Activity 7 and 8
Activity 7 and 8
Activity 7 and 8
Part 1
Obligate Mutualism
Whitebark pines have an obligate mutualistic relationship with Clark's Nutcrackers, relying solely
on the birds for seed dispersal. The pine cones do not open on their own, and the seeds lack
wings, making nutcrackers vital for seed distribution and forest renewal. Nutcrackers have a
sublingual pouch that allows them to carry up to 150 seeds, which they bury for later use. Seeds
they do not retrieve often grow into new trees.
Human-Caused Threats
Climate change and human-induced environmental stressors have accelerated the decline of
whitebark pines. Forest management practices and human-facilitated pest invasions worsen the
threats faced by these trees.
Part 2
Why does Taza Schaming use radio telemetry to track Clark’s Nutcrackers?
Radio telemetry allows Taza Schaming to track the movement, behavior, and migratory
responses of Clark’s Nutcrackers, especially during times of food scarcity.
What role does the Clark’s Nutcracker play for whitebark pine trees?
The Clark’s Nutcracker disperses and plants whitebark pine seeds, aiding in forest regeneration
and promoting the survival of whitebark pine populations.
Lake ecosystem Which plant species thrive Set up transects running from
along the lake shore? the lake shore toward deeper
water, placing quadrats along
each transect. Use
percentage cover to identify
and estimate plant species
along the shore.