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Question ID fa014d2d

Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: fa014d2d
The invention in 1958 of the integrated circuit (or microchip) radically altered the semiconductor industry. In fact, some
historians argue that it fundamentally ______ the industry by enabling it to take advantage of mass production methods for
the first time.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. overwhelmed

B. bypassed

C. obstructed

D. transformed
Question ID c977cfcf
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: c977cfcf
According to a team of neuroeconomists from the University of Zurich, ease of decision making may be linked to
communication between two brain regions, the prefrontal cortex and the parietal cortex. Individuals tend to be more decisive
if the information flow between the regions is intensified, whereas they make choices more slowly when information flow is

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. reduced

B. evaluated

C. determined

D. acquired
Question ID 2af2016f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 2af2016f
A study by Dr. Paul Hanel and colleagues concluded that people are more likely to behave politely when listening to ideas
they disagree with if they think about values before they engage in a discussion. Study participants were assigned to one of
two groups. The experimental group spent a few minutes writing about one of their personal values before they had a group
discussion on a controversial topic. And the control group spent a few minutes writing about a drink (tea, milk, etc.) before
their group discussion on that topic. Hanel and colleagues found that the experimental group’s discussion was more civil
than the control group’s discussion was.

Which choice best describes the main purpose of the text?

A. To describe a widely held belief and how a study’s results support that belief

B. To argue that researchers were surprised by the results of a certain study

C. To suggest ways to improve a certain study’s experimental design

D. To explain a study’s conclusion and how a research team arrived at that conclusion
Question ID 97e5bf55
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: 97e5bf55
Text 1
In 1916, H. Dugdale Sykes disputed claims that The Two Noble Kinsmen was coauthored by William Shakespeare and John
Fletcher. Sykes felt Fletcher’s contributions to the play were obvious—Fletcher had a distinct style in his other plays, so much
so that lines with that style were considered sufficient evidence of Fletcher’s authorship. But for the lines not deemed to be
by Fletcher, Sykes felt that their depiction of women indicated that their author was not Shakespeare but Philip Massinger.
Text 2
Scholars have accepted The Two Noble Kinsmen as coauthored by Shakespeare since the 1970s: it appears in all major one-
volume editions of Shakespeare’s complete works. Though scholars disagree about who wrote what exactly, it is generally
held that on the basis of style, Shakespeare wrote all of the first act and most of the last, while John Fletcher authored most
of the three middle acts.

Based on the texts, both Sykes in Text 1 and the scholars in Text 2 would most likely agree with which statement?

A. John Fletcher’s writing has a unique, readily identifiable style.

B. The women characters in John Fletcher’s plays are similar to the women characters in Philip Massinger’s plays.

C. The Two Noble Kinsmen belongs in one-volume compilations of Shakespeare’s complete plays.

D. Philip Massinger’s style in the first and last acts of The Two Noble Kinsmen is an homage to Shakespeare’s style.
Question ID d9915c15
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: d9915c15
In 2020, rap artist and professor A.D. Carson published the first peer-reviewed rap album about his experiences with Black
masculinity called “i used to love to dream.” Typically in peer review, experts evaluate scholarly articles prior to publication.
For Carson’s album, dubbed a “mixtap/e/ssay,” peer review involved both scholars and rap artists. In combining elements of
a mixtape album with scholarly essays that connect Carson’s lyrics to historical and contemporary contexts for listeners
both inside and outside academia, Carson’s album helped redefine how scholarship is created and shared.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To compare the relative public impact of scholarly articles and albums

B. To capture one scholar’s opinion of a new rap album

C. To explain why a certain rap album is particularly innovative

D. To describe how each step of the peer review process unfolds

Question ID eaea6f8f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: eaea6f8f
Ordinary soap bubbles usually exist for a minute or less before popping due to either a rupture forced by gravity-induced
drainage or the evaporation of the liquid from which the bubble is composed. But physicist Aymeric Roux and colleagues
discovered ways to mitigate these factors, resulting in bubbles that can last for a year or more. For example, glycerol tends
to adhere to water molecules, so a bubble with a shell that contains both water and glycerol is able to draw additional water
molecules from the surrounding air and thereby compensate for evaporation.

Which choice best states the purpose of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

It describes the effects of a process devised by researchers that increases the longevity of an object discussed in the
A. text.

B. It details the circumstances that prompted the research discussed in the text.

C. It presents a reason why the phenomenon discussed in the text that the researchers wanted to avoid will inevitably occur.

D. It mentions a method discussed in the text that researchers intend to test in future experiments.
Question ID 7d8224f9
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 7d8224f9
In 1154, Muhammad al-Idrisi completed a collection of maps of the lands known to medieval Arabic and European scholars.
This collection was titled Al-Kitāb al-Rujārī (The Book of Roger), after the Norman king Roger II who hired him to create it. To
create the collection, al-Idrisi consulted Arabic and Greek maps and interviewed travelers about the lands they visited. He
included these travelers’ stories alongside the map illustrations.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To discuss the benefits of studying mapmaking

B. To explain how travelers created maps

C. To describe a collection of medieval maps and how it was created

D. To compare medieval Arabic and Greek mapmaking techniques

Question ID 710799ae
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 710799ae
Cuttlefish appear to be surprisingly ______ at exercising self-control: in a 2021 study conducted by behavioral ecologist
Alexandra Schnell, these cephalopods routinely demonstrated restraint by delaying gratification, waiting for a favorite treat
instead of instantly devouring a readily available meal.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. awkward

B. imaginative

C. manageable

D. competent
Question ID 4c4db685
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 4c4db685
On painter William H. Johnson’s return to the United States in 1938 after a decade in Europe, his style underwent an abrupt
transformation. Turning away from landscapes painted in an expressionist style—a style that often involves using fluid,
distorted shapes and thick, textured brushstrokes to express the artist’s subjective experience of reality—Johnson began
painting portraits of Black Americans in a bold new way. Evocative of African sculpture and American and Scandinavian folk
art, these portraits feature flat, deliberately oversimplified figures in a vibrant but limited color palette.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

A. It elaborates on the previous sentence’s statement about a transitional moment in Johnson’s artistic career.

It provides information about Johnson’s travels in support of a claim about his artistic influences, which is advanced in
B. the following sentence.

It recounts a moment in Johnson’s personal life that enabled the success of his subsequent career, which is summarized
C. in the following sentence.

D. It presents evidence that calls into question the previous sentence’s characterization of Johnson’s artistic development.
Question ID cf46f239
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: cf46f239
The following text is adapted from Herman Melville’s 1855 novel Israel Potter. Israel is a young man wandering through New
England during the late eighteenth century.

He hired himself out for three months; at the end of that time to receive for his wages two hundred acres of land lying in
New Hampshire. [...] His employer proving false to the contract in the matter of the land, and there being no law in the
country to force him to fulfil it, Israel—who, however brave-hearted, and even much of a dare-devil upon a pinch, seems
nevertheless to have evinced, throughout many parts of his career, a singular patience and mildness—was obliged to
look round for other means of livelihood than clearing out a farm for himself in the wilderness.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

It implies that Israel treasures a particular characteristic of his personality when that characteristic should usually be
A. regarded as a flaw.

It suggests that if not for a certain aspect of his character, Israel might not have been as easily thwarted in his ambition
B. to establish a farm.

It shows why Israel would not have been able to undertake the enormous amount of labor necessary to run a farm even if
C. he had owned the necessary property.

It explains why, when the situation requires it, Israel is able to undertake courageous acts that others would generally
D. avoid.
Question ID 617a8a10
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 617a8a10
Very little is known about the role nocturnal insects, such as moths, play in flower pollination because it is difficult to monitor
insects at night. To address this problem, a team of scientists used time-lapse cameras to record pollinator visits to red
clover all day and night. The recordings showed that while most pollinator visits were by bumblebees, one-third of visits were
by moths. Additionally, flowers that were visited by both moths and bees produced more seeds than flowers that were only
visited by bees.

Which choice best states the function of the underlined sentence?

A. To describe an approach a team of scientists used to study pollinators

B. To question a claim scientists make about pollinators

C. To explain why moths prefer red clover to other flowers

D. To announce an unexpected research finding about red clover

Question ID 9107ad5c
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 9107ad5c
Stars form in cloudlike swirls of gas and dust that cannot be touched‚ but astrophysicist Nia Imara believes these formations
need not remain completely ______ to researchers: she uses simulation data and sophisticated 3D printers to produce
interactive models of these stellar nurseries.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. repeatable

B. explicable

C. regrettable

D. intangible
Question ID d91e5499
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: d91e5499
A team of paleontologists has found a rich fossil deposit near Gulgong, Australia. The fossils are so well preserved that the
team has been able to ______ detailed information about the life forms that left them behind, such as color patterns and how
they interacted with other species.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. occupy

B. hoard

C. reserve

D. obtain
Question ID 059f7201
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: 059f7201
Text 1
Graphic novels are increasingly popular in bookstores and libraries, but they shouldn’t be classified as literature. By definition,
literature tells a story or conveys meaning through language only; graphic novels tell stories through illustrations and use
language only sparingly, in captions and dialogue. Graphic novels are experienced as series of images and not as language,
making them more similar to film than to literature.
Text 2
Graphic novels present their stories through both language and images. Without captions and dialogue, readers would be
unable to understand what is depicted in the illustrations: the story results from the interaction of text and image. Moreover,
Alison Bechdel’s Fun Home and many other graphic novels feature text that is as beautifully written as the prose found in
many standard novels. Therefore, graphic novels qualify as literary texts.

Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the overall argument presented in Text 1?

A. By asserting that language plays a more important role in graphic novels than the author of Text 1 recognizes

B. By acknowledging that the author of Text 1 has identified a flaw that is common to all graphic novels

By suggesting that the story lines of certain graphic novels are more difficult to understand than the author of Text 1
C. claims

D. By agreeing with the author of Text 1 that most graphic novels aren’t as well crafted as most literary works are
Question ID 4b4ab04e
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: 4b4ab04e
Text 1
Mycoprotein is a fungal biomass that can be eaten as an alternative to meat. Studies of the environmental impact of its
manufacture generally agree it is lower than that of beef and closer to that of chicken or pork. But the expense of producing
mycoprotein restricts its availability to a few countries with postindustrial economies. Knowing that cost reductions would
expand access to mycoprotein, biochemists are exploring solutions, such as a cheaper substrate to feed the mycoprotein as
it grows.
Text 2
Cattle farming is a principal cause of global deforestation, and a study by Florian Humpenöder and his colleagues found that
replacing 20% of beef consumption worldwide with consumption of mycoprotein would cut deforestation by half if
accomplished over the next thirty years. However, this would likely involve only a small change in agricultural water
consumption, since water once dedicated to raising cattle would be diverted to raising crops instead.

Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 1 most likely respond to the study findings mentioned in Text 2?

By emphasizing that since agricultural water consumption would remain static in the event of replacing beef
consumption with mycoprotein consumption, an effort must be made to substitute mycoprotein for chicken and pork in
A. diets as well

By asserting that the development of a more inexpensive substrate for mycoprotein production would contribute to the
B. goal of decreasing worldwide deforestation over time

By noting that most people would be more likely to use mycoprotein as a substitute for chicken or pork in their diets than
C. as a substitute for beef

By pointing out that some countries are responsible for greater deforestation than others and thus, to have any
D. significant effect on the environment, will have to replace more than 20% of their beef consumption with mycoprotein
Question ID ed52a093
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: ed52a093
Text 1
Flamingos are known for their vibrant pink coloring, but they’re actually born with gray feathers. Their pink color comes from
eating brine shrimp, but brine shrimp aren’t naturally pink either. Animals can’t produce carotenoids, the pigments that
provide the pink hue. The algae that brine shrimp feed on, however, can produce these pigments. Thus, the pinker the
flamingo, the more shrimp it has eaten.
Text 2
Ecologist Juan Amat has found that flamingos apply a kind of makeup to make themselves appear pinker. A gland near their
tail contains pigments that come from the food they eat. When the flamingos groom themselves using the pigments, their
feathers become pinker. Flamingos may do this to improve their success during mating season, when they would benefit
from looking pinker.

Based on the texts, how would the ecologist in Text 2 most likely respond to the author’s conclusion in Text 1?

A. By emphasizing that flamingos’ tail feathers are pinker than their other feathers are

B. By claiming that the coloring of flamingos’ feathers doesn’t change significantly enough for most observers to notice

C. By pointing out that the amount of shrimp eaten isn’t the only thing that influences flamingos’ coloring

D. By arguing that flamingos’ diet doesn’t include much shrimp except during mating season
Question ID 6cf906fc
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 6cf906fc
The following text is adapted from José Martí’s 1891 poem “At the Salon” (translated by Cecil Charles in 1898). The speaker
describes a painting featuring a female figure.

From the sterile soil no ray Of hope in a blade of green, Nor sheltering roof is seen—
Though the skies are heavy and gray. Ah, this is the woman fair Who stole away my heart
In the splendid halls of art Yester-e’en as I wandered there!

As used in the text, what does the word “sheltering” most nearly mean?

A. Protective

B. Restrictive

C. Affectionate

D. Suspicious
Question ID 2e744883
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 2e744883
Historians have argued that a crucial component of the Civil Rights Movement’s success in the 1960s was the Southern
Christian Leadership Conference’s Citizen Education Program (CEP), which invited promising activists from across the South
to its one-week training sessions in Dorchester, Georgia. Led by experienced organizers such as Dorothy Cotton and Septima
Clark, CEP attendees—more than 7,000 in all—participated in workshops on topics ranging from public speaking to legal
doctrine before returning home and using their newly acquired knowledge to spearhead local civil rights initiatives.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

A. It underscores the extent of the CEP’s impact on the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s.

B. It illustrates the CEP organizers’ efforts to educate participants on a wide variety of topics.

It suggests that CEP attendees held a diverse array of opinions about the Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s
C. political philosophy.

D. It establishes that criticism of the CEP was limited to a few individuals in the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.
Question ID 9b22bf7b
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 9b22bf7b
The following text is from the 1989 novel The Ancient Child by Kiowa writer N. Scott Momaday. The main character has
achieved tremendous commercial success as a painter.

More and more often he was asked to compromise his art or himself in one way or another, and more often than not he
did so, for he was inclined to be passive and naïve; it was difficult for him to say no. Those who exhibited his work, who
praised and purchased it, and who demanded its proliferation began to determine it.
©1989 by N. Scott Momaday

As used in the text, what does the word “determine” most nearly mean?

A. Conclude

B. Dictate

C. Evaluate

D. Select
Question ID b44066dc
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: b44066dc
Economist Jingting Fan argues that the effects of international trade may display spatial variation at sub-national levels. For
instance, imported goods may reduce expenses for a country’s average consumer, but for consumers living far from ports,
high intranational transport costs could ______ the price advantages associated with imports.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. nullify

B. denigrate

C. underestimate

D. misconstrue
Question ID 6286dd96
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 6286dd96
The following text is adapted from Frances Hodgson Burnett’s 1905 novel A Little Princess. Sara is a young student at a
school in London.

Sara not only could tell stories, but she adored telling them. When she sat or stood in the midst of a circle and began to
invent wonderful things, her green eyes grew big and shining, her cheeks flushed, and, without knowing that she was
doing it, she began to act and made what she told lovely or alarming by the raising or dropping of her voice.

As used in the text, what does the word “invent” most nearly mean?

A. Mislead

B. Disguise

C. Create

D. Discover
Question ID afd2a9eb
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: afd2a9eb
Manul cats are small, shy felines. They live mostly alone in out-of-the-way parts of Asia, such as on Mount Everest. These
cats have been difficult to research because their habitats are so ______ large populations of humans.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. full of

B. drawn to

C. responsible for

D. distant from
Question ID 3654202f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 3654202f
Radar and sonar can detect objects or people through walls, but they are too costly for consumer use. Researchers Fadel
Adib and Dina Katabi have shown, however, that there may be a comparatively ______ alternative: small changes to the Wi-Fi
technology used in smartphones can give users a cheap way to count people or even identify their gestures through walls.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. infrequent

B. inexpensive

C. unmistakable

D. impractical
Question ID 03f5a9b7
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 03f5a9b7
When marine biologist Brittany Williams played different ocean recordings to groups of oyster larvae, groups that heard
sounds of a healthy oyster reef were the most ______. They were twice as likely as other groups to show signs of making a
permanent home. This suggests that playing recordings of a healthy ocean reef may encourage oysters to create such a

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. responsive

B. inactive

C. liked

D. distressed
Question ID edd64a4a
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: edd64a4a
The following text is adapted from Charles Chesnutt’s 1899 story “The Wife of His Youth.” Mr. Ryder is hosting a formal
gathering where he will propose marriage to the woman he has been courting.

[A] younger and less cautious man would long since have spoken. But he had made up his mind, and had only to
determine the time when he would ask her to be his wife. He decided to give a ball in her honor, and at some time
during the evening of the ball to offer her his heart and hand.

As used in the text, what does the word “determine” most nearly mean?

A. Choose

B. Influence

C. Demonstrate

D. Measure
Question ID 213a25d1
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 213a25d1
The following text is from Paul Laurence Dunbar’s 1913 poem “The Poet and His Song.”

A song is but a little thing, And yet what joy it is to sing! In hours of toil it gives me zest, And when at eve I long for rest;
When cows come home along the bars, And in the fold I hear the bell, As Night, the shepherd, herds his stars,
I sing my song, and all is well.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To convey how engaging in song makes the speaker feel

B. To compare the speaker to a singing shepherd

C. To portray the speaker’s excitement about farming

D. To describe the pieces of music the speaker enjoys hearing

Question ID 05575bca
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 05575bca
The following text is adapted from Lewis Carroll’s 1871 novel Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There. Alice,
a child, is talking to her cat.

“Do you hear the snow against the window-panes, Kitty? How nice and soft it sounds! Just as if someone was kissing
the window all over outside.”

As used in the text, what does the word “soft” most nearly mean?

A. Gentle

B. Sensitive

C. Shapeless

D. Bland
Question ID c7265342
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: c7265342
The following text is from the 1895 poem “Marshlands” by Emily Pauline Johnson, a Kanienkahagen (Mohawk) writer also
known as Tekahionwake.

Among the wild rice in the still lagoon, In monotone the lizard shrills his tune.
The wild goose, homing, seeks a sheltering, Where rushes grow, and oozing lichens cling.
Late cranes with heavy wing, and lazy flight, Sail up the silence with the nearing night.
And like a spirit, swathed in some soft veil, Steals twilight and its shadows o’er the swale.
Hushed lie the sedges, and the vapours creep, Thick, grey and humid, while the marshes sleep.

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

A. It names animal species found in a place, then names plant species there.

B. It sketches a setting by presenting a series of images of nature.

C. It makes an extended comparison of nature to human emotions.

D. It identifies a location, then refers to a person living there.

Question ID 422c5068
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 422c5068
Generally it takes Tule geese about four days to migrate south for the winter. From their summer breeding grounds in Cook
Inlet, Alaska, the birds begin by flying over the Gulf of Alaska, keeping about 100 miles from the Canadian shore. They pause
to rest on the Pacific Ocean, then fly toward Summer Lake, Oregon, before finally arriving at their winter destination of
Sacramento Valley, California. In 2020, however, it took the geese over twice as long to make their way from Cook Inlet to
Sacramento Valley. According to researchers, the reason was airborne pollutants.

Which choice best states the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

A. It illustrates a change in Tule geese’s usual flight behavior.

B. It suggests an explanation for why Tule geese breed in Alaska.

C. It describes part of the Tule geese’s typical winter migration journey.

D. It compares Tule geese to other birds that migrate south for the winter.
Question ID 52fe862a
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 52fe862a
Researcher Lucy Salazar is using radiocarbon dating to study Machu Picchu, an ancient Incan fortress in the Andes
Mountains. She and her colleagues have found that the site’s age differs from the ______ estimate: it is approximately 20
years older than scholars thought when first encountering Machu Picchu in 1911.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. genuine

B. intentional

C. independent

D. original
Question ID 7a327791
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 7a327791
Novelist Leon Forrest admired William Faulkner’s writing style. Forrest’s novel Divine Days contains a long passage in tribute
to Faulkner that is a perfect ______ of Faulkner’s style: anyone familiar with Faulkner’s writing would see the resemblance.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. forgetting

B. rejection

C. imitation

D. opinion
Question ID cf9a3f34
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: cf9a3f34
The following text is adapted from Elizabeth von Arnim’s 1922 novel The Enchanted April. Mrs. Wilkins and her friend Rose
are traveling in Italy.

“I’m going to have one of these gorgeous oranges,” said Mrs. Wilkins, staying where she was and reaching across to a
black bowl piled with them. “Rose, how can you resist them. Look—have this one. Do have this beauty—” And she held
out a big one.

As used in the text, what does the phrase “reaching across to” most nearly mean?

A. Joining with

B. Gaining on

C. Stretching toward

D. Arriving at
Question ID 1b5d4e3e
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 1b5d4e3e
Were penguins always flightless? Theresa Cole and her team argue that penguins could fly at some point, but that they lost
that ability more than 60 million years ago as they adapted to marine life. After examining various penguin fossils and
genetic information, the researchers concluded that over time penguins developed underwater vision, blood oxygenation,
and bone density better suited for swimming than flying. Thus, environmental conditions might have driven penguins to
change from flyers to swimmers.

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined sentence in the text as a whole?

A. It defines a scientific term used in the sentence that follows.

B. It contradicts a description in the sentence that follows.

C. It provides an answer to the question in the previous sentence.

D. It notes that the question in the previous sentence has not been researched.
Question ID 683f66c9
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 683f66c9
Though not closely related, the hedgehog tenrecs of Madagascar share basic ______ true hedgehogs, including protective
spines, pointed snouts, and small body size—traits the two groups of mammals independently developed in response to
equivalent roles in their respective habitats.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. examples of

B. concerns about

C. indications of

D. similarities with
Question ID a1ff8ce3
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: a1ff8ce3
As discussed by scholar Anna Mladentseva, many artworks produced in the mid-1990s to the early 2000s exclusively for
exhibition on the internet, such as Sinae Kim’s Genesis (2001), have become inaccessible because viewing them requires the
use of ______ software (most notably Adobe Flash, discontinued in 2021).

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. defunct

B. arcane

C. ubiquitous

D. extraneous
Question ID e4e2aeb3
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: e4e2aeb3
Text 1
Like the work of Ralph Ellison before her, Toni Morrison’s novels feature scenes in which characters deliver sermons of such
length and verbal dexterity that for a time, the text exchanges the formal parameters of fiction for those of oral literature.
Given the many other echoes of Ellison in Morrison’s novels, both in structure and prose style, these scenes suggest Ellison’s
direct influence on Morrison.
Text 2
In their destabilizing effect on literary form, the sermons in Morrison’s works recall those in Ellison’s. Yet literature by Black
Americans abounds in moments where interpolated speech erodes the division between oral and written forms that
literature in English has traditionally observed. Morrison’s use of the sermon is attributable not only to the influence of Ellison
but also to a community-wide strategy of resistance to externally imposed literary conventions.

Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely characterize the underlined claim in Text 1?

As failing to consider Ellison’s and Morrison’s equivalent uses of the sermon within the wider cultural context in which
A. they wrote

B. As misunderstanding the function of sermons in novels by Black American writers other than Ellison and Morrison

C. As disregarding points of structural and stylistic divergence between the works of Ellison and those of Morrison

As being indebted to the tradition of resisting literary conventions that privilege written forms, such as novels, over
D. sermons and other oral forms
Question ID d4e8662d
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: d4e8662d
The percentage of US forest land that a 2023 federal report identified as being either mature or old growth exceeds other
recent estimates. Given how little ______ there is among scientists regarding the scope of these categories, this discrepancy
shouldn’t be surprising: forest researchers regularly dispute one another’s classifications.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. deliberation

B. vigilance

C. interest

D. consensus
Question ID 2d77660e
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 2d77660e
In the late 1800s, Spanish-language newspapers flourished in cities across Texas. San Antonio alone produced eleven
newspapers in Spanish between 1890 and 1900. But El Paso surpassed all other cities in the state. This city produced
twenty-two newspapers in Spanish during that period. El Paso is located on the border with Mexico and has always had a
large population of Spanish speakers. Thus, it is unsurprising that this city became such a rich site for Spanish-language

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To compare Spanish-language newspapers published in Texas today with ones published there during the late 1800s

B. To explain that Spanish-language newspapers thrived in Texas and especially in El Paso during the late 1800s

To argue that Spanish-language newspapers published in El Paso influenced the ones published in San Antonio during
C. the late 1800s

D. To explain why Spanish-language newspapers published in Texas were so popular in Mexico during the late 1800s
Question ID af43b0bd
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: af43b0bd
Researchers have long hypothesized that woolly mammoths were hunted to extinction in North America by humans using
spears with grooved tips known as Clovis points. One anthropologist set out to test this hypothesis. Using a mechanical
spear-thrower, he launched spears with Clovis points into mounds of clay—substitutes for the animals’ large bodies. The
projectiles generally penetrated only a few inches into the clay, an amount insufficient to have harmed most woolly
mammoths. This led the anthropologist to conclude that hunters using spears with Clovis points likely weren’t the principal
drivers of the extinction.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To argue for the significance of new findings amid an ongoing debate among researchers

B. To discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the method used in an experiment

C. To summarize two competing hypotheses and a major finding associated with each one

D. To describe an experiment whose results cast doubt on an established hypothesis

Question ID 6ae393f7
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 6ae393f7
Asteroid 6478 Gault has experienced intermittent mass loss since at least 2013, but in contrast to some other asteroids with
repeated mass-loss episodes, 6478 Gault has not lost mass at its perihelion (the closest point of its orbit to the Sun), and
thus the loss is not attributable to solar energy–driven ice vaporization. And as Jane X. Luu et al. point out, the singular
nature of impact ejection makes it untenable as an account of multiple loss episodes of similar duration over several years.
Instead, Luu et al. are likely correct that 6478 Gault is shedding mass due to rotational instability.

Which choice best describes the overall structure of the text?

It presents a scientific observation, describes a contrast between that observation and other observations, and then
A. explains why those other observations should not be considered credible.

It describes an astronomical finding, discusses competing theories about that finding that the author regards as flawed,
B. and then describes new evidence that supports an alternative theory.

It introduces a natural phenomenon, refutes two potential explanations for that phenomenon, and then presents a third
C. explanation for that phenomenon that the author regards as plausible.

It discusses a physical process, evaluates possible causes of that process, and then states that a persuasive account of
D. the process has yet to be put forward.
Question ID d8d33cc5
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: d8d33cc5
The early British postal system required the cost of mail delivery to be paid upon receipt, a system which encouraged
inventive strategies by the intended recipient to avoid payment. To improve this system, ______ were proposed in 1837,
including the use of a postage stamp, a small receipt pasted to the mail indicating that delivery costs had been paid by the

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. investigations

B. expansions

C. reforms

D. possessions
Question ID 1d9a09c0
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 1d9a09c0
The following text is adapted from Jason Reynolds’s 2016 novel Ghost. The narrator, who is in middle school, is at a bus

I just go there [to the bus stop] to look at the people working out. See, the gym across the street has this big window—
like the whole wall is a window—and they have those machines that make you feel like you walking up steps and so
everybody just be facing the bus stop, looking all crazy like they’re about to pass out. And trust me, there ain’t nothing
funnier than that. So I check that out for a little while like it’s some kind of movie: The About to Pass Out Show, starring
stair-stepper person one through ten.
©2016 by Jason Reynolds

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To give a reason why the narrator is excited to start middle school

B. To describe an activity that the narrator finds amusing

C. To explain a problem that the narrator has overcome

D. To discuss a movie that the narrator saw in a theater

Question ID 01de46bb
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 01de46bb
The Menominee and Anishinaabe peoples have been growing wild rice—known as manoomin in the Ojibwe language—in the
Great Lakes region of North America for centuries, but climatic changes are causing lakes to get deeper, thereby threatening
wild rice. These plants are extremely ______ to water depth during the “floating leaf” stage of development, and if the water is
too deep, the buoyancy of the young wild-rice plants can literally uproot them from the lake bottom, destroying them.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. immune

B. sensitive

C. limited

D. receptive
Question ID 5179fd36
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 5179fd36
Urban planning expert Francisco Lara-Valencia and colleagues have argued that managing environmental matters along the
US-Mexico border ______ coordination between the two countries’ governments. Since ecosystems extend across the border,
actions taken on one side can have environmental effects on the other side, making international cooperation essential.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. requires

B. praises

C. reports

D. advises
Question ID a7991da1
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: a7991da1
A unique dialect, or regional variety, of Spanish is spoken in Puerto Rico. It contains many words borrowed from the
language of the Taínos, the Indigenous people of Puerto Rico. African languages also made important contributions to the
Puerto Rican dialect. For example, the way certain vowel sounds are pronounced in it can be ______ to how they are
pronounced in Yoruba, a West African language.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. traced

B. surrendered

C. announced

D. offered
Question ID d9e55268
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: d9e55268
The following text is adapted from Louise Erdrich’s 2020 novel The Night Watchman. Louis Pipestone is collecting signatures
for a petition from fellow members of the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa on the tribe’s reservation in North Dakota.

Louis Pipestone tended the petition like a garden. He kept it with him at all times. In town, his eyes sharpened when he
noticed a tribal member who hadn’t yet signed. Wherever they were—at the gas pump, mercantile [general store], at
Henry’s [Café], on the road, or outside the clinic and hospital—Louis cornered them. If they were waiting for a baby to be
born, he’d have them sign. If they were laughing, if they were arguing. If they were taking a child home from school, they
©2020 by Louise Erdrich

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To suggest that some tribal members refuse to sign the petition because they dislike Louis Pipestone

B. To show that attitudes toward the petition within the tribal community change over time

C. To demonstrate that most tribal members are enthusiastic about signing the petition

D. To portray Louis Pipestone’s strong commitment to collecting signatures for the petition
Question ID faee8ec7
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: faee8ec7
Text 1
It seems clear that emotional contagion (the unintentional transfer of an emotional state from one person to another)
requires physical interaction and the observation of body language. After all, research shows that talking to someone who is
smiling and expressing positive feelings often causes people to respond in a comparably positive way. Similarly, displays of
nervous fidgeting have been found to prompt others to begin behaving more nervously, too.
Text 2
In an experiment using a social networking service, Zeyao Yang and Emilio Ferrara found evidence of emotional contagion in
text-based online interactions. The researchers discovered that reading social media posts that expressed a positive outlook
led people to make more positive posts themselves, while posts with a negative emotional tone led people to make more
negative posts.

Based on the texts, what would the researchers in Text 2 most likely say about the claim underlined in Text 1?

It perpetuates a flawed understanding of emotional contagion, because there isn’t enough evidence to suggest that
A. smiling is a sign of emotional contagion.

It reflects an incomplete view of emotional contagion, because this phenomenon can occur even without in-person
B. interaction.

It’s fairly persuasive, because studies attempting to identify emotional contagion in situations without in-person
C. interaction have thus far yielded unclear results.

It’s mostly accurate, because the social networking study confirmed that emotional contagion primarily occurs in
D. response to negative emotions like nervousness.
Question ID bce627d9
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: bce627d9
Mineralogical differences are detectable in samples collected from two locations on the near-Earth asteroid Ryugu, but such
differences may not indicate substantial compositional variations in the asteroid. Cosmochemist Kazuhide Nagashima and
colleagues note that at the small scale of the samples, the distribution of minerals is unlikely to be ______.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. neglected

B. redundant

C. ongoing

D. uniform
Question ID 1782cdd7
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 1782cdd7
In many agricultural environments, the banks of streams are kept forested to protect water quality, but it’s been unclear what
effects these forests may have on stream biodiversity. To investigate the issue, biologist Xingli Giam and colleagues studied
an Indonesian oil palm plantation, comparing the species richness of forested streams with that of nonforested streams.
Giam and colleagues found that species richness was significantly higher in forested streams, a finding the researchers
attribute to the role leaf litter plays in sheltering fish from predators and providing food resources.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

It discusses research intended to settle a debate about how agricultural yields can be increased without negative effects
A. on water quality.

It explains the differences between stream-protection strategies used in oil palm plantations and stream-protection
B. strategies used in other kinds of agricultural environments.

It describes findings that challenge a previously held view about how fish that inhabit streams in agricultural
C. environments attempt to avoid predators.

It presents a study that addresses an unresolved question about the presence of forests along streams in agricultural
D. environments.
Question ID 1107e7dc
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 1107e7dc
Economists often assert that countries looking to increase their reliance on solar energy should expand their capacity for
storage; having an ample reserve of stored energy can mitigate the effects of ______ solar energy collection caused by
unpredictable shifts in cloud cover and haze.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. developments of

B. fluctuations in

C. calibrations with

D. incentives for
Question ID de2c2f57
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: de2c2f57
Text 1
The fossil record suggests that mammoths went extinct around 11 thousand years (kyr) ago. In a 2021 study of
environmental DNA (eDNA)—genetic material shed into the environment by organisms—in the Arctic, Yucheng Wang and
colleagues found mammoth eDNA in sedimentary layers formed millennia later, around 4 kyr ago. To account for this
discrepancy, Joshua H. Miller and Carl Simpson proposed that arctic temperatures could preserve a mammoth carcass on
the surface, allowing it to leach DNA into the environment, for several thousand years.
Text 2
Wang and colleagues concede that eDNA contains DNA from both living organisms and carcasses, but for DNA to leach
from remains over several millennia requires that the remains be perpetually on the surface. Scavengers and weathering in
the Arctic, however, are likely to break down surface remains well before a thousand years have passed.

Which choice best describes how Text 1 and Text 2 relate to each other?

Text 1 discusses two approaches to studying mammoth extinction without advocating for either, whereas Text 2
A. advocates for one approach over the other.

Text 1 presents findings by Wang and colleagues and gives another research team’s attempt to explain those findings,
B. whereas Text 2 provides additional detail that calls that explanation into question.

Text 1 describes Wang and colleagues’ study and a critique of their methodology, whereas Text 2 offers additional details
C. showing that methodology to be sound.

Text 1 argues that new research has undermined the standard view of when mammoths went extinct, whereas Text 2
D. suggests a way to reconcile the standard view with that new research.
Question ID 53542eb5
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 53542eb5
Shoppers can help keep money cycling within a community by making purchases at small local businesses instead of large
retailers. Some cities are ______ programs to encourage this behavior, establishing reward points and other incentives for
shopping at small businesses.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. instituting

B. occupying

C. underestimating

D. encountering
Question ID 6c64a8f3
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 6c64a8f3
Ecologist Exequiel Ezcurra and colleagues found that the inhabitants of the Mexica empire used natural landmarks to track
time with a high degree of ______. By observing the sun’s position in relation to various points on the mountains surrounding
the Basin of Mexico, the Mexica were able to precisely identify the dates when significant events such as solstices occurred.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. precariousness

B. exactitude

C. resilience

D. inconspicuousness
Question ID d563bf65
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: d563bf65
The following text is adapted from Jean Webster’s 1912 novel Daddy-Long-Legs. The narrator is a young college student
writing letters detailing her weekly experiences.

[The college is] organizing the Freshman basket-ball team and there’s just a chance that I shall make it. I’m little of
course, but terribly quick and wiry and tough. While the others are hopping about in the air, I can dodge under their feet
and grab the ball.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To compare basketball with other sports

B. To provide details of how to play basketball

C. To state how players will be chosen for the basketball team

D. To explain why the narrator thinks she might make the basketball team
Question ID 490b205f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 490b205f
In editor Lisa Yaszek’s introduction to her anthology The Future Is Female! More Classic Science Fiction Stories by Women,
Yaszek identifies an increasing sense of ______ feminist mode of writing in the 1970s, in contrast to many woman-authored
science fiction stories of the 1920s to 1960s whose politics were less deliberately signaled.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. a prudently

B. an overtly

C. a cordially

D. an inadvertently
Question ID dc0bca21
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: dc0bca21
It would be a mistake to ______ the exhibit that artist and curator Joe Baker, who is a member of the Lenape (Delaware)
people, has organized at the Brooklyn Public Library. The exhibit, which includes Lenape beadwork from the 1850s as well as
modern works that use traditional patterns, is essential viewing.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. complicate

B. amplify

C. overlook

D. assemble
Question ID 2c82068f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 2c82068f
The following text is from Mark Oshiro’s 2018 novel Anger Is a Gift. In the novel, Moss and his friends are on a subway train
in Northern California.

Lights from the outside world then filled the train car as it rose out of the ground and climbed the elevated track. As
long as Moss had lived in West Oakland, he’d never tired of this specific view, so he pointed toward the windows.
“Check it,” he said, and the Port of Oakland began to pass by them.
©2018 by Mark Oshiro

As used in the text, what does the word “specific” most nearly mean?

A. Imaginary

B. Energetic

C. Correct

D. Particular
Question ID 0ed8f24f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 0ed8f24f
K.D. Leka and colleagues found that the Sun’s corona provides an advance indication of solar flares—intense eruptions of
electromagnetic radiation that emanate from active regions in the Sun’s photosphere and can interfere with
telecommunications on Earth. Preceding a flare, the corona temporarily exhibits increased brightness above the region
where the flare is ______.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. antecedent

B. impending

C. innocuous

D. perpetual
Question ID 88bb0f6f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: 88bb0f6f
Text 1
A team led by Bernardo Strassburg has found that rewilding farmland (returning the land to its natural state) could help
preserve biodiversity and offset carbon emissions. The amount of farmland that would need to be restored, they found, is
remarkably low. Rewilding a mere 15% of the world’s current farmland would prevent 60% of expected species extinctions
and help absorb nearly 299 gigatons of carbon dioxide—a clear win in the fight against the biodiversity and climate crises.
Text 2
While Strassburg’s team’s findings certainly offer encouraging insight into the potential benefits of rewilding, it’s important to
consider potential effects on global food supplies. The researchers suggest that to compensate for the loss of food-
producing land, remaining farmland would need to produce even more food. Thus, policies focused on rewilding farmland
must also address strategies for higher-yield farming.

Which choice best describes a difference in how the author of Text 1 and the author of Text 2 view Strassburg’s team’s

The author of Text 2 approaches the study’s findings with some caution, whereas the author of Text 1 is optimistic about
A. the reported potential environmental benefits.

The author of Text 2 claims that the percentage of farmland identified by Strassburg’s team is too low for rewilding to
B. achieve meaningful results, whereas the author of Text 1 thinks the percentage is sufficient.

The author of Text 2 believes that the results described by Strassburg’s team are achievable in the near future, whereas
C. the author of Text 1 argues that they likely aren’t.

The author of Text 2 focuses on rewilding’s effect on carbon emissions, whereas the author of Text 1 focuses on its
D. effect on biodiversity.
Question ID f878693b
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Cross-Text


ID: f878693b
Text 1
In 1954 George Balanchine choreographed a production of The Nutcracker, a ballet by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. It has since
become a tradition for hundreds of dance companies in North America to stage The Nutcracker each year. But the show is
stuck in the past, with an old-fashioned story and references, so it should no longer be produced. Ballet needs to create new
traditions if it wants to stay relevant to contemporary audiences.
Text 2
The Nutcracker is outdated, but it should be kept because it’s a holiday favorite and provides substantial income for some
dance companies. Although it can be behind the times, there are creative ways to update the show. For example, Debbie
Allen successfully modernized the story. Her show Hot Chocolate Nutcracker combines ballet, tap, hip-hop, and other styles,
and it has been gaining in popularity since it opened in 2009.

Based on the texts, how would the author of Text 2 most likely respond to the underlined claim in Text 1?

By questioning the idea that the story of The Nutcracker is stuck in the past and by rejecting the suggestion that
A. contemporary audiences would enjoy an updated version

By agreeing that contemporary audiences have largely stopped going to see performances of The Nutcracker because it’s
B. so old-fashioned

By pointing out that most dance companies could increase their incomes by offering modernized versions of The
C. Nutcracker

By suggesting that dance companies should consider offering revised versions of The Nutcracker instead of completely
D. rejecting the show
Question ID 1090b367
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: 1090b367
Today composer Scott Joplin is mainly celebrated for his catchy ragtime pieces “Maple Leaf Rag” and “The Entertainer.”
However, by overlooking his less famous works, listeners will miss the full range of Joplin’s creativity. For instance, his waltz
“Pleasant Moments” and his opera Treemonisha skillfully blend ragtime and classical music. These masterpieces deserve as
much fame as Joplin’s biggest hits.

Which choice best states the main purpose of the text?

A. To describe the similarities and differences between ragtime music and opera

B. To argue that more attention should be given to Joplin’s lesser-known works

C. To encourage music lovers to listen to music by many different composers

D. To explain how Joplin learned to compose and perform ragtime music

Question ID b507f90f
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: b507f90f
Latro, the main character of Gene Wolfe’s novel Soldier of the Mist, is a man in ancient Greece. He completely loses his
memory whenever he sleeps. So, before sleeping, Latro records the important experiences of each day on a scroll, carefully
choosing which ones to ______.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word or phrase?

A. suspect

B. preserve

C. suggest

D. imagine
Question ID 5d48f889
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 5d48f889
The following text is adapted from Mercedes de Acosta’s 1921 poem “Spring and You.”

Now, Love and April, and the gold of your hair, Are all mingled together Like the blending of an exotic dream plant
With the fragrant perfume of a strange, frail flower.

As used in the text, what does the word “mingled” most nearly mean?

A. Identified

B. Combined

C. Remembered

D. Celebrated
Question ID d168e7c5
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Text Structure and

ID: d168e7c5
The following text is from Annie Dillard’s 1987 autobiographical novel An American Childhood. The narrator is a young girl
living in Pittsburgh.

I walked. My mother had given me the freedom of the streets as soon as I could say our telephone number. I walked
and memorized the neighborhood. I made a mental map and located myself upon it. At night in bed I rehearsed the
small world’s scheme and set challenges: Find the store using backyards only. Imagine a route from the school to my
friend’s house.
©1987 by Annie Dillard

Which choice best describes the function of the underlined portion in the text as a whole?

A. It describes the narrator trying to memorize her telephone number.

B. It provides examples of what the narrator thinks about at night.

C. It gives directions to the narrator’s favorite local store.

D. It portrays the narrator’s relationship with her mother.

Question ID 2390e956
Assessment Test Domain Skill Difficulty

SAT Reading and Writing Craft and Structure Words in Context

ID: 2390e956
Ronyoung Kim creatively captures the Korean American immigrant experience in her novel Clay Walls by writing about a
family from three ______ perspectives. The first section of the novel is from the mother Haesu’s perspective, the second is
from the father Chun’s perspective, and the last is from the daughter Faye’s perspective.

Which choice completes the text with the most logical and precise word?

A. distinct

B. required

C. unintended

D. unknown

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