1822-Batch 4 Project Report

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Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of Bachelor of

Engineering Degree in Mechatronics Engineering
HARIPRASAD CH (38090702)

HARISH V (38090703)



Accredited with Grade “A” by NAAC
MAY - 2O22



This is to certify that this Project Report is the bonafide work of CH. Hariprasad (38090702)
and V. Harish (38090703) who carried out the project entitled “EXPLOSIVE DETECTION
01.11.2021 to 10.05.2022.

Internal Guide


Head of the Department


Submitted for Viva voce Examination held on 10.05.2022

Internal Examiner External Examiner


I Hariprasad CH (38090702) and Harish V (38090703) hereby declare that the Project


TECHNOLOGY) USING IOT” done by us under the guidance of Dr.S.SIVASARAVANAN,

MBA.,M.E.,Ph.D is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of

Bachelor of Engineering Degree in Mechatronics Engineering.




DATE: 10.05.2022


I am pleased to acknowledge my sincere thanks to the Board of Management of

SATHYABAMA for their kind encouragement in doing this project and for completing
it successfully. I am grateful to them.

I convey my sincere thanks to Dr. S. Prakash, M.E., Ph.D., Head of the Department,
Dept. of Mechatronics Engineering and Dean of school of Mechanical Engineering,
for providing me the necessary support and details at the right time during the
progressive reviews.

I would like to express my sincere and deep sense of gratitude to my Project Guide
Dr.S.Sivasaravanan, MBA., M.E.,Ph.D for his valuable guidance, suggestions and
constant encouragement paved way for the successful completion of my project

I wish to express my thanks to all Teaching and Non-teaching staff members of the
Department of Mechatronics Engineering who were helpful in many ways for the
completion of the project.


The major goal of building this robot is to monitor human activity in combat zones or
border regions to limit enemy infiltration. Military personnel faces a significant danger of
death when approaching uncharted territory. The robot will be an appropriate machine
for the defense sector, reducing human life loss and preventing criminal operations.
There will assist all military personnel and armed forces in understanding the state of
the land before entering it. This robot consists of a Gas sensor to detect toxic gases, a
fire sensor to detect if there is any presence of fire in the robot’s path, a motion
detection sensor to detect if there’s any enemy presence in the way of the robot, a
metal detector sensor to detect the landmines, all the sensor’s parameters will be
transmitted from the robot using VLC technology which is a novelty of this project. In
this vehicle, the signals transmitted from the user’s device are used for vehicle motion.
This information is sent back to the user’s device via a wireless system.


1.1 Explosive Detection 1
1.1.1 Types of Explosive Detection 1 Bulk Detection 1 X – Rays 2 Infrared 2 Terahertz 2 Trace Detection 3
1.1.2 Importance of Explosive Detection 3
1.2 Why VLC? 5
1.2.1 Modulation Techniques 5 Single-carrier Modulated 5
Transmission Multi-carrier Modulated Tranmission 6 Pulse-Based Transmission 6 Variable Pulse Position Modulation 6
1.3 LI – FI 7
1.3.1 Technology 7
1.3.2 Standards 8

1.3.3 Application 9 Home and Building Automation 10 Underwater Application 10 Aviation 10 Hospital 10 Vehicles 10 Industrial Automation 11 Advertising 11
1.4 Objectives 11



3.1 Methodology 20
3.2 Existing and Proposed System 20
3.2.1 Existing System 20
3.2.2 Proposed System 20


4.1 Types of Materials 21
4.1.1 Motor Driver Module (L298) 21
4.1.2 Character Green Backlight-LCD Display 21
16x2 (1602)

4.1.3 Servo Motor 22
4.2 Types of Sensors 22
4.2.1 Bluetooth Module (HC-0.5) 22
4.2.2 IR Sensor 23
4.2.3 Proximity Sensor 23
4.2.4 Motion Sensor 24
4.3 Ardunio 24
4.4 ATMEGA 2560 24
4.5 Mobile Control 25
4.6 Metal Detection 25
4.7 Fire Detection 26
4.8 Gas Detection 26
4.9 Self-Destruct Mode 27


5.1 Program for LIFI Section 28
5.2 Program for LIFI RX 35
5.3 Data Graph 37
5.4 Discussion 39





3.1 Methodology 20
4.1 Motor Driver Module 21
4.2 Character Green Backlight – LCD Display 21
4.3 Servo Motor 22
4.4 HC-05 Bluetooth Module 22
4.5 IR Sensor 23
4.6 Proximity Sensor 23
4.7 Motion Sensor 24
4.8 Mobile Control 25
4.9 Metal Detection 25
4.10 Fire Detection 26
4.11 Gas Detection 26
4.12 Self-Destruct Mode 27
5.1 Data Graph (a) 38
5.2 Data Graph (b) 38




Explosive detection is based on a range of technologies that focus on either bulk

explosives or explosive traces. Bulk explosives can be detected in two ways:
indirectly by imaging the explosive charge, detonators, and wires, and directly by
detecting the chemical composition or dielectric properties of the explosive
substance. The gases produced from the explosive or explosive particles that are
deposited on nearby surfaces are used to detect traces. Explosive detection is a
difficult task, and combining several techniques can improve sensitivities and
selectivities. There are a variety of explosive detection systems that have been
proposed, are being researched, or are now in use. On the web, there is a recent
assessment of current technologies and goods.

1.1.1 Types of explosive detection

When it comes to explosive detection, there are a lot of technologies that are existing
in the current scenario BULK DETECTION

In standoff detection scenarios, imaging is a common tool. Most bombs include

distinct spatial features and metal components that are uniquely formed, such as
wires, detonators, and batteries. For X-ray and microwave imaging techniques,
explosive dielectric constants provide at least a limited separation from the
background. In a set of spectral bands, the reflection, absorption, and scattering of
various explosives may be classified, and this information can be utilised as a
database for picture analysis. This section covers a variety of imaging techniques
that employ radiation with wavelengths ranging from radio waves to gamma rays.
Imaging is used in the majority of bulk detection techniques that have the capability
for standoff detection.


For many years, X-rays have been used to inspect bags and cargo containers for
bombs and other contraband. Because X-ray radiation is ionising, it poses a health
risk to those who are exposed to it. These health concerns, on the other hand, may
not be a deterrent to imaging out to standoff distances of 10 to 20 metres.
Transmission A detector on the opposite side of the target from the transmitter is
required for X-ray imaging. A low-cost plastic sheet might be used as the detector,
which would be monitored by a low-cost camera connected to a data analysis base
through a wireless link. Detectors and cameras that are inexpensive could be hidden
and replaced if they are damaged. Because of their strong X-ray absorption,
transmission images have good resolution and can identify the forms of shaded
objects. INFRARED

Clothing, explosive bundles, and most other materials are opaque to radiation in the
infrared (IR) spectral spectrum (wavelengths between 1 and 10 microns). Thermal IR
radiation is passively emitted by the body or other things near room temperature.
Thermal radiation can be easily detected with simple, low-cost infrared imaging
equipment. Even with temperature disparities beneath a surface, objects differing
marginally in their surface temperature are easily identified. Because the clothing
covering the explosive pack should be at a slightly different temperature than
clothing closer to the skin, infrared imaging is of great importance in suicide bomber
scenarios. However, infrared imaging in outdoor situations is more difficult due to air
currents and other radiation sources, making thermal variations more difficult to

As the wavelength of the radiation climbs to the terahertz region, wavelengths

greater than 300 microns correspond to 1-THz frequencies, clothing and many other
things become almost transparent. The use of imaging in this area enables for the
identification of explosives hidden beneath garments while avoiding the use of
ionising radiation. There is hope that explosives will be discovered to have the ability
to identify spectral features in this spectral region, so that explosive identifiers will be
more than basic shapes with modest dielectric index disparities. Due to the bending

and twisting modes of explosive molecules, they have distinct spectrum
characteristics. However, in the solid and liquid phases, the sharp spectral lines
associated with these modes in the gas phase will most likely be greatly widened.
They can't be used to make a one-of-a-kind identification. It's also possible that the
granularity or crystal formations of explosives could boost visual contrast through
radiation scattering. TRACE DETECTION

The task of detecting traces at standoff distances is particularly difficult. Many

popular explosives have very low saturated vapour pressures (approximately 10
parts per billion [ppb] for TNT and 10 parts per trillion [RDX] and pentaerythritol
tetranitrate [PETN], In many instances, the explosion is contained in a vast volume of
air, at least the size of a big room. The saturation vapour pressure of a gas in a huge
volume of air will eventually be established, but it will take many hours. The actual
concentration of explosive molecules is determined in most explosive detection
scenarios by air currents, charging of explosive molecules, and adsorption onto
adjacent surfaces. Even if the chances of molecules clinging to surfaces are far less
than one in a million, the surface area is enormous. Several explosive compounds
have a high electronegative charge (i.e., they have a high probability of attaching an
electron and becoming charged). In the limited airspace near the explosive, both air
currents and significant electric fields in the air will generate plumes of explosive
molecules, similar to smoke drifting from a cigarette or scent from a rose. The actual
concentration of molecules in these plumes is likely to be 100 to 10,000 times lower
than the saturated vapour pressure predicts. This makes detecting explosive
vapours extremely difficult.


Because explosive-based weapons are inexpensive, easy to deploy, and can cause
massive damage, explosive-based terrorism has exploded in popularity in recent
years. Due to various factors, such as the low vapour pressures of most explosives,
the rapid development of new explosive compositions, and concealment and weapon
delivery techniques, detecting explosives is a difficult process. The most common
method for detecting explosives is to collect vapour or particle samples and analyse
them with a sensitive sensor system. There are numerous methods for detecting

trace explosives now available. Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS), mass spectrometry
(MS), and gas chromatography (GC) are the most prevalent, followed by detection
with a sensitive sensor. The majority of these gadgets, on the other hand, are big,
pricey, and need lengthy processes. Due to these drawbacks, such systems are only
used in a few strategic sites, such as airports and government buildings. When
considering not only airports, where the environment for sensing and detection is
relatively controlled, but also the virtually uncontrollable entry points to public places,
transportation networks, infrastructures, and road networks with unpredictable
vehicular and pedestrian traffic, additional complications arise. The only way to
protect against explosive-based terrorism is to deploy a large number of small
sensors that are sufficiently sensitive and selective, affordable, and mass-producible.
The proven strategy for detecting explosive traces in air is to:

1. collect air and particulate samples from around or on the suspected object;

2. preconcentrate the explosive molecules on a sorbent material;

3. adsorb the released molecules from the preconcentrator on a signal transduction

sensor element for detection; and

4. analyse, characterise, and report the data.

Chemical identification with a selective agent and signal transduction are key
components of detection. The signal is then processed for reporting in an integrated
system. High sensitivity, selectivity, reversibility, and real-time operation are the most
significant performance characteristics of explosive sensors. Because of the minimal
number of molecules that may be collected due to their low vapour pressures,
explosive detection necessitates extremely high sensitivity and low limits of detection
(LODs). To have a low rate of false positives, high selectivity is required. The sensor
should be reversible at room temperature to allow for continuous operation. For
efficient operation, these sensors should have quick detection and regeneration
times. Finally, because of the wide range of terrorist threats including explosives, the
sensors should be able to be deployed in large numbers. At the moment, existing
sensor platforms are unable to meet these demanding requirements. Nanoscience-
based sensors, on the other hand, provide a clear path to the development of trace
explosive sensors that meet these requirements.

1.2 Why VLC?

Visible light communication (VLC) is a type of data transfer that employs visible light
between 400 and 800 THz (780–375 nm) to transmit information. VLC is a type of
optical wireless communication that falls under the category of VLC.
Signals from light sources are normally received by specially built electrical devices
containing a photodiode, though in rare circumstances a mobile phone camera or a
digital camera will suffice. The image sensor in these devices is actually an array of
photodiodes (pixels), which may be preferable in some applications than a single
photodiode. Multi-channel (down to 1 pixel Equals 1 channel) or spatial awareness of
various light sources may be provided by such a sensor. Because light-producing
equipment (such as indoor/outdoor lamps, TVs, traffic signs, commercial displays,
and car headlights/taillights) are utilised everywhere, VLC can be employed as a
communications channel for ubiquitous computing.


Light modulation is necessary for data transmission. Modulation is a method of

representing different symbols with a light signal. To decrypt the information. In
contrast to radio transmission, VLC modulation necessitates the modulation of the
light signal around a positive dc value, which is responsible for the lamp's lighting. As
a result, the modulation will be an alternate signal around the positive dc level, with a
high enough frequency to be undetectable to the human eye. Because of this signal
superposition, a VLC transmitter typically requires a high-efficiency, higher-power,
slower-response DC converter for the LED bias that will provide lighting, as well as a
lower-efficiency, lower-power, but faster-response velocity amplifier to synthesise the
required AC modulation. Modulation can be done in a number of ways. Single-Carrier Modulated Transmission

Single-Carrier Modulated Transmission refers to modulation techniques that have
been used in conventional modes of transmission like radio. When a sinusoidal wave
is added to the illumination dc level, digital data can be encoded in the wave's
characteristics. Symbols corresponding to each value are conveyed on the light link
by keying between two or more different values of a specific feature.

Amplitude Switch Keying (ASK), Phase Switch Keying (PSK), and Frequency Switch
Keying are some of the approaches that can be used (FSK). FSK, out of the three,
can transmit higher bitrates since it allows more symbols to be easily discriminated
during frequency switching. Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (QAM) is another
approach that has been considered, To enhance the amount of symbols possible,
both the amplitude and phase of the sinusoidal voltage are simultaneously keyed. Multi-Carrier Modulated Transmission

Multi-Carrier Modulated Transmission is similar to Single-Carrier Modulated
Transmission in that it incorporates two or more sinusoidal waves that are modulated
for data transmission. This is one of the most difficult and complex modulations to
synthesise and decode. However, it has the advantage of excelling in multipath
transmission, when the receptor is not in direct view of the transmitter and hence
relies on light reflection in other barriers for transmission. Pulse-Based Transmission
Pulse-based transmission refers to modulation systems in which data is encoded on
a pulsed wave rather than a sinusoidal wave. Unlike sinusoidal alternating signals,
which always have a null periodic average, pulsed waves with high-low states have
inherit average values. The Pulse-Based Transmission modulations gain two major
benefits as a result of this:

It can be implemented using a single high-power, high-efficiency, slow-response dc

converter and a fast-speed power switch to deliver current to the LED at
predetermined intervals.

Because the average value is determined by the data signal's pulse width, the same
switch that controls data transmission may also control dimming, considerably
simplifying the dc converter.

These dimming-capable modulations have been standardised in IEEE 802.15.7, in

which three modulation schemes are described: On-Off Keying (OOK), Variable
Pulse Position Modulation (PPM), and Colour Shift Keying (CSK). Variable Pulse Position Modulation
Variable Pulse Position does the same thing as Variable Pulse Position, except it
encodes the symbols on the pulse position inside the data period. The transmitted
symbol is standardised as logical low '0' if the pulse occurs at the start of the data

period, and logical high '1' when the pulse occurs at the conclusion of the data
period. Because the information is encoded at the location of the pulse within the
data period, both pulses can and will have the same width, hence there is no need
for a compensation symbol. The transmitting algorithm is in charge of dimming, and
it chooses the width of the data pulses accordingly. When opposed to OOK, VPPM is
slightly easier to encode due to the lack of a compensating pulse. The VPPM
technique's simplicity is compensated for by a slightly more sophisticated
demodulation. This decoding complexity stems mostly from the fact that each
symbol's information is encoded at separate rising edges, making sampling in a
microcontroller more difficult. Furthermore, in order to decode the location of a pulse
inside a data period, the receptor must be synced with the transmitter in some way,
knowing when a data period begins and ends. Because of these qualities,
demodulating a VPPM signal is slightly more complex.

1.3 LI-FI

Li-Fi (sometimes spelled LiFi) is a wireless communication technology that sends

data and location between devices using light. Harald Haas coined the phrase during
a global address in Edinburgh in 2011.

In technical terms, Li-Fi refers to a light communication system that can transmit data
at fast speeds across the visible, ultraviolet, and infrared spectrums. For the time
being, data transfer in visible light can only be done using LED lamps. The
technology is comparable to Wi-Fi in terms of end-use, with the main technical
distinction being that Wi-Fi uses radio frequency to generate a voltage in an antenna
to transfer data, whereas Li-Fi employs light intensity modulation to send data. Li-Fi
has the potential to carry data at speeds of up to 100 Gbit/s in theory. The capacity
of Li-Fi to operate safely in environments that are otherwise susceptible to
electromagnetic interference (e.g., airline cabins, hospitals, and military) is a benefit.

In a similar way to Wi-Fi, Li-Fi is a derivative of optical wireless communications
(OWC) technology, which uses light from light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as a medium
to enable network, mobile, high-speed communication.

Visible light communications (VLC) works by switching the current to the LEDs off
and on at a very fast rate, too fast for the human eye to notice, therefore there is no

flickering. Although Li-Fi LEDs must be turned on to transfer data, they may be
dimmed to below human vision while still providing enough light to transmit data. Li-
Fi does not require a straight line of sight to broadcast a signal; light reflected off
walls can attain 70 Mbit/s.

Li-Fi has the advantage of not creating electromagnetic interference in

electromagnetic sensitive places such as airline cabins, hospitals, and nuclear power
plants. While the US Federal Communications Commission has warned of a future
spectrum crisis due to Wi-near-full Fi's capacity, Li-Fi has virtually no capacity
limitations. Researchers were able to achieve data speeds of more than 224 Gbit/s,
which was far quicker than average fast broadband in 2013. At the 2014 Mobile
World Congress in Barcelona, Pure LiFi unveiled the Li-1st, the first commercially
available Li-Fi system.

Bg-Fi is a Li-Fi system that consists of a mobile application and a basic consumer
product with a colour sensor, microcontroller, and embedded software, such as an
IoT device.


Li-Fi, like Wi-Fi, is wireless and employs similar 802.11 protocols, but instead of
radiofrequency waves, it uses ultraviolet, infrared, and visible light communication,
which has a far higher bandwidth.

VLC is based in part on communication technologies developed by the IEEE 802

workgroup. The IEEE 802.15.7 standard, on the other hand, is out of date because it
fails to take into account the most recent technological advances in the field of
optical wireless communications, particularly the introduction of optical orthogonal
frequency-division multiplexing (O-OFDM) modulation methods that have been
optimised for data rates, multiple-access, and energy efficiency. The arrival of O-
OFDM necessitates a new push for optical wireless communications standardisation.
The standard can send music, video, and multimedia services at high enough data
rates. It considers the mobility of optical transmission, as well as its compatibility with
artificial illumination in infrastructures and the potential for interference from ambient
lighting. The MAC layer, like the TCP/IP protocol, allows the link to be used with
other layers. Three PHY layers are defined in the standard, each with a distinct rate:

• The PHY 1 was designed for outdoor use and operates at speeds ranging from
11.67 kbit/s to 267.6 kbit/s.

• The PHY 2-layer allows data speeds of 1.25 Mbit/s to 96 Mbit/s to be achieved.

• The PHY 3 is utilised for a variety of emissions sources, and it employs a

modulation technique known as colour shift keying (CSK). PHY III can deliver data at
speeds ranging from 12 to 96 megabits per second.

On-off keying (OOK) and variable pulse position modulation are the modulation
formats recognised by PHY I and PHY II (VPPM). The clock is included in the
transmitted data using Manchester coding for the PHY I and PHY II layers, which
represents a logic 0 with an OOK symbol "01" and a logic 1 with an OOK symbol
"10," all with a DC component. In the event of an extended run of logic 0's, the DC
component prevents light extinction.

From January 7–10, 2014, the first VLC smartphone prototype was shown at the
Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Small screens, such as watches and
smartphones, can be made solar-powered by adding a clear thin coating of crystal
glass. During an average day, smartphones might get 15% more battery life.

In 2015, the first smartphones with this technology should be available. VLC signals,
as well as the smartphone camera, can be received on this screen. These screens
cost between $2 and $3 per smartphone, which is far less than most new
technology. A VLC system for store shoppers has been created by Signify Lighting
(previously Philips Lighting). They must first download an app to their smartphone,
which then connects to the store's LEDs. Based on whatever they are on and what
they are looking at, the LEDs can detect where they are in the shop and provide
them with relevant coupons and information.


The communications cannot pass through walls or doors using the short-wave
radiation employed by Li-Fi. This increases network security and makes it easier to
manage network access. Access to a Li-Fi channel is limited to devices inside the
room as long as transparent objects like windows are covered.

9 Home and building automation
Many experts predict that Li-Fi will become increasingly popular in homes as a result
of the technology's promise for faster speeds and security benefits. Because light is
used to convey data, the network can be limited to a single physical room or building,
reducing the possibility of a remote network attack. Though this has more
implications in the workplace and other sectors, home automation, which demands
the exchange of large amounts of data over a local network, may push home users
forward. Underwater application

The bulk of remotely driven underwater vehicles are controlled via wired connections
(ROVs). The length of their cabling limits their operational range, and other factors
such as the cable’s weight and fragility may also limit them. Because light can travel
across water, Li-Fi-based communications could provide significantly greater
mobility. Li-utility Fi’s is limited by the distance light can penetrate water. Significant
amounts of light do not travel more than 200 metres. Beyond 1000 metres, there is
no light. Aviation
Effective data transfer is possible under airborne situations, such as on a commercial
passenger airline utilising Li-Fi. This light-based data transmission will not disrupt the
aircraft's radio-based electronics, such as the radar. Hospital
Li-Fi systems could be a superior way to send high-volume, low-latency data across
networks. Light waves not only have a faster speed, but they also have fewer side
effects on medical instruments. A possible example of this is the usage of wireless
devices in MRIs and other radiosensitive procedures. The location of assets and
staff is another LiFi application in hospitals. Vehicles
To improve road safety, vehicles could communicate with one another via front and
backlights. Information regarding current road conditions can also be conveyed via
traffic signals and street lights.

10 Industrial automation

Li-Fi can replace slip rings, sliding contacts, and small cables, such as Industrial
Ethernet, whenever data has to be carried in industrial sectors. Li-Fi is also an option
to typical industrial Wireless LAN protocols due to its real-time capabilities (which are
frequently required for automation processes). Fraunhofer IPMS, a German research
institute, claims to have created a component that is ideal for industrial applications
involving time-sensitive data transfer. Advertising

Street lighting can be used to display advertisements for nearby businesses or

attractions on mobile devices as people walk past. A shopper entering a store and
passing by the store's front lights can see current specials and promotions on their
cellular smartphone.

The primary goal of this robot's development is to monitor human activities in combat
zones and border regions in order to limit enemy infiltration. Military personnel face a
significant danger of death when entering uncharted area. The robot will be an
appropriate machine for the defence sector, reducing human life loss and preventing
criminal operations. There will assist all military personnel and armed forces in
understanding the state of the land before entering it. This robot has a gas sensor to
detect toxic gases, a fire sensor to detect fire in the robot's path, a motion detection
sensor to detect enemy presence in the robot's path, and a metal detector sensor to
detect landmines. All of the sensor's parameters will be transmitted from the robot
using VLC technology.The signals sent by the user's smartphone are used to move
the car in this vehicle. This information is wirelessly transmitted back to the user's


AKinde.O.K et al (2019), globally, the composite terrorism landscape has continued

to pose threats to national and international economies. Most detection systems are
ineffective and do not provide reliable sensing and evacuation results. The time-
consuming search approach of inspection is not ideal for mission-critical
environments. Motivated by these concerns, this paper presents CTD for the
detection of dangerous transportation modes associated with an improvised
explosive device (IED).

A real-time embedded system framework (RTESF) is introduced for efficiently

coordinating the activities of bomb sensing, signal transmission, and reception. The
scheme triggers device dynamics and kinematics such as robotic-based trap units. It
also provides high-speed monitoring and identification of suspicious objects as well
as marked areas. In the design, both hardware and software integration is realized
using a multi-level control architecture.

Ashok Kumar.M et al (2018), this project describes about the design, construction and
fabrication of multi-purpose field surveillance robot that can be used for land mine
detection, toxic gas sensing and temperature and humidity sensor monitoring in war
fields without putting serious manual risks. The land mine detector can detect
covered metals, gas sensor can detect toxic gas attacks and the robot can be
controlled wirelessly by Android phone. The robot uses Arduino Uno microcontroller
to gather sensor information and NodeMCU WiFi to interface the controller and the
robot. Based on the input information from Android application, the robot can make
moved and climbed on any terrains. The distinguishing feature of our project from
traditional ones is that the integrated design of Android phone operation and multiple
IoT cloud servers. All robotic sensor information are delivered to cloud servers and
viewed through Webpage. This way the robot can be used both at Military war fields
and monitored at Military headquarters simultaneously. This is a novel attempt to
integrate field robots and IoT technologies at an expandable mode of design.
Additional enhancement of the design made it an outstanding choice for deployment

and use in dangerous zones infested with land mines and other hazardous metallic

Chaitrali Jadhav et al (2018), this innovative system is made for operations that
involve high risk for humans to enter, especially for some criminal cases, and may
prove very beneficial for the military area for spying purposes. This system saves the
valuable life of our soldiers. This system makes use of a robotic arm as well as a
robotic vehicle to enter into army areas. The whole system is controlled via an
android application. In the case of a military bomb disposal operation, a client will
connect to the server using a TCP/IP link. Once a client connects to the server, a
client can issue commands to move the robot in forwarding, backward, right, and left

Charisma.S et al (2018), this paper describes the design and implementation of an

electronic metal detector-equipped remote-controlled robot that can be used in land
mine detection without harming human beings. It can detect covered metals using a
metal sensor and also the toxic gases used by the attackers by using a gas sensor.
In the existing system, the wireless communication range is limited. But in our
design, we use Wireless-Fidelity (Wi-Fi) to increase the range of communication.
Software programs are integrated into the system to test and experiment with the
ideas that had been formed. A Node MCU is used in the robot for Internet
connectivity. The robot can be controlled via a Blynk App developed in the android
platform. As directed by the commands received from the android app, the robot can
make a regulated movement.

Devendra.R.Bodkhe et al (2016), this paper is for presenting two technology which

when combined can form tremendous useful devices for defense systems and
ultimately society because the robot is a unique technology to serve society in
different applications and a different field so we all know the importance of robots
nowadays in society and developing technology the number of robots Used
worldwide is constantly increasing. They are more and more present in different
workplaces such as dangerous areas, processing operations, medical environments,
military, manufacturing inaccessible areas, etc. Again, we have one unique
communication technology now that is IOT this paper will explain mostly IoT
technology because IoT is not only just a technology it is phenomenal …Now the
Internet is being used to connect various objects such as cars, sensors, controllers,

TVs, machinery, transport containers, and electrical appliances, creating the Internet
of Things (IoT).

The networked and user interfaced robots, such as rescue robots, human assisting
robots, health care robots, and robots for military applications The evolution and
growth of the Internet because a technology we can control robots with high
distance, high speed, and high accuracy. , solution on all communication and control
over the internet which is wireless and we can optimistically look forward to an IOT-
assisted world that is connected, smarter – and better. Disposing any explosive
materials is an extremely dangerous and risky job. bomb disposal is also an
extremely delicate job,

Dinesh Tharun .S et al (2020), this paper provides the estimation through drones
for surveillance and bomb diffusion using actuators. The proposed model is
composed that is lightweight, portable, and user-pleasant with reduced complexity.
The new glove system is wi-fi and self-contained machine that's established at the
user’s arm to control the motion of the robot. The device is not restricted to the
variation inside the finger sizes thereby imparting accuracy and comfort for the
robotic control. The system is ready with bomb detection and diffusion mechanism.
Once the presence of bomb/Metal is detected by using robotic, it initiates commands
to the legal officials and the detected bomb can be subtle from a remote area, it
linked direct touch with the bomb. Thus the machine provides high security for the
existence of the bomb diffusion squad. The proposed device is noticeably useful in
all regions that call for safety and it presents virtual facts in surveillance and

Ferreira.H.C et al (2015), this article reviews visible light communications (VLC)

technology. It presents the VLC communication system: the transmitter, the channel,
and the receiver. The single and multi-channel transceivers are presented. The
channel for a system that uses single light-emitting diodes (LED) and the matrix
representing the multi-color channel are discussed. Various modulation schemes are
reviewed. Basic techniques used to implement a VLC system are highlighted and
different causes of impairment are underlined. A word is given on the standardization
of the VLC technology. Numerous applications of VLC technology are given.
Challenges for VLC practical implementation and commercialization are reviewed.
Advances in VLC and future research issues are discussed.

Keerthana.S et al (2019), Countless number of news items dealing with injured
trained personnel or military people who loses their lives during defusing bombs
appears daily in newspapers around the world. Here a robotic arm is designed to
detect and dispose a bomb which is located around the range of 100m with safety
and to provide a security for the bomb disposal squad against risks. The designed
robot is manually controlled by the user through Personal Computer (PC).The buzzer
alarm when the sensor detects a metal. The metal is examined with the help of the
wireless camera that checks whether it is a bomb or not. If the detected metal is a
bomb then the user controls the robot through PC and disposes the bomb. Arduino
Mega board, DC motors, Robotic arm, wireless camera, Buzzer forms a part of
designed robot. Initially setup is simulated using proteus software and then entire
hardware setup is controlled through personal computer.

Nandagopal Rathod et al 2020 this project is very beneficial in areas where there is
a high risk for humans to enter. This system makes use of a robotic arm as well as a
road biotic vehicle which helps not only to enter an area involving high risk but also
to pick whatever object it wants to. The system also includes a night vision camera
which will not only allow viewing whatever will be recorded in day time but also
during the night. The whole system is controlled via RF remote. The system sends
commands to the receiving circuit mounted on the vehicle through push buttons. The
receiving circuit involves a microcontroller and a receiver that receives commands
sent by the transmitting circuit. At first, the system is set to control the movement of
the vehicle. To set the system in a move that operates the arm. At first, the user
needs to press the push buttons for moving the vehicle in whichever direction it
wants i.e., forward, backward, right, or left direction.

Narendra Prasad (2017), this project presents a moving robot with metal detecting
and IoT communication and it is designed and implemented with Raspberry pi in
embedded system domain. Experimental work has been carried out carefully. The
result shows that higher efficiency is indeed achieved using the embedded system.
The proposed method is verified to be highly beneficial for the safety purpose.

Nikhil.C.Y et al (2018), armed surveillance vehicles are autonomous vehicles that

can be controlled and directed to accomplish tasks. Armed surveillance vehicles or
robots promise to increase the operational range of the armed forces while reducing
the exposition of personnel to hazardous conditions. These robots are favorable in

complicated, rigid special situations where risk-bearing for army person is high. They
have traditionally been in use for aerial surveillance and ground-based explosive
ordnance disposal. Following the ongoing progress in research and technology.
Armed surveillance vehicles have the potential to play a much more versatile role in
future conflicts. The use of such systems is already expanding into reconnaissance,
surveillance, and target acquisition scenarios. The major challenge is to increase the
range and efficiency of communication for controlling and coordinating the vehicle, to
reduce cost, and to avoid human exposition to hazardous This performance,
however, is primarily dependent on how effectively a human operator can supervise
and control the unmanned system using a given human-machine interface. In this
paper, we made use of the internet of things to control and coordinate vehicle for
their mobile and efficient work. We believe that this approach can support the
acceptance and use of it based armed surveillance vehicle.

Pankaj Agrawal et al (2019), this paper is for presenting two technology which
when combine together can form and tremendous useful devices for defense system
and ultimately society because robot is an unique technology to serve society in
different application and in different field so we all knows important of robot now days
in society and developing technology the number of robots Used worldwide is
constantly increasing. They are more and more present in different workplaces such
as, dangerous areas, processing operations, medical environments, military,
manufacturing inaccessible areas etc…….again we have one unique communication
technology now that is IOT this paper will explain mostly IOT technology because
IOT is not only just an technology it is an is phenomenal …Now the Internet is being
used to connect various objects such as cars, sensors, controllers, TVs, machinery,
transport containers and electrical appliances, creating the Internet of Things (IOT).
The networked and user interfaced robots, such as rescue robots, human assisting
robots, health care robots and robots for military applications The evolution and
growth of the Internet because a technology we can control robot with high distance,
high speed and high accuracy, solution on all communication and controlling over
internet which is totally wireless and we can optimistically look forward to an IOT-
assisted world that is connected, smarter – and better. Disposing of any explosive
materials is an extremely dangerous and risky job .bomb disposal is also an
extremely delicate job, The project has been designed keeping in view the current

law and order situation in throughout the world, Everyday hundreds of trained
solders are either injured or lose their lives while defusing bombs and for that we can
use robot for disposing bomb and can save lives of our people.

Parameshwari.V et al (2021), the bomb detection and diffusion system is presented

and technology used in this proposed system produces a powerful device for military
field and related sectors. The way of analyzing the Robotic technology takes more
risk and time to safeguard the expert’s life. Accurate and timely discovery of bombs,
energetic resources and their associated composites would give precious
information to military personnel’s in wide range of military operations. This prototype
robot can able to move across suspected explosive area and monitored by camera.
This unit is used to identify the obstacles, metal and transferring applicable
information regarding this to control station. By using GPS tracking system,
suspected bomb location was identified and information will be communicated to the
control station then immediately the robot tracks the bomb and dispose it on time.
Once the input is received from the user, the data is transferred to the receiver via
Bluetooth module and all collected data’s can be stored in cloud through IoT
technology for further future recommendations.

Prakash.N et al (2021), Robotics has been a staple of advanced manufacturing for

over half a century. As robots and their peripheral equipment become more
sophisticated, reliable, and miniaturized, these systems are increasingly being
utilized for military and law enforcement purposes Mobile robotics play an
increasingly important role in military matters, from patrol to dealing with potential

Rushikesh Uphad et al (2019), this system presents the wireless bomb disposal
robot which will help to improve the defense of our nation from terrorists, suicide
bombers, and other such activities. The bomb detectors and disposal system work
only with the presence of experts. But this way of analyzing takes more time and
makes the risk to the life of experts. The Wireless Bomb Disposal Robot uses the
control application, at the user end to control the robot remotely using Wireless
technology. The bomb technician controls the robot using this application at the
control site. The Robot consists of a Base, a Robotic Arm, RPI, and a camera on it.
We have used DC motors for the moving robot and the gripper of the robotic arm. As

we are not risking the life of a bomb expert or any other commando. Hence
introducing the safest way for disposing of the explosive to save the life of common
people. So with the help of the IoT technology DEFENSE system also can get an
advanced defense device in the form of the BOMB deposing ROBOT. As we know
disposing of the bomb is a big task for human beings there is always the fear of loss
of life in case any mistake’s done by the human.

Sarmad Hameed et al (2019), the possibility of the paper developed with a dream to
see the spots we wish to see voluntarily in a military field. In this paper, this thought
is acknowledged at our fingertips. Robots are assuming a critical job in the military
application. The vast majority of the work in the military is unsafe for people. In a war
field or safeguard task, a warrior needs to take his specific manner to achieve the
goal. The vast majority of the ways are perilous for a warrior. Consequently, the
robot replaces the trooper. The paper is done to make a variant of a spying robot
that can empower us to watch the place of our advantage. The extent of the robot
additionally helps it to be utilized as a covert agent robot. PIC 16F628A and PIC
16F877 are used for controlling all the processes. A CCD camera is used to obtain
real-time footage of the field. So, in this way, it will work in the way we acquire robots
to work. To monitor the movement of the robot there is a transmitter that is attached
to the robot. The explanation for manual control of the robot is that it won't be lost
attributable to the nonattendance of human inclusion. Notwithstanding long-range
applications, it very well may be utilized as a government-operative robot inside short

Saurabh Mahawadiwar et al (2018), nowadays bomb disposal and diffusing has

become very critical and hazardous methods of human life, To overcome the
problem, a concept based on a wireless bomb disposal robot is proposed. The bomb
is disposed of using the robot which will be controlled through the wireless control
module. The control module consists of a transmitter and the actual Robot consists
of the receiver module. The receiver module is interfaced with an ARDUINO UNO
R3 board. The Robot functions according to the input given via the transmitter. The
control module contains an LCD that is interfaced with a wireless video receiver that
receives video signals from the wireless camera. The wireless camera is to be
placed in the robot near the arm which houses the center shaft motors used for the
actual diffusion purpose so that the video captured can be viewed in the LCD which

is placed in the control module. We have used DC motors for the movement of the
robotic arm. As we are not risking the life of a bomb squad expert or any other solder
or commando hence introducing the safest way for disposing of the explosive to
save the life of common people.

Shekar Goud.D et al (2017), In the present-day scenario, we are facing many

threats by bomb blasts so our project is to prepare an unmanned robot that will
detect the bomb it will not only detect the bomb but also shows the position of the
bomb by using a GPS module and the position of the bomb will be intimated to the
specific person through the internet. We are interfacing with a camera to control the
robot. Here we are using a metal detector to detect the bomb because we know that
any bomb contains some concentration or percentage of metal elements. The global
positioning system (GPS) is the only fully functional global navigation satellite system
(GNSS). The GPS uses a constellation of between 24 and 32medium earth orbit
satellites that transmit precise microwave signals, which enable GPS receivers to
determine their location, speed, GPS was developed by the United States
Department of defense This project is much useful for mines detection and
surveillance applications.

Yuvaraju.M et al (2017), Nowadays, robots play a major role in all human activities
like house maintenance, aerospace, factories, lifting heavy equipment, etc. It will
also help to do the risky jobs which cannot do by humans such as mining. The main
aim of this project is to extend the use of robots in the national defense system. In
that case, the part of detecting explosives made of either metal or chemicals is very
important. This project is to implement robots for metal detection for national
security. It consists of a metal detecting unit, chemical sensors (which are used to
detect chemical composition), line following (IR) sensor (for path following and
obstacle detection), and GSM components. These are all controlled and monitored
by the Internet of Things (IoT). The Arduino is the main controlling element of the
robotic vehicle.



Fig 3.1. Methodology


3.2.1 Existing System

In the current system, the majority of which are used in bigger airports. When in
fields as army persons or entities, they must face several dangers to their lives while
spying on the enemy or opposing entities. A robot will be more fit for this duty to
overcome these notions, reducing the risk of human lives being lost and allowing
them to better spy on their adversaries' unlawful maneuvers.

3.2.2 Proposed system:

We show a versatile sensor-based military espionage bot in our suggested project.
This robot is equipped with a gas sensor to detect toxic gases, a fire sensor to detect
the presence of fire in the robot's path, a motion detection sensor to detect the
presence of an enemy in the robot's path, and a metal detector sensor to detect
landmines. All of the sensors' parameters will be transmitted via li-fi from the robot.




Fig 4.1. Motor driver module

The L298 twin H-bridge chip, which is placed on this handy breakout board along
with all essential peripherals, can drive a 2-phase bipolar stepper motor or two DC
motors. It is highly suited for robotic applications.

Fig 4.2. Character green backlight - LCD display

This is a basic Alphanumeric display with 16 characters and two lines. Green
background with black writing. Uses the HD44780 parallel interface chipset, which is
very common. The interface code is open source. To connect to this LCD screen,
you'll need at least 6 standard I/O pins. The LED backlight is included. Both 4bit and
8bit modes are supported.


Fig 4.3. Servo motor

Tower Pro SG90 Servo - 9 gms Mini/Micro Servo Motor



Fig 4.4. HC-05 Bluetooth module

The HC-05 Bluetooth module is intended for use in wireless communication. The
HC-05 contains a red LED that indicates whether the Bluetooth connection is active
or not. Before connecting to the HC-05 module, this red LED blinks in a periodic


Fig 4.5. IR sensor

Obstacle Avoidance Using Infrared A pair of infrared transmitting and receiving tubes
are included in the IR Sensor Module (Active Low). The reflected IR waves are
received by the receiver tube when the transmitted light waves are reflected. The
processing is done by the onboard comparator circuitry, and the green indicator LED


Fig 4.6. Proximity sensor

A proximity sensor is a non-contact sensor that detects the presence of an object

(also known as the "target") when it enters the sensor's field of view. The sensor may
detect a target via sound, light, infrared radiation (IR), depending on the type of
proximity sensor. Phones, self-driving cars, anti-aircraft systems, and assembly lines
all employ proximity sensors.


Fig 4.7. Motion sensor

If you want to make a device that detects perceive motion and almost always detects
whether a human has entered or exited the sensor's range. You can detect motion
using the HC SR501 PIR Motion Sensor Detector Module. It's almost often used to
detect human movement within the range of the sensor. Sensors such as "PIR,"
"Pyroelectric," "Passive Infrared," and "IR Motion" are commonly used.

Arduino is a corporation, initiative, and user community that designs and
manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for making digital
devices using open-source hardware and software. Arduino board designs include a
range of microprocessors and controllers and are released under a CC BY-SA
licence, while the software is licenced under the GNU Lesser General Public.The
boards provide digital and analogue input/output (I/O) pins that can be used to
connect to expansion boards, breadboards (for prototyping), and other circuits. Serial
communications interfaces, including Universal Serial Bus (USB) on some models,
are available on the boards and are used to load programmes.

4.4 ATMEGA 2560

The Arduino Mega 2560 is an ATMEGA 2560-based microcontroller board. It

contains 54 digital input/output pins, 16 analogue inputs, 4 UARTs (hardware serial
ports), a 16 MHz crystal oscillator, USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header,
and a reset button. It comes with everything you'll need to get started with the
microcontroller; simply plug it into a computer with a USB cable or power it with an
AC-to-DC adapter or battery.


Fig 4.8. Mobile control

We have an app that allows the user to control the robot's movements in the
direction they want it to go. The robot can move in full 360 degrees for complete
surveillance, just as it used to be able to travel in standard directions.


Fig 4.9. Metal detection

So, now that we've seen the project's mobility and how it was developed, let's move
on to detection, the first of which is "Metal Detection." When a robot encounters
something made of metal, the robot will be able to detect the object, which in this
example is a grenade. The robot will obtain this information and transmit it to the
server, as well as disable the explosive using the gripper positioned in the front.


Fig 4.10. Fire detection

The next sensor is a fire sensor, which is used to detect explosives, explosions, or a
specific amount of heat that is present in an area where it shouldn't be. The fire
sensor will be able to capture event data and communicate it to the server, where it
will be saved for future use.


Fig 4.11. Gas detection

The "Gas Detection" step follows, and this is when the sensor gets more fascinating
and vital, as it will be able to detect any type of gas that is changed in the
atmosphere. And, as the other detections stated previously, it will be possible to
save lives.


Fig 4.12. Self-destruct mode

The "Self-Destruct" mode is the most important part of our project. As is clear,
particularly the data contained on it, The self-destruction switch will be installed on
the robot's side so that when it is pressed, data that has been collected for a long
time will be destroyed and will never fall into the wrong hands again.




#include <LiquidCrystal.h>

#include <Servo.h>

LiquidCrystal lcd(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

#define ble Serial3
#define Li_Fi Serial2

#define splash splash1

#define m1 23
#define m2 25
#define m3 27
#define m4 29

#define gas A0
#define iR A1
#define PiR A2

#define key1 A3
#define key2 A4

#define MeT 2
Servo cutter;
String IncomingData = "";

int gas_r, pir_r, ir_r, met_r;

int k1_r, k2_r;
int li_c;
int self_destruct;

byte Alien[8] = {

byte Skull[8] = {

void setup()
// initialize serial communications at 9600 bps:


pinMode(m1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(m2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(m3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(m4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(16, OUTPUT);
pinMode(gas, INPUT);
pinMode(PiR, INPUT);
pinMode(iR, INPUT);
pinMode(MeT, INPUT);
pinMode(key1, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(key2, INPUT_PULLUP);
lcd.createChar(0, Alien);
lcd.createChar(1, Skull);
analogWrite(9, LOW);
void LcDSet()

lcd.begin(16, 2);
splash(0, "Military");
splash(1, "BoT");
void loop()

k1_r = digitalRead(key1);
k2_r = digitalRead(key2);

if (self_destruct)
lcd.print(" ");
lcd.print(" ");

void getSensor()
String out_ble = "";
gas_r = analogRead(gas);
ir_r = digitalRead(iR);
pir_r = digitalRead(PiR);
met_r = digitalRead(MeT);

li_c += 1;
if (li_c >= 2)
li_c = 0;

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("G : ");
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);


lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.print("F : ");
lcd.setCursor(11, 0);

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("M : ");
lcd.setCursor(3, 1);

lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
lcd.print("H : ");
lcd.setCursor(11, 1);

if (gas_r > 600)

splash(0, "Toxic GaS");
splash(1, "Detected");
out_ble = "Toxic GaS Detected ";
out_ble += "Gas Level ";
out_ble += gas_r;
out_ble = "Gas Level ";
out_ble += gas_r;
out_ble += ",";
if (!ir_r)
splash(0, "Fire");
splash(1, "Detected");
out_ble += " Fire Detected,";
out_ble += "";

if (pir_r)
splash(0, "Motion");
splash(1, "Detected");
out_ble += " Motion Detected,";

out_ble += "";
if (met_r)
splash(0, "Metal");
splash(1, "Detected");
out_ble += " Metal Detected,";
out_ble += "";

if (k1_r == 0 or k2_r == 0)
self_destruct = 1;
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
splash(0, "Self");
splash(1, "Destructed");
out_ble = "Self Destruct Mode Activated...!!!";
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
ble.println(" ");

void robo()

while (ble.available())
{ //Check if there is an available byte to read

delay(10); //Delay added to make thing stable

char c = ble.read(); //Conduct a serial read
// Serial.println(c);
if (c == '#')
break; //Exit the loop when the # is detected after the word
IncomingData += c; //Shorthand for IncomingData = IncomingData + c
if (IncomingData.length() > 0)

if (IncomingData == "*forward")


// left();
else if (IncomingData == "*backward")

// right();

//----------Turn On One-By-One --------- //

else if (IncomingData == "*right")

// forward();
// left();
else if (IncomingData == "*left")

// backward();

else if (IncomingData == "*stop")


else if (IncomingData == "*close")
analogWrite(9, LOW);
else if (IncomingData == "*open")
analogWrite(9, LOW);

IncomingData = "";

void forward()
splash(1, "Forward");
Serial.println("FORWARD" );
ble.println("FORWARD" );
digitalWrite(m1, HIGH); digitalWrite(m2, LOW);
digitalWrite(m3, LOW); digitalWrite(m4, HIGH);

void backward()
splash(1, "Backward");
Serial.println("BACKWARD" );
ble.println("BACKWARD" );
digitalWrite(m1, LOW); digitalWrite(m2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(m3, HIGH); digitalWrite(m4, LOW);

void right()
splash(1, "Right");
Serial.println("RIGHT" );
ble.println("RIGHT" );
digitalWrite(m1, HIGH); digitalWrite(m2, LOW);
digitalWrite(m3, HIGH); digitalWrite(m4, LOW);

void left()
splash(1, "Left");
Serial.println("LEFT" );
ble.println("LEFT" );
digitalWrite(m1, LOW); digitalWrite(m2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(m3, LOW); digitalWrite(m4, HIGH);

void stopbot()
splash(1, "Stop");
Serial.println("STOP" );
ble.println("STOP" );
digitalWrite(m1, LOW); digitalWrite(m2, LOW);
digitalWrite(m3, LOW); digitalWrite(m4, LOW);



#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial esp(3, 2);

LiquidCrystal lcd (13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8);

#define splash splash1

#define Li_Fi_Rx Serial

int gas_r, pir_r, ir_r = 1, met_r;

String k;

String network = "Project";

String password = "1234567890";
#define IP ""
String GET = "GET /update?api_key=LO2AQC6Y3LEEL5JQ";


int tu=40;
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:


void LcDSet() {

lcd.begin(16, 2);
splash(0, "");
splash(1, "");

void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
while (Li_Fi_Rx.available()) {

char tem = Li_Fi_Rx.read();

k += tem;
if (k.length() > 4) {

String gas = getSplitValue(k , ',', 0);
String ir = getSplitValue(k , ',', 1);
String pir = getSplitValue(k , ',', 2);
String met = getSplitValue(k , ',', 3);
gas_r = gas.toInt();
ir_r = ir.toInt();
pir_r = pir.toInt();
met_r = met.toInt();
k = "";

lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print("G : ");
lcd.setCursor(3, 0);

lcd.setCursor(8, 0);
lcd.print("F : ");
lcd.setCursor(11, 0);

lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print("M : ");
lcd.setCursor(3, 1);

lcd.setCursor(8, 1);
lcd.print("H : ");
lcd.setCursor(11, 1);

if (gas_r > 600)

splash(0, "Toxic GaS");
splash(1, "Detected");

if (!ir_r)
splash(0, "Fire");
splash(1, "Detected");

if (pir_r)
splash(0, "Motion");
splash(1, "Detected");

if (met_r)
splash(0, "Metal");
splash(1, "Detected");

splash(0, "Please Wait");
splash(1, "Sending Data");



As we have seen the working of our project, the variation of the data should be
shown visually in which we have used the a certain software called the “Thinkspeak”
– An IOT platform carrier which permits to collect, view and examine the ongoing
data streams within the cloud. It does this by providing real-time visualizations of
data that will be varying constantly sent to thinkspeak by your devices. The variation
of the data can be seen by the means of graphical model, in which we can get
accurate results of the changing variation of live data at anytime possible. The most
important thing to be noted is that the data that has been gathered the whole can be
stored for a long period of time, as long as thinkspeak can be accessed. The storage
of the data can be used for the future use of the machine working in which we can be
use to get the work done.

Fig 5.1. Data graph (a)
Now to the explanation of how the graph works. As the graph represents the data
that has been variation of the results of the various sensor working, the sensor works
as in binary function. In which the basic things are of the that is “1=ON & 0=OFF”, as
every time the sensor detects “1” the variation of the data can be seen in the data
graph and when the sensor doesn’t detect anything than obviously it will remain in
the off state (0) and graph will be not showing any variation of the data.

Every sensor that has been embedded in the machine has unique works of detecting
different types of sensing around it like gas, fire, motion & metal. So the variation of
each sensor should be shown separately which will be clear explanation of how
much of the variation that has been occurred in the sensing element. The data
representation should be accurate because of the usage of the machine depends of
how much of the sensing has been made in the project that should be done in the

Fig.5.2 Data Graph (b)

As the data variation can be seen in the graph, the studying of it should be necessary as
well. It’s not complex and a simple procedure to be done. Every sensor in the device has its
own graph chart as seen above, but works in similar way. The horizontal line that has been
below the chart is time in which the time measured can be seen at any given point. The
vertical line at the left side shows the measurement of the sensing level that will sensed and
shown the variation that occurred throughout the experiment. The red line is the data line in
which the data that has been sensed will be visually vary in the graph to be shown at exactly
the data has been varying at which time and what level can be seen. The whole of the data
that has been varying will be a live update, which will be monitored constantly for the
physical use of the device in this case surveillance of explosive of the data that has been
shown. The data will be stored for a long time in which can be used for future use.

5.4 Discussion

Our project is used for the detection of explosives in the field for the safety of soldiers, in any
manned or unmanned territory. The thing that makes it special or the novelty of the project is
the usage of LI-FI, which is the VLC [Visible Light Communication] technique in which
instead of using sound waves, we will be be using light waves to send the data to store it.
Because of it the data will be sent faster in which this is the first time, a technique like this is
used in military surveillance. Our project is used to detect types of explosives in which, Metal
detection for grenades, Fire detection for any fire harm, Gas detection for any toxic
explosives and motion sensing for if to see anybody is before the robot. As it's a military
tech, we have even made a self-destruction process in which if it gets to wrong hands, the
data will be deleted in the robot. The data that is stored and changing process can be seen
from other side constantly, in which it can be stored for future use to. The code of our robot
is used by arduino, the controller app we created by using MIT app inventor and the software
we used to see and store data is using Thing speak.



Our project is currently at the experimental stage in the current field. Our idea is a
simple one in which we employed a combination of LI-FI and Bluetooth, which is a
unique feature, and we expect to see this become significantly more advanced in the
future. The project is being utilized for military surveillance, but it might be used for
other types of surveillance if it can be improved for years to come. The major goal of
our technical expertise is to improve and protect the society around us so that future
generations can benefit from it. Our project, we feel, is the type of project that will be
a part of it.


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