Gulf Bio Anal Cal Group: Improves The Lab PR
Gulf Bio Anal Cal Group: Improves The Lab PR
Gulf Bio Anal Cal Group: Improves The Lab PR
Product Catalogue
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Back in 1999, Gulf Bio Analy�cal launched in Dubai, United Arab Emirates with a singular aim at its
core: providing comprehensive laboratory analy�cal solu�ons across oil & gas, food, forensic and
life sciences industries.
The journey that began in Dubai soon paved its way to the rest of the Middle East and then India
and Southeast Asia. To begin with, GBA was focused majorly on providing standard laboratory
products. It was only in 2004, that we started making customized analyzers.
We connect innova�ve brands to analy�cal customers in the Middle East, India and South East Asia
covering the following Market Sectors:
Oil & Gas, Petrochemicals and Polymers Pharmaceu�cal and Life Science
Food, Environmental and Forensic Tes�ng Research and Academia
GBA incorporated GBA starts building Dubai Centre of ISO 9001:2015 Solu�on Development
in Dubai custom analyzers Excellence established cer�fied Facility in India
2001 2007 2014 2020
Table of Contents
Fritsch 12 IMPLEN 32
Fron�er Laboratories 12
Nicoya 32
Gerstel 13
Nippon Gene�cs 33
HEL 13 Promochrom 34
Koehler 14
LCTech 16
Markes 17
Sepsolve Analy�cal 18
Metrohm 18
Milestone 19
NIC 20
Omnitek 21
Promochrom 21
Skalar 21
Spectra 22
Stakpure 22
TA Instruments 22
Trace Elemental Instruments 23
Veolia Seivers TOC Analyzer 24
VUV Analy�cs 25
Wasson-ECE 26
Zoex Corpora�on 26
GBA Advanced Analyzers – Customized solu�ons on World’s Best GC pla�orms
Gulf Bio Analy�cal’s pre-configured analyzers for all your standard and complex analysis requirements. Analyzers are designed and
configured to deliver reliable and superior results for a wide range of analysis requirement
Refinery Gas Analyzers Transformer Oil Gas Analyzers - TOGA Agilent 8697 headspace sampler
Agilent Gas Chromatography systems
Agilent Gas Chromatography (GC) systems provide proven reliability, high sample throughput, and Instrument Intelligence. The
Por�olio includes benchtop, online, and portable GC systems meet the needs of scien�sts involved in the analysis and tes�ng of
environmental, food, forensic and energy.
Lab So�ware for Op�mizing Laboratory Opera�ons
Agilent OpenLab CDS WS Agilent OpenLab CDS Client Server Agilent OpenLab ECM XT
Feature loaded Standalone CDS So�ware Client Server So�ware providing connec- Automated Data Management and
for be�er produc�vity and efficiency. �vity to all type of Chromatography Data Security So�ware Solu�on for all
Instruments. Ease of Instrument PC Based Instruments in the lab.
Handling, Data Security and Automated
Atomic Spectroscopy: The Value of Knowing
Knowing the right informa�on at the right �me can help you cut through the everyday complexi�es of your samples, instrument
needs, regula�ons, other demands on your �me and resources – and help you handle unexpected challenges.
Agilent has created an innova�ve atomic spectroscopy por�olio – spanning instruments, consumables, standards, services,
so�ware, and more – to bring that confidence to your lab.
ICP-OES Instruments
MP-AES Instruments
The MP-AES Instrument u�lizes a microwave plasma and as it runs on air instead
of combus�ble gases, it can be installed in either a centralized laboratory or a
remote loca�on. With detec�on limits down to ppb levels and no sample
pretreatment necessary,the 4210 MP-AES delivers MP-AES analysis at a frac�on
of the cost of tradi�onal techniques.
4210 MP-AES
Free your ICP-MS analysis from common �me traps with the Agilent 7850 ICP-MS.
It’s the smart way to reduce wasted �me so busy staff can focus on tasks that
deliver value. The 7850 ICP-MS instrument can handle samples with up to 25%
solids, reducing the dilu�on �me trap. The instrument features a helium mode
collision cell and half mass correc�on that remove both polyatomic and doubly
charged ion interferences, making method development simpler and addressing
a common cause of �me-was�ng sample remeasurement. The Agilent 7850 ICP-MS
Molecular Spectroscopy Por�olio Offers Performance, Accuracy and Flexibility
Advanced FTIR Spectroscopy Instruments, Accessories and Supplies
Agilent offers a range of FTIR instruments, from flexible handheld FTIR systems and robust portable FTIR analyzers for field
applica�ons, to reliable benchtop instruments for rou�ne FTIR tes�ng and cu�ng-edge research. Agilent FTIR instrumenta�on
delivers efficient performance for your specific FTIR analysis. With accessories and supplies including a range of a�enuated total
reflec�on (ATR) op�ons, Agilent instruments are quick and easy to op�mize for every FTIR applica�on.
4500 Series Portable FTIR 5500 Series Compact FTIR Cary 630 FTIR Spectrometer
Fluorescence Systems
The Agilent Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrometer is sensi�ve,
accurate, and flexible. Ideal for use as a rou�ne fluorometer, the Cary
Eclipse can easily be switched between fluorescence, phosphores-
cence, chemiluminescence, and bioluminescence measurements.
Addi�onal flexibility can be achieved through various accessories,
including temperature control and solid sample handling, automa�c
polarizers, and a microplate reader for high sample throughput. Agilent Cary Eclipse Fluorescence Spectrometer
Advanced Op�cal Analysis with Cary Spectrophotometers for UV-Vis Spectroscopy &
Cary 60 UV-Vis Spectrophotometer Cary 3500 UV-Vis Spectrometer Cary 4000 UV-VIS
Liquid Phase Product Por�olio
1260 Infinity II Bio-Inert LC 1220 Infinity II LC System 1260 Infinity II High-Tempera- 1260 Infinity II Analy�cal
System ture GPC System Scale LC Purifica�on System
1260 Infinity II Bio-SEC 1260 Infinity II LC System 1260 Infinity II Mul� 1260 Infinity II Mul� 1260
Mul�-Detector System Detector GPC/SEC System Infinity II Manual Prepara�ve
LC System
1260 Infinity II Prime Bio LC 1290 Infinity II LC System 1260 Infinity II SFC/UHPLC 1260 Infinity II Prepara�ve LC
System Hybrid System System
1290 Infinity II Bio LC 1260 Infinity II Prime Online 1260 Infinity II Prepara�ve
System LC System LC/MSD System
The 6495D Triple Quadrupole combined with 1290 Infinity II LC is a robust LC/MS.
Single Quadrupole Triple Quadrupole Quadrupole Time High Throughput Time of Flight
LC/MSD Ul�vo Triple Quadrupole Revident LC/Q-TOF RapidFire 400 6230B Time of Flight
X-ray Diffrac�on (XRD) and SAXS
Bruker develops and manufactures analy�cal solu�ons for X-ray diffrac�on and sca�ering. Their innova�ve instruments and
so�ware support research, development and quality control in academia, governmental ins�tu�ons and industry. They serve a
wide range of customers in heavy industry, raw material supply, chemistry, pharmacy, electronics, semiconductor, nano- and
biotechnology, mobility, energy and environmental sciences to advance their technologies and accelerate their processes.
Magne�c Resonance
Magne�c resonance is a unique non-invasive and non-destruc�ve research tool that aids in the study of living cells and �ssues as
well as provides detailed analysis of molecular solu�ons and body fluids. Magne�c resonance analyses can provide both func�onal
and anatomical informa�on, allowing rela�onships between the two to be determined.
Non-destruc�ve Accurate Small footprint
NMR is an extremely powerful analy�cal method. In combina�on
with the affordability of the AvanceCore, this makes NMR the ideal
tool to address a large range of analy�cal ques�ons, including
structure elucida�on and verifica�on, molecular interac�ons, and
quan�ta�on. The AvanceCore solu�on offers NMR at a price similar
to a standard liquid chromatography mass spectrometer
High-Tech Par�cle Sizing
Reproducible analysis of par�cle size and shape
Sta�c Light Sca�ering – perfect for par�cle sizing from 0.01 to 3800 µm!
With the completely revised ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT you choose according to
your requirements: The ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Micro with a measuring range
of 0.5 – 1500 μm for all typical measurement tasks or the high-end instru-
ment ANALYSETTE 22 NeXT Nano with an extra wide measuring range of 0.01
– 3800 μm for maximum precision and sensi�vity for smallest par�cles with
an addi�onal detector system.
The Mul�-Func�onal Pyrolysis System consists of Mul�-Shot Pyrolyzer and its accessory devices which helps to perform rapid
characteriza�on of polymeric materials.
Automated sample prepara�on systems
For every field of applica�on, they offer a range of GC, GC/MS, LC and LC/MS solu�ons:
ILUDEST® offers a wide range of regulatory compliant and customized dis�lla�on
Every ILUDEST-/i-Fischer-system is a unique high-end product that precisely meets the specific concepts of our customers and turns
challenges into solu�ons. 100 ml per day or 100 litres per hour, solvents or acids, scents or crude oil, at 350 °C or 10-3 mba.
FISCHER® LABODEST® FISCHER® LABODEST® i-Fischer® DIST D-2892 i-Fischer® DIST D-2892/5236 CC
HMS 500 AC HMS 500 AC CC - 100 ltr, 150 ltr,
250 ltr and 500 ltr
VDS5000 Manual Vacuum Kinema�c Viscosity Automa�c Cloud and Digital Penetrometer
Dis�lla�on System Bath Pour Point Analyzer
Abel Closed Cup Autoigni�on Automa�c Abel Automa�c Cleveland
Flash Point Tester Apparatus Flash Point Tester Open Cup Flash
Point Tester
Automa�c Freezing
Automa�c Microscale Automa�c Tag Closed Cleveland Open Point Analyzer with
Con�nuously Closed Cup Cup Flash Point Tester Cup Flash Point Touch Screen
Flash Point Analyzer Tester
Automa�c Reference Benchtop Four Ball BVS5000 Programmable HKV4000 High Temperature
Fuel Blending System Wear and EP Tester Brookfield Viscosity Liquid Kinema�c Viscosity Bath
Bath System with Integrated Digital Timing
Automated Floccula�on
Immunoaffinity, Mycotoxin, SPE Photochemical reactor Vacuum Manifold EluVac
and QuEChERS column for the deriva�za�on of aflatoxins
LCTech X-trac�on
X-trac�on System
Thermal desorp�on instrumenta�on - World-leading thermal desorp�on instruments for GC
The ul�mate automated mul�-mode extrac�on and enrichment pla�orm for GC–MS
Ion Chromatography
Voltammetry – Trace metals analysis IC and Titrator Autosampler & Accessories – KF Thermoprep for KF Titrators
Beakers, Sample Tubes & Tubings
Effec�ve microwave diges�on is the first and fundamental step for successful sample prepara�on for ICP-MS analysis as well as
Understand and overcome the difficul�es of sample prepara�on for successful GC and HPLC Analysis.
Omnitek is known worldwide for automa�c kinema�c viscometer systems. Advanced, kinema�c viscometers, covers a wide viscosity
range for tes�ng applica�ons.
S-flow IV⁺ Kinema�c Viscometer U-Visc kinema�c viscometer Cito Autosampler for S-flow IV
Houillon viscosity reinvented Full range automa�c viscome- Autosampler for automated
with an op�onal autosampler try systems for lubricants and
other petroleum products
SPE-03 Presto
v8-Channel Automated SPE system 8-Channel Accelerated SPE system
Best balance of cost & efficiency Fastest and most robust extractor
for 50mL to 250mL samples for >250mL samples and complex matrices.
Skalar manufactures a range of automated chemistry analyzers i.e. for the environmental, pharmaceu�cal, agricultural,
detergent, food and beverage laboratory. Skalar analyzers meet the highest quality standards and have proven to be the most
reliable and economical choice in today's modern rou�ne laboratory.
Spectra Analysis Instrument’s Fourier Transform Infrared (FT-IR) systems are fully automated to Gas and Liquid
Chromatography for analysis of complex mixtures providing high fidelity solid phase spectra for a broad range of applica�ons.
Stakpure supply and support their customers in laboratory and medical technology sectors, medical
prac�ces, clinics, pharmaceu�cal and industrial sectors with fi�ng compact devices or complete central
supply systems tailored to their needs. Reliable, quick, personal.
Innova�ve, accurate, easy-to-use, and reliable are words that describe a TA Instruments product. Each represents an
unparalleled investment because it is designed with the customer in mind, delivers outstanding performance and is backed
by superior customer support.
Dilatometers Thermal Conduc�vity Meters Flash Diffusivity
The most extensive selec�on of instruments for Discovery Flash Diffusivity instruments
dilatometry for the most accurate measurements. measure thermal diffusivity and specifc
heat capacity.
TE Instruments full range of elemental combus�on analyzers and accessories, dedicated to handling all sorts of samples according to
ASTM methods and other interna�onal standards. Besides combus�on analyzers, a variety of complementary sample introduc�on &
pre-treatment systems is part of our solu�on offerings for various applica�ons in Food & Agriculture, Environmental Analysis, Oil &
Gas, or Chemicals etc.
Autosampler and Sample Prepara�on
Sievers M9 TOC Analyzers- Sievers M5310 C TOC Analyzers- Sievers InnovOx TOC Analyzers- Sievers TOC-R3 Online TOC Analyzer
Laboratory, Portable & On-Line Laboratory, Portable & On-Line Laboratory and On-Line TOC Range 0 - 50,000ppm
TOC Range 0.03 ppb – 50 ppm TOC Range 4 ppb – 50 ppm TOC Range 50 ppb – 50,000 ppm
Sievers M500 Online TOC Analyzer Sievers Checkpoint TOC Sensor Sievers Eclipse Bet Pla�orm Sievers Soleil Bioburden Analyzer
TOC Range 0.03 to 2,500 ppb TOC Range 0.21 ppb-1000ppb
Reaching beyond the limits of tradi�onal GC detec�on from R&D to Rou�ne analysis. Key
capabili�es of LUMA include:
- Fuels Refining
- Petrochemical
- Specialty Gas
- Specialty Chemicals
- Flavors & Fragrances
- Environmental Science
and many more...
Eclipse : Bringing the resolving power and increased sensi�vity of capillary chromatography to your process streams.
Key features enabling lab-quality capillary column chromatography on a process GC.
Online MSD, VUV, PDHID, TCD, and FID
Capacity for up to 8 capillary columns
Pull electren�c pressure programming
Two programmable micro-convec�on ovens
Two isothermal ovens
Local 19" touchscreen Interface
MODBUS RTU, TCP, and REST automa�on
Wasson-ECE's new chromatography data system
Sample systems with muliplexing for up to 16 sample streams
Designed for Class I/DIv.2 and ATEX Zone 2 hazardous loca�ons
Life Science Por�olio
Seahorse XF - integrated end-to-end pla�orm for Life Sciences -Cell Analysis Research
Agilent Seahorse XF HS Mini Analyzer Agilent Seahorse XF Pro Analyzer Agilent Seahorse XFe24 Analyzer
High-sensi�vity capabili�es—combined with Maximize your capacity for XF Featured in hundreds of
an easy-to-use interface—make this eight-well assays and minimize cost per peer-reviewed publica�ons, the
analyzer accessible for every lab while sample. The Seahorse XF Pro Seahorse XFe24 uses a larger well
delivering robust XF analysis on limited cell (96-well format)enables many format suitable for islets and
numbers. It also allows you to use fewer cells experimental groups per assay, other specialty samples. other XF
per well, compared with other XF pla�orms. maximizing design flexibility and pla�orms.
sample throughput
Flow Cytometers
Life Science Por�olio
Life Science Por�olio
Life Science Por�olio
Life Science Por�olio
Leica Microsystems offers a broad range of microscopy solu�ons providing state-of-the-art microscopes
and cameras along with so�ware for imaging and analysis of macro-, micro- and nanostructures.
DM 4P THUNDER Emspira 3
Mica EM TP EM FC 7
Life Science Por�olio
Open SPR & Open SPR XT, Alto 16 SPR with Digital Microfluidics
Life Science Por�olio
Intercala�ng dye Robust buffer composi�on for all Real- �me PCR
No reac�on inhibi�on (as SYER Green) instruments
Melt curve analysis For Mul�ple PCR
Higher sensi�vity Seperate refernce dye (ROX) included
Seperate references dye (ROX or fluorescein) included
Life Science Por�olio
PSF-1100- for food industries PSF-2100- pharmaceu�cal PSF-5100- Models for R&D PSF-7100- Top-level models
PSF Series
New Products: 2200 | 5200 |7200
GBA Group Inventory Supplies
Dubai Dammam
Gulf Bio Analy�cal Group
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Disclaimer: All vendors and product availability will vary from region to region. Please contact us for more details.
All trademarks, product names and company names or logos cited herein are the property of their respec�ve owners and do not infringe any patent, trademark,
copyright, license or any other proprietary right of any third party. Use of these names, logos and brands does not imply endorsement.
Current version supersedes any previous version which need be considered obsolete. Document Version: September 2024