day late submission: 5%
Penalty for two days late submission: 10%
Penalty for three days late submission: 15%
No submissions will be accepted three days past the due date

Due date is 1 week after the experiment. (In Word file, NOT JPEG file).

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