Format of On Job Training
Format of On Job Training
Format of On Job Training
On Job Training Completed in
Artist By Dynamic
Submitted for fulfillment of BBA 6th Semester Program Curriculum
Program Name -
On job training is important because it can present you with new skills and
opportunities that you may not receive otherwise. Interns gain technical knowledge
within the industry of their choice by working directly with professionals in that
field.In this rewarding experience; I recognize the help and support rendered by
kind heart behind its success.
I would also like to show my gratitude towards my family, friends and all others
who have helped and supported me in doing the Internship.
Name of Student
I Mr./Miss
…the student of Sage Institute of Management Studies, Sage
University, Indore studying in BBA 6 thBBA core Semester VI,
hereby declare that I have completed the Internship /OJT of ---
days in (Artist By Dynamic) and prepared Internship/OJT report
as per the Guidelines of University.
Date: __________
Student Name :
About the Company
1.Functions of Company
2.Products/ Services offered by Company
3.Internship/ Internship/On Job training
profile and Learning
Guideline for Submission of report –
1. On job training report shall be submitted in hard
binding. (80 pages minimum)
2. Internship/On job training Certificate issued by
Company should be attached in color Copy with Report
and Certificate must be verified by Faculty coordinator.
3. PPT presentation must be submitted to faculty
coordinator along with report in soft copy.
4. Student will give presentation of On job training report
at the time of end sem Viva- voce Examination in front of
external Penal.
“Event management" the very topic looks challenging. A
concept which gained importance in India only after the
late 90’s. Commitment leadership and mental /physical
devotion is the core factors needed to manage any type of
event. Irrespective of the type or the scale of the event,
the mental and physical hard work that is to be put in,
differs by only a negligible degree of difference.
This terminology is comparatively very new to India,
though Indians have been arranging for wedding
ceremonies, naming & threading ceremonies even much
before independence. But due to the lack of proper
forecasting, proper material handling they used to end up
in problems like wastage of the food due to less people
coming in or fire in the pandal or food poisoning. These
problems many a times used to put the families into
financial trouble after the wedding.
It is very easy for the audiences to make the event a hit or
a flop. It takes just 5 minutes for the audiences to judge
the event resulting in the efforts of nearly 3-4 months and
the hard work 70-80 people either turning productive or
waste. Thus the efforts they have put in always remains at
stake till the date of the event.
There are innumerable activities that have to Be carried
out. First of all forming committees, then allotting
different jobs to each committee is the very first step.
Here all the theoretical concepts learnt up till now in
subjects like public relations, humane source planning,
logistics, human skills, controlling, accounts, organizing,
and others come into actual use. As an event manager one
must have a lot of flexibility in terms of working pattern.
Be free to do all sorts of jobs irrespective of your position.
This project report is based on the survey entitled "A
comparative study customer satisfaction towards event
Management Company". In the market there is a 40%
boom of work in the event management. Nowadays
youngsters are choosing their field in the event
Corporate Events
Wedding Event
School Contact Program
Live Concerts
Family Functions
Promotional Events
Wedding Event
Event Planning
To plan an event we must consider the following areas of
an event, viz, feasibility, promotion, site choice/design,
staging, shutdown, site map, event proposal.
Event Control
To control an event we must look on the following areas
logistics, negotiations. costing & cash flow, event manual,
I.T., decision making and change, risk management
Staging an event
The staging of an event involves bringing together all the
event elements around a theme. It is where the 'action'
takes place at an event where the audience looks. Staging
is the heart of event management- it is basically the
'show'. All other aspects of event management surround
The elements of staging revolve around a theme. It could
be Children's Circus, the Blues tent or a corporate dinner
party theme. However the theme has to work within
constraints - available resources, what the client expects.
The efficient management of events is dependent on
deciding what is most important in the given time span-
i.e. priority. Different types of events place different
emphasis on the staging elements. The staging is all about
the guest/audience experience of the show whether the
'show' is a sports competition, fun run or performance. An
event manager doesn't need to know all about lights,
sounds, audio-visual effects, special effects, etc. but it is
imperative that the manager at least knows the special
terms used.
Social Media Presence
Scheduling Timing.