MSC Honeywell Genesis-Xp-7680g
MSC Honeywell Genesis-Xp-7680g
MSC Honeywell Genesis-Xp-7680g
Flexible Presentation Scanner
Excels at scanning Improve productivity Rugged and durable A future proof design Self-Optimization
print and digital through faster design can withstand adapts to changing capability available
barcodes. scanning and fewer abuse. workflow needs. in future.
bad scans.
Symbologies Drop and tumble Future smart placement Firmware is field
supported include Scanning speed tested to stringent will expand placement upgradeable and pin
1D, 2D, PDF, is 20% faster than requirements options and enhance connector will support
Dotcode, Digimarc previous model capabilities future accessories.
Genesis XP 7680g Technical Specifications
Detachable Stand