CMM 4030d 261 I2s TR
CMM 4030d 261 I2s TR
CMM 4030d 261 I2s TR
date 11/01/2021
page 1 of 8
• I²S technology
• digital
• omnidirectional
parameter conditions/description min typ max units
directivity omnidirectional
sensitivity (S) at 1 kHz, 1 Pa -27 -26 -25 dB FS
supply voltage (VDD) 1.6 1.8 3.6 V
at normal mode 0.75 1.0 mA
current consumption (IDD)
at low power mode 0.40 mA
at normal mode 1.0 3.0 4.0 MHz
clock frequency (FCLOCK)
at low power mode 150 800 kHz
sensitivity reduction no change across voltage range
frequency (f) 100 10,000 Hz
signal to noise ratio (S/N) at 20 kHz bandwidth (A-weighted) 59 dBA
total harmonic distortion (THD) at 94 dB SPL, 1 kHz, Rload > 2 kΩ 0.1 %
acoustic overload point (AOP) at 94 dB SPL, 1 kHz, Rload > 2 kΩ 124 dB SPL
power supply rejection (PSR) -72 dB FS(A)
power-up time 6 20 ms
parameter conditions/description min typ max units
low voltage input (L/R, WS, SCK) (VIL) 0 0.25xVDD V
high voltage input (L/R, WS, SCK) (VIH) 0.7xVDD VDD V
high voltage output (SD) (VOL) 0.1xVDD 0.3xVDD V
high voltage output (SD) (VOH) 0.7xVDD 0.9xVDD V
Notes: 1. All specifications measured at 25°C, humidity at 45±5%, L/R pins grounded, VDD = 1.8 V, FCLOCK = 3.072 MHz, unless otherwise noted.
Additional Resources: Product Page | 3D Model | PCB Footprint
CUI Devices │ MODEL: CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR │ DESCRIPTION: MEMS MICROPHONE date 11/01/2021 │ page 2 of 8
Additional Resources: Product Page | 3D Model | PCB Footprint
CUI Devices │ MODEL: CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR │ DESCRIPTION: MEMS MICROPHONE date 11/01/2021 │ page 3 of 8
The serial data is in slave mode I²S format, which has 24-bit depth in a 32 bit word. In a stereoframe there are 64 SCK
cycles, or 32 SCK cycles per data-word. When L/R=0, the output data in the left channel, while L/R=Vdd, data in the right
channel. The output data pin (SD) is tri-stated after the LSB is output so that another microphone can drive the common
data line.
The output data-word length is 24 bits per channel. The Mic must always have 64 clock cycles for every stereo
data-word(fSCK=64 x fWS).
The default data format is I²S, MSB-first. In this format, the MSB of each word delayed by one SCK cycle from the start of
each half-frame.
Additional Resources: Product Page | 3D Model | PCB Footprint
CUI Devices │ MODEL: CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR │ DESCRIPTION: MEMS MICROPHONE date 11/01/2021 │ page 4 of 8
parameter conditions/description min typ max units
operating temperature -20 70 °C
storage temperature in packaging -40 100 °C
RoHS yes
parameter conditions/description min typ max units
dimensions 4.0 x 3.0 x 1.25 mm
acoustic port top
terminals surface mount
weight 0.03 g
units: mm
length, width, height: ±0.10 mm
acoustic port: ±0.05 mm
unless otherwise specified: ±0.15 mm
1 GND ground Connect to ground on the PCB.
2 N/C -- Do not connect
3 WS input Serial Data-Word Select for I²S Interface.
Microphone enable. When set low(ground), the microphone is disabled and put in power-down
4 CHIPEN input
mode. When set high (VDD), the microphone is enabled.
Left/Right Channel Select. When set low, the microphone outputs its signal in the left
5 L/R input
channel of the I²S frame; when set high, the microphone outputs its signal in the right channel.
6 SCK input Serial Data Clock for I²S Interface.
Serial Data Output for I²S Interface. This pin tristates when not actively driving the
7 SD output appropriate output channel. The SD trace should have a 100 kΩ pull-down resistor to
discharge the line during the time that all microphones on the bus have tristated their outputs.
1.8 to 3.3 V. This pin should be decoupled to Pin 1 with a 0.1 μF capacitor and a 10 µF
8 VDD power
Additional Resources: Product Page | 3D Model | PCB Footprint
CUI Devices │ MODEL: CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR │ DESCRIPTION: MEMS MICROPHONE date 11/01/2021 │ page 5 of 8
Additional Resources: Product Page | 3D Model | PCB Footprint
CUI Devices │ MODEL: CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR │ DESCRIPTION: MEMS MICROPHONE date 11/01/2021 │ page 6 of 8
parameter conditions/description min typ max units
reflow soldering2 see reflow profile 260 °C
Note: 2. Not recommended to exceed 3 reflow cycles.
20~40 s
3°C/s max ramp up
6°C/s max ramp down
Temperature (°C)
60~150 s
60~120 s
480 s max
Time (sec)
1. Not recommnended to blow air heavily over acoustic port as debris could impact mic function.
3. Not recommended to brush board with or without solvents after reflow process.
6. Not recommended to apply over 30 psi of air pressure into the port hole.
8. Not recommended to apply a vacuum when repackaging into sealed bag a rate faster than 0.5 atm/sec.
9. Not recommended to clean table or carried plate with air guarding system that could induce particle floating inside mic.
Additional Resources: Product Page | 3D Model | PCB Footprint
CUI Devices │ MODEL: CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR │ DESCRIPTION: MEMS MICROPHONE date 11/01/2021 │ page 7 of 8
parameter conditions/description min typ max units
MSL Class 2a
reel size Ø7 inches
reel QTY3 1,100 pcs per reel
carton size 310 x 210 x 165 mm
carton QTY 5,500 pcs
Note: 3. The leader tape of the reel, and the beginning tape fixed into the reel center, will leave 25 blank cavities each.
Item W E F ØD0 K0
DIM(mm) 12.0±0.30 1.75±0.10 5.50±0.10 1.50+0.10/-0 1.25±0.10
Item P0 10P0 P1 A0 B0
DIM(mm) 4.0±0.10 40.0±0.20 8.0±0.10 3.80±0.10 2.95±0.10
Item P2 T -- -- --
DIM(mm) 2.0±0.10 0.25±0.05 -- -- --
Carton Box
Additional Resources: Product Page | 3D Model | PCB Footprint
CUI Devices │ MODEL: CMM-4030D-261-I2S-TR │ DESCRIPTION: MEMS MICROPHONE date 11/01/2021 │ page 8 of 8
CUI Devices offers a one (1) year limited warranty. Complete warranty information is listed on our website.
CUI Devices reserves the right to make changes to the product at any time without notice. Information provided by CUI Devices is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, no
responsibility is assumed by CUI Devices for its use, nor for any infringements of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use.
CUI Devices products are not authorized or warranted for use as critical components in equipment that requires an extremely high level of reliability. A critical component is any
component of a life support device or system whose failure to perform can be reasonably expected to cause the failure of the life support device or system, or to affect its safety or