Lab 05 - Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
Lab 05 - Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
Lab 05 - Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
Evaluation Sheet
Page 1
CVE 2213 Strength of Materials Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
CVE 2213 Strength of Materials Deflection of Beams and Cantilevers
Apply masses to the knife-edge hanger in the
increments shown in Table l. Tap the frame lightly each
EXPERIMENT time you add the masses. Record the digital dial test
indicator reading for each increment of mass.
Deflection of a Cantilever Repeat the procedure for the other two materials and
fill in a new table.
In this experiment, we will examine the deflection of a brass
cantilever subjected to an increasing point load. We will E value: N-m 2 Width b: 17x10*-3 mm
repeat this for three different materials to see if their
deflection properties vary. mm
I: Depth d:
Mass Actual deflection Theoretical deflection
(g) (mm) (mm)
0.5 0.55
1.01 1.86
1.529 3.10
2.039 4.43
2.548 5.79
Table 1 Results for Experiment (beam 1)
As well as the information given on the backboard you will need the following
I: m4 Depth d: mm
Using a Vernier gauge, measure the width and depth of the aluminum, brass and steel test beams. Record the values next to the results tables
for each material and use them to calculate the second moment of area, I. Table 2 Results for Experiment (beam 2
E value: N-m Width b: mm
I: m4 Depth d: mm
*** USE the value of E (average) taken from the previous experiment in calculating the Theoretical deflection.
Complete your individual report based on the Evaluation Sheet in the first page of
this Lab Report format.
Due date is 1 week after the experiment. (In Word file, NOT JPEG file).