Test Name Value Unit Bio Ref.Interval
Haemoglobin (HB) 13.0 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0
Method -Colorimetric method
Test Name Value Unit Bio Ref.Interval
Salmonella TYPHI (IgG & IgM)Typhidot Positive
TYPHI DOT (IgG) Positive
Method -Flow Chromatography
Life Care Foundation
=>Typhoid fever is caused by gram negative bacteria Salmonella typhi transmitted through ingestion of contaminated food or water Typ
Tyhoid fever is characterized by prolonged fever, headache, bowel dysfunction, malaise and in early stage cough is also common.
During the initial acute phase in the second week of infection lgM antibodies are detected and persists
for four months. IgG antibodies are detected thereafter and remain in the blood for about two years.
=>A negative result for an individual subject indicates absence of detectable anti-S. Typhi antibodies. However, a negative test result does not
preclude the possibility of exposure to S. typhi. A negative result can occur if the
quantity of anti- S. typhi antibodies present in the specimen is below the detection limit of the assay, or the antibodies that are detected are not
present during the stage of disease in which the sample is collected.
=>Samples with positive results should be confirmed with alternative testing method (s) and clinical findings before a positive determination is
=>As with all diagnostic tests, a definitive clinical diagmosis should not be based on the result of a single test, but should only be made by the
physician after all clinical and llaboratory findings have been evaluated.
=>High titre Rheumatoid factor may result in a false positive reaction.
=>A low extent of cross reactivity may be observed with S.paratyphi infection.
=>The following chart would explain the IgM seroresponse subjects after onset of fever.
Detectable IgM Respones
Onset of Fever Percent Positive
4 - 6 days 43.50 %
6 - 9 days 92.90 %
>9 days 100 %
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Life Care Foundation Projects
Lab Project Main Processing Center, Dera Bassi, Punjab
Identify of the Patient not established, particular are as given the report pertains to thesample/specimen submitted
to the lab
• This Test Report is not valid for medico-legal purposes. The Lab Report represents only an
opinion and not the diagnosis In case of unexpected results not matching the clinical findings.
the patient/clinician is advised to contact the Lab iFHFHRdiatRl/.
• Result of tests may very from laboratory to laboratory and also in sama parameters from time to time for ths
same patient
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