(A Case of the 10th Graders of SMK Bina Negara Gubug in the Academic Year
Presented as Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements to Obtain the
SarjanaPendidikan Degree in English Education
“Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side. It’s
the climb”
(Miley Cyrus)
For myself, thank you for all your efforts to finish the obligations that you
have to do.
Lujiansa, who always support me, give me love, care for me, and
Nadya, Sania, Agesty, Syifa, and others. Thank you for always supporting
Praise and gratitude I pray to Allah SWT, the one who only helps me
to survive. Gratitude to Allah SWT, for all his help, mercy, and love so that
Muhammad SAW who has always been the best source of inspiration and the
4. Hartono, S.S.,M.Pd. as the advisor who has patiently guided, and given the
Science for their guidance, support, and assistance during the study.
COVER .................................................................................................................... i
PAGE OF APPROVAL .......................................................................................... ii
PAGE OF VALIDATION ..................................................................................... iii
STATEMENT OF WORK’S ORIGINALITY ...................................................... iv
MOTTO .................................................................................................................. v
ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... vi
INTISARI.............................................................................................................. vii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ................................................................................. viii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................ x
LIST OF TABLE ................................................................................................. xiii
LIST OF APPENDICES ...................................................................................... xiv
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1
1.1. Background of the Study ........................................................................ 1
1.2. Reasons for Choosing the Topic ............................................................. 5
1.3. Statement of the Problem ....................................................................... 5
1.4. Objective of the Study ............................................................................ 6
1.5. Hypotheses of the Study ......................................................................... 6
1.6. Limitation of the Study ........................................................................... 6
1.7. Significance of the Study........................................................................ 7
1.8. Definition of Key Terms......................................................................... 8
1.9. Organisation of the Study ....................................................................... 9
CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ..................................... 10
2.1. English Language Teaching in Indonesia ............................................. 10
2.2. English Language Teaching at Senior High School ............................. 11
2.3. English Vocabulary .............................................................................. 13
2.3.1 Definition of Vocabulary............................................................. 13
2.3.2 Kinds of Vocabulary ................................................................... 14
2.3.3 Vocabulary Mastery .................................................................... 17
2.3.4 Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary ............................................ 18
2.4. Word Wall to Enhance Students’ Vocabulary...................................... 20
2.4.1. Definition of Word Wall ............................................................. 20
2.4.2. Procedure of Using Word Wall ................................................... 21
2.4.3. Advantages and Disadvantages of Word Wall............................ 22
2.5. Previous Relevant Studies .................................................................... 23
CHAPTER III METHOD OF STUDY ................................................................. 25
3.1 Design of the Study............................................................................... 25
Table 3. 1 Quasi Experimental Design .......................................................... 25
3.2 Subject of the Study.............................................................................. 26
3.2.1. Population of the Study ............................................................... 26
3.2.2. Sample of the Study .................................................................... 26
3.3 Variables of the Study .......................................................................... 27
3.4 Instrument of the Study ........................................................................ 27
3.4.1. Validity of the Instrument ........................................................... 27
3.4.2. Reliability of the Instrument ....................................................... 28
3.5 Data Collecting Procedure .................................................................... 28
5.3.1. Try Out ........................................................................................ 29
5.3.2. Pre-test......................................................................................... 30
5.3.3. Treatment .................................................................................... 30
5.3.4. Post-test ....................................................................................... 30
3.6 Data Analysis ........................................................................................ 31
3.6.1. Normality..................................................................................... 31
3.6.2. Homogeneity ............................................................................... 32
3.6.3. T-test............................................................................................ 32
3.7 Time Schedule ...................................................................................... 33
CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ..................................................... 34
4.1 School Profile ....................................................................................... 34
4.2 Description of the Respondents ............................................................ 34
4.3 Analysis of Validity and Reliability ..................................................... 35
4.3.1. Validity ........................................................................................ 35
4.3.2. Analysis of Reliability ................................................................. 35
4.4 Pre-test Analysis ................................................................................... 36
4.4.1 Pre-test Standard Normality ........................................................ 36
4.4.2 Pre-test Standard Homogeneity................................................... 38
4.4.3 Pre-test Mean Score .................................................................... 38
4.5 Treatment Activities ............................................................................. 39
4.6 Post-test Analysis ................................................................................. 41
4.7 Discussion of Research Finding ........................................................... 43
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .......................................... 45
5.1 Conclusion ............................................................................................ 45
5.2 Suggestion ............................................................................................. 46
REFERENCES...................................................................................................... 47
APPENDICES ...................................................................................................... 50
Table 4. 3 The Normality of the Control and Experimental class in the Pre- test 37
Reasons for Choosing the Topic, the Statement of the Problem, the Objective of
the Study, the Hypotheses of the Study, the Significance of the Study, the
human life. With language, one can convey ideas, thoughts, feelings, or
involvement between two or more people. In this instance, the emphasis was
between the speaker and the listener, and vice versa (Rabiah, 2020). It can be
communicate is the spoken language used to talk directly with other people
(Sitompul & Harahap, 2020). From this explanation, It can be deduced that
with others which cannot be separated in life. Language can be used widely in
various fields, for example, science, education, business, trade, and various
other fields.
In one country there were also various kinds of languages. One region to
another definitely used a different language, even though they were in the
with someone who has a different language. English is widely used in writing
also used in the world of education (Kusuma, 2018). As time and era go by, a
many people start learning English even though they do not come from an
are regarded as receptive skills, while writing and speaking are categorized as
would be better if you learn the basic things that canfacilitate someone who is
learning; the greater the vocabulary a learner possesses, the more fluent the
a basic element that will be learned by every student who studies English.
This learning was done by memorizing and then submitting to the teacher the
This is because English is a foreign language. Even though they have been
taught English from a young age, if students don't learn the vocabulary and
do not want to re-learn properly, they will not be able to master it. In high
schools, vocabulary is only introduced a few for each material, and even then
they only learned how to read and what it means and write it down in their
reference books. It could be because learning like that makes most of the
teacher can used another strategy when giving vocabulary to students, for
are usually printed in large letters to ensure visibility from all student seating
positions (Farisa et al., 2018). As time goes by, learning by using word
walls doesn't have to be done manually with paper. Now, word walls can be
accessed online and in the form of a game platform that has many kinds of
word games in it. This setup simplifies the learning process for students and
vocabulary learning would be more fun (Hasram et al., 2021). Learned from
the researcher realizes that there are still students who do not understand
students include the students who have been hindered by the coronavirus
Case of the 10th Graders of SMK Bina Negara Gubugin Academic Year
can help students improve their ability to learn vocabulary more easily and
The reasons for the researcher chose the topic "The Effectiveness of
of the 10th Graders of SMK Bina Negara Gubug in the Academic Year
2023/2024)" are:
1. The researcher was interested in researching this topic to find out the
3. The researcher believed that used a word wall could This setup facilitates
boring because there was other activities besides reading books from
formulated the following problems: ”Was using word wall media effective
10th graders between the students who were taught vocabulary using word
wall and those who were taught vocabulary without using word wall.
graders between the students who were taught vocabulary using word
wall and those who were taught vocabulary without using word wall.
word wall media, this research was carried out by collecting some vocabulary
that has been obtained by students through the word wall application. The
benefits from the research results both theoretically and practically for
1. Pedagogical Significance
word wall media. It was hoped that with this media teachers could use it
learning English.
2. Practical Significance
So that teachers do not always have to teach using strategies that have
been used before, maybe they can used these strategies to make the
After trying to use the word wall media, the results were
1. Effectiveness
planned goals.
2. Word Wall
3. Vocabulary Mastery
one must master vocabulary first (Hakim et al., 2020). Based on this
necessary. This research covers three chapters which the organization of the
study follows :
encompassing the Background of the Study, Reasons for Selecting the Topic,
section presents the findings, including the school's profile, description of the
starting from elementary school and continuing through junior high school
and senior high school (Misrawati et al., 2020). Teaching English in senior
serving educational purposes in both formal and non-formal settings and isn't
students only got the material, while speaking English requires a lot of
practice (Maduwu, 2016). Therefore, there are still many students from
these students make them feel easily frustrated and reluctant to learn English
facilities that can be used by students to improve their ability to speak English
to build a better generation and be able to compete widely with students from
worsened the English language situation. Removing English from the 2013
curriculum at the primary school level and reducing the amount of time
allocated for English lessons at the high school level, policies began in 2014
wants people to master foreign languages but still use the national language
their skills (Zaim, 2017). In addition, students were able to convey their
messages or opinions both in writing and orally. Students are also able to
used English for accessing knowledge and using English in formal and
Indonesian and foreign cultures. Also to develop critical and creative English
language skills.
and understood. English has 4 kinds of skills that are very important and
interrelated with each other: listening, speaking, reading, and writing (Sadiku,
interdependent. Because listening was the basis for speaking, reading was the
basis for listening, in addition to listening and speaking was the basis for
being able to write and read fluently (Nan, 2018). Therefore, in order to
written English language skills. In this phase, students use spoken, written,
and visual texts in English learning. The texts used in this phase include
students use his or her English language skills to express his or her wishes or
feelings and also to discuss daily life or current issues. Students use the skills
learn something, to find information, and to have fun. That way his or her
students are using the independent curriculum that has been designed by the
Ministry of Education to overcome the crisis of learning that has long been
faced and has become more severe due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In the
Independent Curriculum, English lessons for high school students are divided
compulsory subject there are 36 lesson hours each semester, for the time
English as an optional subject has 20-25 lesson hours each semester, the time
allocation was4 lesson hours each week with a duration of 45 minutes for 1
lesson hour.
Teaching Vocabulary.
(Rahmasari, 2016). One of the reasons students feel bored when learning
When someone has a limited vocabulary, they will feel confused when
writing (Dakhi Fitria, 2019). It can be concluded that active and passive
a. Oral Vocabulary
understandable way.
b. Writing Vocabulary
c. Listening Vocabulary
d. Reading Vocabulary
included in one of the parts of speech, which are: nouns, pronouns, verbs,
word in English was also a content word and function word. According to
function words.
a. Content Words
b. Function Words
Function words was a word that has a meaning but the word
The parts that are included in the content words are pronouns,
and articles.
It can be concluded that content words are words that has a specific
meaning and can be looked up in the dictionary. The parts of content words
are words that have meaning but cannot stand alone, they must refer to the
because vocabulary was the first step that students must take when learning
it so they must know about vocabulary first. One of the things a person must
write, and speak (Zaen et al., 2022). Based on the statement, it can be
improving the vocabulary can help one in improving his or her overall
vocabulary will be easier when communicating with others and can receive
understanding of the learning material more fun, and can be given in new
situations. There are many strategies are available in the realm of education
students learn, receive information that has been given, motivation, and the
mastering teaching strategies is the first step that must be mastered. The
results that can be achieved in the teaching process have different results for
students. The more effectively the learning process is executed, the greater
the potential benefits that students can derive from it (Handayani, 2019). It
can be deduced that learning strategies play a vital role in the process of
devising effective lesson plans. The quality of the learning process has a
direct impact on student learning outcomes. The better the learning process,
the more likely students will achieve good grades. Thus, a good
involves both teachers and students. Providing fun and interesting learning
process, most students feel less motivated to learn vocabulary, to just find
out the meaning of the word students feel reluctant, and they feel difficult
when they have not tried to seriously learn it. It often happens that when
learning is happening students will remember some of the words that have
been taught, but when it is already outside the classroom he/she will forget
Besides the way students process learning, the way teachers give
students enjoy learning English vocabulary so that they want to learn more
greatly affects the way students receive it. Although lecture can be an
communication with others. In this instance, the researcher utilized the word
the learning applications in the form of games can be used to provide other
will tend to feel bored and reluctant to learn English. With this, it is
vocabulary as possible.
In this sub-chapter, there are three topics that will be discussed about
The Definition of a Word Wall, the Procedure of Usinga Word Wall, and
classroom. The more developed the era, the more developing the learning
strategies used, as well as the word wall. Currently, word wall can be
teachers want to use word walls nowadays, they don't always have to use
the old way by making it by writing it on paper.In this research, the word
this game, there are clues thathelp students find the answer. The crossword
game was given by the teacher in the form of paper that has been printed
and then displayed in front of the class for students to work on.
In addition, the word wall web application can be used as a tool for
website, there are several kinds of games, namely: quizzes, match up,
pairing, anagrams, word search, crosswords, etc. The games that have been
or will be used can be played online. The teacher can also use one of the
games that will be used then download it and print it out (Wayan Mertha &
Mahfud, 2022). The Word Wall web application not only serves as a
learning evaluation tool, but also as a means for daily assignment creation
learning process.
the use of this application.Steps for using the word wall app :
5. Then, in creating clues and answers for students, it was done by the
6. Press “done”
8. Finished
If the game to be used has already created, the teacher could share
the link of the game with the students and let the students work on the
word wall game. In this study, the researcher documented the outcomes of
classroom after being formed into 4-5 people for 1 group.In addition, if
there are any mistakes in the writing the teacher can edit the text without
fun and less boring. Students can use the Word Wall website to play or
create games as desired, there are many options from word wall is a tool
that can be utilized to enhance vocabulary skills. Playing but also learning
and this will not feel heavy or burdened students when playing. The more
students play word wall games, the more their English vocabulary will
students will feel a little stressed or panic at the beginning which makes
There are some relevant previous studies to this current study. Below
some of them :
class VIII-A and 27 students from class VIII-B of SMPN 2 Majene. In this
study, the researcher employs a written test as the instrument for data
gather the data. Finding of this study were that word wall strategy is effective
The second is the study entitled The Effect of Word Wall Media on
method. The population in this study was eighth grade of students in SMP
were pre-test and post-test. The result of this study was that word wall
The third is the study entitled The Effect of Word Walls Media on
research population totaled 168 students and the samples totaled 51 students
researchers were pre-test and post-test. The result of this study was that there
previous studies have significant similarities and differences with this study.
of the three studies with this research are both using experimental designs, in
collecting data using pre-test, treatment, and post-test. But the difference is
This chapter encompasses the Design of the Study, Subject of the Study,
class were utilized. The design used aligns with the framework proposed by
O3 - O4
total of 6 parallel classes of the 10th grade at the school with around
168 students.
random sample). This research did not take random samples but rather
took samples from a group that had been previously formed. In this
control class with the experimental class. In this design, both classes
a. Independent Variable
The independent variable of the study was the use of word wall media.
b. Dependent Variable
The instrument utilized for data collection in this research was a test,
before the treatment, while the post-test was conducted after the treatment.
vocabulary questions for the 10th grade. In this study, the researcher focused
on nouns and verbs in the narrative text. In addition, there was also a try-out
Validity has 3 types, namely content validity which refers to how far
and accurately the research instrument is used for all aspects, the
find out whether the test given was in accordance with the students'
after taking the same test. After the test had been given, the
the Cronbach Alfa test on SPSS, this test was used to determine the
In this study, the procedure for assessing the impact of utilizing word
The pre-test was administered during the initial session, whereas the
post-test took place during the final session. The steps used in this research
were that students are given questions before being given treatment which
can be called a pre-test. The questions were done for 45 minutes, after
completion students can submit the answers to these questions. During the
treatment was carried out for 3 meetings. After the treatment was complete,
students are given questions, or can be called a post-test. The time used to do
the post-test was 45 minutes, after completing the work students couldsubmit
the answers to the questions. Atthis school for English subjects has a KKM
A tryout was a test given to a class other than that used for the
the test to be used for the pre-test and post-test was valid. Before the
questions about vocabulary. After the test had been conducted, the
Gubug to analyze whether the test was in accordance with the ability
5.3.2. Pre-test
5.3.3. Treatment
5.3.4. Post-test
identical to those in the pre-test, but with changes made to the number
The researchers analyzed the data, which consisted of the pre-test and
post-test scores of both the experimental and control classes,using the SPSS
increasing students' vocabulary. This study, analyzes the data that has been
obtained using normality, homogeneity, and t-test tests. These are explained
3.6.1. Normality
whether the data that has been obtained from the experimental class
and control class is normal or not. In the normality test, the data
obtained from the pre-test and post-test were compared for both
tailed) is less than 0.05, the scores are not normally distributed.
3.6.2. Homogeneity
utilized to evaluate the pre-test scores for both the experimental and
control classes. This test was necessary to compare the data from the
tailed) is less than 0.05, the variance of the data are heterogeneous.
3.6.3. T-test
experimental and control classes using the results obtained from the
post-test that has been conducted. It was to find out the hypothesis of
this study. Here are the criteria of the hypothesis of this study:
a. If the t-value is greater than the t-table value and the significance
b. If the t-value is less than the t-table value and the significance
schedule. This research was conducted at SMK Bina Negara Gubug. This
research was conducted in 6 meetings which will be held from January 22n
until February 3rd 2024. The first thing the researcher did was to go to the
school to ask for approval to conduct research with the principal and conduct
discussions with the English teacher. After getting approval from the school,
at the first meeting, a try-out test was conducted. Pre-test for the experimental
class on the second meeting. Next was the treatment using word wall media
in the third, fourth, and fifth meetings. After that, the post-test was held at the
sixth meeting for the experimental class. On the same day as the post-test, the
researcher said goodbye to the school because the research had been
Respondents, the Analysis of Validity and Reliability, the Pre-test Analysis, the
Treatment Activities, the Post-test Analysis, the T-test, and The Discussion of the
research Finding.
KH. Hasan Anwar street, Gubug, Grobogan, Central Java. This school uses
the Merdeka curriculum in the learning process. SMK Bina Negara has an A
students who participated in this study. They were 28 students of TKJ 1 as the
4.3.1. Validity
whether the test used was in accordance with the material that had been
validity with the supervisor and English teacher at SMK Bina Negara
Gubug were that the instrument given was suitable for testing so that
expert jusgment.
data declared valid if the sig value. (2.tailed) < 0.05. Of all the
step, namely the Pre-test and Post-test. While invalid questions must be
removed from the research instrument. The tryout validity and final
formula in the SPSS 26 program. If the result is higher than 0.60, it can
The result of the reliability, which was higher than 0.60, indicates
Reliability Statistics
Cronbach's Alpha N of Items
.895 40
homogenity and pre-test mean score. The following are the score levels.
Score Grade
66-79 Good
56-65 Average
30-55 Poor
In this study, the pre-test for the control class was conducted on
the 25th of January 2024, while for the experimental class, it was
conducted on the 27th of January 2024. The purpose of the pre-test was
multiple-choice questions.
experimental classes, the normality of the data from the instrument was
the control class was 0.161, which is greater than 0.05, and for the
experimental class was 0.133, also greater than 0.05. This indicates that
0.616 7 43 0.739
significance score of the data was 0.739, which is greater than 0.05.
After the homogeneity test, the following is the result of the t-test
Group Statistics
From the result of the T-test above, it can be observed that the
Since this value is greater than 0.05, it means that H0 (null hypothesis)
Treatment was held on Saturday, January 27th, and February 3rd, 2024.
Treatment was given to the students of TKJ 2 class as the experimental class
by giving word wall media in the form of crosswords after being given a
narrative text learning process. While the control class was not given
introducing herself, then checking the students' attendance, and informing the
meaning and purpose of the researcher's coming to the class. At the meeting
that day, there were 28 students in the class. Every meeting takes 4x45
minutes for English lessons. In this case, the researcher has a role as a teacher
and gives treatment to students. First of all, the researcher opened the class,
The lesson begins with a discussion about the meaning, purpose, and
word wall in the form of a crossword to the students. During the word wall
February 3rd, 2024, with a time allocation of 4x45 minutes. First of all, the
researcher opened the class by saying greetings and then checking the
students' attendance. Then the researcher reviewed the narrative text that had
been given in the previous week. In this study, it was applied similar to what
had been done in the previous week. But in this second treatment, students
were given a word wall in the form of crosswords but different clues and
answers. In addition, the researcher also pasted some vocabulary that had
The third treatment was carried out on Saturday, February 3rd, 2024.
Because the previous narrative material had been reviewed, this treatment
was the same as the previous treatment. Students are given a wordwall with
instructions and answers that are different from the first and second
groups consisting of 4-5 students. When working on a word wall in the form
difficulties, students will ask the researcher what the instructions mean and
In this study, post-tests were given for the control class and
February 1st, 2024. Meanwhile, the experimental class was given on Saturday,
February 3rd, 2024. The purpose of giving this post-test is to determine the
questions given are the same as the pre-test that was carried out previously,
but the numbers and options have been randomized. The following are the
Group Statistics
kelompok N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error
nilai control 28 78.57 8.016 1.515
Experime 28 80.00 8.641 1.633
From the table, it is evident that the mean score of the control class is
78.57, while the mean score of the experimental class is 80.00. This indicates
that the experimental class achieved a higher score than the control class.
value (2-tailed) was 0.001, which is less than 0.05. Therefore, the alternative
vocabulary mastery after being taught using word wall media. In other words,
The aim of the research conducted by the researcher was to assess the
mastery. Upon analyzing the research data, it was found that the students'
abilities were similar, with the average score of the control class being 64.50
After that, students were treated three times and then given a post-test.
The advantages during the research were that the students were well behaved,
quite easy to condition, and enthusiastic when given word wall media in the
form of crossword puzzles so the researcher was easy when conditioning the
treatment, students were less active and often chatted with others. Some
students also felt shy when responding to the teacher, this is common because
though sometimes students did not listen and were easier to condition to be
more conducive, students felt enthusiastic and excited to learn, even if there
were questions students did not hesitate to ask what they did not understand.
Besides that, there were several obstacles, namely the teacher should be more
class becomes conducive again and the teacher can explain with a louder voice
so that students who are in the back bench can still listen to the explanation
differences remain, that is, the subject of students, the place of research, and
The results of the post-test revealed a score of 78.57 for the control
class and 88.00 for the experimental class. This indicates a significant
indicates a significance value (2-tailed) of 0.001, which is less than 0.05. This
suggests that the post-test results of the experimental class are higher than
those of the control class. Therefore, it can be concluded that the utilization of
In this chapter, the researcher presents the conclusion and the suggestion
5.1 Conclusion
difference in score results between the control class, which did not receive
treatment in the form of word wall media, and the experimental class, which
was treated with word wall media. The average post-test score of the control
class was 78.57, whereas that of the experimental class was 80.00. The
which is less than 0.05, indicating that the null hypothesis (Ho) was rejected
treated with word wall media and the control class that was not treated.
mastery. This media is not only enjoyable but also prevents students from
wall media yields positive effects and proves to be an effective method for
5.2 Suggestion
and learning. The study demonstrates that word wall media can enhance
1. English Teacher
2. Students
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